Global Project News (Africa): April 2017
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Global Project News (Africa): April’2017
Update: April, 2017
Vol. 95
Focus Market
Satpreet Kaur
(Set up by Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India) 1112 Arunachal Building, 19 Barakhamba Road, New Delhi Tel.:+91-11-41514673, 41514284, 41563287, Fax: +91-11-45623110 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Web-site:
1 Global Project News (Africa): April’2017
Project Country Dead Line Page no.
Water/ Irrigation
Construction and Rehabilitation of Aswan Pumping Egypt 07.06.2017 3 Stations
Onee Water Supply Project: Sectorization and rehabilitation Morocco 01.06.2017 4 of the distribution network at the Selouane and Taouima centers
ONEE Water Supply Construction of a raised reservoir of 150 Morocco 24.05.2017 6 m3 at the center of Teroual in the province of Ouezzane
ONEE Water Supply ProjectL: Rehabilitation of Ayir Morocco 25.05.2017 8 production (Province of Safi)- Rehabilitation of Pipelines
ONEE Water Supply Project: Rehabilitation of water Morocco 24.05.2017 10 distribution network in Meknes - El Hajeb -- Ifrane
ONEE Water Supply: Rehabilitation of water distribution Morocco 24.05.2017 12 network in Agourai
ONEE Water Supply: Rehabilitation of water distribution Morocco 24.05.2017 14 network in Meknes - El Hajeb - Ifrane
ONEE Water Supply: Rehabilitation of the drinking Morocco 23.05.2017 16 water distribution network in Cherkaoua.
Social Infrastructure
Construction of 12 Km of Road at Artisanal Fishing Angola 05.06.2017 18 Community Of Yembe
General Procurement Notice : Multinational Uganda – Kenya: Kenya General 19 Kapchorwa – Suam – Kitale & Eldoret Town Bypass Roads Procurement Project Notice
2 Global Project News (Africa): April’2017
LAPSSET Corridor Project – Lamu Port Development Kenya General 20 Procurement Notice
Zambia – Mozambique 400KV Power Interconnector Project South Africa General 22 Procurement Notice
Kolwezi -Solwezi Power Interconnector Project South Africa General 23 Procurement Notice
South Sudan South Sudan Urban Water Corporation Resilient South Sudan 16.05.2017 24 Water Project For Improved Livelihoods In Juba (RWPILJ
Earth Energy 20MW Biomass Power Project Uganda 05.05.2017 26
News Items
AfDB reveals $12 billion power programme for Africa 29 Morocco launches the construction of 70 MW Noor Ouarzazate IV PV plant 30 Malawi Rural electrification programme unveiled 31 Tanzania announces new energy platform to boost sector development 32 Renewable energy to surpass African energy demand by 2030 33 A US$ 65m cement plant in Rwanda set to be constructed 35 World Bank moves to support Modjo Dry Port in Ethiopia 36 European Bank boosts construction of 200MW wind farm in Egypt 38
3 Global Project News (Africa): April’2017
Construction and Rehabilitation of Aswan Pumping Stations Project ID No. Project Name: Construction and Rehabilitation of Aswan Pumping Stations
Country: Egypt
Funding agency: Islamic Development Bank (ISDB) Last date of bid submission: 07 June 2017
Address for bid submission/ Attention: Head of MED further information: Address: 3 Taftesh El-Ray St. – Shoubra El Mazalat – Cairo - Egypt City: Cairo ZIP Code: 002 Country: Egypt Telephone: 02-22090794 Facsimile number: 02-22090976 Electronic mail address: [email protected]
The Government of Egypt has received a Finance from the Islamic Development Bank (ISDB) toward the cost of the Rehabilitation of Irrigation and Drainage Pumping Stations project, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this financing to payments under the contract for Construction and Rehabilitation of Aswan Pumping Stations in three lots as (i) Lot 1: Kostol – Korta – Sibaaia Pumping Stations,
(ii) Lot 2: El-Kherit Elolia - El-Kherit Elsofla Pumping Stations, and
(iii) Lot 3: Baira – Wadi El-Arab Pumping Stations. The Mechanical and Electrical Department as Executing Agency intends to prequalify contractors and/or firms for Construction and Rehabilitation of Aswan Pumping Stations in three lots as stated above. It is expected that invitations for bid will be made in August 2017. Prequalification will be conducted through prequalification procedures specified in the Islamic Development Bank’s Guidelines for Procurement of Goods and Works, May 2009 and is open to all bidders from eligible source countries, as defined in the guidelines.5 Interested eligible Applicants may obtain further information from and inspect the prequalification document at the MED address below from 09:00 – 15:00 Cairo time.
A complete set of the prequalification document in English may be purchased by interested Applicants on the submission of a written application to the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of USD 300 or equivalent in a freely convertible currency.
Applications for prequalification should be submitted in sealed envelopes, delivered to the address below by 7th June 2017 , and be clearly marked “Application to Prequalify for Construction and Rehabilitation of Aswan Pumping Stations.” Attention: Head of MED Address: 3 Taftesh El-Ray St. – Shoubra El Mazalat – Cairo - Egypt City: Cairo ZIP Code: 002
4 Global Project News (Africa): April’2017
Country: Egypt Telephone: 02-22090794 Facsimile number: 02-22090976 Electronic mail address: [email protected]
Onee Water Supply Project: Sectorization and rehabilitation of the distribution network at the Selouane and Taouima centers Project ID No. 8560-IFT-43597 Project Name: Onee Water Supply Project: Sectorization and rehabilitation of the distribution network at the Selouane and Taouima centers
Country: Morocco
Funding agency: EBRD Last date of bid submission: 01 June 2017
Address for bid submission/ Office National de l’Electricité et de l’Eau Potable – Branche Eau further information: (ONEE-Branche Eau) Address: Adresse : Place 18 Mars 2003, BP 409 Oujda - MAROC Tél : + 212 (0) 5 36 68 46 01/02 Fax : +212 (0) 5 36 68 17 21
Sectorization and rehabilitation of the distribution network at the Selouane and Taouima centers under the Nador service agency
Programme for improvement of performance- Sub project n°3: efficiency improvement of distribution networks – Lot 24
This Invitation for Tenders follows the General Procurement Notice for this project which was published on the EBRD website, Procurement Notices ( on 24/05/2016.
The Office National of Electric and Water Supply, hereinafter referred to as “the Employer”, intends using part of the proceeds of a loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the Bank) towards the cost of ONEE Water Supply Project.
The Purchaser now invites sealed tenders from Contractors for the following contract to be funded from part of the proceeds of the loan: (Sectorization and rehabilitation of the distribution network at the Selouane and Taouima centers under the Nador service agency).
Tendering for contracts to be financed with the proceeds of a loan from the Bank is open to firms from any country. The proceeds of the Bank's loan will not be used for the purpose of any payment to
5 Global Project News (Africa): April’2017 persons or entities, of for any import of goods, if such payment or import is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations.
To be qualified for the award of a contract, tenderers must satisfy the following minimum criteria:
The tenderer must have an average annual turnover of at least five Million Six Moroccan Dirhams excluding tax (5 000 000.00 MAD), which is the total of effected payments received for on-going and / or completed contracts during the last three (03) years (2013-2014-2015). The minimum amount of cash and / or cash facilities (cash engagement only) net of other contractual commitments, which the tenderer must have, is tow million four hundred thousand Moroccan Dirhams (2 400 000, 00 MAD). Experience as principal contractor in the context of at least two (2) contracts of similar work type and nature in the past ten (10) years that include: Construction/installation of under pressure drinkable water pipeline on PVC or PEHD with diameter equal to or higher than 63 mm and a minimum length of Four (4)kilometre.
The tender documents (only French version) can be obtained free of charge from the tenders office of the ONEE-Branche Eau at the address below.
The same documents can be downloaded from the public procurement portal at:
All tenders must be accompanied by a tender security of least forty eight thousand Morocco Dirhams (48 000, 00 MAD) or its equivalent in a convertible currency.
A project site visit is scheduled for Wednesday 10/05/2017 at 10.00 hours (local time) at Nador service agency It is highly recommended for prospective tenderers to attend the site visit.
Tenders must be delivered to the office at the address below on or before Thursday 01/06/2017 at 10.00 hours (local time), at which time they will be opened in the presence of tenderers representatives who choose to attend.
Tenders will be opened in the presence of tenderers representatives who choose to attend at the opening onThursday 01/06/2017 at 10.00 hours (local time) at the address below.
Prospective tenderers may obtain further information from, and inspect and acquire the tender documents at, the following office:
Office National de l’Electricité et de l’Eau Potable – Branche Eau (ONEE-Branche Eau) Address: Adresse : Place 18 Mars 2003, BP 409 Oujda - MAROC Tél : + 212 (0) 5 36 68 46 01/02 Fax : +212 (0) 5 36 68 17 21
6 Global Project News (Africa): April’2017
ONEE Water Supply Construction of a raised reservoir of 150 m3 at the center of Teroual in the province of Ouezzane Project ID No. 8639-IFT-R1-43597 Project Name: Onee Water Supply Project: Construction of a raised reservoir of 150 m3 at the center of Teroual in the province of Ouezzane
Country: Morocco
Funding agency: EBRD Last date of bid submission: 24 May 2017
Address for bid submission/ Office National de L’Electricité et de l’Eau Potable (ONEE) - Branche Eau further information: Direction Régionale du Nord Adresse : 6, Rue Melila, Castilla, à Tanger Téléphone : 05 - 39 - 32 - 85 /15/20/25 - Fax : 05 - 39 - 94-02-08
N° 17/DR9/SA/AMN2/2017
Construction of a raised reservoir of 150 m3 at the center of Teroual in the province of Ouezzane Performance Improvement Programme Component –Sub project n°4: Improvement of the storage capacity – Lot 4
This Invitation for Tenders follows the General Procurement Notice for this project which was published on the EBRD website, Procurement Notices ( on 24/05/2016.
The Office National de l’Electricité et de l’Eau Potable, hereinafter referred to as “the Employer”, intends using part of the proceeds of a loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the Bank) towards the cost of ONEE Water Supply Project.
The Purchaser now invites sealed tenders from Contractors for the following contract to be funded from part of the proceeds of the loan: Construction of a raised reservoir of 150 m3 at the center of Teroual in the province of Ouezzane- Lot Civil Engineering.
Tendering for contracts to be financed with the proceeds of a loan from the Bank is open to firms from any country. The proceeds of the Bank's loan will not be used for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, of for any import of goods, if such payment or import is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations.
To be qualified for the award of a contract, tenderers must satisfy the following minimum criteria:
The tenderer must have an average annual turnover of at least three million nine hundred sixty thousand Moroccan Dirhams Moroccan Dirhams excluding tax (3 960 000.00 MAD), which is the total of effected payments received for on-going and / or completed contracts for three (03) years (2013-2014-2015). The minimum amount of cash and / or cash facilities (cash engagement only) net of other contractual commitments which the tenderer must have is one million eight hundred ninety eight thousand three hundred eighty five Moroccan Dirhams (1 898 385 MAD). Experience as principal contractor in the context of at least two (2) contracts of similar work type and nature in the past ten (10) years that include:
7 Global Project News (Africa): April’2017
The tender documents (only French version) can be obtained free of charge from the tenders office of the ONEE-Branche Eau at the address below.
The same documents can be downloaded from the public procurement portal at: Drawings, on CD, are available at the tenders office of the ONEE-Branche Eau and are part of the tender documents.
All tenders must be accompanied by a tender security of least thirty eight thousand Moroccan Dirhams (38 000 MAD) or its equivalent in a convertible currency.
A project site visit is scheduled for Thursday 24/05/2017 at 10 hours (local time) at Charf El Akab Complex in Tangier. It is highly recommended for perspective tenderers to attend the site visit.
Tenders must be delivered to the office at the address below on or before 24/ 05/ 2017 at 10.00 hours (local time), at which time they will be opened in the presence of tenderers representatives who choose to attend.
Tenders will be opened in the presence of tenderers representatives who choose to attend at the opening on 02/ 05/2017 at 10.00 hours (local time) at the address below.
Prospective tenderers may obtain further information from, and inspect and acquire the tender documents at, the following office:
Office National de L’Electricité et de l’Eau Potable (ONEE) - Branche Eau Direction Régionale du Nord Adresse : 6, Rue Melila, Castilla, à Tanger Téléphone : 05 - 39 - 32 - 85 /15/20/25 - Fax : 05 - 39 - 94-02-08
8 Global Project News (Africa): April’2017
ONEE Water Supply ProjectL: Rehabilitation of Ayir production (Province of Safi)- Rehabilitation of Pipelines Project ID No. 8638-IFT-43597 Project Name: Onee Water Supply Project: Rehabilitation of Ayir production (Province of Safi)- Rehabilitation of Pipelines
Country: Morocco
Funding agency: EBRD Last date of bid submission: 25 May 2017
Address for bid submission/ Office National de l’Electricité et de l’Eau Potable – Branche Eau further information: (ONEE-Branche Eau) Direction Régionale du Tensift Address : Bb Med V, Angle rue Badr, Guéliz BP 631 Marrakech Phone: + 212 (0) 5 24 43 93 46 - 5 24 42 07 31 Fax: +212 (0) 5 24
Rehabilitation of Ayir production (Province of Safi)- Rehabilitation of Pipelines
Performance Improvement Programme Component – Sub-project 1 – Lot 24
This Invitation for Tenders follows the General Procurement Notice of this project which has been published on the EBRD website, Procurement Notices ( on 24/05/2016.
The National Office of electricity and potable water, hereinafter referred to as “the Employer”, intends using part of the proceeds of a loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the Bank) to cover the cost of ONEE Water Supply Project.
The Purchaser now invites sealed tenders from Contractors for the following contract to be funded from part of the proceeds of the loan: The Rehabilitation of Ayir production (Province of Safi) – Rehabilitation of pipelines .
Tendering for contracts to be financed with the proceeds of a loan from the Bank is open to firms from any country. The proceeds of the Bank's loan will not be used for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, of for any import of goods, if such payment or import is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations.
To be qualified for the award of a contract, tenderers must satisfy the following minimum criteria:
• The tenderer must have an average annual turnover of at least four Million Moroccan Dirhams excluding tax (4 000 000.00 million MAD), which is the total of effected payments received for on-going and / or completed contracts for three (03) years (2013- 2014-2015).
9 Global Project News (Africa): April’2017
• The minimum amount of cash and / or cash facilities (cash engagement only) net of other contractual commitments which the tenderer must have is: Two million three hundred thousand Moroccan Dirhams (2 300 000.00 million MAD).
• Experience as principal contractor in the context of at least two (2) cases of similar work type and nature in the past ten (10) years that include:
• Rehabilitation, or renewal, or installation of pipes, or improvement of the efficiency of drinking water systems on a linear line of at least 2000 ml and a diameter of at least 63 mm.
The tender documents (only French version) can be obtained free of charge from the tenders office of the ONEE-Branche Eau at the address below.
The same documents can be downloaded from the public procurement portal at:
All tenders must be accompanied by a tender security of Sixty thousand Moroccan Dirhams (60 000,00 MAD) or its equivalent in a convertible currency.
Tenders must be delivered to the office at the address below on or before Thursday 25th May, 2017 at 10.00 AM (local time), at which time they will be opened in the presence of tenderers’ representatives who choose to attend.
Tenders will be opened in the presence of tenderers’ representatives who choose to attend at the opening on Thursday 25th May, 2017 at 10:00 AM (local time) at the address below.
A project site visit is scheduled for Wednesdady, 03 th May 2017 10 AM (local time) at the center of ONEE-Branche Eau at In the center of the ONEE Branche Eau d'Ayier (Province of Safi). It is highly recommended for prospective tenderers to attend the site visit.
Prospective tenderers may obtain further information from, inspect and acquire the tender documents at the following office:
Office National de l’Electricité et de l’Eau Potable – Branche Eau
(ONEE-Branche Eau) Direction Régionale du Tensift Address : Bb Med V, Angle rue Badr, Guéliz BP 631 Marrakech Phone: + 212 (0) 5 24 43 93 46 - 5 24 42 07 31 Fax: +212 (0) 5 24
10 Global Project News (Africa): April’2017
ONEE Water Supply Project: Rehabilitation of water distribution network in Meknes - El Hajeb -- Ifrane Project ID No. 8637-IFT-43597 Project Name: Rehabilitation of water distribution network in Meknes - El Hajeb -- Ifrane
Country: Morocco
Funding agency: EBRD Last date of bid submission: 24 May 2017
Address for bid submission/ Office National de d’Electricité ET de l’Eau Potable – Branche further information: Eau (ONEE-Branche Eau) Direction Régionale Centre Sud Adresse: 20, Rue Antisrabé – Meknès Tel. : 05 35 52 05 08 05 35 52 21 58 Fax : 05 35 52 41 95
Procurement ref: Rehabilitation of water distribution network in Meknes - El Hajeb - Ifrane - INVITATION FOR TENDERS N° 15/DR7/SA/AM/1/2017
Performance Improvement Programme Component – Sub-project 1 – Lot 9
This Invitation for Tenders follows the General Procurement Notice for this project which was published on the EBRD website, Procurement Notices ( on 24/05/2016.
The Office National d’Electricité et de l’Eau potable, hereinafter referred to as “the Employer”, intends using part of the proceeds of a loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the Bank) towards the cost of ONEE Water Supply Project
The Purchaser now invites sealed tenders from Contractors for the following contract to be funded from part of the proceeds of the loan: Rehabilitation of water distribution network in Meknès - El Hajeb - Ifrane.
Tendering for contracts to be financed with the proceeds of a loan from the Bank is open to firms from any country. The proceeds of the Bank's loan will not be used for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, of for any import of goods, if such payment or import is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations.
To be qualified for the award of a contract, tenderers must satisfy the following minimum criteria:
The tenderer must have an average annual turnover of at least Six million Two hundred and Fifty Thousand Moroccan Dirhams excluding tax (6 250 000.00 MAD), which is the total of effected payments received for on-going and / or completed contracts for three (03) years (2013-2014-2015).
11 Global Project News (Africa): April’2017
The minimum amount of cash and / or cash facilities (cash engagement only) net of other contractual commitments which the tenderer must have is: Two million Five hundred Thousand Moroccan Dirhams (2 500 000.00 MAD). Experience as principal contractor in the context of at least two (2) contracts of similar work type and nature in the past ten (10) years that include: construction of under pressure of drinking water pipeline with the diameter equal to or higher than 50 mm and a minimum length of six (06) kilometres. The tender documents (only French version) can be obtained free of charge from the tenders office of the ONEE-Branche Eau at the address below.
The same documents can be downloaded from the public procurement portal at:
All tenders must be accompanied by a tender security of sixty thousand Morocco Dirhams (60 000.00 MAD). This should be consistent with paragraph 17.1 of the Instructions to Tenderers or its equivalent in a convertible currency.
Tenders must be delivered to the office at the address below on or before Wednesday 24 May 2017 at 10.00 hours (local time), at which time they will be opened in the presence of tenderers representatives who choose to attend.
Tenders will be opened in the presence of tenderers representatives who choose to attend at the opening onWednesday 24 May 2017 at 10.00 hours (local time) at the address below.
Prospective tenderers may obtain further information from, and inspect and acquire the tender documents at, the following office:
Office National de d’Electricité ET de l’Eau Potable – Branche Eau (ONEE-Branche Eau) Direction Régionale Centre Sud Adresse: 20, Rue Antisrabé – Meknès Tel. : 05 35 52 05 08 05 35 52 21 58 Fax : 05 35 52 41 95
12 Global Project News (Africa): April’2017
ONEE Water Supply: Rehabilitation of water distribution network in Agourai Project ID No. 8636-IFT-43597 Project Name: Rehabilitation of water distribution network in Agourai
Country: Morocco
Funding agency: EBRD Last date of bid submission: 24 May 2017
Address for bid submission/ Office National de d’Electricité ET de l’Eau Potable – Branche Eau further information: (ONEE-Branche Eau) Direction Régionale Centre Sud Adresse: 20, Rue Antisrabé – Meknès Tel. : 05 35 52 05 08
N° 14/DR7/SA/AM/1/2017 05 35 52 21 58
Performance Improvement Programme Component – Sub-project 3 – Lot 29
This Invitation for Tenders follows the General Procurement Notice for this project which was published on the EBRD website, Procurement Notices ( on 24/05/2016.
The Office National d’Electricité et de l’Eau potable, hereinafter referred to as “the Employer”, intends using part of the proceeds of a loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the Bank) towards the cost of ONEE Water Supply Project
The Purchaser now invites sealed tenders from Contractors for the following contract to be funded from part of the proceeds of the loan: Rehabilitation of water distribution network in Agourai.
Tendering for contracts to be financed with the proceeds of a loan from the Bank is open to firms from any country. The proceeds of the Bank's loan will not be used for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, of for any import of goods, if such payment or import is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations.
To be qualified for the award of a contract, tenderers must satisfy the following minimum criteria:
The tenderer must have an average annual turnover of at least Two million Eighty Two thousand and Fife hundred Moroccan Dirhams excluding tax (2 082 500.00 MAD), which is the total of effected payments received for on-going and / or completed contracts for three (03) years (2013-2014-2015).
13 Global Project News (Africa): April’2017
The minimum amount of cash and / or cash facilities (cash engagement only) net of other contractual commitments which the tenderer must have is: Eight hundred thirty-three thousand Moroccan Dirhams (833 000.00 MAD).
Experience as principal contractor in the context of at least two (2) contracts of similar work type and nature in the past ten (10) years that include:
construction of under pressure drinking water pipeline with the diameter equal to or higher than 50 mm and a minimum length of six (01) kilometres.
The tender documents (only French version) can be obtained free of charge from the tenders office of the ONEE-Branche Eau at the address below.
The same documents can be downloaded from the public procurement portal at:
All tenders must be accompanied by a tender security of Twenty thousand Morocco Dirhams (20 000.00MAD). This should be consistent with paragraph 17.1 of the Instructions to Tenderers or its equivalent in a convertible currency.
Tenders must be delivered to the office at the address below on or before Wednesday 24May 2017 at 10.00 hours (local time), at which time they will be opened in the presence of tenderers representatives who choose to attend.
Tenders will be opened in the presence of tenderers representatives who choose to attend at the opening onWednesday 24 May 2017 at 10.00 hours (local time) at the address below.
Prospective tenderers may obtain further information from, and inspect and acquire the tender documents at, the following office:
Office National de d’Electricité ET de l’Eau Potable – Branche Eau (ONEE-Branche Eau) Direction Régionale Centre Sud Adresse: 20, Rue Antisrabé – Meknès Tel. : 05 35 52 05 08 05 35 52 21 58 Fax : 05 35 52 41 95
14 Global Project News (Africa): April’2017
ONEE Water Supply: Rehabilitation of water distribution network in Meknes - El Hajeb - Ifrane Project ID No. 8637-IFT-43597 Project Name: Rehabilitation of water distribution network in Meknes - El Hajeb - Ifrane
Country: Morocco
Funding agency: Last date of bid submission: 24 May 2017
Address for bid submission/ Office National de d’Electricité ET de l’Eau Potable – Branche further information: Eau (ONEE-Branche Eau) Direction Régionale Centre Sud Adresse: 20, Rue Antisrabé – Meknès Tel. : 05 35 52 05 08 05 35 52 21 58 Fax : 05 35 52 41 95
Rehabilitation of water distribution network in Meknes - El Hajeb - Ifrane - INVITATION FOR TENDERS N° 15/DR7/SA/AM/1/2017
Performance Improvement Programme Component – Sub-project 1 – Lot 9
This Invitation for Tenders follows the General Procurement Notice for this project which was published on the EBRD website, Procurement Notices ( on 24/05/2016.
The Office National d’Electricité et de l’Eau potable, hereinafter referred to as “the Employer”, intends using part of the proceeds of a loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the Bank) towards the cost of ONEE Water Supply Project
The Purchaser now invites sealed tenders from Contractors for the following contract to be funded from part of the proceeds of the loan: Rehabilitation of water distribution network in Meknès - El Hajeb - Ifrane.
Tendering for contracts to be financed with the proceeds of a loan from the Bank is open to firms from any country. The proceeds of the Bank's loan will not be used for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, of for any import of goods, if such payment or import is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations.
To be qualified for the award of a contract, tenderers must satisfy the following minimum criteria:
The tenderer must have an average annual turnover of at least Six million Two hundred and Fifty Thousand Moroccan Dirhams excluding tax (6 250 000.00 MAD), which is the total of effected payments received for on-going and / or completed contracts for three (03) years (2013-2014-2015). The minimum amount of cash and / or cash facilities (cash engagement only) net of other contractual commitments which the tenderer must have is: Two million Five hundred Thousand Moroccan Dirhams (2 500 000.00 MAD).
15 Global Project News (Africa): April’2017
Experience as principal contractor in the context of at least two (2) contracts of similar work type and nature in the past ten (10) years that include: construction of under pressure of drinking water pipeline with the diameter equal to or higher than 50 mm and a minimum length of six (06) kilometres. The tender documents (only French version) can be obtained free of charge from the tenders office of the ONEE-Branche Eau at the address below.
The same documents can be downloaded from the public procurement portal at:
All tenders must be accompanied by a tender security of sixty thousand Morocco Dirhams (60 000.00 MAD). This should be consistent with paragraph 17.1 of the Instructions to Tenderers or its equivalent in a convertible currency.
Tenders must be delivered to the office at the address below on or before Wednesday 24 May 2017 at 10.00 hours (local time), at which time they will be opened in the presence of tenderers representatives who choose to attend.
Tenders will be opened in the presence of tenderers representatives who choose to attend at the opening onWednesday 24 May 2017 at 10.00 hours (local time) at the address below.
Prospective tenderers may obtain further information from, and inspect and acquire the tender documents at, the following office:
Office National de d’Electricité ET de l’Eau Potable – Branche Eau (ONEE-Branche Eau) Direction Régionale Centre Sud Adresse: 20, Rue Antisrabé – Meknès Tel. : 05 35 52 05 08 05 35 52 21 58 Fax : 05 35 52 41 95
16 Global Project News (Africa): April’2017
ONEE Water Supply: Rehabilitation of the drinking water distribution network in Cherkaoua. Project ID No. 8634-IFT-43597 Project Name: Rehabilitation of the drinking water distribution network in Cherkaoua.
Country: Morocco
Funding agency: EBRD Last date of bid submission: 23 May 2107
Address for bid submission/ Office National de l’Electricité et de l’Eau Potable – Branche further information: Eau (ONEE-Branche Eau) Office National de l’Electricité et de l’Eau Potable – Branche Eau (ONEE-Branche Eau) Régionale de l’ONEE –Branche Eau- Meknès Adresse : 20, Rue Antsirabé BP 54. Meknès- MAROC Tél : + 212 (0) 5 35 52 05 08 / 05 35 52 21 58. Fax : +212 (0) 5 35 52 41 95
N° 12/DR7/SA/D/2017
Rehabilitation of the drinking water distribution network in Cherkaoua.
Performance Improvement Programme Component – Sub-project 3 – Lot 39
This Invitation for Tenders follows the General Procurement Notice for this project which was published on the EBRD website, Procurement Notices ( on 23/05/2016.
The Office National de d’Electricité et de l’Eau Potable, hereinafter referred to as “the Employer”, intends using part of the proceeds of a loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the Bank) towards the cost of ONEE Water Programme.
The Employer now invites sealed tenders from contractors for the following contract to be funded from part of the proceeds of the loan: Rehabilitation of the drinking water distribution network in Cherkaoua.
Tendering for contracts to be financed with the proceeds of a loan from the Bank is open to firms from any country.
To be qualified for the award of a contract, tenderers must satisfy the following minimum criteria:
The tenderer must have an average annual turnover of at least Twelve million Six hundred Five thousand Moroccan Dirhams excluding tax (12.605.000,00 MAD), which is the total of effected payments received for on-going and / or completed contracts during the last three (03) years (2013-2014-2015).
17 Global Project News (Africa): April’2017
The minimum amount of cash and / or cash facilities (cash engagement only) net of other contractual commitments which the tenderer must have is Five million Forty-two thousand Ten Moroccan Dirhams (5 042 010, 00 MAD). Experience as principal contractor in the context of at least two (2) contracts of similar work type and nature in the past ten (10) years that include: Construction/installation of drinkable water main under pressure pipeline made of PVC and/or PEHD of diameter equal to or higher than 90 mm and a minimum length of three kilometres. The tender documents (only French version) can be obtained free of charge from the tenders office of the ONEE-Branche Eau at the address below.
The same documents can be downloaded from the public procurement portal at: Plans on CD are available at the tender’s office of the ONEE- Branche Eau and are part of the tender documents.
All tenders must be accompanied by a tender security of One Hundred Twenty One Thousand one Hundred (121.100, 00 MAD) or its equivalent in a convertible currency.
A project site visit is scheduled for 25April 2017 at 10.00 hours (local time) at the Center of the Office National de d’Electricité et de l’Eau Potable at Nzalat Bni Ammar. It is highly recommended for perspective tenderers to attend the site visit.
Tenders must be delivered to the office at the address below on or before Tuesday 23 May 2017 at 10 h 00 min (local time), at which time they will be opened in the presence of tenderers representatives who choose to attend.
Tenders will be opened in the presence of tenderers representatives who choose to attend at the opening on Tuesday 23 May 2017 at 10 h 00 min (local time) at the address below.
Prospective tenderers may obtain further information from, and inspect and acquire the tender documents at, the following office:
Office National de l’Electricité et de l’Eau Potable – Branche Eau (ONEE-Branche Eau) Office National de l’Electricité et de l’Eau Potable – Branche Eau (ONEE-Branche Eau) Régionale de l’ONEE –Branche Eau- Meknès Adresse : 20, Rue Antsirabé BP 54. Meknès- MAROC Tél : + 212 (0) 5 35 52 05 08 / 05 35 52 21 58. Fax : +212 (0) 5 35 52 41 95
18 Global Project News (Africa): April’2017
Social Infrastructure
Construction of 12 Km of Road at Artisanal Fishing Community Of Yembe
Project ID No. IFB No: 05/BIDDC/FSSP/017 Project Name: Construction of 12 Km of Road at Artisanal Fishing Community Of Yembe
Country: Angola
Funding agency: African Development Bank Last date of bid submission: 05 June 2017
Address for bid submission/ Office of Fishery Sector Support Project further information: Bairro Talatona,
Rua do Mat – Complexo Administrativo,
Edifício nº 5 – 1º Andar
1. This Invitation for Bids follows the General Procurement Notice (GPN) for this project that appeared in UNDB online dated on April 04th, 014 on-line and on the African Development Bank Group’s Internet Website
2. The Republic of Angola has received Financing from the African Development Bank in various currencies towards the cost of Fishery Sector Support. It is intended that part of the proceeds of this loan will be applied to eligible payments under the contract for CONSTRUCTION OF 12 KM OF ROAD AT ARTISANAL FISHING COMMUNITY OF YEMBE.
3. The PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION UNIT now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the execution of the works above.
4. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information and the bidding documents at the office of Fishery Sector Support Project Office located at Bairro Talatona, Rua do Mat – Complexo Administrativo, Edifício nº 5 – 1º Andar
5. A complete set of bidding documents may be purchased by interested bidders on the submission of a written application to the above and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of USD: 200,00.
6. The provisions in the Instructions to Bidders and in the General Conditions of Contract are the provisions of the African Development Bank Standard Bidding Document: Procurement of Goods or Procurement of Works.
7. Bids must be delivered to the above office on or before 11 O’clock Angolan time on June 5, 2017 and must be accompanied by a Bid Security Declaration.
8. Bids will be opened in the presence of bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at 12 O’clock on June 5, 2017 at the office address Bairro Talatona, Rua do Mat – Complexo Administrativo, Edifício nº 5 – 1º Andar.
19 Global Project News (Africa): April’2017
General Procurement Notice : Multinational Uganda – Kenya: Kapchorwa – Suam – Kitale & Eldoret Town Bypass Roads Project Project ID No. Project Name: Multinational Uganda – Kenya: Kapchorwa – Suam – Kitale & Eldoret Town Bypass Roads Project
Country: Kenya
Funding agency: African Development Bank Last date of bid submission: General Procurement Notice
Address for bid submission/ Procurement Manager, Kenya National Highways Authority, Blueshield further information: Towers Office, Hospital Road, Upper Hill, P.O. Box 49712-00100, NAIROBI, KENYA
The Government of Kenya has received a loan from the African Development Bank to finance the Multinational Uganda – Kenya: Kapchorwa – Suam – Kitale & Eldoret Town Bypass Roads Project. The Project is a multinational operation that provides an important link between Uganda and Kenya by connecting through the border post of Suam. The Kenya side of the project road is Suam-Kitale and Eldoret Town Bypass. The project road supports the regional integration objective of member countries of East African Community (EAC) and Great Lakes Region, especially Uganda and Kenya by connecting to Suam and further linking with Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and South Sudan. This is a transformative project that will contribute to socio-economic development, poverty reduction and regional integration in eastern Uganda and western Kenya. The project will also improve traffic congestion within Eldoret town along the Northern Corridor.
The Project involves the following components:
1. CIVIL WORKS i) Lot 1: Construction of Eldoret Town Bypass Project (32Km). The works consist of grade separated junctions (Interchanges), one (1) no. major bridge truck parking facilities street lighting and approximately 5kms access road links into existing public facilities.. ii) Lot 2: Upgrading of Kitale-Endebess-Suam (45Km). The works consist of Construction of a dual carriageway through Kitale Town and upgrading of the section after Kitale town through Endebess Town to Suam (Border with Uganda).
It will also include construction of a One Stop Border Post (OSBP) at Suam border.
Please note that the procurement of the above works has already started through Advance Contracting.
2. CONSULTING SERVICES i) Lot 1: Design Review and Construction supervision services ii) Lot 2: Design Review and Construction supervision services
20 Global Project News (Africa): April’2017
iii) Awareness and mitigation of HIV/AIDS, STI, TB, Malaria prevention and Gender mainstreaming and Road safety. iv) Technical Audit v) Bridge Management System vi) Road Safety Study vii) Axle Load Management Study viii) Training of unemployed youth Selection of Consultants for Design Review and Construction Supervision Services of Lots 1 and 2 has already started through Advance Contracting. Requests for expression of interest for the remaining services are expected from May 2017.
Interested Bidders may obtain further information from: Procurement Manager, Kenya National Highways Authority, Blueshield Towers Office, Hospital Road, Upper Hill, P.O. Box 49712-00100, NAIROBI, KENYA
LAPSSET Corridor Project – Lamu Port Development Project Name: LAPSSET Corridor Project – Lamu Port Development.
Country: Kenya
Funding agency: African Development Bank/NEPAD – Infrastructure Project Preparation Facility (NEPAD-IPPF)
Last date of bid submission: General Procurement Notice
Address for bid submission/ LAPSSET Corridor Development Authority further information: 2nd Floor, Chester House Koinange Street P.O. Box 45008-00100 Nairobi, Kenya Tel: (254) 20 2219098 [email protected]
1. The LAPSSET CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, Kenya has received a Grant from the African Development Bank/NEPAD – Infrastructure Project Preparation Facility (NEPAD-IPPF) Special Fund to finance Transaction Advisory services and related technical assistance on the LAPSSET Corridor Project – Lamu Port Development.
21 Global Project News (Africa): April’2017
2. The principal objectives of this project are to : Provide Transaction Advisory Services for the development of the Lamu Port Component of the LAPSSET Corridor Program, and to provide related Technical Assistance to support the Executing Agency and the Project Implementation Unit (PIU).
3. The project includes the following key components :
4. Procurement of goods and/or works will be in accordance with the Bank's Rules of Procedure for the Procurement of Goods and Works. Acquisition of the services of Consultants will follow the Bank's Rules of Procedure for the Use of Consultants. Bidding documents are expected to be available in the month of July 2017.
5. Interested bidders may obtain further information, and should confirm their interest, by contacting :
Transaction Advisory:
Consultancy to undertake a comprehensive review of the existing project feasibility studies, including all technical options as listed in the feasibility study reports, financial and legal due diligence, market sounding and related analysis, solution options analysis, structuring and definition of scope of the project, preparation of transaction plan, financial models and schedule. Technical assistance to the Contracting Authority to review the proposed project structure, help secure PPP approvals among other approvals, develop all necessary transaction documents, assist with the bid process design, development of bid documents, financial closure, among other related activities.
Technical Assistance:
This component is targeted at the LAPSSET CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY and the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) to assist in achieving the goals of the main consultancy and ensure the project is bankable.
LAPSSET Corridor Development Authority 2nd Floor, Chester House Koinange Street P.O. Box 45008-00100 Nairobi, Kenya Tel: (254) 20 2219098 [email protected]
22 Global Project News (Africa): April’2017
Zambia – Mozambique 400KV Power Interconnector Project Project ID No. Project Name: Zambia – Mozambique 400KV Power Interconnector Project
Country: South Africa
Funding agency: African Development Bank Last date of bid submission: General Procurement Notice
Address for bid submission/ Southern African Power Pool further information: 222 Rivonia Road Morningside Close, Block A Sandton South Africa Thembekani Luthuli/Omar Vajeth Email: [email protected] and copy to [email protected]
1. The Southern African Power Pool (SAPP) has received a grant from the African Development Bank to finance the –Zambia – Mozambique 400KV Power Interconnector Project.
2. The principal objectives of this project are to improve the security and reliability of power supply and also foster economic development and regional integration through enhanced crossborder electricity trade. Consultants will be procured to carry out detailed techno-economic feasibility study.
3. The Project includes one component consisting of the following sub components:
Feasibility Study, Detailed Design, Tender Documents and Terms of References for supervision consultant;
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA); and
Resettlement Action Plan (RAP)
4. The acquisition of consulting services required under the Project will follow the Procurement Policy for Bank Group Funded Operations, dated October 2015. Bidding documents are expected to be available in May 2017.
5. Interested bidders may obtain further information, and should confirm their interest, by contacting:
Southern African Power Pool 222 Rivonia Road Morningside Close, Block A Sandton South Africa Thembekani Luthuli/Omar Vajeth Email: [email protected] and copy to [email protected]
23 Global Project News (Africa): April’2017
Kolwezi -Solwezi Power Interconnector Project Project Name: Kolwezi -Solwezi Power Interconnector Project
Country: South Africa
Funding agency: African Development Bank Last date of bid submission: General Procurement Notice
Address for bid submission/ Southern African Power Pool further information: 222 Rivonia Road Morningside Close, Block A Sandton South Africa Thembekani Luthuli/Omar Vajeth Email: [email protected] and copy to [email protected]
General Procurement Notice
1. The Southern African Power Pool (SAPP) has received a grant from the African Development Bank to finance the Kolwezi -Solwezi Power Interconnector Project.
2. The principal objectives of this project are to improve the security and reliability of power supply and also foster economic development and regional integration through enhanced crossborder electricity trade. Consultants will be procured to carry out detailed techno-economic feasibility study.
3. The Project includes one component consisting of the following sub components:
Feasibility Study, Detailed Design, Tender Documents and Terms of References for supervision consultant;
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA); and
Resettlement Action Plan (RAP)
4. The acquisition of consulting services required under the Project will follow the Procurement Policy for Bank Group Funded Operations, dated October 2015. Bidding documents are expected to be available in May 2017.
5. Interested bidders may obtain further information, and should confirm their interest, by contacting:
Southern African Power Pool 222 Rivonia Road Morningside Close, Block A Sandton South Africa Thembekani Luthuli/Omar Vajeth Email: [email protected] and copy to [email protected]
24 Global Project News (Africa): April’2017
South Sudan South Sudan Urban Water Corporation Resilient Water Project For Improved Livelihoods In Juba (RWPILJ Project ID No. P-SS-E00-002; EOI No. : SSUWC/SRVCS/QCBS/16-17/006 Project Name: SOUTH SUDAN SOUTH SUDAN URBAN WATER CORPORATION RESILIENT WATER PROJECT FOR IMPROVED LIVELIHOODS IN JUBA (RWPILJ Country: Spoth Suidan
Funding agency: African Development Bank Last date of bid submission: 16 May 2107
Address for bid submission/ The Project Coordinator, further information: Resilient Water Project for Improved Livelihoods in Juba (RWPILJ) South Sudan Urban Water Corporation (SSUWC) Head Office, Behind Directorate of Nationality Passport and Immigration P. O. BOX 627, Juba Centre, Republic of South Sudan
1 REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST (CONSULTING SERVICES - FIRMS) SOUTH SUDAN SOUTH SUDAN URBAN WATER CORPORATION RESILIENT WATER PROJECT FOR IMPROVED LIVELIHOODS IN JUBA (RWPILJ) Design and supervision of works for the upgrade and extension of existing water infrastructure and extension of water distribution network in Juba Center.
Loan/Financing No : 5900155010353 Project ID No: EOI No : SSUWC/SRVCS/QCBS/16-17/006
The Government of South Sudan has received financing from the African Development Bank towards the cost of the Resilient Water Project for Improved Livelihoods in Juba (RWPILJ) implemented by South Sudan Urban Water Corporation (SSUWC). It is intended that part of the agreed amount for this Grant shall be used for payments under the contract for Consultancy services for the design and supervision of works for the upgrade and extension of existing water infrastructure and extension of water distribution network in Juba Center. The services included under this project will generally include:
A. Design Phase
1. Site visit to test and validate existing infrastructure and materials
2. Preparation of all the architectural, engineering designs and all other requisite drawings
3. Preparation of Bills of Quantities (BOQ) and tender documents for works contract
4. Preparation of all materials, works and goods specifications (i.e. Generators, and all related electromechanical equipment)
5. Preparation of the cost estimate for required materials, works and equipment.
B. Supervision Phase On behalf of the client, supervise the rehabilitation and upgrading works contract execution of all obligations entrusted to the Engineer in accordance with the contract to be signed between the Client and Contractor.
25 Global Project News (Africa): April’2017
The above assignment, both phases, is expected to be completed within Thirty six (36) months
The South Sudan Urban Water Corporation now invites consultants to indicate their interest in providing these services. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc.).
Consultants may constitute joint ventures to enhance their chances of qualification. Eligibility criteria, establishment of the short-list and the selection procedure shall be in accordance with the African Development Bank’s Procurement Policy for Bank Group Funded Operations, dated October 2015, which is available on the Bank’s website at The borrower is under no obligation to shortlist any consultant who expresses interest. Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address below during office hours (9:00AM to 4:00PM).
2 Expressions of interest must be delivered to the address below by 11:00 am local time on Tuesday, 16th May 2017 in a sealed envelope clearly marked “Design and Supervision of Works for the upgrade and extension of existing water infrastructure and extension of water distribution network in Juba Centre” Attn:
The Project Coordinator, Resilient Water Project for Improved Livelihoods in Juba (RWPILJ) South Sudan Urban Water Corporation (SSUWC) Head Office, Behind Directorate of Nationality Passport and Immigration P. O. BOX 627, Juba Centre, Republic of South Sudan E-mail- [email protected] Tel: The Project Coordinator : + 211 951003464; The Procurement Officer: +256 756 663168 + 211 955190 782 N.B : All requests for clarification should be submitted in writing to the Email: [email protected]
26 Global Project News (Africa): April’2017
Earth Energy 20MW Biomass Power Project Project ID No. Project Name: Earth Energy 20MW Biomass Power Project
Country: Uganda
Funding agency: African Development Bank Last date of bid submission: 05 May 2017
Address for bid submission/ Attn: Elizabeth Nyeko Earth Energy Project further information: C/O MANDULIS ENERGY LIMITED Address: Regus, G/F, Course View Towers, Plot 21, Yusuf Lule Road, Nakasero, KAMPALA Tel: +256792010407/ +447527648523; E-mail: [email protected]
Earth Energy is a renewable energy project developer that has received a grant from the African Development Bank toward the costs of completing the development of a 20MW biomass gasification power plant in Northern Uganda. Earth Energy intends to apply part of the grant to payments under the contract for various consultancy services associated with project development activities. This request for Expression of Interest (EOI) is to invite eligible consultants to indicate their Interest in providing Procurement Specialist Services in relation to the project.
1. Purpose of the role: a. Provide end-to-end procurement consulting solutions to ensure that: all the procurement activities under the project are carried out in line with the AfDB rules and procedures and that the Grant Agreement and Project requirements are delivered on time, in accordance with the requisite specifications by Earth Energy, and consistent with the overall Project budgets and objectives; b. Work closely with the Project Coordinator to plan, define and execute procurement strategies and best practice processes to optimize the achievement of the project objectives; and c. Manage the execution of procurement including enablement and processes, such as the engagement and management of suppliers during the RFI/ RFP processes and providing support during supplier negotiations.
2. Key responsibilities a. In consultation with the Project Coordinator, prepare and periodically update the Project Procurement Plan based on the Bank’s template and ensure the Bank’s approval; b. In cases of procurement actions requiring the Banks clearance and ‘no objection’, review any procurement related documents for compliance with financing agreement, appraisal report or the
27 Global Project News (Africa): April’2017 procurement plan, whichever is appropriate, then coordinate the dispatch and delivery of the documents to the Bank for review and closely follow up with the Bank to get timely responses; c. Assist in the preparation of statements of requirements for procurement of goods and works and services. In consultation with the Project Coordinator, and stakeholders, prepare tenders documents, requests for proposal documents following the Banks Standard Bidding Document (SBD) for the Bank’s review and clearance; d. Prepare Specific Procurement Notices (SPN); Requests for Expressions of Interest (EOI), Request for Quotations / shopping, ensure timely publications, issue of bidding documents/RFP/RFQ and prepare relevant paper work for receipt of bids/proposal; e. Coordinate the Evaluation Committees’ meetings, provide guidance and assist in the preparation of evaluation reports following the Banks standard evaluation guidelines and ensure internal approval of procurement evaluation reports and decisions prior to submission of the evaluation reports to the Bank for review; f. Follow up procurement related correspondences and document submissions, facilitate timely analysis and responses to request for clarifications, complaints and issues raised in the procurement contract implementation with clients and the Bank for expedited actions; g. Ensure safekeeping, and handling of securities to ensure the validity, timely extensions and timely releases;
h. Provide support in preparation of the final contracts and ensure timely distribution of copies of contract agreements to relevant stakeholders including the Bank; i. Support the stakeholders in procurement capacity building and other related activities.
3. Reporting a. The Procurement Specialist will work closely with and report to the Project Coordinator, operating as a full-time member of the Project Implementation team;
b. Attend weekly team meetings, and also prepare periodic status reports (monthly, and quarterly) on procurement implementation under the project and keep stakeholders and the Bank informed of procurement status; c. Maintain proper records of all procurement documentation and develop a monitoring and reporting system in line with the ADF's progress reporting requirements;
4. Qualifications a. A Bachelor’s degree with strong academic results is essential, ideally in Purchasing and supply management; Business Administration or any other relevant field; b. An advanced diploma from the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (CIPS) or equivalent 5 years’ experience in procurement practise of which 3 years must be in project procurement; c. Minimum of 5 years working experience in public procurement with experience in donor funded programmes with specific responsibilities in procurement of goods, works and services will be an added advantage;
5. Requirements
28 Global Project News (Africa): April’2017 a. Relevant professional experience of more than three years, preferably within procurement consulting firm, or working as a procurement professional within a blue-chip environment;
b. Functional experience and knowledge of working with procurement in influencing external spend would also be strongly considered; c. Familiarity with and experience in public procurement systems is an essential requirement; d. Evidence of outstanding organizational, problem-solving and analytical capabilities e. Ability to work effectively within a team environment to deliver results, as well as strong interpersonal skills; f. Excellent oral and written communication skills; g. Fluency in English is a must; and h. Advanced ICT skills with demonstrable proficiency in Microsoft Office applications among others.
6. Contract Duration: a. The assignment is estimated to last 9 man-months spread out over a 12 month period. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc.).
* Previous applicants are also invited to re-submit their interest.
Eligibility criteria, establishment of the short-list and the selection procedure shall be in accordance with the African Development Bank’s “Procurement Policy Framework for Bank Group Funded Operations as approved in October 2015” and as amended from time to time, which is available on the Bank’s website at
Interested consultants may obtain further information via email.
Interested consultants may also enquire at the address below during office hours 9:00-18:00.
Expressions of interest must be delivered by email to [email protected] by 05 May 2017 at 23:59 and clearly marked to mention “Procurement Consultant” or submitted by post to the address below before the same deadline.
Attn: Elizabeth Nyeko Earth Energy Project C/O MANDULIS ENERGY LIMITED Address: Regus, G/F, Course View Towers, Plot 21, Yusuf Lule Road, Nakasero, KAMPALA Tel: +256792010407/ +447527648523; E-mail: [email protected]
29 Global Project News (Africa): April’2017
News Items AfDB reveals $12 billion power programme for Africa Apr 18, 2017
The African Development Bank (AfDB) has revealed its new power programme for Africa, under which it will invest $12bn in the next five years.
These finances will support its New Deal on Energy for Africa, which plans to achieve global access to electricity in Africa by 2025. The idea was born out of the Energy Week conference held in Abidjan,
Côte d’Ivoire at the end of March, which brought shareholders together to talk about methods of improving energy access.
Until quite recently, the AfDB and other organizations considered off-grid power provision as a temporary solution measure, intended to provide electricity to people until their homes were linked to the grid.
However, the universal boom in renewable energy technologies and the mounting appeal of energy self sufficiency in the West has altered the way the concept is seen. The process is prone to pick up the pace when battery storage becomes cheaper and more competent.
AfDB president Akinwumi Adesina said: “Africa’s energy potential is as huge as its electricity shortage.
We must move rapidly to release this energy potential. We must be smart, efficient, sustainable and quick in our actions…even though we can use a mix of approaches, off-grid solutions must be at the center of our approach to attain the motivated electricity access goals that we have put.”
The AfDB is eager to see decentralized solar PV take off in the rest of the continent, beyond East
Africa, and is eager to utilize its fiscal muscle to support lasting integrated planning and hedging tools to alleviate foreign exchange risks. It can also play a role in motivating skills development and in the longer period perhaps also component manufacturing within Africa.
30 Global Project News (Africa): April’2017
The huge question is whether this process will be centered on national grids or far more localized mini- grids, possibly covering just only villages. This matter was discussed in meetings on the sidelines of
Energy Week but will certainly become a more fundamental concern in the future.
The latter seems more probable in the short term, but in the long term the former may become more significant, turning power utilities into infrastructure operators and power trading platforms more than generators in their own right.
Morocco launches the construction of 70 MW Noor Ouarzazate IV PV plant Apr 11, 2017
Morocco’s King Mohammed VI has launched the building of the 70 MW Noor Ouarzazate IV PV plant.
This fourth stage of the scheme is the PV portion of the 580 MW Ouarzazate Solar Power Station
(OSPS), a CSP-PV solar power complex situated in the Drâa-Tafilalet region, central Morocco.
The complex involves the 160 MW Noor 1 CSP power stations, which was finished in February 2016, and the Noor 2 CSP and Noor 3 CSP, which are presently under development and will have a capacity of 200 MW and 150 MW, correspondingly. According to the Moroccan government, the Noor 2 CSP and
Noor 3 CSP plants have reached a completion rate of 76% and 74%, correspondingly.
The Noor Ouarzazate IV PV project is similarly part of the Noor PV 1 program, which contains the construction of a 30 MW PV plant in Laayoune and a 20 MW PV power station situated in Boujdour.
In November, the Moroccan Agency for Solar Energy (Masen) signed a 20-year power purchase agreement (PPA) with Acwa Power for the development of the three projects. Saudi Arabia’s Acwa
Power was nominated after an international tender to develop, construct and run the three plants under a BOOT (Build, Operate, Own and Transfer) scheme. Acwa Power signed the world’s biggest EPC company, Sterling and Wilson, to build the installations in late November.
Masen allotted green bonds in the amount of $114.4 million for the projects, which are being developed in the outline of a three-part Independent Power Production (IPP) strategy with Morocco’s
31 Global Project News (Africa): April’2017
power utility ONEE. The bonds were countersigned by local financial institutions Al Barid Bank,
Attijariwafa Bank, the Caisse Marocaine de Retraite, and the Société Centrale de Réassurance.
German state-owned development bank KfW has delivered $64.0 million in funding for the Noor
Ouarzazate IV project, whose prerequisite investment $74.6 million.
Malawi Rural electrification programme unveiled Apr 11, 2017
The Malawi Rural Electrification Programme (MAREP), has been unveiled by President Peter Mutharika highlighting the requisite for each citizen in the republic to have access to electricity.
President Mutharika went on further to say that his administration will make sure to deliver energy to schools, clinics and households in the rural regions where the power supply is limited.
Media quoted Mutharika affirming that over the past 50 years the nation has not made vast investments in the energy sector, which has in some way hindered the nation’s development. He further stressed that his administration is trying to bring in some adjustment by trying to expand energy production in the nation by bringing in other forms of energy.
“Electricity is part of our administration’s main agenda as we would like to see to it that people particularly in the rural regions have access to electricity to boost business activities happening in our communities and the nation at large,” Mutharika said.
Also speaking at the same event the minister of energy, mining and natural resources, Bright Msaka, said that an overall of 336 trading centres in the nation will profit from the project in the rural electrification programme phase 8 Msaka guaranteed Malawians that power blackouts are going to be a thing of the past as electricity generation at Nkula and Kapichira is now in full force after the opening of barrage doors at Kamuzu Barrage in Liwonde, media reported.
32 Global Project News (Africa): April’2017
“We reached out to 375 trading centres in phases 1 to 7 but now phase eight has come with a thud as a whole total of 336 trading centres are going to profit in one phase alone which will be a great accomplishment for the nation”, explained Msaka.
The newly debuted MAREP phase 8 project is estimated to be finished towards the end of the year
Tanzania announces new energy platform to boost sector development Apr 11, 2017
Earlier this week Tanzania’s energy and minerals minister, Sospeter Muhongo, announced the
Tanzania Energy Platform (TEP) with a call to energy and gas stakeholders to use it for enhancement of the sector.
According to Tanzanian media, Muhongo said government plans to use the platform to advance the nation’s energy policy.
He additional stated that the government would work on discussions reached in the platform for the strategy evaluation.
Media stated that the platform is one of the productions of the Tanzania-Dutch Energy Capacity
Building Project (TDCB) mutually implemented by the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) and
Karume Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) in Zanzibar – with subsidy from the government of
Expounding on the programme, UDSM Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic), Prof Florens Luoga, said the programme targets is to contribute to eminence research in renewable energy and gas sectors, as well as creating fit skilled and capable professionals.
“This will be an idyllic platform for relevant shareholders to give-and-take useful facts on energy and gas,” Luoga said.
33 Global Project News (Africa): April’2017
The Netherlands Ambassador, Jaap Frederiks said: “I hope that with this unveiling we have imbedded the seeds for improved communiqué among all shareholders.”
As for energy and gas, the spokeperson stated that positive expansion of the gas reserves would significantly change the economy and society, media reported.
Muhongo formerly said the nation could attain the objective of being the first in oil and natural gas exploitation in East Africa in the next ten years.
“Since the sector is new in the republic, we plan to have at least 500 trained specialists in the sector of oil and natural gas in 10 years’ time,” Muhongo noted
“The accomplishment will lead us to become number one in the region throughout East Africa,” he added.Tanzania is working really hard towards achieving it renewable energy goals.
Renewable energy to surpass African energy demand by 2030 Apr 11, 2017
Africa’s huge latent for renewable energy could surpass the continent’s estimated electricity demand in
2030, according to new research.
The paper, “Strategic siting and regional grid interconnections key to low-carbon futures in African nations” draws the potential for new wind and solar farms in 21 African nations.
At present-day, Africa has the least per capita electricity consumption in the world.
A statement from the World Bank Group and the International Energy Agency (IEA) affirms that the haste of electrification in Africa is failing to keep stride with a quickly mounting population.
The report states that of the 1.06 billion people across the globe who still have no access to electricity,
45 per cent live in Rural Africa – with an extra 10 per cent spread across African municipalities.
According to the Sustainable Energy For All Forum, only 37 per cent of Africa’s populace had access to electricity in 2014.
34 Global Project News (Africa): April’2017
Africa has vast unexploited resources for renewable energy – specifically wind and solar power.
Carefully selected locations coupled with interconnectors that enable resources to be shared within and between nations could allow Africa’s quickly mounting electricity demand to be met with renewables at alike cost to conventional fossil fuel generation, according to the authors of the paper.
Energy demand in Africa is expected to grow exponentially; the study forecasts that for an area encompassing 50 per cent of Africa’s population, the collective demand will exceed 1,000 terawatt- hours (TWh) by 2030 – almost triple the figure for 2010.
The declining costs of wind and solar has already fuelled growth in renewable energy generation in a number of African countries.
In Kenya and Ghana, the levelised cost of wind power is already unevenly equivalent to hydropower.
To enlarge the adoption of renewable energy all over the continent, the paper’s authors developed a tool to map the best available new locations for solar and wind power in 21 different nations.
According to the exploration, the full potential for wind and solar power across all 21 nations exceeds the expected electricity demand in 2030 by at slightest a factor of two.
The outcomes show that Djibouti, Libya, Swaziland and Tanzania will be able to meet 30 per cent of their demand with available, low-impact, and economical wind spots.
Likewise, Botswana, Ethiopia, Lesotho, Tanzania, Uganda, Sudan and Zimbabwe could see 30 per cent of their estimated 2030 demand with locally-produced solar photovoltaic (PV).
However, for Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, Kenya, Libya, South Africa and
Zambia meeting 2030 targets will “require investing in transmission extensions to access lower-cost
PV resources or importing from neighbors”.
35 Global Project News (Africa): April’2017
A US$ 65m cement plant in Rwanda set to be constructed Apr 6, 2017
Cement industry new entrant Prime Cement plans to construct a US$ 65m cement plant in Rwanda aiming to satisfy rising demand of the commodity in the country. The cement plant will be constructed in Musanze District in the Northern Province.
To officiate this mega project, Prime Cement recently signed an agreement with FLSmidth Company- a
Danish manufacturer and supplier of cement equipment.
The two companies signed a multimillion dollar equipment supply deal to kick-start the project that could more than double Rwanda’s cement production.
Gisele Bayigamba who is the General Manager Milbridge Holding, a consortium that owns Prime
Cement confirmed the reports and said that the operations will commence in the third quarter of 2018 and once complete, the plant will have a production capacity of a whopping 700,000 tonnes of cement annually.
“Cimerwa currently has the capacity to produce 600,000 tonnes per annum at its US$ 170m at the
Rusizi plant, while Rwanda needs at least 450,000 tonnes annually. Therefore, the combined production will greatly support Rwanda’s export sector and help ease cost of cement locally,” said
She further said the plant will be put up in phases, during the phase one stage; a US$ 65m grinding unit will be put up, while the second phase will involve setting up of a fully integrated plant over a period of five years.
The cement plant in Rwanda will deploy the latest cutting-edge technologies in production to help reduce greenhouse gas emission.
Anders Bech, the FLSmidth cement division president also commented and said that the new plant will make Rwanda more competitive in the region and put it in a better position to promote locally-made construction materials.
36 Global Project News (Africa): April’2017
Prime Cement is a privately owned company that is part of the Milbridge holding a group of companies involved in the manufacturing and construction materials trade in Angola, the United Arab Emirates,
Rwanda and South Africa.
World Bank moves to support Modjo Dry Port in Ethiopia
The focus will be to improve Modjo Dry Port. Located in central Ethiopia, 38 miles southeast of Ethiopia's capital, Addis Ababas
Apr 5, 2017
Ethiopia has received the much needed impetus to strengthen its logistics thanks to the World
Bank board which approved a new US $150 million toward the project.
The focus will be to improve Modjo Dry Port. Located in central Ethiopia, 38 miles southeast of
Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa the port handles 95 percent of Ethiopia’s trade and is a major bottleneck on the Ethiopia-Djibouti trade corridor.
Port Consultants Rotterdam Notes that Modjo Dry Port is Ethiopia’s first dry port development which started on a small scale at the end of 2009, relieving the congested Djibouti.
World Bank says while Modjo Dry Port is is a single-user dry port that focuses on customs clearance, future plans is to make it become a multi-user, multi-purpose facility.
“Higher-than-average trade costs are undermining Ethiopia’s international competitiveness,” said
Klaus Tilmes, director in the World Bank Group’s Trade & Competitiveness Global Practice.
“By enhancing the performance of the Ethio-Djibouti corridor through improvements in the range and quality of logistics services at Modjo Dry Port, and reducing burdensome regulations in customs, trade finance and trade facilitation, the government will be able to reap the benefits of trade that help to drive growth and reduce poverty.”
37 Global Project News (Africa): April’2017
The World Bank’s board of directors has also approved a $50 million International Development
Association credit for the National Quality Infrastructure (NQI) Project, aimed at boosting the competitiveness of Ethiopian industries.
World Bank said the credit will support the Ethiopian government’s efforts in establishing the country’s standardization practice, metrology, accreditation, and conformity assessment services – inspection, testing and certification.
World Bank is of the opinion that a well-functioning NQI will strengthen firms’ competitiveness and opportunities for expansion into new export markets; and will encourage investors to upgrade their products and quality of services to meet market requirements imposed by trading partners, consumers and regulatory authorities.
The project will focus on three value chains that are key to the government’s industrial policy to increase its export base, including: leather and leather products, textiles and garments, and agro- processed goods.
However, in recent years the country has been carrying much of the burden of raising finance for infrastructure development while at the same time demanding that banks invest the equivalent of
27% of the loan portfolio in low-yield state development bonds, leaving little for private business to borrow.
But in 2015 the World Bank urged for diversification on infrastructure funding in Ethiopia in a bid to finance its infrastructure projects to avoid heavy reliance on the state.
Ethiopia is the fastest growing economy in East Africa posting an annual growth of slightly over 10 percent.
38 Global Project News (Africa): April’2017
European Bank boosts construction of 200MW wind farm in Egypt Apr 3, 2017
The European Investment Bank (EIB) and the Arab Republic of Egypt have signed a loan accord of
EUR115m for the construction of a wind farm in Egypt in the Gulf of Suez.
The wind farm in Egypt will contribute to meet rising electricity demand using sustainable wind energy.
In the presence of Sahar Nasr, Minister of Investment and International Cooperation and European
Union Delegation Chargé d’Affairs, Reinhold Brender, the funding deals were signed in Cairo by Heinz
Olbers, EIB Director of operations in the Neighbourhood Countries and Dr. Engineer Mohamed Mousa
Omran Executive Chairman of New and Renewable Energy Authority.
“The EIB is glad to finance the Gulf of Suez wind farm which contributes to environmental sustainability and climate change alleviation. The project is in line with the Bank’s purpose to offer more funding to renewable energy projects.
The European Investment Bank is the world’s biggest investor of climate action; last year we contributed EUR 20.7 billion for climate related investment across Europe and around the world.” said
Heinz Olbers, European Investment Bank’s Director of operations in the Neighbourhood Countries.
The Gulf of Suez wind farm project entails the design, construction and commissioning of a large-scale onshore wind farm of around 200MW situated on the west bank of the Gulf of Suez, some 400 km southeast of Cairo with up to 100 turbines will be installed. The site, of a size of around about 57 km², is characterized by its dry desert conditions and has very favorable wind resources.
The project is funded by European Finance Institutions; European Investment Bank, KfW, Agence
Française de Développement and the New and Renewable Energy Authority. The European
Commission offers a grant of EUR 30 million to the project.
EIB’s loaning activities in the Mediterranean area in general and Egypt in specific are based on a
Mandate from the European Union – the External Lending Mandate (ELM) presently covering the
39 Global Project News (Africa): April’2017
period 2014/2020 – through which the Bank works collectively with the EU and the government of
Egypt to support socio-economic development in the nation.