Newton on Ouse Parish Council

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Newton on Ouse Parish Council


Present: Councillors Gary Craig (Chair); Wendy Appleby, John Morris, Paul Robinson, Andrew Windrum and Karen Morris (Clerk) In Attendance: County Councillor Caroline Patmore, Bill Cooper and Caroline Masters 1. Apologies for Absence. Apologies were received from District Councillor Phillip Huntington and Cllr Glen Turnbull. 2. Declare any Interests in Items on the Agenda. No interests were declared. 3. Minutes of Meeting held on 16 Sep 10. Accepted and signed as a true record. 4. Chairman’s/Clerk’s Report 4.1 No 4 Church View. Clerk had written to the owner of the property and also contacted the Planning Department. It was noted that work had resumed on the property. 4.2 Bus-Time Proposals for Newton on Ouse. Clerk had responded to a letter from NYCC regarding proposed bus service reductions and had objected strongly to the proposals. She had also requested their presence at our next meeting but this had been declined because of the number of parishes that would request this. A report containing all comments will be produced and presented at Members Scrutiny in December, and the Executive Member will make a final decision in early December. 4.3 Future of Parish Hall. Cllr Appleby had attended an extraordinary meeting with the Parish Hall Committee. The Caretaker left his position at the end of October and it was intended to let out his accommodation – Clerk has put a notice advertising the vacancy on the Parish Noticeboard and on the website. There will be an Open Meeting for residents before Christmas to discuss the The Old School. The Chair informed that the Big Lottery had announced a new scheme for the refurbishment of village halls with grants up to £750,000 – Cllr Appleby to look into this. 5. Financial Matters 5.1 Community Account as at 8 Oct - £7446.40; Business Account £7257.20. 5.2 Payments to be made are: Clerk’s Wages for 13 Sep – 1 Nov 10 (£256.48 to Clerk; £64.12 to HM Revenue & Customs); £9.99 for the purchase of the village website domain name ‘’ and £26.97 for 3 months hosting costs; £12 for hire of village hall 12/10/10; £23.350 to Inc Dot for Newsletters Autumn 2010; £141 to Mazars for external audit. 5.3 It was AGREED to donate £150 towards the Newton on Ouse Fireworks Party on Thu 4 Nov 10. Clerk to make cheque payable to Chris Ellis. The Council asked that the Fireworks Committee provide a statement of accounts at the end of the event. 6. Planning Applications 6.1 10/01975/FUL - Proposed demolition of outbuildings and construction of a triple domestic garage (and amended plans – change of use from agricultural to domestic) – Lake View, Moor Lane, Shipton By Beningbrough – Mr E Kennedy. The Council had NO OBSERVATIONS. 7. Hambleton DC’s Planning Decisions 7.1 10/02138/FUL – Proposed two storey side and front extension to existing dwelling (and amended plans) – Rowallane, Cherry Tree Avenue – APPROVED. 8. Cherry Trees. Highways had commissioned a survey approximately 4 years ago on the Cherry Trees along Cherry Tree Avenue and had reported that there was a danger from falling limbs – Clerk to contact David Chase at Highways to find out what they are responsible for/what they can and cannot do and to get this writing. Clerk had contacted Des Cotton from Beningbrough about a replacement tree. As the trees are in a conservation area, a planning application has to be submitted and Clerk had been informed that this would take 6 weeks to process. Clerk would contact Planning again to see if this can be processed more quickly in order to get the first tree replaced by end of Nov, early December. Also, to report the trees in the Bravener Court/Back Lane area too (Chair had received a letter) and if necessary to ask the person doing the work to prune those.

Page 1 of 2 - Newton PC Minutes of Meeting Held on 3 Nov 10 9. Highways Issues. Cllr Morris sketched a map showing how the white line markings should appear around The Green as there was still some confusion over this. He gave the sketch to Caroline Patmore to present to Highways. Clerk to contact Nigel Smith from Highways to see if the kerbing round the corner from The Dawnay Arms on the road leading out of the village could be put in place whilst the roadworks are currently going on and to remind him that he had not reported his feedback from a site visit of this piece of the road. Clerk to pursue bus stop markings at the stop outside 14/15 Prospect Terrace, Moor Lane. 10. Housing Development. Linton on Ouse has now received a similar survey to the one that Newton on Ouse was first presented with. Cllr Morris stated that, in his opinion, the decision to go ahead with the housing project in Newton on Ouse was never dependent upon the survey establishing a need and that it had already been made before the Housing Enabler had approached the council. Clerk to contact Broadacres and invite a representative to attend a meeting in the New Year and give a report back on lessons learnt from the project. 11. Remembrance Sunday. Will take place on Sunday 14th November at 10.30am in Back Lane. Clerk to ask Ellie Richardson to play the bugle and Tim Smith to read the prayer. Chair would ask Gordon Atkinson to lay a wreath. Clerk to confirm with RAF Linton that they could supply 2 wreaths, one for the Parish Council and one for the Church. Clerk to also produce copies of the programme. 12. Electoral Arrangements for May 11. This would take place on 5 May 2011. The Chair intends to stand-down. A piece would go in the next edition of the Newton Matters asking if anyone would like to put their names forward for election. Clerk is to attend an Electoral Arrangements training day in the New Year. 13. Allerton Park Incinerator. Cllr Windrum reported that from an environmental point of view there was no significant impact. Caroline Patmore said that the contract had not been signed yet and planning had not been obtained. To keep the incinerator working efficiently, waste would need to be imported. Chair proposed that we indicate to Marton-cum-Grafton Parish Council and North Yorkshire County Council that we are not convinced about the proposed incinerator – this was agreed by the rest of the council. 14. Parking Meeting. About 36 people had attended the Parking Meeting held 28 Oct in the Parish Hall. Chair had produced a sheet with key action points from the meeting and also a draft Newton on Ouse Parking Code. This was passed to each councillor for them to read through and make any changes they felt necessary. Clerk to ask a representative from North Yorkshire Police to attend the next meeting to discuss possible parking solutions (especially yellow lining near junctions). Also, invite a representative from Highways to discuss signs and matting. Clerk to explore the cost of matting for the verge down Back Lane and on Moor Lane opposite George Crescent. 15. County Councillor Patmore’s Report. Budgets and cuts still ongoing – there has to be an overall drop/cut of 26% of NYCC’s budget so it is a difficult time. There is a brief respite for the proposal to close minor injury services at St Monica’s Hospital in Easingwold – Caroline Patmore stressed the need to keep St Monica’s open. NYCC are introducing a Winter Maintenance Service and are currently developing a training package and appropriate guidance with a small number of pilot communities and hope to offer the scheme to other communities in the near future. 16. District Councillor Huntington’s Report. No report. 17. Newsletter. Cllr Morris volunteered to produce the next edition of the newsletter. It was AGREED that councillors would be emailed a draft copy to read through before going into print. Entries to include parking, elections. Clerk to obtain an electronic copy for the website. 18. Note any Incoming Correspondence. Easingwold and Villages Forum: Minutes of the Meeting held Thu 16 Sep 10; Letter of apology from Broadacres for the short notice of the invite to the photo opportunity at George Crescent; Proposed Revisions to the Home to School and College Transport Policy Public Consultation (Clerk to email everyone the link to the consultation document and response form). 19. Date of Next Meeting/s. Tuesday 11 Jan 11 at 7.30pm and Thursday 3 Mar 11. (Clerk to book hall). 20. Any Other Business (no decisions to be made at this meeting). Mr Bill Cooper asked if he and his wife could be put down on RAF Linton’s Christmas OAP Party on Tue 7 Dec. Clerk was keeping a list of people who wanted to attend and would supply names to the Sergeants’ Mess Manager who would pick names from a hat if oversubscribed. Clerk reported that the RAF Camp was intending to open up a Spar shop on the base and this could affect the village shop. Clerk to contact Linton on Ouse Parish Council to hear their views. Meeting closed at 9.10pm Page 2 of 2 - Newton PC Minutes of Meeting Held on 3 Nov 10

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