Sandstone City Council s1

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Sandstone City Council s1


CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 p.m.

ROLL CALL: Members present: Kester, Stadin, Bonander, Devlin Members absent: Atterbury Staff present: Administrator Griffith, Recording Secretary Orr, Hormillosa CATV Others present: Tim Franklin, Leaha Jackson, Fran Levings (OSAC), Tina Doornink, Deputy Matson, Marquerite M. Walz

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Staff and members recited the Pledge of Allegiance

ADDITIONS AND/OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA: Add: Consent 9D. Renew contract with Pine City for Building Inspection services with no increase in the hourly rate for 2013. No EDA meeting due to no new information received. Motion Bonander, second Kester to approve the agenda with the above changes. Motion carried 4-0.

SPECIAL ITEMS OF BUSINESS: Deputy Josh Matson gave the sheriff’s report for December 2012. There were 118 calls.

Fran Levings, Executive Director for the OSAC, addressed the council in regards to funds solicited for the Old School Arts Center. She informed the council of the one year anniversary celebration coming up on January 18 from 7-9 p.m. It is free and open to the public. Motion Bonander, second Stadin to provide $1,000.00 to the OSAC based on service contract provided. Motion carried 4-0.

Tina Doornink gave the Wild River Variance Report. She reports that they need to look into additional marketing ideas, but otherwise things are looking good. Motion Bonander, second Kester to accept the Wild River Variance Report. Motion carried 4-0.

PETITIONS OR COMPLAINTS BY RESIDENTS AND/OR COUNCIL MEMBERS: Bonander reported water gutters on Minnesota St/Court Ave are working. Devlin reported complaints about potential water bill increases. Franklin stated that he would like to see a public hearing be done regarding the potential water bill increase.

APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES: Motion Kester, second Devlin to approve the meeting minutes of January 8, 2013. Motion carried 4-0.

PUBLIC HEARING: There were none.

CONSENT AGENDA: Library Board-accept one resignation of Elsie Lundorff and appoint Sandy Sandwick and Val Palmer; acknowledge execution of Initiative Foundation Thriving Communities grant documents; acknowledge non-domestic animal permit granted to Audubon Center of the North Woods; and renew contract with Pine City for Building Inspection services with no increase in the hourly rate for 2013. Motion Devlin, second Kester to approve consent agenda as listed. Motion carried 4-0.

FINANCIAL REPORTS: Regular Council January 16, 2013

Motion Bonander, second Kester to pay Claims with change regarding Fire Dept. classification. Motion carried 4-0. OLD & CONTINUING BUSINESS: Accept Community Partners Grant & amend 2013 Capital Projects budget The City has received grant notification for phase two of the work being done in Robinson Park for soil and bank stabilization.

Motion Bonander, second Devlin to accept the Community Partners grant and direct staff to amend the 2013 budget to reflect the actual grant numbers. Motion approved 4-0.

Utility Rates-continue discussion of approving a rate increase The Council continued its discussion on options available to raise the funds necessary to run the water and sewer funds at a break-even level. Four proposals were presented to the Council regarding water rate increases. The Council requested that staff also provide them with an adjusted proposal which would decrease the reserve fund allotment by $5,000.00.

Motion Devlin, second Bonander to bring Proposal #1 (Original Increase Proposal) and #4 (High Usage Increase Small fixed Increase) to public meeting on February 7, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. Motion carried 4-0.

NEW BUSINESS: There was none.

REPORTS: Motion Bonander, second Devlin to accept: Paid Claims 2012, Paid Claims 2013, Park & Recreation Commission minutes. Motion carried 4-0.


ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT: Next regular council meeting is on February 6, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. Coalition of Greater MN Cities-Legislative Day-Wednesday, February 6, 2013. Hosting MN Clerks and Finance Officers Association regional meeting on Friday the 18th and hosting GPS 45::93 meeting on Friday the 25th.

ADJOURN: Motion Devlin, second Stadin to adjourn meeting at 8:38 p.m. Motion carried 4-0.

______Randy Atterbury, Mayor

______Sam Griffith, Clerk

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