22Ème Rencontre Internationale ARS ET FIDES REIMS, 24/26 Mars 2006
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29th international meeting ARS ET FIDES – AOSTE (I), 5th - 8th April 2013
REGISTRATION FORM - ( per person ) to be sent to the secretary before 17th February 2013
Generaal Lemanlaan 22 – B - 8310 ASSEBROEK (België) [email protected]
Name & first name …………………………………………………………
Group : ………………………………………….………………………………..
Personal address : ……………………………...….………………………………….
Phone : ……………………………… …… mobile : ………………………………
Mail : …………………………..……..……. @ …………….………………………………... (clear writing please)
Arrival : Day : …………………, at (about) ...………….(time) by ………………..(means of transport
Logement :
I want to stay at the Prieuré
single room I share the room with …………………..
I want to make a reservation for extra nights …………………………………………. (fill out the dates) I choose to stay at a hotel (and I make the reservation myself)
rates (€) please mark I pay (€) with a x dinner at the Prieuré on Friday 5th April 15,00 lodging on Friday 5th April + breakfast on Saturday 30,00 lunch on Saturday 6th April at the restaurant in Aoste 20,00 dinner at the Prieuré on Saturday 6th April 15,00 lodging on Saturday 6th April + breakfast on Sunday 30,00 festive lunch on Sunday 7th April 25,00 participation in over-all costs (bus transfers included) 26,00 x 26,00 dinner on Sunday 7th April at the Prieuré 15,00 lodging on Sunday 7th April + breakfast on Monday 30,00 excursion on Monday April 8th (lunch included) 23,00 total to be paid please check the total! next page If you stay at the hotel, please choose one of the two below:,
Hôtel Château Di Cognein Denny & C. S.a.s. Via Libertà N°10, 11010 Saint-Pierre (AO) tel. 0039 0165 903820 fax 0039 0165 903751 www.hotelresidencechateau.com price per person per night (= night + breakfast) individual room = 49 euros; double room = 39,50 euros; triple room = 31,50 euros
Hôtel Saint Pierre Rue Corrado Gex 61 11010 Saint-Pierre (AO) tel.: 00 39 0165.903817 fax: 00 39 0165.903965 http://www.hotelsaintpierre.it [email protected] prices : please ask the hotel
Departure :
Day : …………………, at (about) ...………….(time) by ………………..(means of transport)
I validate my registration by paying before March 10th the amount of € …………… at Ars et Fides : account number 000-3000006-87 IBAN BE67 0003 0000 0687 BIC BPOTBEB1 Generaal Lemanlaan 22 - B - 8310 ASSEBROEK
At ………………………. on …… / …… / 2013
………………………. (signature)