Research Shows That Reading Over the Summer Is Important Not Only Because It Helps Build
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June 2017
Research shows that reading over the summer is important not only because it helps build literacy skills, but also because it prevents the “summer slide” (summer reading regression). Therefore, it is critical that our children read and write during the summer. Summer is a perfect time for students and families to read books together for pleasure and to nurture a love for reading.
On our S. Christa McAuliffe website , w e have posted our Reading and Writing assignments. In order to best meet your needs, we are providing two options: a Summer Reading and Writing Bingo or a Reading log of at least 8 (eight) books . The activities in both options are aligned to the Common Core Standards and MCPS Curriculum 2.0. The activities are designed for students to utilize reading and writing strategies as they are completing the Reading and Writing assignments.
Students who turn in their Reading and Writing assignments in addition to their Math evidence of summer learning by Friday, September 8th will participate in a celebration in September. Thank you for your support in helping your child successfully complete his/her reading packet over the summer. We hope that you and your family have a fabulous summer enjoying many books together!
La investigación muestra que leer la lectura durante el verano es importante no sólo porque ayuda a construir habilidades de leer, sino también porque evita el "Deslice de verano" (regresión en la lectura durante el verano). Por lo tanto, es fundamental que nuestros hijos lean y escriban durante el verano. El verano es un momento perfecto para estudiantes y familias para leer libros juntos por placer y para fomentar el amor por la lectura. En nuestro sitio web de la escuela, hemos publicado las asignaciones para la lectura y escritura. Con el fin de satisfacer mejor sus necesidades, ofrecemos dos opciones: un bingo de escritura del v erano o un r egistro de al menos 8 libros para lectura. Las actividades en ambas opciones están alineadas con las normas fundamentales comunes del Curriculum 2.0. del MCPS. Las actividades están diseñadas para que los estudiantes utilicen las estrategias de la lectura y la escritura, cuando ellos estén completando las asignaciones.
Opción 1: Bingo de Escritura del Verano Los estudiantes deben completar el tablero del bingo de escritura del verano, se espera que completen ocho actividades. Estas actividades deben ser entregadas, como evidencia del aprendizaje que han obtenido durante el verano. Los padres pueden firmar para indicar que sus hijo(s) han completado una actividad.
Opción 2: leer por lo menos 8 Libros: Registro de Lectura Los estudiantes deben leer varios géneros (ficción o no ficción). Los estudiantes leen al menos 8 libros El registro de lectura debe mostrar evidencia de al menos 8 libros leídos. (Vea la parte de atrás de esta hoja para las estrategias de lectura.)
Los estudiantes que completen la escritura y la lectura para el día Viernes, 8 de septiembre, participaran en una celebración en Septiembre. Tambien hay un paquete de matematicas para cumplir.
Gracias por su apoyo en ayudar a su hijo a completar con éxito su paquete de lectura durante el verano. Esperamos que usted y su familia tengan un verano fabuloso disfrutando muchos libros juntos! Check out a book from the public Read at least 5 Draw and label something from an Read two books by the same author. Write a book review about a library and read it different poems. Then informational book you read. Write a Write a journal entry comparing and create your own title for your picture. contrasting the two plots book from your reading log. poem! Include at least Would you recommend this 3 different book to a friend? Why or characteristics of why not? *R poetry. *R http://teacher.scholas writewit/bookrev/index.htm writewit/poetry/index .htm
Read a book about Read the different summer movie Write and illustrate your own story. Read a graphic novel. Read a new recipe with a history or a historical guides. Which movie do you want to Share it with your family and friends. family member and make it fiction text. see this summer? Why? Provide at together. Write the steps least 3 reasons. you took to make it.
Read about Research a topic of Write a letter introducing yourself to Read a biography. Write an Read a fable, folktale, or fairy your favorite author on your choice on your new teacher. Turn it in on the first autobiography about your life and tale. Write your own version of day of school. share it with your new teacher on the the same story. Persuade other students or use a different first day of school. to read books by online subscription that author and read ones that service. (See handout.) you haven’t read before. Provide Write 5 facts you at least 3 reasons. learned about your topic. Read an entire chapter out loud Create a comic strip with a Reread your favorite book of all time. Write and send a postcard just like a teacher. Read a fantasy book beginning, middle and an end. Then write a book review. to Mrs. Coates or Mrs. Hill Share it with someone. telling them about what resources/printouts/bookreviewR2.pd you did this summer. f resources/interactives/comic/ 12500 Wisteria Drive Germantown, MD 20874
1). Read a book from the public library, your personal book, or an electronic book from the online subscription service handout. Bring back your 2). Any of the activities listed can be created or completed using technology or paper. 3.) The *R symbolizes the website link is intended to be a reference to help students complete the activity or provide ideas summer packet by 4. Graphic organizers can be used to organize your thoughts before writing. Go to th Friday, September 8
to join your friends for
a fantastic celebration! OPTION #2
Name Grade: Summer Reading Log Read a variety of fiction and nonfiction. Record the information below to provide evidence of what you read during the summer vacation.
Goal: This summer I will read at least books to keep growing my brain!!
Title Author (last name, Fiction/ Nonfiction Reading Level? first name) Or Just right? Title Author (last name, first name) Fiction/ Nonfiction Reading Level? Or Just right?
Reflection: Did you meet your goal? Why or Why not? OPTION #2
Nombre Grado: Lectura del Verano Lea libros de ficcion y no ficcion. Escriba la informacion por abajo como evidencia de leer.
Meta: Durante el verano voy a leer ______libros o mas para mejorar con leer y aprender mas!
Titulo: Nombre del Autor : Ficcion/ No ficcion Nivel de Leer: dificil, facil o perfecto para su nino/a : Titulo: Nombre del Autor: Ficcion o no ficcion? Nivel de leer: dificil, facil or perfecto para su nino/a :
Refleccion: : Llego a su meta? Por que or por que no ? 2016-2017 Online Sources Passwords: for use by McAuliffe staff and students only!
Source User Name Password Britannica Escolar mcps search Britannica School mcps search CultureGrams mcps mcps Destiny Catalog Your user name Your password E-Point Books mcauliffees school Explora Primary School Mcps search ImageQuest mcauliffeesmd learn PebbleGo mcpsstaff mcpsstaff SIRS Decades mcps mcps SIRS Discoverer mcps mcps mcps mcps Tumblebooks No user name needed No password needed