1) Choose an Area to Do Your Research On. There Are Some Suggestions Listed Below
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“ Living in 2050” Expo Inquiry Assessment Task
Your task is to inform the school community about the problems we may encounter in the future if we don’t make changes in how we live and get the message out about ways that everyone can help. You will work with a group to further investigate something you have learnt about global warming, climate change and energy sources to develop a proposal of how we can make a difference to our future to.
You will present your research at the “Living in 2050 Expo” on Tuesday the 16 th of September (Period 4) by creating a booth with posters, brochures and other media that other students will visit and learn about your research and proposal for change.
1) Choose an area to do your research on. There are some suggestions listed below.
2) Create your own specific investigation question: What are you going to investigate? What do you think will happen? Explain why? What is the aim of your investigation?
Seek help if you are unsure about what to investigate
3) Conduct your research and summarise it in your own words.
4) Using information from your research, design a proposal for change: What should we be doing to make sure we have a better future? How will this change effect our future for the better? Explain in detail. Are there any potential problems with this change? Explain in detail.
5) Choose a way to present your information and prepare your proposal for the expo.
Possible Investigation ideas: Alternative fuel sources: wind, solar, nuclear etc. – Can you generate enough power? How can the power be best harnessed? What are the dangers?
How to reduce Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions and reduce global warming– alternative fuels for cars, factories/manufacturing, in our homes or schools, farming and food production. Any other idea that interests you – you must check with a teacher first.
Checklist: You must have:
A clearly defined topic (or pitch). This is your title for your expo.
A brochure with your information to put on the table. Print out a few to hand out on the day, and one for your teacher.
A minimum of two posters with pictures and information conveying your research and message.
At least one 3D object to put on the table for display, such as a model, experiment or shoebox diorama.
A printed bibliography (of the websites you have used) on display and to give to your teacher.
On the day…
Everyone must contribute equally (also in terms of making the resources for the expo)
Everyone should be prepared to present (to be at the stand at the time the teacher is visiting)
Only one person can leave the stand at one time to view other peoples work.
The expo will be set up at lunchtime to present at period 4. At 3pm we will pack up the rooms. Criteria Sheet (Marking Guide)
Criteria Not Satisfactory Goo Very Excellent shown d Good
0 2 4 5 3 Topic has been selected and is clear throughout the expo presentation
Information from research investigation has been incorporated into the proposal
There is a clear explanation of why the proposal is important and how it can change our future.
The benefits and any problems associated with the proposal have been discussed
Presentation and Creativity
Bibliography (you have written down all the resources you used to help make your resource), Research Table and Investigation Planner have been correctly.
Total Marks:______/30 Assessment Mark: NS S G VG E
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