Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Belyuen Community Government Council Held on 26Th
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Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Belyuen Community Government Council held on 26th February 2014
Present: Bill Stuchbery Council Manager
Cathy Winsley Belyuen CEO
Manager opened the meeting at 12.45 pm
1. Apologies
2. General Business
2.1 Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet
Acquittance Advice for 2012-2013 Refurbishment of Recreation Hall Funds
Action: Noted
2.2 Recreation Hall
Current Expenditure Spread Sheet from SKM.
Action: Noted
2.3 Council No Smoking Policy
CEO advised the Manager that the Heart Foundation are working with the CEO and Council staff to develop No Smoking Policy in Council Work Places and to look at areas which can be defined as smoking areas.
Greg Smith from the Heart Foundation has visited Belyuen and will be coming back to talk with all the staff in their workplaces.
Action: CEO to update the Manager at the next Council meeting in regard to the development of the Policy.
2.4 Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development
National Report – website address provided.
Action: Noted
2.5 Cox Peninsula Tours Proposal CEO tabled a proposal from Cox Peninsula Tours which came out of a meeting with the Director Brad Irvine and employee Neil White.
The Proposal identifies a number of areas that Council and Cox Tours can support each other including: the provision of qualified bus drivers; hire of Toyota coaster bus; expanding services to include Belyuen.
The CEO advised the Manager that there is potential for short visits to the community to show people around an Indigenous Community and particularly services. The visit could incorporate a lunch at the aged care centre or Diamond creek that has been catered for by Belyuen Store.
Motion: That the CEO writes to Cox Peninsula Tours endorsing their proposal and proposing a review after the first 3 months and again at 6months. The CEO also to discuss with the Director the possibility of bringing tourists into the community and also setting up a fuel account at the Store.
2.6 LGANT Work for the Dole questionnaire
The Manager and CEO discussed the questionnaire and what advantages it would bring to the Council and Community if Work for the Dole programs were to be administered through Councils (Shires).
The CEO expressed great concern that community projects had come to a standstill with the changes to CDEP and the implementation of the RJCP. The CEO commented that the only projects/activities that are being done in the community are what Council organises.
Action: The CEO to respond to the survey expressing interest in Council running the Work for The Dole Programs
2.7 Council financial Reports – July to December 2013
The CEO tabled the following reports for July to December 2013:
Jobs (Budget Analysis)
Profit and Loss Statement
Balance Sheet
Payables Reconciliation (Summary)
Aged Debtors
Job Profit and Loss Statement for:
SPG Management Fees Civil Cement slab and Hoist FSEF Bollards M/V Diagnostic Scan Tools Belyuen Store School Nutrition Program Income Management Account Corporate Centrelink Trust Account Pathway/wheelchair access Sports and Recreation Grassroots Recreation Hall Refurbishment Resurface Basketball court Aged Care NTJP – One Off Funding Women’s Centre FACS NAIDOC Emergency Relief
The Manager and CEO went through each report
Following comments to be minuted:
Rent and Waste management for Council programs/workplaces has been paid out for the 12 month period. Also Council insurances have to be paid up front. These factors do contribute to a deficit in some programs however the expectation is that by the end of June it would have equalled itself out.
Payables are high because the Accountants were away during December and January. The Payables will show significant reduction in the next financial report as accounts were paid out in February.
Debtors show a number of over 90 days with the majority relating to Ironbark Employment. The CEO is still chasing these payments as it was an Ironbark Administration/Management issue. Because of a number of changes within Ironbark (CEOs) and the change to RJCP it has been difficult to get Ironbark Management to follow through with the investigation into these outstanding invoices. The invoices arose from Council employing community people through and Ironbark Employment Wage Subsidy Program and Ironbark not doing their paperwork properly when their clients were signed up.
Motion: That the CEO take up this matter with the new Ironbark CEO and request DEEWR as the original funding body to be involved in the discussions to try and come to a settlement over the money owed. Motion: That the financial statements for July to December 2013 as identified in 2.7 and as tabled at the meeting be accepted.
3. Other Business
There being no further business the Manager closed the Special Meeting at 2.55pm
Confirmation of Minutes……………………………………………………………