Minutes of the Tropic Town Board Meeting Held January 12, 2011 at 6:30 p.m. in the Tropic Town Heritage Center

PRESENT: Mayor WaLon Brinkerhoff BOARD MEMBERS: Gaia Greenhalgh, Max Stewart, Jim England and Doug Ahlstrom. Marie Niemann - Tropic Town Clerk. Sydney Syrett – Tropic Town Treasurer excused.

OTHERS: CCCH- Dacia, Brett Chynoweth, Raymond Brinkerhoff, Jason Lagasse, Brook Wiseman, and Neal Jeppson.

CALL TO ORDER: Mayor WaLon Brinkerhoff

PLEDGE: Brook Wiseman

APPROVAL OF MINTUES: A motion was made by Gaia Greenhalgh to approve the minutes of the Tropic Town Board Meeting held November 18, 2010; with one correction. Second by Jim England - Motion carried.

APPROVAL OF THE CDBG PUBLIC HEARING MINUTES: A motion was made by Gaia to approve the minutes from the CDBG public hearing meeting held November 18, 2010. Second by Jim England – Motion carried.

APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: A motion was made by Gaia Greenhalgh to approve the agenda. Second by Jim England - Motion carried. ______


Color Country Community Housing (CCCH) was invited to attend town board meeting to discuss a number of issues relating to the problems and frustrations tenants and the Town Board have with the affordable housing project Bryce Meadows. Project Manager, Ty Tippets, was not able to attend, representative Dacia Weaver, was sent to address the town’s questions and concerns.

The outline of the proposed project’s development, design, and purpose was reviewed to Dacia; explaining that it has fallen short of what was proposed and what the town approved. Copies of the public hearing minutes were given to her to review. A number of issues were discussed, with most difficult and frustrated issues are that of delinquent water bills and maintenance repairs; the lack of communication between CCCH and Tropic Town also needs improvement.

Water Issues: Water Superintendent Brett Chynoweth reported many problems he has encountered in water line breakages; along with the Council expressed frustration to the lack of CCCH involvement in making repairs. In the proposed and approved project an onsite Manager/Maintenance/Grounds keeper would be available to maintain the homes, this has not been the case.

Other water issues: the delinquent water bills on meters CCCH are responsible for each month; this along with not keeping the town informed of new tenants. Due to the amount of delinquent water bills and neglected water payments, Section 7 of Tropic Town Water Ordinance has been enforced. Mayor Brinkerhoff explained that not just CCCH is to comply, but all rental homes are required to sign a Non-Owner Applicant – Agreement, which requires a $100 deposit and forwards the responsibility back to the property owner for tenant’s negligence to pay. Dacia acknowledged receiving the agreements, all but Neal Jeppson signed the agreement; she also reported that this agreement is included in CCCH lease agreement packet. Mayor Brinkerhoff acknowledged the receipt of payment from CCCH of neglected water bills of their tenants. There was much discussion on a number of issues Neal Jeppson has; Neal refuses to sign the agreement. The discussion explained that tenants are not responsible for water overages based on broken water lines or connections; the Town makes every effort to work with the tenant/homeowner in regards to the water overages caused by broken lines/connections.

Dacia reported that her purpose in being in attendance is not to address issues, but to take notes reporting back to Ty the Town’s comments and concerns. Council asked that a letter be prepared asking for CCCH to address the issues, establishing a timeframe for CCCH to respond with a plan on how the issues will be resolved. Dacia concurred and not being familiar with the operating agreements for Bryce Meadow, will meet with Ty and begin reading up on and address the issues.

Business License

A business license application for Brook Wiseman was reviewed – “Appliancewise”. A motion was made by Doug Ahlstrom to approve a business license for Brook – Second by Gaia Greenhalgh – Motion carried.

Apex Alarm Systems, Todd Pederson, applied for a business license; company is out of Provo Utah. A motion was made by Jim England to approve a business license for Apex Alarms – Second by Doug Ahlstrom – Motion carried


The Commission, with the assistance of Justin Fischer, began revision to the General Plan.

Ahlstrom Subdivision Plat: Mayor and Town Council signed the final Mylar; it will be recorded at the County Recorder’s office.


Resolution Approval: Two resolutions were prepared to adopt into Town Code; one addresses the change to the Town Meeting Schedule, the second clarifies and sets water billing fees and procedures.

It was reported that Meeting Schedules are set by Ordinance; due to the change from a two monthly meeting schedule to a one monthly meeting schedule, a resolution to the change was prepared. A motion was made by Doug Ahlstrom to adopt Tropic Town Resolution # 162011. Second by Gaia Greenhalgh – Motion carried.

A resolution establishing and regulating water connection fees and water billing procedures was discussed. The following changes were made: Due date is the 30th of each month, Water Connection Fees were established for: A ¾” * $1,000, which is a standard connection; 1” is $2,000; 1 ½” is $3,000 and 2” is $4,000; the $1,000 impact fee still applies as adopted with Resolution #R-12002. With regards to renters, water/sewer services must be guaranteed by an agreement signed by the owner of the premises or authorized agent and the tenant, along with a deposit of $100, refundable at the time service is discontinued and upon finding no delinquent charges. Property owner/Landlord/Owner shall be responsible for all charges, fees and costs accumulated if tenant defaults on agreement. Clarification and additions will be made with the resolution being adopted next meeting.

Questioned the billing on a number of water/sewer connections and stock water connections not currently in installed or billed, Richard Barton, Lucky Cox, Mate Baugh, Brad Cowan, Danny Brinkerhoff, etc. It was reported that Lucky formally asked for his connection to be removed. Brett reported that a resolution was passed implementing that when a connection is purchased, they have one (1) year, after purchase, to connect to the Tropic Town water system after which, if not connected, will be void and the connection will be lost. After the meter is installed, a dormant rate is charged. (#R-22207) Gaia and Marie both reported many are paying the dormant rate: Elizabeth Doroud, Ben Mathews, Steve Pollock, etc.

It was reported that Duane Stewart has requested his meter to be installed on his farm a number of times; Brett reported that a right-of-way is needed. There is a right-of-way in place on the water line, which is on Kent Cottam’s property. To install a meter for Duane, a right-of-way is needed from this pipeline right-of-way to where Duane would like his meter. Duane will need to prepare the needed right-of-way for his connection.

A list will be prepared clarifying what connections need to be installed and/or charged; notification will be sent regarding the status of the connection. Follow up for Town Board in February.

550 North Subdivision: Doug reported Joe is ready to move forward with the installation of w/s; with Larry Rose doing the bore, which was paid by the funds received from the County. Council re-emphasized the need for permits from UDOT; copies given to the Town for their files.

Kelly Shakespear & Jack Chynoweth field: It was reported that a riser is located in the right-of- way sewer line easement. Brett reported that the Town can access it, but could possibly break the riser. Mayor Brinkerhoff asked that Kelly and Jack be contacted to possible relocate or shorten the riser.


It was reported that no permit was issued from UDOT to Joe Thompson for the curb/gutter in Parry’s Commercial development; also a licensed contractor did not do the work. The financial bond will not be released until the problems along 200 North and other low spots along Hwy 12/Main Street are fixed.

Town Right-of-ways: Mayor Brinkerhoff discussed the issue of cars, farm equipment, etc., in the Town’s right-of-ways. If it obstructs Brett and Raymond in snow removal or other maintenance, it needs to be removed; otherwise not to worry about it. If the Council asks for all the clearance of all right-of-ways, all will comply; not just a select few.

Joe Hughes blocked the Town’s right-of-way on Francisco Lane with a makeshift fence for his cows, which would have kept Monte Griffith from entering his property. It was brought to Joe’s attention; the fence has since been removed. T-Hill Right-of-ways: Doug has been working with Les Barker, Security Title and landowners in security a road access to the head-house. Need a description of properties as well as the quitclaim deed of properties. There was much discussion on the history of boundaries, fences and other issues with T-Hill.

Sidewalk: Jim asked for clarification on the bill for sidewalk; how much did the town contribute to the project. Concrete $14, 164 * Labor $13,155; Doug explained the town’s input was not addressed; funds were taken from Road/Streets. Jim asked for a total cost of the project, including what the town paid. There has been much controversy on the sidewalk; negative comments regarding personal landscaping, should do it for everyone or not at all. Maintenance of it; no one stepped up as promised.


Recognition should be given to LaMar Feltner for his dedication and hard work given to the success of the baseball complex. Many have contributed, but LaMar went the extra mile. LaMar would be insulted if the Town offered him money for the work he did and continues to do. It was suggested a plaque naming the field “Feltner Field” be placed. Gaia stated that this was discussed with Mr. Bennett – project contact for the funding, and were told no. Mayor along with the other Council Members disagreed. Brett suggested the road leading to the complex “Feltner Lane”; this is a possibility. Max asked that naming the baseball filed, “Feltner Field” be pursued and invite him to TB meeting presenting him with a certificate of appreciation; along with a picture to place in the newspaper.


Henrieville is selling a 40 ft. storage unit, $2,700; in September 2010 TB meeting it was approved to purchase a storage unit to house sandbags and other flooding equipment. Town will purchase the storage unit from Henrieville.


Grants: Tropic was not approved for the CDBG; survey was not performed properly. Will continue to apply for funds through CIB. A public hearing will be held on January 20th.


A motion was made by Doug to approve the warrants – Second by Gaia * Motion carried. Acknowledgement was given to Sydney on the simplicity of the financial report she prepares each meeting.


Brett reported the incident with the breakage of his eyeglasses. A claim was submitted to workman’s comp, it was denied because he was not injured or wearing the glasses as the time they broke.


Support Request Bryce Valley Schools: Boy’s Sophomore Tournament Ad * $100 and BV High School Yearbook Ad * $100. A motion was made by Gaia Greenhalgh to support the schools in the two issues. Second by Doug Ahlstrom * Motion carried. EMT’s: The request from Mindy Grimshaw was approved, but following up on the request she had decided not to enroll in the class; Tierney Richards is taking the class and a request from Ron Harris and Sandrea Francisco to sponsor her was received. Shoney Bybee also was interested in taking the class; if she is participating the Town will sponsor her as well. A motion was made by Gaia Greenhalgh to sponsor Tierney Richards and possibly Shoney Bybee in the EMT Class * $250 per student. Second by Jim England – Motion carried. The Town has an application agreement specifying the conditions and terms of the sponsorship: students are to pass certification and serve 2 years; failing to do so the student will reimburse the Town $250.

Road Closure: It was reported that the County won the law suite on road closures; which applies to the Cottonwood road. Brett was asked to follow up with County Road Dept. assuring the roads in the BV area are being fix and maintained.

Flood Insurance: There has been much confusing regarding the requirement of homeowners, located in a flood zone to purchase flood insurance; some are required while others are not. Max reported of the County addressing the issue; asked to have Tropic follow up on the information received.


A motion was made by Jim England to adjourn * Second by Max Stewart. Motion carried.

Approved this 10th Day of February 2011 Marie H. Niemann – Tropic Town Clerk