Order for the Worship Service For

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Order for the Worship Service For

eternal life, and makes me sincerely willing and ready THE ORDER FOR THE CELEBRATION from now on to live unto him. Worship of God through Tithes and Offerings AND PUBLIC WORSHIP OF GOD ON Unison: Thanks be to God! *Doxology Tune: Old Hundredth Praise God from whom all blessings flow; *Gloria Patri Tune: Ode to Joy Praise Him, all creatures here below; The Lord’s Day, January 1, 2017 Glory be to God the Father, and to Christ His Only Son; Praise Him above ye heavenly host: The Christian Year: The First Sunday after Christmas Praise we too the Holy Spirit, binding all the church as one. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. As it was in the beginning, is for now and evermore; 10:30 AM Morning Service Amen, Amen! Alleluia! Praise to God the Three in One! *Prayer of Thanksgiving and Dedication

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen His glory, The Revelation of God’s Will Ex. 20:1-17; Mt. 22:37-40 glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and Minister: God spoke all these words, saying, I am the LORD your God, *Reading of the Holy Scriptures Matthew 28:18-20 truth. who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of John 1:14 slavery: *The Prayer for Illumination People: You shall have no other gods before me. Sermon Clayton Shaver [Please turn off cell phones and observe silence when the prelude begins.] Minister: You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of “CHRIST THE KING” Prelude anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. *Hymn of Response No. 2 Welcome and Announcements People: You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. O Worship the King The Voluntary for Silent Prayer Minister: Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. People: Honor your father and your mother. *Closing Prayer *Call to Worship Psalm 72:1-2, 10-11 Minister: You shall not kill. Postlude Minister: Give the King your justice, O God, and your righteousness to People: You shall not commit adultery. your royal son! Minister: You shall not steal. *Denotes congregation standing, if able. People: You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor. People: May he judge your people with righteousness, and your Minister: You shall not covet. poor with justice! Unison: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and Cookies & Catechism will resume next Sunday. Minister: May the kings of Tarshish and of the coastlands render him soul, mind and strength and your neighbor as yourself. tribute; may the kings of Sheba and Seba bring gifts! Hymn of Confession No. 648 People: May all kings fall down before him, all nations serve him! My Jesus, I Love Thee Unison: Come! Let us give praise to the Lord! Corporate Confession *Hymn of Adoration No. 226 Holy Lord, I have sinned times without number, and been guilty of As with Gladness Men of Old pride and unbelief, of failure to find your mind in your Word, of neglect to seek you in my daily life. My transgressions and *Prayer of Adoration and Congregational Invocation shortcomings present me with a list of accusations, but I bless you that they will not stand against me, for all have been laid on Christ. Blessed are you, O Lord, the God of Israel, forever and ever. Yours, O Go on to subdue my corruptions, and grant me grace to live above Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and them. Let not the passions of the flesh nor lusts of the mind bring my the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours. spirit into subjection, but may you rule over me in liberty and power, Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and you are exalted as head above all. through Jesus Christ our one Lord, Mediator, Redeemer and Friend. Both riches and honor come from you, and you rule over all. In your Amen. hand are power and might, and in your hand it is to make great and to give strength to all. And now we thank you, our God, and praise your Silent Confession glorious name. Amen. Pastoral Prayer *Affirmation of Faith HEIDELBERG CATECHISM, NO. 1 Assurance of Pardon Minister: Christian, what is your only comfort in life and in death? There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do. By People: That I, with body and soul, both in life and in death, am sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, He not my own, but belong to my faithful Savior Jesus Christ, condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the righteous requirement of the who with His precious blood has fully satisfied for all my law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh but sins, and redeemed me from all the power of the devil; according to the Spirit. and so preserves me that without the will of my heavenly Romans 8:1, 3, 4 Father not a hair can fall from my head; indeed, that all things must work together for my salvation, and *Hymn of Confession No. 310 therefore, by His Holy Spirit, He also assures me of Rejoice, the Lord Is King ANNOUNCEMENTS WELCOME

 Directory Update “ Christ the King Presbyterian Church exists to be a visible Please check the directory in the foyer to be certain your information is manifestation of the invisible Kingdom of God as we proclaim the truth correct and complete. We would like to have phone numbers and email of the gospel, practice deeds of love and mercy, and worship our one addresses for both husband and wife, if applicable. If all the Lord, Redeemer and Friend.” information is correct, please mark ‘OK’ next to your name. We welcome you to Christ the King Presbyterian Church, a congregation of the If you are new to Christ the King, please add your name, address, Presbyterian Church in America [The “PCA”]. We are delighted to have you with phone numbers and email address in the appropriate alphabetical us this Lord’s Day. Our prayer is that God will bless you richly through His Word listing. and by his Holy Spirit so that you will increasingly see the beauty, sufficiency, and glory of Jesus Christ. If you have any questions, please contact Minda Templeton ([email protected], 440.413.3160). Please take a few moments to add your name to the Newcomer’s Book located in the foyer. If you are interested in knowing more about Christ or are interested in membership, please contact one of the elders or the church office. Please join us immediately following the  Women's Bible Study Resumes service for refreshments and fellowship. All women of the church are invited to come to Bible study beginning January 12th and concluding on March 16th, beginning at 10:00 a.m. Hearing aids are available upon request. Please see a deacon for assistance. every Thursday. This ten week study covers the Books of Joshua, MINISTERS Judges, Ruth, 1 &2 Samuel, 1 &2 Kings, and Esther. It will trace the The members of this church family who, in serving their Savior and Lord, people of God from the time Joshua led them into the Promised Land Jesus Christ, extend His Kingdom in Vero Beach and to the world through the years of having no king, having a series of kings, being SESSION exiled from the Promised Land and finally returning to the land where SESSION @CTKVB.ORG they awaited the coming of the True King. Once again, author, speaker Zach Aills Glenn Grevengoed Clayton Shaver and teacher Nancy Guthrie will lead us through this study via a DVD. Study books will be available by January 8th and may be found on the DIACONATE Andy Blanzole Dick Sharp Bob Wisneski Frank Wroblewski book table. A donation of $10 is appreciated. Bev Bell looks forward to facilitating this study as together we learn more about the Word of God. Administrative Assistants Bring a friend! Ruth Jacobs: [email protected] Minda Templeton: [email protected] Phone: 772-978-5848

Musicians Melinda Bolen, Chief Musician/piano Ron Jewell, clarinet Trevor Klutz, violin

Ministry of Service January 1 January 8 January 15 S. Wisneski C. Beckett N. Cook Refreshments D. Wroblewski B. Bell L. Davis B. Aills A. Blanzole R. Fridley B/S Wisneski S. Mann A. Blanzole Nursery N. Koser B. Parsons January 1, 2017 Sound S. Smith B. Wisneski G. Lofaro J. Stewart / Greeters D/R Stewart B/B Bell N. Koser J. Krall J. Krall L. Cook Ushers J. Stewart J. Stewart D. Stewart

If you are unable to fulfill your ministry responsibility, please make arrangements for a substitute or call the church office.

4050 77th St. ● Vero Beach, Florida 32967 ● 772-978-5848 www.ctkvb.org Follow us on Twitter @CTKVB

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