There will be a meeting of SEDGEBROOK PARISH COUNCIL at 8 pm on Wednesday 13 January 2016 in Sedgebrook Social Club


1 Chairman’s Remarks

2 Apologies for absence and reasons given

3 To receive declarations of interests under The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 of the Localism Act 2011 on any item on the Agenda

4 Notes of the last meeting held 2 December 2015 to be approved as the Minutes

5 Clerk’s report on matters outstanding not covered by the agenda

6 Correspondence

7 Public Forum

8 Website (The Clerk) 8.1 Update

9 Highways 9.1 Update on issues 9.2 Subcommittee re A52 Road

10 Recreation and Footpaths (The Vice Chairman/Councillor Beattie) 10.1 Update on issues 10.2 Quotations to replace playground surfacing (Councillor Beattie) 10.3 Grant Application (Councillor Beattie) 10.4 Grass Cutting Quotations

11 Planning matters (The Chairman) 11.1 General update 11.2 Planning Application No: S15/2810 – 30 Church Lane, Sedgebrook 11.3 Planning Application No: S1/3152 – Change of use of land to a container storage area – Barrowby View, Nottingham Road, Sedgebrook

12 Flooding (Councillor Ann McNeish & The Vice Chairman) 12.1 Community Emergency Planning – documents to be completed 12.2 Blocked drains – update

13 Defibrillator (The Vice Chairman) 13.1 General update

14 St Laurence Church – damage due to theft of lead – funds raised to make up shortfall for repairs

15 Annual Parish Meeting – Friday 6 May 2016 – format to be discussed

16 Finance (The Clerk) 16.1 Accounts – Verification of bank reconcilation 16.2 LALC Annual Training Scheme Application for Renewal April 2016 to March 2017 16.3 HMRC – PAYE for period ending 5 January 2016 16.4 Payments – Community Cleaner – payments to the 31 January 2016. 16.5 Payment – Parish Clerk – payments up to 31 December 2015 16.6 Payment - LALC – IT Skills

17 Items to be discussed at next meeting

18 Date of next Parish Council Meeting – Wednesday 2 March 2016

Members of the public are cordially invited to attend

Mrs J Bratton, Clerk to Sedgebrook Parish Council 26 Daybrook Close, Harlaxton, Grantham, Lincs NG32 1AF Tel: 01476 577175 Email: [email protected]