A Cash Advance May Be Provided to Employees Who Are in Travel Status for at Least One Day

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A Cash Advance May Be Provided to Employees Who Are in Travel Status for at Least One Day

Binghamton University Travel Advance Policy


The Binghamton University Travel Office may issue cash advances from their Travel Advance Account to employees traveling on state business who are in travel status for at least one day. The minimum advance that will be issued will be $100.

To request a Travel Advance, the traveler must:

1. Submit a completed Application for Advance Form (AC1214) to the Travel Office. (contact Travel Office for copy) 2. Applications should be submitted 20 business days prior to the trip in order to ensure sufficient processing time.

Note: Athletics and Admissions are encouraged to use their State Travel Card in lieu of obtaining an advance (except in the case of Team travel.)

The amount of the advance is equal to the number of days of travel multiplied by the per diem rate for that area. If lodging is paid by another method, the amount of the advance will only be the meal rate for that area multiplied by the number of days. The maximum amount that may be advanced at one time is $400.00, except for certain circumstances as outlined below.


In unusual circumstances, advances in excess of $400.00 will be approved (OSC prior approval is not required.) The following situations are examples of unusual circumstances:

 Foreign travel  Travel out of state  Long periods (at least 5 business days of continuous travel) when the traveler is unable to submit a travel voucher for reimbursement.


Within 20 business days upon return from the trip, the traveler is required to account to the Travel Office for the advance as follows:

 A travel voucher must be completed to account for the expenses.  If the amount of the voucher is less than the advance, the traveler must return the difference to the Travel Office. (make check payable to “Travel Account, Binghamton University.” Make reference to the outstanding travel advance number in the memo portion of the check.)

Note: Requests for additional advances will not be approved and processed if the traveler has an advance outstanding.


If the travel voucher is less than the advance and the traveler has not returned the difference to the Travel Office within 20 business days of return from the trip, the traveler will receive:

1. An email from the Travel Office requesting payment. 2. If after 5 more business days the advance is still not repaid - the traveler will receive a second email from the Travel Office with the Travelers supervisor copied on the distribution. 3. After 5 more business days of non-payment - the Traveler will receive a phone call from the Travel Office. 4. If after 5 additional business days the advance is still not repaid, the Travel Office will mail a letter to the traveler notifying them that action has been initiated to withhold the amount of the advance outstanding from their paycheck. (Director of AP, Travel and Revenue Accounting must initial).

(The Travel Office will review the Cash Advance Accounting System’s “Outstanding Advance Report” weekly to adhere to this schedule.)

Reference: OSC Travel Manual

Last update: July 10, 2013

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