2016 - 1St 9 Weeks US History Review Guide

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2016 - 1St 9 Weeks US History Review Guide

2016 - 1st 9 weeks US History Review Guide

The Anti-Federalists opposed the Constitution because they thought that it- gave the federal government too much power The essential difference between slaves and indentured servants was that- indentured servants were free when they had worked out their term. The United States acquired Florida from- Spain Jefferson bought the Louisiana Purchase from France and had Lewis and Clark along with Sacajawea explore the land What was affirmed in the Supreme Court Case of Marbury v. Madison? The right of the Supreme Court to declare an act of Congress unconstitutional. A major weakness of the Articles of Confederation was the- lack of a central government. Some American colonists believed they were justified in declaring independence from Great Britain because the British government – taxed the colonies without direct representation in Parliament The purpose of the First Continental Congress was to discuss colonial grievances against the Mother Country Types of workers found in South Carolina: slaves, indentured servants and free men Southern crops: indigo, rice, tobacco for export The Bill of Rights guarantees all citizens of the United States certain rights, including protection – from being deprived of property, liberty, or life without due process of law The increase in the production of crops such as tobacco and rice in some colonies led to-an increase in the number of slaves brought from Africa The idea that slaves would be counted in part of the population for representation and direct taxes was part of the-Three-fifths Compromise The Great Awakening is best described as- a series of religious revivals in the British colonies Americans won the Revolutionary War because they had support from the French, They fought in their own territory and had effective leaders The relationship between the writing of Locke and Jefferson: Jefferson used Locke’s ideas extensively in the Declaration of Independence. The framers of the Constitution provided for a system of checks and balances in order to prevent-any one branch of the government from becoming too strong The Federalists: advocated for a commercial economy, believed in a strong national government, and were led by John Adams and Alexander Hamilton The U.S. Constitution was written to replace – the Articles of Confederation Membership in the ___ is based on population, while membership in the ___ has equal representation. House of Representatives; Senate The Bill of Rights includes: freedom of speech, right to bear arms, have a jury trial, attorney The economy of New England: fishing, shipbuilding, subsistence farming The people who supported ratifying the Constitution promised to add a Bill of Rights in order to persuade the Anti-Federalists to sign the Constitution A major intention of the framers of the Articles of Confederation was to limit the federal government’s power over the people “Give me liberty or give me death!” - Patrick Henry For the Pilgrims, the Mayflower Compact established- democratic government in the Plymouth Colony Maryland, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania were colonies formed to escape religious persecution The Virginia colony survived and grew economically because the English colonists- began growing tobacco for sale The Declaration of Independence includes the idea that all men were created equal, and the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness The compromises were needed to gain support for the Constitution were a wide range of issues were compromised, notably representation of large and small states in the legislature and the balance between federal power and citizens’ rights. The January 1776 pamphlet written by Thomas Paine for colonial independence from Britain was – Common Sense The issue MOST IMPORTANT in dividing the Federalists from the Democratic Republicans was- powers of the federal government What was the federal policy regarding Native (First) Americans in the 1830s- removal Those who supported a continued relationship with Britain and opposed the Patriots were known as- Loyalists What was a major cause of the War of 1812? British interference with American shipping Who would have been the most angered by the Proclamation of 1763? Colonists wanting to settle in the west Patriots in the American Revolution would NOT have agreed with which of these Enlightenment ideas? Individual liberties are not as important as the needs of the government. Which colony was the most religiously intolerant? Massachusetts The term used for the formal approval of the Constitution by the states is- ratification Which politician most favored an industrial economy and was supported by bankers and businesses during the Early National Period? Alexander Hamilton The colonies were able to gain victory in the Revolutionary War because Benjamin Franklin negotiated a treaty of alliance with the French The Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom ensured that- the official relationship between church and state ended The end of the French and Indian War led to- a weakening of colonial loyalty to Britain The Sugar Act and Stamp Act are examples of how the- British tried to raise money in the colonies. The Revolutionary War began with the- Battles of Lexington and Concord The idea of natural rights is best defined as- rights belonging to all people because they are human beings Reasons for the American victory in the Revolutionary War: the British did not want to commit the necessary resources to their cause, the French aided America through an alliance, the guerilla warfare used by the Patriots Many colonists protested the Stamp Act because the act taxed the colonists without their consent. The beginning of the Preamble illustrates the constitutional principle that people- are the true source of political power

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