Annex 1 Description of the Action
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Annex 1 – Description of the Action PPUAM 2013 - Pilot project – Analysis of reception, protection and integration policies for unaccompanied minors in the EU
1. Title of the Project 2. Priority Identifying prevention actions and policies vis-à-vis the group to which the Unaccompanied Minors belong (e.g. asylum seekers, covered victims of trafficking, children who enter illegally into the Union) and/or the country or region of origin. Identifying good practices in measures to support protection programmes for unaccompanied minors in third countries. Identifying best practices on child reception and protection, and in particular on issues such as procedures at first encounter, legal representation, appointment of a guardian, access to and adequacy of reception facilities, initial interviews, education and medical care. Identifying good practices in specific measures and procedural guarantees for Unaccompanied Minors in the Union. Evaluating the various experiences of combating the phenomenon of missing children and identifying best practices. Identifying best practices on restoring family unity and reintegration of Unaccompanied Minors in their countries of origin.
3. PROBLEM DEFINION 4. GENERAL AND SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT The aim of the Pilot project "Analysis of reception, protection and integration policies for unaccompanied minors in the EU" (PPUAM) is to contribute to the implementation of the Action Plan on Unaccompanied Minors 2010-2014 (COM(2010)213) and the funding should be complementary to existing actions and should take into account the Council conclusions on Unaccompanied Minors (10669/10) adopted in June 2010. In this context describe the issue/challenge that the proposal aims to address. In your reply please demonstrate your knowledge of the recent developments in the EU in particular concrete actions and available best practices. You must demonstrate a clear understanding of the context and of the challenge that the proposal is planning to address. In this section please describe also the general and specific objectives of the project in relation to the above described issue/challenge? Please explain to what extent these objectives are in line with the aims of the PPUAM.
5. DELIVERABLES and EXPECTED RESULTS 6. EXPECTED IMPACT 7. EU DIMENSION and ADDED VALUE Provide a list of the planned deliverables (outputs) of the activities (quantify as much as possible). Describe the expected results of the action and identify the beneficiaries of these results. What will be the short/medium and long term impacts and in particular the added value of these results? You must demonstrate that the proposed action has a European dimension and that there is an added value in developing and implementing the action in a transnational partnership at EU-level, rather than at national level. Explain how far the expected results have an EU-wide relevance and what will be the added value of the results. The projects implemented with the support of the funding should complement existing actions/projects and not duplicate activities please explain how your project fulfils this criterion.
1 Annex 1 – Description of the Action PPUAM 2013 - Pilot project – Analysis of reception, protection and integration policies for unaccompanied minors in the EU
8. METHODOLOGY 9. IMPLEMENTING PARTNERSHIP and PROJECT TEAM 10. SUBCONTARCTING Under this section describe the methodology to be used to achieve the expected result, present briefly the partnership and the project team who will be responsible for the project tasks. Describe what kind of preparatory work has been done so far, based on what considerations was the partnership assembled.
Give details on how the partners will cooperate during the implementation of the project; explain the roles and responsibilities of the different partner organisations and explain any subcontracting arrangements (if applicable).If the successful project implementation necessitates the contribution/involvement of any other organisation (e.g. providing access to a venue or information by a public authority etc.) please explain any arrangements in this regard as well.
Provide information on the operational/administrative and financial management of the project explain what resources are already available within the partnership and what will need to be acquired during the project implementation. In particular explain how you will implement procurement procedures for the sub-contracted parts of the actions (if applicable). Please make sure that the Budget Forecast is in line with the information provided here.
Present the project team who will implement the action. As you will have to attach the CV of the key staff members to the Grant Application Form please do not provide a long description here per staff member. Present more their role and responsibility in the project. If some key posts are not filled in yet please explain how you will fill them and what will be their role. Please make sure that the information you provide here is in line with the details you provide in the Budget Forecast. This part of the form is not protected, therefore you may include flowcharts or any other graphic element that would facilitate the work of the evaluators.
Explain why is the chosen methodology and partnership the most suitable to achieve the expected results in particular in terms of efficiency.
11. MONITORING and RISK MITIGATION 12. EVALUATION Explain how will you monitor the project, how will you ensure timely and proper project implementation. Describe what are the risks that could jeopardise the successful implementation and how do you plan to mitigate these risks. Also explain how you will evaluate the results of the project during and after the implementation of the activities. In particular explain which indicators (qualitative and quantitative) will you use and what will be the source of verification. Also explain how you will monitor and check the financial implementation of the project.
2 Annex 1 – Description of the Action PPUAM 2013 - Pilot project – Analysis of reception, protection and integration policies for unaccompanied minors in the EU
Explain your plans for dissemination of the results. Describe how the knowledge gathered/ generated during the project will be transferred outside the partnership.
14. SUSTAINABILITY Although a project is by definition limited in time, the aim is to make the results sustainable. Present the following aspects of sustainability: financial, institutional and policy level sustainability.
15. COST EFFICIENCY and VALUE FOR MONEY Explain how far your project represents a good value for money. Demonstrate that during the planning of the Budget Forecast you aimed for cost efficiency. Under this section you may include any comments that you might have in relation to the budget items presented in the Budget Forecast and it was not possible to introduce in the Excel Budget Form e.g. due to the horizontal nature of the comment.
16.Activities Nr. Activities (in chronological order) and methods (who?, where?, how? ) Calendar 1 Application submission