Tier II Intervention Grid Middle School Example
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Tier II Intervention Grid – Middle School Example Support Description School-wide Data: Data to Monitor Exit Criteria Entry Criteria Progress
Peer Tutoring Match 8th grade students with Peer tutor will be placed into Formative assessment Summative assessment particular 6th grade classes specific classes based on previous Daily work Daily work year’s math scores- having an A or B grade in math class for previous End of academic year (get to year be tutor for the whole year) as long as they maintain A or B grade in that class (math or whatever they are tutoring)
STARS Individual or group counseling (as Fall, winter, spring screening data Inventory/Survey No longer screen in on SRSS- Program deemed appropriate by STARS from the SRSS-IE with moderate or feedback IE screening (low risk- score Specialist) to focus on skills to create high risk (scores 4-8 or 9-21) of 0-3 school success. Participation in Counseling services will be interventions Feedback with students determined by STARS intake recommended by STARS individually a few times after paperwork and individual specific counselor exiting needs. Exit survey Small groups based on SSRS-IE fall screening and winter screening time point
AM & PM Contracted teachers provide math Failing grade(s) GPA- 9 weeks grades GPA- having no D’s or F’s on Tutoring- and language arts supports with Pre-assessment results (formative their progress reports and/or Academic before and after school academic assessment score) Progress reports- look 9 week grades Support tutoring GEIT for completed Behavior: SRSS - mod risk (4-8) to high assignments Having no more incomplete risk (9-21) or missing assignments from Academic: 2 or more missing Decrease of ODR teacher records assignments with in a grading period
Support Description School-wide Data: Data to Monitor Exit Criteria Entry Criteria Progress
Breakfast Club Teachers meet weekly with at-risk Behavior: SRSS - mod risk (4-8) to high Work completion and Passing grade on report card students to build positive risk (9-21) accuracy of the in the academic area of relationships Academic: 2 or more missing academic area of concern assignments with in a grading period concerns: passing grades No longer screen in on SRSS- IE screening (low risk- score of 0-3
Lunch Bunch It’s a small group environment IEP/504 meetings that have social Anecdotal reports noted Three attended lunch intended to assist students with skills goals by the attending adult sessions and then consider social skills training – usually an and feedback given to the need for continuation or informal lunch setting with a few Behavior: SRSS - mod risk (4-8) to high the identified student. exiting students and an adult facilitator risk (9-21) Success is measured Students may bring friends cooperatively with Games are included like “Connect student and adult and Four” to promote social skills like progress is monitored eye contact, cooperation, taking after each lunch turns, etc. experience
Grade Provides an opportunity for students GPA- having an F in 1 or more classes, Sign-in/Sign-out Complete 3 hours of Recovery who failed a course in the previous 9 weeks progress reports procedure for tutoring a.m./p.m. tutoring 9-weeks to earn points for a maximum of 70% Failing grade(s) Progress reports- look Passing grade on report card for completed in the academic area of assignments and/or concern passing grade
Support Description School-wide Data: Data to Monitor Exit Criteria Entry Criteria Progress
Behavior A written agreement between two Behavior: SRSS - mod risk (4-8) to high Work completion, or Successful completion of Contracts parties used to specify the risk (9-21) other behavior behavior contract contingent relationship between the Academic: 2 or more missing addressed in contract completion of a behavior and access assignments with in a grading period to or delivery of a specific reward. Contract may involve administrator, teacher, parent, and student.
Self- Improving the academic production Behavior: SRSS - mod risk (4-8) to high Work completion and Passing grade on report card monitoring (completion/ accuracy) and risk (9-21) accuracy of the in the academic area of engagement of students with high Academic: 1 or more course failure; academic area of concern hyperactivity (H) and conduct concerns: passing grades problems (CP) who also are not achieving academically.