Design and Implementation of an Active Hand-Held Instrument for Enhanced Microsurgical Accuracy

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Design and Implementation of an Active Hand-Held Instrument for Enhanced Microsurgical Accuracy

Design and Implementation of an Active Hand-held Instrument for Enhanced Microsurgical Accuracy

Wei Tech Ang, Cameron N. Riviere and Pradeep K. Khosla The Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA

Abstract - This paper presents the development and initial back of the retina [2,6,7]. The measured tool tip oscillation experimental results of the first prototype of Micron, an active during vitreoretinal microsurgery is often 50 m peak-to-peak hand-held instrument to sense and compensate physiological (p-p) or greater [8]. There is some degree of consensus among tremor and other unwanted movement during vitreoretinal vitreoretinal microsurgeons that tool-tip positioning accuracy microsurgery. The instrument incorporates six inertial sensors, allowing the motion of the tip to be computed. The motion of 10 m is desired. captured is processed to discriminate between desired and Efforts to provide solutions to the problem of increasing undesired components of motion. Tremor canceling is accuracy in microsurgery have included the use of telerobotic implemented via the weighted-frequency Fourier linear combiner technology [9,10], where the unstable human hand is replaced (WFLC) algorithm, and compensation of non-tremorous error via by a robotic arm. This approach allows filtering of erroneous a neural-network technique is being investigated. The instrument motion between master and slave manipulators, and also tip is attached to a three-degree-of-freedom parallel manipulator allows motion scaling to be implemented. Taylor et al. have with piezoelectric actuation. The actuators move the tool tip in used a "steady hand" approach, in which a robot and a surgeon opposition to the tremor, thereby suppressing the erroneous motion. Motion canceling experiments with oscillatory motions directly manipulate the same tool [11], with the robot having in the frequency band of physiological tremor show that Micron high stiffness, and moving along with only those components is able to reduce error amplitude by 45.3% in 1-D tests and of the manual input force that are deemed desirable. While this 34.3% in 3-D tests. system cannot scale input motion, it has advantages in terms of cost and likelihood of user acceptance. Moreover, it lends I. INTRODUCTION the surgeon a “third hand,” holding a tool in position while the surgeon performs other tasks with his own two hands. Humans have intrinsic limitations in manual positioning accuracy. These limitations resulting from small In order to further reduce cost, and to maximize ease of involuntary movements that are inherent in normal hand use, user acceptance, and compatibility with current surgical motion hinder micromanipulation. Microsurgery is one practice, the present authors are implementing accuracy area in which performance is significantly hampered [1]. enhancement within a completely hand-held tool, keeping the Manual imprecision complicates some surgical procedures, instrument size and weight as close as possible to those of and makes certain delicate procedures impractical and existing passive instruments. This device should sense its own sometimes impossible [2]. The level of manual accuracy motion, estimate the undesired component of the sensed demanded by microsurgery restricts the number of motion, and manipulate its own tip in real time to nullify the qualified surgeons. The fact that human hand stability erroneous motion. This paper presents the design, deteriorates with age further exacerbates the situation. implementation, and preliminary error-canceling results of the Even for microsurgeons in their prime years, fatigue, first prototype of Micron, an active hand-held instrument for caffeine consumption etc. affect manual stability. error compensation in microsurgery. While the initial design is The most familiar type of erroneous movement geared toward vitreoretinal microsurgery, the principles affecting microsurgery is tremor [3], which is defined as involved are general. any involuntary, approximately rhythmic, and roughly sinusoidal movement [4]. Physiological tremor is a type of II. MICRON DESIGN tremor that is inherent in the movement of healthy subjects. In ophthalmological microsurgery, its significant component is found to be an oscillation at 8-12 Hz whose frequency is independent of the mechanical properties of the hand and arm [4]. Measurements of the hand motion of surgeons have also shown the existence of other sources of non-tremorous erroneous motion such as jerk (i.e., normal myoclonus) and drift. These components are often larger than physiological tremor [5]. Vitreoretinal microsurgery often involves the need to remove membranes as thin as 20 m from the front and Fig. 1. Micron, the active error compensation microsurgical instrument

1 Micron, shown in Fig. 1, is designed to resemble a design and the online computation of inverse kinematics. A typical vitreoretinal microsurgical instrument, which parallel manipulator design is best suited to this application measures 75 to 150 mm long and 10 to 15 mm in diameter, because of its rigidity, compactness and design simplicity, as with an intraocular shaft roughly 30 mm long and 1 mm in compared to a serial mechanism. The TS18-H5-202 diameter. Our first prototype weighs 170 g, measures 210 piezoelectric stack actuator (Piezo Systems, Inc., Cambridge, mm in length (including the 30 mm intraocular shaft) and Ma.) were chosen for their high bandwidth and miniature size. has an average diameter of 22 mm. The narrowed section Fig. 4 depicts the intraocular shaft manipulator and Fig. 5 of the handle near the tip is contoured as an aid to shows the kinematic frames of Micron. The specifications of grasping. the manipulator are summarized in Table 1. Experimental results show that the prototype is able to A. Sensing System track 1D and 3D trajectories with rms error of 2.5 m and 11.2 The motion-sensing module is mounted at the back end of m respectively [17]. Detailed design and inverse kinematics the instrument handle, to detect translation and rotation in of the 3 DOF parallel manipulator can be found in [17,18]. 6-dof [12]. The sensor suite houses six inertial sensors: a CXL02LF3 tri-axial accelerometer (Crossbow Technology, Inc., San Jose, Ca.) and three CG-16D ceramic rate gyros (Tokin Corp., Tokyo). Data are sampled at 1000 Hz by an ADAC 5803HR data acquisition board. Using the data from these sensors and the assumed knowledge of the instrument’s instantaneous center of rotation, the three-dimensional (3-D) velocity of the instrument tip is obtained via kinematic calculations, and then integrated to obtain tip displacement [12]. Fig. 4. The 3 DOF intraocular shaft parallel manipulator. B. Erroneous Motion Estimation Estimation of tremor will be performed by a system based on the weighted-frequency Fourier linear combiner (WFLC) algorithm [13]. The WFLC is an adaptive algorithm that estimates tremor using a dynamic sinusoidal model, estimating its time-varying frequency, amplitude, and phase online. Active canceling of physiological tremor using this algorithm was previously demonstrated using a 1-DOF instrument prototype. In 25 tests on hand motion recorded from eye surgeons, this technique yielded an average rms tremor amplitude reduction of 69% in the 6- Fig. 5. Kinematic frames of the intraocular shaft manipulator of Micron 16 Hz band, and average rms error reduction of 30% with respect to an off-line estimate of the tremor-free motion Table 1. Specifications of Micron manipulator. Transverse x & y Axial z [13]. Other research within the Micron development effort involves a neural network technique for online estimation Max. tip displ. (m) 560 100 of non-tremorous erroneous movement, using the cascade- Max. tip vel. (m/s) 11.2 2 correlation learning architecture [15], with extended III. EXPERIMENTAL METHODS Kalman filtering being used for learning [16]. This technique has been tested in simulation on recordings of The experimental setup consists of two separate systems, the vitreoretinal instrument movement, yielding an average testbed oscillator and the optical motion tracking system. The rms error reduction of 44% [14]. testbed generates oscillatory motion, simulating the hand tremor of the surgeon. The oscillating plate where Micron is C. Manipulator System mounted rests on a bearing-loaded linear slide. A spring- loaded driving shaft is attached to the back end of the plate. The tip of the intraocular shaft may be approximated as a The shaft is driven by a DC servomotor at 8-12 Hz, with point in Euclidean space. We may disregard changes in selectable amplitude of either 50 m or 90 m p-p. orientation of the intraocular shaft, since they will be small An optical motion tracking system, the Apparatus for in any case, given the small workspace of the manipulator. Sensing Accuracy of Position (ASAP) [19], is used to measure This reduces the dimension of the configuration space of the motion of the instrument tip. ASAP uses light-emitting the manipulator to three, and simplifies the mechanical diodes to illuminate the workspace. It measures instrument tip

2 position in 3D using two 2D position sensitive detectors to T i p D i s p l a c e m e n t i n Y sense the reflected light from a marker ball at the instrument tip. 2 0 Motion canceling tests involving one, two, or all three ) s

n 1 0 o

Cartesian coordinates (with respect to the instrument r c i m ( handle) can be performed by reorienting the direction of t

n 0 e

the testbed oscillation. m e c a l

p - 1 0 s i


- 2 0 Figure 7 shows the result of a 1D motion canceling test in the axial direction or Z-axis over a period of around 1.1 - 3 0 8 . 8 9 9 . 2 9 . 4 9 . 6 9 . 8 1 0 second. The average p-p amplitude of the tip’s motion t i m e ( s e c o n d s ) generated by the testbed oscillator is 50.6 m at 9 Hz and (b) the average p-p amplitude of an error compensated motion T i p D i s p l a c e m e n t i n Z is 27.7 m or a reduction of 45.3% over a set of 10 runs. Figure 8(a, b, c) show the results of a 3D motion 4 0 canceling test over a period of 1.2 second. The average p-p 3 0 )

s 2 0 amplitude of the tip’s motion generated by the testbed n o r c i 1 0 m oscillator is 90.8 m at 9 Hz and the average p-p amplitude (

t n of an error compensated motion is 59.7 m or a reduction e 0 m e c a of 34.3% over a set of 10 runs. l - 1 0 p s i

D - 2 0 T i p D i s p l a c e m e n t i n Z - 3 0

3 0 - 4 0

8 . 8 9 9 . 2 9 . 4 9 . 6 9 . 8 1 0 2 0 t i m e ( s e c o n d s )

) (c) s 1 0 n o r Figure 8. Performance of Micron in 3D motion canceling test. c i m (

The dotted line depicts the uncompensated motion and the

t 0 n e

m solid line depicts the compensation motion. e

c - 1 0 a l Table 2 shows the average p-p amplitude and the average p s i

D error reduction in each of the three axes. - 2 0

- 3 0 Table 2. Error Reduction Performance of Micron in each Axis. - 4 0 3 . 9 4 4 . 1 4 . 2 4 . 3 4 . 4 4 . 5 4 . 6 4 . 7 4 . 8 4 . 9 Uncompensated Compensated Error T i m e ( s e c o n d s ) p-p amplitude p-p amplitude Reduction Figure 7. Performance of Micron in 1D motion canceling (m) (m) (%) test. The dotted line depicts the uncompensated motion and X 13.7 11.0 19.7 the solid line depicts the compensation motion. Y 15.3 12.3 19.6 T i p D i s p l a c e m e n t i n X Z 24.7 11.6 53.0

2 0 More reduction is achieved in Z-axis than the others because

) 1 0 s of the way Micron is oriented with respect to the oscillating n o r c i direction for the 3D canceling test. m (

0 t

n Figure 9 shows the frequency response plot of a 1D e m

e motion canceling test with and without error compensation. c a

l - 1 0 p s

i The plots clearly manifest that most of the 9 Hz oscillatory D motion has being attenuated by Micron. - 2 0

- 3 0

8 . 8 9 9 . 2 9 . 4 9 . 6 9 . 8 1 0 T i m e ( s e c o n d s ) (a)

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