1.5. Physical Description Area

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1.5. Physical Description Area


2. Do not give a physical description for an electronic resource that is available only by remote access. See 9.7B1c and 9.7B10.

Contents: Contents: Contents: Contents: Contents: Contents: Contents: Contents: Contents: Contents: Contents: Contents:

1.5A. Preliminary rule 2.5A. Preliminary rule 3.5A. Preliminary rule 4.5A. Preliminary rule 5.5A. Preliminary rule 6.5A. Preliminary rule 7.5A. Preliminary rule 8.5A. Preliminary rule 9.5A. Preliminary rule 10.5A Preliminary rule 11.5A Preliminary rule 12.5A Preliminary rule 1.5B. Extent of item (including specific material designation) 2.5B. Number of volumes and/or pagination 3.5B. Extent of item (including specific material designation) 4.5B. Extent of item 5.5B. Extent of item (including specific material designation) 6.5B. Extent of item (including specific material designation) 7.5B. Extent of item (including specific material designation) 8.5B. Extent of item (including specific material designation) 9.5B. Extent of item (including specific material designation) 10.5B Extent of item (including specific material designation) 11.5B Extent of item (including specific material designation) 12.5B Extent of item (including specific material designation) 1.5C. Other physical details 2.5C. Illustrative matter 3.5C. Other physical details 4.5C. Other physical details 5.5C. Illustrative matter 6.5C. Other physical details 7.5C. Other physical details 8.5C. Other physical details 9.5C. Other physical details 10.5C Other physical details 11.5C Other physical details 12.5C Other physical details 1.5D. Dimensions 2.5D. Dimensions 3.5D. Dimensions 4.5D. Dimensions 5.5D. Dimensions 6.5D. Dimensions 7.5D. Dimensions 8.5D. Dimensions 9.5D. Dimensions 10.5D Dimensions 11.5D Dimensions 12.5D Dimensions 1.5E. Accompanying material 2.5E. Accompanying material 3.5E. Accompanying material 4.5E. [no rule] 5.5E. Accompanying material 6.5E. Accompanying material 7.5E. Accompanying material 8.5E. Accompanying material 9.5E. Accompanying material 10.5E Accompanying material 11.5E Accompanying material 12.5E Accompanying material 1.5A. Preliminary rule 2.5A. Preliminary rule 3.5A. Preliminary rule 4.5A. Preliminary rule 5.5A. Preliminary rule 6.5A. Preliminary rule 7.5A. Preliminary rule 8.5A. Preliminary rule 9.5A. Preliminary rule 10.5A. Preliminary rule 11.5A. Preliminary rule 12.5A. Preliminary rule

1.5A1. Punctuation 2.5A1. Punctuation 3.5A1. Punctuation 4.5A1. Punctuation 5.5A1. Punctuation 6.5A1. Punctuation 7.5A1. Punctuation 8.5A1. Punctuation 9.5A1. Punctuation 10.5A1. Punctuation 11.5A1. Punctuation 12.5A1. Punctuation

For instructions on the use of spaces before and after prescribed punctuation, see 1.0C. For instructions on the use of spaces before and after prescribed punctuation, see 1.0C. For instructions on the use of spaces before and after prescribed punctuation, see 1.0C. For instructions on the use of spaces before and after prescribed punctuation, see 1.0C. For instructions on the use of spaces before and after prescribed punctuation, see 1.0C. For instructions on the use of spaces before and after prescribed punctuation, see 1.0C. For instructions on the use of spaces before and after prescribed punctuation, see 1.0C. For instructions on the use of spaces before and after prescribed punctuation, see 1.0C. For instructions on the use of spaces before and after prescribed punctuation, see 1.0C. For instructions on the use of spaces before and after prescribed punctuation, see 1.0C. For instructions on the use of spaces before and after prescribed punctuation, see 1.0C. For instructions on the use of spaces before and after prescribed punctuation, see 1.0C. Precede this area by a full stop, space, dash, space or start a new paragraph. Precede this area by a full stop, space, dash, space or start a new paragraph. Precede this area by a full stop, space, dash, space or start a new paragraph. Precede this area by a full stop, space, dash, space or start a new paragraph. Precede this area by a full stop, space, dash, space or start a new paragraph. Precede this area by a full stop, space, dash, space or start a new paragraph. Precede this area by a full stop, space, dash, space or start a new paragraph. Precede this area by a full stop, space, dash, space or start a new paragraph. Precede this area by a full stop, space, dash, space or start a new paragraph. Precede this area by a full stop, space, dash, space or start a new paragraph. Precede this area by a full stop, space, dash, space or start a new paragraph. Precede this area by a full stop, space, dash, space or start a new paragraph. Precede other physical details (i.e., other than extent or dimensions) by a colon. Precede details of illustrations by a colon. Precede other physical details by a colon. Precede other physical details by a colon. Precede details of illustrations by a colon. Precede other physical details by a colon. Precede other physical details by a colon. Precede other physical details by a colon. Precede other physical details by a colon. Precede other physical details by a colon. Precede other physical details by a colon. Precede other physical details by a colon. Precede dimensions by a semicolon. Precede dimensions by a semicolon. Precede dimensions by a semicolon. Precede dimensions by a semicolon. Precede dimensions by a semicolon. Precede dimensions by a semicolon. Precede dimensions by a semicolon. Precede dimensions by a semicolon. Precede dimensions by a semicolon. Precede dimensions by a semicolon. Precede dimensions by a semicolon. Precede dimensions by a semicolon. Precede each statement of accompanying material by a plus sign. Precede each statement of accompanying material by a plus sign. Precede each statement of accompanying material by a plus sign. [no rule] Precede each statement of accompanying material by a plus sign. Precede each statement of accompanying material by a plus sign. Precede each statement of accompanying material by a plus sign. Precede each statement of accompanying material by a plus sign. Precede each statement of accompanying material by a plus sign. Precede each statement of accompanying material by a plus sign. Precede each statement of accompanying material by a plus sign. Precede each statement of accompanying material by a plus sign. Enclose physical details of accompanying material in parentheses. Enclose physical details of accompanying material in parentheses. Enclose physical details of accompanying material in parentheses. [no rule] Enclose physical details of accompanying material in parentheses. Enclose physical details of accompanying material in parentheses. Enclose physical details of accompanying material in parentheses. Enclose physical details of accompanying material in parentheses. Enclose physical details of accompanying material in parentheses. Enclose physical details of accompanying material in parentheses. Enclose physical details of accompanying material in parentheses. Enclose physical details of accompanying material in parentheses.

1.5A2. Sources of information. Take information for this area from any source. Take explicitly or implicitly stated information from the bibliographic resource item itself. Enclose information in square brackets only when specifically instructed by the following chapters.

1.5A3. If equivalent manifestations of a resource are an item is available in different formats (e.g., as text and microfilm; as sound disc and sound tape reel), give the physical description of the format in hand. Optionally, make a note describing other formats in which it is available (see 1.7B16).

1.5B. Statement of extent Extent of item (including specific material designation)

1.5B1. Record the extent of the bibliographic resource item by giving the number of physical units in arabic numerals and the specific material designation as instructed in subrule .5B in the chapter dealing with the type of material to which the resource item belongs.

If the units of the resource item are identical, add identical before the specific material designation.

1.5B2. Describe a single-part printed text item as instructed in 2.5B.

1.5B3. Specify the number of components as instructed in the following chapters.

1.5B4. If the resource item being described has a playing time, give that playing time as follows.

a) If the playing time is stated on the resource item, give the playing time as stated.

b) If the playing time is not stated on the resource item but is readily ascertainable, give it.

c) Optionally, if the playing time is neither stated on the resource item nor readily ascertainable, give an approximate time.

d) Optionally, if the parts of a multipart monograph item have a stated uniform playing time or an approximate uniform playing time, give the playing time of each part followed by each. Otherwise, give the total duration.

1.5B5. In describing a serial, integrating resource, or multipart monograph item that is not yet complete, give the specific material designation alone preceded by three spaces.

Optionally, when the resource item is complete, add the number of physical units. 2.5B. Number of volumes and/or pagination

Single volumes 2.5B1. Give the number of pages or leaves in a publication in accordance with the terminology suggested by the volume. That is, describe a volume with leaves printed on both sides in terms of pages; describe a volume with leaves printed on only one side in terms of leaves; and describe a volume that has more than one column to a page and is numbered in columns in terms of columns. If a publication contains sequences of leaves and pages, or pages and numbered columns, or leaves and numbered columns, record each sequence.1 Describe a volume printed without numbering in terms of leaves or pages, but not of both. For the treatment of plates, see 2.5B9. Describe a broadside as such. Describe a single sheet (folded or not) as sheet. Describe a case or portfolio as such. 1. A sequence of pages or leaves is: (1) a separately numbered group of pages, leaves, etc.; (2) an unnumbered group of pages, etc., that stands apart from other groups in the publication; or (3) a number of pages or leaves of plates distributed throughout the publication.

2.5B2. Give the number of pages, leaves, or columns in terms of the numbered or lettered sequences in the volume. Give the last numbered page, leaf, or column in each sequence and follow it with the appropriate term or abbreviation.

Give pages, etc., that are lettered inclusively in the form A-K p., a-d leaves, etc. Give pages, etc., that are numbered in words or characters other than arabic or roman in arabic figures.

2.5B3. Disregard unnumbered sequences, unless such a sequence constitutes the whole (see 2.5B7) or a substantial part (see also 2.5B8) of the publication, or unless an unnumbered sequence includes pages, etc., that are referred to in a note. When recording the number of unnumbered pages, etc., either give the estimated number preceded by ca., without square brackets, or enclose the exact number in square brackets.

Disregard unnumbered sequences of inessential matter (advertising, blank pages, etc.).

2.5B4. If the number printed on the last page or leaf of a sequence does not represent the total number of pages or leaves in that sequence, let it stand uncorrected unless it gives a completely false impression of the extent of the item, as, for instance, when only alternate pages are numbered or when the number on the last page or leaf of the sequence is misprinted. Supply corrections in such cases in square brackets.

2.5B5. If the numbering within a sequence changes (e.g., from roman to arabic numerals), ignore the numbering of the first part of the sequence.

2.5B6. If the pages, etc., are numbered as part of a larger sequence (e.g., one volume of a multivolume publication) or if the item appears to be incomplete (see also 2.5B15), give the first and last numbers of the pages or leaves, preceded by the appropriate term or abbreviation.

1 2.5B7. If the pages or leaves of a volume are unnumbered and the number of pages or leaves is readily ascertainable, give the number in square brackets. If the number is not readily ascertainable, estimate the number of pages or leaves and give that estimated number without square brackets and preceded by ca..

2.5B8. If the volume has complicated or irregular paging, give the pagination using one of the following methods:

a) Give the total number of pages or leaves (excluding those which are blank or contain advertising or other inessential matter) followed by in various pagings or in various foliations.

b) Give the number of pages or leaves in the main sequences of the pagination and add the total number, in square brackets, of the remaining variously paged sequences.

c) Give 1 v. (various pagings), 1 case, or 1 portfolio, as appropriate.

2.5B9. For loose-leaf publications that are designed to receive additions, give the number of volumes followed by (loose-leaf).

2.5B9. Leaves or pages of plates. Give the number of leaves or pages of plates (see Glossary, appendix D) at the end of the sequence(s) of pagination, whether the plates are found together or distributed throughout the publication, or even if there is only one plate. If the numbering of the leaves or pages of plates is complex or irregular, follow the instructions in 2.5B8.

If the volume contains both leaves and pages of plates, give the number in terms of whichever is predominant.

2.5B10. Describe folded leaves as such.

2.5B11. If numbered pages or leaves are printed on a double leaf (e.g., books in the traditional oriental format), give them as pages or leaves according to their numbering. If they are unnumbered, count each double leaf as two pages.

2.5B12. If the paging is duplicated, as is sometimes the case with books having parallel texts, give both pagings and make an explanatory note (see 2.7B10).

2.5B13. If a volume has a pagination of its own and also bears the pagination of a larger work of which it is a part, give the paging of the individual volume in this area and give the continuous paging in a note (see 2.7B10).

2.5B14. If the volume has groups of pages numbered in opposite directions, as is sometimes the case with books having texts in two languages, give the pagings of the various sections in order, starting from the title page selected for cataloguing. 2.5B15. If the last part of a publication is missing and the paging of a complete copy cannot be ascertained, give the number of the last numbered page followed by + p. Make a note of the imperfection (see 2.7B20).

Publications in more than one volume 2.5B16. Give the number of volumes of a printed monograph in more than one physical volume.

2.5B17. If volume is not appropriate for a multipart item, use one of the following terms.

Parts. Use for bibliographic units intended to be bound several to a volume, especially if so designated by the publisher. Pamphlets. Use for collections of pamphlets bound together or assembled in a portfolio for cataloguing as a collection. Pieces. Use for items of varying character (e.g., pamphlets, broadsides, clippings, maps) published, or assembled for cataloguing, as a collection. Case(s). Use for either boxes containing bound or unbound material or containers of fascicles. Portfolio(s). Use for containers holding loose papers, illustrative materials, etc. A portfolio usually consists of two covers joined together at the back and tied at the front, top, and/or bottom.

2.5B18. If the number of bibliographic volumes differs from the number of physical volumes, give the number of bibliographic volumes followed by in and the number of physical volumes.

2.5B19. If a set of volumes is continuously paged, give the pagination in parentheses after the number of volumes. Ignore separately paged sequences of preliminary matter in volumes other than the first.

2.5B20. Optional addition. If the volumes in a multivolume set are individually paged, give the pagination of each volume in parentheses after the number of volumes.

2.5B21. If a publication was planned to be in more than one volume, but not all have been published and it appears that publication will not be continued, describe the incomplete set as appropriate (i.e., give paging for a single volume or number of volumes for multiple volumes). Make a note (see 2.7B10) to the effect that no more volumes have been published.

2.5B22. Braille or other tactile systems. If an item consists of leaves or pages of braille or another tactile system, add an appropriate term (e.g., of braille, of Moon type, of jumbo braille, of press braille, of computer braille, of solid dot braille) to the statement of the number of volumes, leaves, or pages.

If an item consists of eye-readable print and braille or another tactile writing system, or of two or more tactile writing systems, use a concise description of the combination (e.g., of print and braille, of braille and Nemeth code).

If an item is a thermoform copy, add (thermoform). For braille cassette items, see 10.5B1.

2.5B23. Large print. If an item is in large print intended for use by the visually impaired, add, to the statement of the number of volumes, leaves, or pages, (large print).

Optionally, if a general material designation (see 1.1C1) including large print is used, omit this addition.

2.17A. Extent

2.17A1. In recording the pagination of single volume or multivolume (see 2.5B) early books, etc., give each sequence of leaves, pages, or columns in the terms and form presented in the item. If the volume is printed in pages but numbered as leaves, give the numbering as leaves. If required, give more precise information about pagination, blank leaves, or other aspects of collation, by either expanding the statement of extent (if this can be done succinctly) or making a note.

Describe broadsides as such and other single sheets as sheets.

3.5B. Extent of item (including specific material designation)

3.5B1. Give the extent of a cartographic item. In the case of atlases and globes, give the number of physical units. In the case of other cartographic items, give the number of maps, etc. Use arabic numerals and one of the following terms. If the item is a manuscript, precede the term by ms.

atlas diagram globe map model profile remote-sensing image section view

If a cartographic item is not comprehended by one of the above terms, use an appropriate term preferably taken from subrule .5B of one of the chapters of part I.

If the sheets or parts of an item are very numerous and the exact number cannot be readily ascertained, give an approximate number.

If a cartographic item contains, or consists of, tactile data, follow the instructions in 3.5B4.

3.5B2. If there is more than one map, etc., on one or more sheets, specify the number of maps, etc., and the number of sheets. If the maps, etc., are printed in two or more segments designed to fit together to form one or more maps, etc., give the number of complete maps, etc., and:

a) the number of segments if all the segments are on a single sheet

b) the number of sheets if the segments are on separate sheets.

Optionally, omit the specification of the number of sheets or segments from the specific material designation and, if desired, give such information in a note (see 3.7B10).

If an item consists of a number of sheets each of which is a complete map, etc., treat it as a collection and describe it as instructed in 3.5B1.

3.5B3. Add, to the statement of extent for an atlas, the pagination or number of volumes as instructed in 2.5B.

3.5B4. If a cartographic item contains visual data and tactile data (i.e., braille letters or other tactile systems intended for the visually impaired), add a concise term (e.g., print and tactile) to the extent of item (see 3.5B1–3.5B3).

If a cartographic item contains only tactile data, add, to the statement of extent (see 3.5B1–3.5B3), braille, press braille, solid dot braille, tactile, etc., as appropriate.

Optionally, if general material designations are used (see 1.1C1) and the general material designation indicates the tactile nature of the item, omit the addition. If the item is a thermoform copy, add thermoform to the parenthetic addition, preceded by a comma. If there is no parenthetic addition (see option above), add thermoform in parentheses.

4.5B. Extent of item

4.5B1. Single manuscripts. Give the number of leaves or pages as instructed in 2.5B.

If the manuscript has been bound, add bound at the end of the statement of extent.

Add, to the pagination, etc., of ancient, medieval, and Renaissance manuscripts, the number of columns (if more than one) and the average number of lines to the page.

Optional addition. If a pagination is given, add the number of leaves.

4.5B2. Collections of manuscripts. If a collection occupies one linear foot or less of shelf space, give the extent in terms of the number or approximate number of items2 (the number of bound and unbound items separately expressed), or the number of containers or volumes. Optionally, if the number of volumes or containers is given, add the number or approximate number of items.

2 2. Item here means a separate manuscript. For example, a letter with several leaves and an enclosure is counted as one item.

If the collection occupies more than one linear foot of shelf space, give the extent in terms of the number of linear feet occupied. Optionally, add the number or approximate number of containers or volumes and/or items.

4.5B3. If a manuscript consists of leaves or pages of braille or another tactile system, add of braille, etc., as appropriate (see also 2.5B22).

Optionally, if general material designations are used (see 1.1C1) and the general material designation indicates the tactile nature of the item, omit the addition.

5.5B. Extent of item (including specific material designation)

5.5B1. Record the number of physical units of an item by giving the number of scores or parts in arabic numerals and one of the following terms as appropriate:

score condensed score close score miniature score1 piano [violin, etc.] conductor part vocal score piano score chorus score part

1. Use for scores reduced in size and not intended primarily for performance.

For special types of music, use an appropriate specific term (e.g., choir book, table book).

If none of the terms above is appropriate, use v. of music, p. of music, or leaves of music. If a general material designation (see 1.1C1) is used, optionally omit of music.

If the item is a manuscript, precede the term by ms.

5.5B2. Give the number of scores and/or parts issued by the publisher.

If the item consists of different types of score, or a score and parts separately, or different types of score and parts, give the details of each in the order of the list in 5.5B1, separated from each other by a space, plus sign, space. Add the pagination or number of volumes as instructed in 2.5B.

5.5B3. If the item is in braille or another tactile format, add (braille), (press braille), (tactile), etc., to the appropriate term. Optionally, if general material designations are used (see 1.1C1) and the general material designation indicates the tactile nature of the item, omit the addition. If the item is a thermoform copy, add thermoform to the parenthetic addition, preceded by a comma.

If there is no parenthetic addition (see option above), add thermoform in parentheses. If the item is in large print intended for use by the visually impaired, add (large print) to the appropriate term.

Optionally, if a general material designation (see 1.1C1) including large print is used, omit this addition.

6.5B. Extent of item (including specific material designation)

6.5B1. Record the number of physical units of a sound recording by giving the number of parts in arabic numerals and one of the following terms as appropriate:

sound cartridge sound cassette sound disc sound tape reel sound track film

Add reel, cassette, etc., as appropriate, to sound track film.

Use [name of instrument] roll, as appropriate, for rolls.

If none of these terms is appropriate, give the specific name of the item as concisely as possible. Optionally, if general material designations are used (see 1.1C1), omit sound from the specific material designation unless it is needed to make the designation understandable (as with sound track film).

6.5B2. Give the playing time of a sound recording as instructed in 1.5B4.

6.5B3. If the description is of a separately titled part of a sound recording lacking a collective title (see 6.1G4), express the fractional extent in the form on side 3 of 2 sound discs, on reel 3 of 4 sound tape reels, etc. (if the parts are numbered or lettered in a single sequence) or on 1 side of 2 sound discs, on 1 reel of 3 sound tape reels, etc. (if there is no sequential numbering). Add the duration of the part to such a statement.

7.5B. Extent of item (including specific material designation)

7.5B1. Record the number of physical units of a motion picture or videorecording by giving the number of parts in arabic numerals and one of the following terms as appropriate:

film cartridge film cassette film loop film reel videocartridge videocassette videodisc videoreel

If none of these terms is appropriate, give the specific name of the item as concisely as possible. Optionally, if general material designations are used (see 1.1C1), and the general material designation indicates that the item is a motion picture or videorecording, omit film or video from the specific material designation.

Give a trade name or other similar specification in a note (see 7.7B10).

7.5B2. Give the playing time of a motion picture or videorecording (other than a videodisc, see below) as instructed in 1.5B4.

Give the playing time of a videodisc as set out in the following subrules:

Videodiscs consisting of moving images. Give the playing time as instructed in 1.5B4.

Videodiscs consisting of frames of still images. If the playing time is stated on the item, give it as stated.

If the playing time is not stated on the item, do not give a playing time. Optionally, give the number of frames if that number is readily ascertainable.

Videodiscs consisting of both moving images and still images. If the playing time is stated on the item, give it as stated. Optionally, whether the playing time is stated on the item or not, give in a note the number of frames of still images and the duration of the moving images (see 7.7B10j).

7.5B3. If the description is of a separately titled part of a motion picture or videorecording lacking a collective title (see 7.1G4), express the fractional extent in the form on reel 3 of 4 film reels (if the parts are numbered or lettered in a single sequence) or on 1 cassette of 3 videocassettes (if there is no sequential numbering). Add the duration of the part to such a statement.

8.5B. Extent of item (including specific material designation)

8.5B1. Record the number of physical units of a graphic item by giving the number of parts in arabic numerals and one of the following terms as appropriate:

activity card art original art print art reproduction chart filmslip filmstrip flash card flip chart photograph picture postcard poster radiograph slide stereograph study print technical drawing transparency wall chart

Add cartridge or reel to filmstrip and stereograph when appropriate.

Optionally, add a more specific term to one of those listed above.

If none of the terms listed above is appropriate, give the specific name of the item as concisely as possible.

If the parts of the item are very numerous and the exact number cannot be readily ascertained, give an approximate number.

8.5B2. Add, to the designation for a filmslip or filmstrip, the number of frames or double frames.

Add, to the designation for a stereograph, the number of pairs of frames.

If the frames are unnumbered and their number cannot be readily ascertained, give an approximate number.

If the title frames are separately numbered, give the number of title frames after the number of other frames.

8.5B3. Add, to the designation for flip charts, the number or approximate number of sheets.

8.5B4. Add, to the designation for transparencies, the number or approximate number of overlays, if any. If the overlays are attached, indicate this.

8.5B5. If the parts of a multipart filmslip, filmstrip, stereograph, flip chart, or transparency have the same number of components (e.g., frames, sheets) or approximately the same number of components, use the form 3 filmstrips (50 fr. each) or 3 transparencies (ca. 10 overlays each), etc. Otherwise, give the total number of components if they are consecutively numbered or omit the statement of the number of components.

8.5B6. If the item is in a raised image format, add (tactile) to the statement of extent (see 8.5B1-8.5B5).

Optionally, if general material designations are used (see 1.1C1) and the general material designation indicates the tactile nature of the item, omit the addition. If the item is a thermoform copy, add thermoform to the parenthetic addition, preceded by a comma. If there is no parenthetic addition (see option above), add thermoform in parentheses.

9.5B. Extent of item (including specific material designation)

9.5B1. Record the number of physical units of the carrier by giving the number of them in arabic numerals and one of the following terms as appropriate:

computer chip cartridge computer disk computer optical disc computer tape cartridge computer tape cassette computer tape reel

When new physical carriers are developed for which none of these terms is appropriate, give the specific name of the physical carrier as concisely as possible, preferably qualified by computer.

Optionally, use conventional terminology to record the specific format of the physical carrier.

Give a trade name or other similar specification in a note (see 9.7B1b).

9.5B2. If the description is of a separately titled part of an item lacking a collective title (see 9.1G4), express the fractional extent in the form on reel 2, on 3 of 5 disks, on 1 disk, etc.

10.5B. Extent of item (including specific material designation)

10.5B1. Record the number of physical units of a three-dimensional artefact or object by giving the number of parts in arabic numerals and one of the terms listed below, as appropriate.

art original art reproduction braille cassette diorama exhibit game microscope slide mock-up model

If none of these terms is appropriate, give the specific name of the item or the names of the parts of the item as concisely as possible.

Optionally, if general material designations are used (see 1.1C1) and the general material designation consists of one of the above listed terms, omit that term and give a description of the components alone (see 10.5B2).

10.5B2. Add to the designation, when appropriate, the number and the name(s) of the component pieces.

If the pieces cannot be named concisely or if their number cannot be readily ascertained, add (various pieces) and optionally give the details of the pieces in a note (see 10.7B10).

11.5B. Extent of item (including specific material designation)

11.5B1. Record the number of physical units of a microform item by giving the number of them in arabic numerals and one of the following terms as appropriate:

aperture card microfiche microfilm microopaque

Add cartridge, cassette, or reel, as appropriate, to microfilm. Add cassette if appropriate, to microfiche.

Optionally, if general material designations are used (see 1.1C1), omit micro from the specific material designation.

11.5B2. Add the number of frames of a microfiche or microfiche set if that number can be readily ascertained.

11.5B3. If the description is of a separately titled part of a microform lacking a collective title (see 11.1G4), express the fractional extent in the form on reel 2 of 3 microfilm reels, on no. 4 of 5 microfiches, etc. (if the parts are numbered or lettered in a single sequence) or on 1 reel of 3 microfilm reels, on 1 of 5 microfiches, etc. (if there is no sequential numbering).

12.5B. Extent of item (including specific material designation)

12.5B1. For a resource that is still in progress, give the relevant specific material designation (taken from subrule .5B in the chapter dealing with the type of material to which the resource belongs, e.g., 11.5B for microform resources). For printed resources, use the specific material designation v. For updating loose-leafs, add the qualifier (loose-leaf).

12.5B2. For a ceased or completed resource, precede the appropriate specific material designation by the number of parts in arabic numerals.

12.5B3. If a resource consists of, or contains, braille or another tactile system, make additions to the statement of extent as indicated in subrule .5B in the chapter dealing with the type of material to which the resource belongs.

1.5C. Other physical details

1.5C1. Give physical data (other than extent or dimensions) about a resource an item as instructed in the following chapters.

2.5C. Illustrative matter

2.5C1. Give ill. for an illustrated printed monograph. Tables containing only words and/or numbers are not illustrations. Disregard illustrated title pages and minor illustrations.

2.5C2. Optionally, if the illustrations are all of one or more of the following types, and are considered to be important, give the appropriate term(s) or abbreviation(s) in alphabetical order: coats of arms, facsimiles, forms, genealogical tables, maps, music, plans, portraits (use for both single and group portraits), samples. If none of these terms adequately describes the illustrations, use another term as appropriate.

If only some of the illustrations are of types considered to be important, give ill. followed by the appropriate term(s) or abbreviation(s) in alphabetical order.

2.5C3. Describe coloured illustrations (i.e., those in two or more colours) as such.

2.5C4. Give the number of illustrations if their number can be ascertained readily (e.g., when the illustrations are listed and their numbers stated).

2.5C5. If the publication consists wholly or predominantly of illustrations, give all ill. or chiefly ill., as appropriate. Optionally, if those illustrations are all of one type, give all [name of type] or chiefly [name of type].

2.5C6. Describe illustrative matter issued in a pocket inside the cover of an item in the physical description. Specify the number of such items and their location in a note (see 2.7B10 and 2.7B11).

2.17B. Illustrations

2.17B1. Describe an illustrated item as instructed in 2.5C. Optionally, add woodcuts, metal cuts, etc., as appropriate. If the item is illustrated by hand or if the illustrations are hand coloured, make a note (see 2.18E).

3.5C. Other physical details

3.5C1. Give the following details, as appropriate, in the order set out here:

layout production method number of maps, etc., in an atlas colour medium material mounting

3.5C2. Layout. Describe any unusual layout of the map(s), etc., on the sheet(s). Use both sides if the item is continued at the same scale on the other side of the sheet(s), or, if collectively describing multiple map(s), etc., that are on both sides of the sheet(s). However, if the same map, etc., is represented in more than one language on each side of the sheet, use back to back.

3.5C3. Production method. Give the method of production (other than printing), or reproduction, if considered significant. For photomechanical reproductions, either use a general term (photocopy), or give the generic name of the process (e.g., blueprint, blueline, white print).

3.5C4. Number of maps, etc., in an atlas. Give the number of maps, etc., in an atlas as instructed in 2.5C.

3.5C5. Colour. If the item is coloured or partly coloured, indicate this. Disregard coloured matter outside a map, etc., border.

3.5C6. Medium. Optionally, give the medium (e.g., pencil, ink) used to draw and colour a manuscript cartographic item. If a printed work is hand coloured, the medium may be recorded after the indication of colour.

3.5C7. Material. Give the material of which the item is made if it is considered to be significant (e.g., if a map is printed on a substance other than paper).

3.5C8. Mounting. If a map, etc., is mounted, indicate this. Indicate the mounting of a globe.

4.5C. Other physical details

4.5C1. Name the material on which the item being described is written if it is other than paper. 4.5C2. If a manuscript is illustrated or if a collection of manuscripts includes illustrated items, give an illustration statement as instructed in 2.5C.

If a manuscript or collection of manuscripts consists of illustrations, follow the instructions in 8.5C.

5.5C. Illustrative matter

5.5C1. Give details of illustrative matter as instructed in 2.5C.

6.5C. Other physical details

6.5C1. Give the following details, as appropriate, in the order set out here:

type of recording playing speed groove characteristic (analog discs) track configuration (sound track films) number of tracks (tapes) number of sound channels recording and reproduction characteristics

6.5C2. Type of recording. Give, for a disc or tape, the type of recording (i.e., the way in which the sound is encoded on the item).

Give, for a sound track film, the type of recording (e.g., optical, magnetic).

6.5C3. Playing speed. Give the playing speed of an analog disc in revolutions per minute (rpm).

Give the playing speed of a digital disc in metres per second (m. per sec.). Give the playing speed of an analog tape in inches per second (ips).

Give the playing speed of a sound track film in frames per second (fps).

7 Do not give the playing speed if it is standard for the type of item (e.g., 1 /8 inches per second for an analog tape cassette; 1.4 metres per second for a digital disc).

6.5C4. Groove characteristic. Give the groove characteristic of an analog disc if it is not standard for the type of disc.

6.5C5. Track configuration. For sound track films, give the track configuration (e.g., centre track, edge track).

6.5C6. Number of tracks. For tape cartridges, cassettes, and reels, give the number of tracks, unless the number of tracks is standard for the item (e.g., the standard number of tracks for a cartridge is 8 and for an analog cassette 4). 6.5C7. Number of sound channels. Give the number of sound channels, if the information is readily available, using one or more of the following terms as appropriate:

mono. stereo. quad.

6.5C8. Optional addition. Recording and reproduction characteristics. Give the recording and reproduction characteristics (e.g., Dolby processed, NAB standard).

7.5C. Other physical details

7.5C1. Give the following details, as appropriate, in the order set out here:

aspect ratio and special projection characteristics (motion pictures) sound characteristics colour projection speed (motion pictures)

7.5C2. Aspect ratio and special projection characteristics. If a film has special projection requirements, give them as succinctly as possible (e.g., Cinerama, Panavision, multiprojector; and whether anamorphic, techniscope, stereoscopic, or multiscreen).

7.5C3. Sound characteristics. Give sd. (sound) or si. (silent) to indicate the presence or absence of a sound track. If a silent film is known to be photographed at the speed of sound film, give si. at sd. speed.

7.5C4. Colour. Give col. or b&w to indicate whether an item is in colour or black and white. Give b&w for a sepia print (see also 7.7B10).

Give a succinct statement to indicate that an item is in a combination of colour and black and white.

7.5C5. Projection speed. Give the projection speed of a film in frames per second (fps), if this information is considered important.

Do not give the projection speed if it is standard for the item (24 fps for a sound film; 16 fps for a silent film).

8.5C. Other physical details

8.5C1. Medium-specific details. Give, for each of the media listed below, the details specified.

a) Art originals. Give the medium (e.g., chalk, oil, pastel) and the base (e.g., board, canvas, fabric).

b) Art prints. Give the process in general terms (e.g., engraving, lithograph) or specific terms (e.g., copper engraving, chromolithograph).

c) Art reproductions. Give the method of reproduction (e.g., photogravure, collotype).

d) Charts and flip charts. If the charts are double sided, indicate this.

e) Filmstrips and filmslips. Give sd. if the sound is integral. If the sound is not integral, describe the accompanying sound as accompanying material (see 8.5E).

f) Flash cards. Give sd. if the sound is integral. If the sound is not integral, describe the accompanying sound as accompanying material (see 8.5E).

g) Photographs. If the photograph is a transparency not designed for projection or a negative print, indicate this. Optionally, give the process used.

h) Slides. Give sd. if the sound is integral. If the sound is not integral, describe the accompanying sound as accompanying material (see 8.5E).

j) Technical drawings. Give the method of reproduction (e.g., blueprint, photocopy), if appropriate.

8.5C2. Colour. Give an indication of colour (e.g., col., b&w, sepia) for all graphic media other than art originals, radiographs, and technical drawings.

9.5C. Other physical details

9.5C1. If the resource is specified to have sound or is known to produce sound, give sd. If it is specified or known to display in two or more colours, give col.

Give details of the requirements for the production of sound or the display of colour in a note (see 9.7B1b).

9.5C2. Optionally, give other physical characteristics (e.g., recording density, sectoring) if readily available and if they are considered to be important.

If such characteristics cannot be given succinctly, give them in a note (see 9.7B10).

10.5C. Other physical details

10.5C1. Material. When appropriate, give the material(s) of which the object is made. If the material(s) cannot be named concisely, either omit the statement or give it in a note. Give the material of which a microscope slide is made if it is other than glass.

10.5C2. Colour. When appropriate, give col. for multicoloured objects, or name the colour(s) of the object if it is in one or two colours, or give b&w for black and white objects. If a microscope slide is stained, state this. 11.5C. Other physical details

11.5C1. If a microform is negative, indicate this.

11.5C2. If a microform contains, or consists of, illustrations, indicate this as instructed in 2.5C.

11.5C3. If a microform is wholly or partly coloured, indicate this by giving col. (for a coloured microform without illustrations), or col. & ill. (for a coloured microform with illustrations), or col. ill., etc. (for a microform on which only the illustrations are coloured).

12.5C. Other physical details

12.5C1. Give the other physical details appropriate to the item being described as instructed in subrule .5C in the chapter dealing with the type of material to which the resource belongs (e.g., 6.5C for serial sound recordings).

12.5C2. Change in other physical details

a) Serials. If other physical details are added on a subsequent issue or part, change the physical description area to reflect all the issues or parts as instructed in 12.5C1. If other physical details are omitted or changed on a subsequent issue or part, make a note if the change is considered to be important (see 12.7B12.2).

b) Integrating resources. If other physical details are added, omitted, or changed on a subsequent iteration, change the physical description area to reflect the current iteration and make a note if the change is considered to be important (see 12.7B12.2).

1.5D. Dimensions

1.5D1. Give the dimensions of a resource an item as instructed in the following chapters.

1.5D2. Optionally, if the material item is in a container, name the container and give its dimensions either after the dimensions of the resource item or as the only dimensions.

2.5D. Dimensions

2.5D1. Give the height of the item in centimetres, to the next whole centimetre up (e.g., if an item measures 17.2 centimetres, give 18 cm.). Measure the height of the binding if the volume is bound. Otherwise, measure the height of the item itself. If the item measures less than 10 centimetres, give the height in millimetres.

2.5D2. If the width of the volume is either less than half the height or greater than the height, give the height × width.

2.5D3. If the volumes in a multipart item differ in size, give the smallest or smaller and the largest or larger size, separated by a hyphen. 2.5D4. Give the height and the width of a single sheet. If such a sheet is designed to be folded when issued, add the dimensions of the sheet when folded.

If the sheet is designed to be read in pages when folded, describe it as 1 folded sheet and give the number of imposed pages and the height of the sheet when folded.

2.5D5. If the item consists of separate physical units of varying height bound together, give the height of the binding only.

2.17C. Dimensions

2.17C1. Give the dimensions of the item as instructed in 2.5D. Add the format to the dimensions of a volume in an abbreviated form (e.g., fol., 4to, 8vo, 12mo).

3.5D. Dimensions

3.5D1. Maps, plans, etc. Give the height × width in centimetres, to the next whole centimetre up, of a two-dimensional cartographic item (e.g., if a measurement is 37.1 centimetres, record it as 38 cm.). Optionally, for early and manuscript cartographic items, give the dimensions to the nearest millimetre expressed in tenths of a centimetre. Give the measurements of the face of the map, etc., measured within the neat line. Give the diameter of a circular map, etc., and specify it as such. If a map, etc., is irregularly shaped, or if it has no neat line, or if it bleeds off the edge, give the greater or greatest dimensions of the map itself. If it is difficult to determine the points for measuring the height and the width of the map, etc. (e.g., when the shape is extremely irregular, or when it was printed without one or more of its borders), give the height × width of the sheet specified as such.

If a map, etc., is on sheets of two sizes, give both sets of dimensions. If the sheets are of more than two sizes, give the greatest height of any of them followed by the greatest width of any of them and or smaller.

If a map, etc., is on one or more sheets in two or more segments designed to fit together to form one map, etc., give the dimensions of the complete map, etc., followed by the dimensions of the sheet(s). If such a map, etc., is mounted, give the dimensions of the whole map, etc., alone.

If it is difficult to determine the points for measuring the height and width of a complete map, etc., that is in segments, or if it is difficult to assemble the map, etc., for measuring, give only the height and width of the sheet(s) specified as such.

If the size of either dimension of a map, etc., is less than half the same dimension of the sheet on which it is printed or if there is substantial additional information on the sheet (e.g., text), give the sheet size as well as the size of the map, etc.

If a map, etc., is printed with an outer cover within which it is intended to be folded or if the sheet itself contains a panel or section designed to appear on the outside when the sheet is folded, give the sheet size in folded form as well as the size of the map, etc. If a map, etc., is printed on both sides of a sheet at a consistent scale, give the dimensions of the map, etc., as a whole, and give the sheet size. If it is difficult to measure such a map, etc., give the sheet size alone.

If the maps, etc., in a collection are of two sizes, give both. If they are of more than two sizes, give the greatest height of any of them followed by the greatest width of any of them and or smaller.

3.5D2. Atlases. Give the dimensions of an atlas as instructed in 2.5D.

3.5D3. Models. Give the height × width of a model in centimetres as instructed in 3.5D1. Optionally, add the depth.

3.5D4. Globes. Give the diameter of a globe, specified as such.

3.5D5. Optional addition. Containers. Add the description of a container and its dimensions to the dimensions of the item.

4.5D. Dimensions

4.5D1. Single manuscripts. Give the height of an unbound manuscript in centimetres to the next whole centimetre up. Add the width if it is less than half the height or greater than the height. If the manuscript is kept folded, add the dimensions when folded.

Give the dimensions of a bound volume as instructed in 2.5D.

4.5D2. Collections of manuscripts. If the size of the items, containers, or volumes (depending on the terms of the first statement of extent) is uniform, give that size as instructed in 4.5D1, or, in the case of containers, give the height, width, and depth.

5.5D. Dimensions

5.5D1. Give the dimensions of the item as instructed in 2.5D. If the item consists of score(s) and part(s), give the dimensions after all the details of the score(s) and part(s). If the dimensions of the score(s) and part(s) differ, give the dimensions of each after the details to which they apply.

6.5D. Dimensions

6.5D1. Give the dimensions of a sound recording as set out in the following rules. If the sound recordings in a multipart item differ in size, give the smallest or smaller and the largest or larger size, separated by a hyphen.

6.5D2. Sound discs. Give the diameter of a disc in inches.

6.5D3. Sound track films. Give the gauge (width) of a film in millimetres. 6.5D4. Sound cartridges. Give the dimensions of a cartridge in inches if other than the 7 standard dimensions (5¼ × 3 /8 in.). Give the width of the tape in fractions of an inch if other than the standard width (¼ in.).

6.5D5. Sound cassettes. Give the dimensions of a cassette if other than the standard 7 dimensions (e.g., the standard dimensions of an analog cassette are 3 /8 × 2½ in.). Give the width of a tape if other than the standard width (e.g., the standard width of an analog tape is 1 /8 in.).

6.5D6. Sound tape reels. Give the diameter of a reel in inches. Give the width of a tape in fractions of an inch if other than the standard width (¼ in.).

6.5D7. Rolls. Do not give any dimensions.

7.5D. Dimensions

7.5D1. Give the dimensions of a motion picture or videorecording as set out in the following rules. If the motion pictures or videorecordings in a multipart item differ in size, give the smallest or smaller and the largest or larger size, separated by a hyphen.

7.5D2. Give the gauge (width) of a motion picture in millimetres. If 8 mm., state whether single, standard, super, or Maurer.

7.5D3. Give the gauge (width) of a videotape in inches or millimetres.

7.5D4. Give the diameter of a videodisc in inches.

8.5D. Dimensions

8.5D1. Give the height × width in centimetres, to the next whole centimetre up, for all graphic materials except filmstrips, filmslips, and stereographs. For these latter, see 8.5D2 and 8.5D3. For additional instructions on the dimensions of art works, slides, technical drawings, transparencies, and wall charts, see 8.5D4–8.5D6.

If the graphic materials in a multipart item differ in size, give the smallest or smaller and the largest or larger size, separated by a hyphen.

8.5D2. Filmstrips and filmslips. Give the gauge (width) of the film in millimetres.

8.5D3. Stereographs. Do not give the dimensions.

8.5D4. Art originals, art prints, art reproductions, and transparencies. Give the height × width of the item, excluding any frame or mount (see also 8.7B10).

8.5D5. Slides. Do not give the dimensions if they are 5 × 5 cm. (2 × 2 in.). 8.5D6. Technical drawings and wall charts. Give the height × width when extended and (when appropriate) folded.

9.5D. Dimensions

9.5D1. Give the dimensions of the physical carrier as instructed below.

a) Discs/Disks. Give the diameter of the disc or disk in inches, to the next ¼ inch up.

b) Cartridges. Give, in inches to the next ¼ inch up, the length of the side of the cartridge that is to be inserted into the machine.

c) Cassettes. Give the length and height of the face of the cassette in inches, to the next 1/8 inch up.

Optionally, give the dimensions of the physical carriers described in a)-c) in centimetres to the next whole centimetre up.

d) Reels. Do not give dimensions for reels.

e) Other carriers. Give the appropriate dimensions of other physical carriers in inches or in centimetres, rounding up as appropriate.

9.5D2. If the item consists of more than one physical carrier and they differ in size, give the smallest or smaller and the largest or larger size, separated by a hyphen.

10.5D. Dimensions

10.5D1. When appropriate, give the dimensions of the object. Give them in centimetres, to the next whole centimetre up. If necessary, add a word to indicate which dimension is being given. If multiple dimensions are given, give them as height × width × depth (for microscope slides, height × width).

10.5D2. If the object is in a container, name the container and give its dimensions either after the dimensions of the object or as the only dimensions.

10.5D3. If, in a multipart item, the objects and/or their containers differ in size, give the smallest or smaller and the largest or larger size, separated by a hyphen.

11.5D. Dimensions

11.5D1. Give the dimensions of a microform as set out in the following rules. Give a fraction of a centimetre as the next whole centimetre up. If the microforms in a multipart item differ in size, give the smallest or smaller and the largest or larger size, separated by a hyphen.

11.5D2. Aperture cards. Give the height × width of an aperture card mount in centimetres. 11.5D3. Microfiches. If the dimensions of a microfiche are other than 10.5 × 14.8 cm., give the height × width in centimetres.

11.5D4. Microfilms. Give the width of a microfilm in millimetres.

11.5D5. Microopaques. Give the height × width of a microopaque in centimetres.

12.5D. Dimensions

12.5D1. Give the dimensions of the resource as instructed in subrule .5D in the chapter dealing with the type of material to which the resource belongs (e.g., 2.5D for printed serials).

12.5D2. Change in dimensions. If the dimensions of a resource change, or multiple parts differ in size, give the dimensions from smallest or smaller to largest or larger separated by a hyphen unless otherwise instructed in subrule .5D in the chapter dealing with the type of material to which the resource belongs.

1.5E. Accompanying material

1.5E1. Give details of accompanying material (see Glossary, appendix D) in one of the following ways:

a) make a separate entry or b) make a multilevel description (see 13.6) or c) make a note (see 1.7B11)

or d) give the number of physical units in arabic numerals and the name of the accompanying material (using, when appropriate, a specific material designation) at the end of the physical description.

Optional addition. If method d) is used and if more detail is desired, give the physical description of the accompanying material as instructed in the following chapters.

2.5E. Accompanying material

2.5E1. Give the details of accompanying material as instructed in 1.5E.

2.5E2. If the accompanying material is issued in a pocket inside the cover of the publication, give its location in a note (see 2.5C6, 2.7B10, and 2.7B11).

3.5E. Accompanying material

3.5E1. Give the details of accompanying material as instructed in 1.5E.

4.5E. Accompanying material – [no rule] 5.5E. Accompanying material

5.5E1. Give the details of accompanying material as instructed in 1.5E.

6.5E. Accompanying material

6.5E1. Give the details of accompanying material as instructed in 1.5E.

7.5E. Accompanying material

7.5E1. Give the details of accompanying material as instructed in 1.5E.

8.5E. Accompanying material

8.5E1. Give the details of accompanying material as instructed in 1.5E.

Give details of integral sound systems as part of “other physical details” (see 8.5C1).

9.5E. Accompanying material

9.5E1. Give the details of accompanying material as instructed in 1.5E.

9.5E2. If no physical description is given (see footnote 2 at 9.5), give details of any accompanying material in a note (see 9.7B11).

10.5E. Accompanying material

10.5E1. Give the details of accompanying material as instructed in 1.5E.

11.5E. Accompanying material

11.5E1. Give the details of accompanying material as instructed in 1.5E.

12.5E. Accompanying material


a) Serials. Give, as instructed in 1.5E, the details of accompanying material that is intended to be issued regularly. Make a note on the frequency of accompanying material (see 12.7B13). If accompanying material is issued irregularly or is issued only once, describe it in a note or ignore it.

b) Integrating resources. Give, as instructed in 1.5E, the details of accompanying material if considered to be important.

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