Managing Our Local Area Agreement Performance in Salford

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Managing Our Local Area Agreement Performance in Salford



Part 1 The purpose of this guide 2 - 25 Background What is Performance Management? Why do we need Performance Management for the LAA? Roles and responsibilities The LAA Reporting Framework

Part 2 Putting the theory in to 26 - 32 practice! Accessing PMF in 3 simple steps

Part 3 Putting the theory in to 33 - 46 practice! Editing, Inputting data and quarterly reporting in 5 easy steps

Part 4 The Next 2 Steps and 47 - 48 reporting deadlines

Part 5 Key contacts, assistance and 49 - 50 support

Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting 2 Arrangements April 2007 Part 1: The Purpose of this Guide and background information

Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting 3 Arrangements April 2007 Managing Our Local Area Agreement Performance in Salford - a guide for new and existing users

The Purpose of this Guide

We have put this guide together to assist you in your new role as performance administrator for the Local Area Agreement, whether you are totally new to the PMF system or an existing user.

In particular the guide aims to take you through 10 user friendly steps that will:

- Raise overall awareness about the importance of performance management - Clarify your individual role and responsibilities - Provide a step by step guide to using the PMF for reporting against LAA targets - Provide bespoke reference guide to the system post training - Set key timescales and deadlines for providing performance information

Background Information

At a meeting of Salford’s Strategic Partnership Executive meeting in December 2006, it was agreed that Salford City Council’s Performance Management Framework software (PMF) would be used as the hub for collecting and monitoring performance information for Salford’s Local Area Agreement (LAA).

The Local Area Agreement was signed off by the Chair of the Local Strategic partnership / Leader of the Council Cllr John Merry with national Government in March 2007. For the last 12 months, partners of the Local Strategic Partnership, such as Greater Manchester Police, the Primary Care Trust, Probation Service, the Learning and Skills Council, Job Centre Plus, Fire Service and the City Council have agreed to delivering transformational improvement to public services in Salford. The improvements will be measured through 85 quality of life performance indicators in the LAA. A full list is provided in this training pack.

Each of the above organisations have made a commitment to delivering these targets over the next 3 years and we now have to ensure that such progress is being monitored.

We now have an ambitious task ahead of us, as we embark on the LAA journey together and it is important that our system for monitoring our performance is fit for purpose for future assessments, which is why your role as performance administrator is extremely important to us! Especially if we are to meet the rigorous assessment process that will assess how we are doing against each of the LAA targets during November 2007. Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting 4 Arrangements April 2007 Your role is important to us….

With your ongoing support and commitment, we believe the Local Strategic Partnership will be in a much better position to present an accurate picture of how Salford is performing on a range of areas, spanning education, employment, enterprise, health, environment, housing and community engagement.

You have been nominated by your organisation to act as performance administrator, because of your expertise in the targets concerned or because you already hold a performance management role in your respective organisation or may be because you have access to the data concerned. You have been identified as the most appropriate person to fulfil a performance collating and administrator function on behalf of your team and organisation.

So what is Performance Management?

It is useful to just recap what performance management is about and why it is important. In your role, you are probably continually asked for ‘data on this’ and ‘data on that’. You may not always know where this data ends up or why people are asking for it. This guide aims to answer some of these questions so hopefully next time somebody asks for performance information you understand why it is being asked for!

Putting it simply, performance management is about improving services through effectively monitoring how we are doing to achieve better quality of life outcomes for people in Salford. Performance can be measured at an individual, team, service, corporate or community level. Performance management therefore impacts on all of us.

Having an effective system for monitoring performance, allows us to:

 Recognise which services need to improve

 Record where services are delivering well

 Monitor whether we are on track to deliver the future targets

 Analyse evidence that enables us to change service delivery

 Influence resource allocation

 Identify where joint working can improve performance

 Inform strategic decision making

Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting 5 Arrangements April 2007 Why do we need a system to monitor the LAA?

We need to understand how all the key public service deliverers sitting on the Local Strategic Partnership are performing and require one place to store this information – We will use the PMF to do this.

To help us to plan services effectively and influence decision making in the city, we need reliable performance information which has to be regularly monitored and, to do this, we need to have in place some performance criteria.

In the LAA, our performance is measured against 5 overarching objectives, 30 quality of life outcomes and 85 performance indicators and targets. In order to manage the LAA, we need to use a recognised system for collecting this information. For the LAA, we will use the City Council’s Performance Management Framework (PMF).

The PMF system allows us to:

 Plan the prioritisation of services to meet the needs of the community, monitoring services being delivered at ward level and where deprivation gaps are narrowing.  Assess and manage risk to underperforming services  Assess how services provide value for money for the tax payer  Identify best practice of service delivery taking place and allow us to share this with partners

Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting 6 Arrangements April 2007 The key elements of the Local Area Agreement’s performance management cycle can be defined by the following stages:



A COHERENT SET OF PERFORMANCE MEASURES 30 LAA Outcomes 80 Performance indicators and targets

OWNERSHIP AND REVIEWING ACCOUNTABILITY PERFORMANCE SSP Executive Quarterly monitoring City Council Director’s 6 mth LAA Self Team Assessment Objective leads LSP Annual Review Authorising Officers 12 mth LAA Review Lead Officers Performance Administrators

SUPPORT AND ADVICE To motivate and encourage organisations to deliver transformational change to services in the city - Policy and Improvement Team, Salford City Council

Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting 7 Arrangements April 2007 Roles and responsibilities

Who is responsible for providing Performance Management information?

Three tiers of officers have been identified for differing levels of responsibility for each of the outcomes and PIs in the Local Area Agreement. These have been agreed with senior management within your organisation.

Clear lines of responsibility are important to ensure accountability throughout the delivery of the LAA targets over the next 3 years.

The key people involved include:

 An Authorising Officer: usually the person within your organisation/ department who is ultimately accountable to the LSP Executive for performance issues. This person will be accountable for consistent under performance issues that would need resolving at a strategic level. Reporting to the Executive on the LAAs targets will take place by exception.

 A Lead Officer: Usually who the middle manager responsible for resolving any under performance/poor reporting issues and providing risk based information in addition to data. This person will in most cases discuss LAA performance issues at the Salford Strategic Partnership Management Group.

 A Performance Administrator or collating officer: who will be responsible for collecting and inputting information in to PMF on a quarterly basis (a junior officer in most cases – but in some cases may be people who have access or expertise in relation to the specific performance measure.)

 The Policy and Improvement team will monitor performance information provided, undertake analysis and assess risk and make regular reports by exception to the Strategic Partnership Executive on the overall progress against each of the 30 LAA Outcomes.

The following Performance Reporting framework has been compiled to provide clear lines of responsibility for the following Local Area Agreement performance measures:

 5 Objectives  30 Quality of Life Outcomes  85 Performance Indicators and Targets

Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting 8 Arrangements April 2007 The table, allows you to see which Performance Indicators you and your organisation are responsible for. It also allows you to see what other organisations are committed to delivering in Salford over the next 3 years.

Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting 9 Arrangements April 2007 PMF PI Objective 1: Improve economic Objective Lead: Emily Kynes & Bernie Vaudrey (Salford City Council) Code prosperity through educational attainment, skills, employment and Authorising Lead Performance Lead partner enterprise Officer officer administrator

Outcome 1 Improved achievement and Paul Greenway John Stephens N/A SCC (CSD) enjoyment of children and young people LAA 1 Percentage of pupils obtaining 5 GCSEs at A* - Paul Greenway Jan Rowney John Coatman SCC (CSD) C at the lowest performing schools (Harrop Fold, Moorside, Albion, Hope, Swinton, Wentworth, Buile Hill) - Annual Outcome 2 Raise standards in English, Paul Greenway Jan Rowney N/A SCC (CSD) maths and science in secondary education so that by 2008, in all schools located in the districts in receipt of NRF, at least 50% of pupils achieve level five or above in each of English, maths and science (Mandatory) LAA 2ai - By 2008 all schools located in Local Authority Paul Greenway Jan Rowney John Coatman SCC (CSD) LAA 2ciii Districts in receipt of NRF to ensure that at least 50% of pupils achieve level 5 or above in each of English, Maths, Science LAA 3a + The number of half days missed through Paul Greenway Denise Lynch John Coatman SCC (CSD) LAA 3b authorised and unauthorised absence expressed as a % of the total number of half day sessions in Salford schools - Annual LAA 4 Percentage of 16 year olds achieving 5 GCSEs Paul Greenway Jan Rowney John Coatman SCC (CSD) at grade A* - C or equivalent - Annual LAA 5a - Looked After Children with GCSEs or equivalent Paul Greenway Carolyn Williams John Coatman SCC (CSD)

Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting Arrangements 10 April 2007 LAA 5c - Annual Outcome 3 Improved economic Paul Greenway Faith Mann N/A SCC (CSD) / LSC wellbeing of young people LAA 6a - Percentage of 16-18 year olds not in education, Paul Greenway Faith Mann John Coatman SCC (CSD) / LSC LAA 6d employment or training - Annual

LAA 7a + Percentage of young people achieving: Level 2 Emily Kynes Jane Bracewell Emma Nolan/Dave LSC LAA 7b and 3 at the age of 19 Timperley/Zoe Busuttil Outcome 4 Increased employment in the Emily Kynes Matthew N/A JCP Ainsworth city LAA 8 Increase in overall employment Emily Kynes Matthew Emma Nolan/Dave JCP rate for Salford Ainsworth Timperley/Zoe Busuttil Outcome 5 Within each NRF district, for Emily Kynes Matthew Ainsworth N/A JCP those living in the wards identified by DWP as having the worst labour market position (as at February 2004), significantly improve their overall employment rate and reduce the difference between their employment rate and the overall employment rate for England LAA 9 Within that NRF district a reduction by 2007-8 of Emily Kynes Matthew Ainsworth Emma Nolan/Dave JCP at least 1.6 percentage points in the overall Timperley/Zoe benefits claim rate for those living in the Local Busuttil Authority wards identified by DWP as having the worst initial labour market position1. LAA 10 Within that NRF district a reduction by 2007-8 of Emily Kynes Matthew Ainsworth Emma Nolan/Dave JCP


Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting Arrangements 11 April 2007 at least 1.6 percentage points in the difference Timperley/Zoe between the overall benefits claimant rate for Busuttil England and the overall rate for the local authority wards with the worst labour market position. LAA 10ai - Number of residents in receipt of out of work Emily Kynes Matthew Ainsworth Emma Nolan/Dave JCP LAA 10dvi benefits in City Strategy target wards…….. Timperley/Zoe Busuttil

Outcome 6 Enabling local people to Emily Kynes Matthew Ainsworth N/A SCC (ED) achieve their full potential Emily Kynes Matthew Ainsworth Emma Nolan/Dave SCC (ED) LAA 11 The number of people on incapacity benefit2 Timperley/Zoe helped to gain sustained employment of over 16 Busuttil hours per week for 13 consecutive weeks or more. - Quarterly

Outcome 7 Significantly reduce child poverty Emily Kynes/ Paul Matthew N/A JCP/SCC/LSC in Salford Greenway Ainsworth/Paul Greenway LAA 12 The number of children living in families Emily Kynes/ Paul Matthew Emma Nolan/Dave JCP/SCC/LSC receiving DWP working age benefits. Greenway Ainsworth/Paul Timperley/Zoe Greenway Busuttil Outcome 8 Improved basic and Jane Bracewell Kevin Roswell N/A LSC employability skills of residents who are employed or economically inactive LAA 13 Number of adults in the workforce who lack Jane Bracewell Kevin Roswell Liz Haynes LSC NVQ2 or equivalent. LAA 14 Number of adults gaining at least one skills for Jane Bracewell Kevin Roswell Liz Haynes LSC life qualification at Entry Level 3, Level 1 or Level 2. - Quarterly


Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting Arrangements 12 April 2007 Outcome 9 Increasing Enterprise - Bernie Vaudrey Geoff Archer N/A SCC (ED) Increase total entrepreneurial activity among the population in deprived areas LAA 15a Increase the city-wide self employment rate (to Bernie Vaudrey Geoff Archer Joanne Hall/Geoff SCC (ED) halt the downward trend by 2009) Lightford/Justin Bentham LAA 15b Increase the city-wide female self employment Bernie Vaudrey Geoff Archer Joanne Hall/Geoff SCC (ED) rate ( to meet the current NW average by 2009) Lightford/Justin Bentham LAA 16 Increase the proportion of Salford businesses Bernie Vaudrey Geoff Archer Joanne Hall/Geoff SCC (ED) based the five priority wards (to reverse the Lightford/Justin downward trend by 2009 and to ensure that at Bentham least 30% of all Salford businesses are based in the five priority wards by 2020) Bernie Vaudrey Geoff Archer Joanne Hall/Geoff SCC (ED) LAA 17 Increase the business density across the city ( to Lightford/Justin meet the current national average (388 per Bentham 10,000 residents by 2016) Outcome 10 Increased competition - Bernie Vaudrey Geoff Archer N/A SCC (ED) Support the sustainable growth and reduce the unnecessary failure, of locally owned businesses in deprived areas LAA 18 Increase the number of new business start-ups Bernie Vaudrey Geoff Archer Joanne Hall/Geoff SCC (ED) across the city annually - Quarterly Lightford/Justin Bentham Bernie Vaudrey Geoff Archer Joanne Hall/Geoff SCC (ED) LAA 19 Reduce the number of business failures across Lightford/Justin the city Bentham

PMF PI Objective 2: Improve health Objective lead: Julie Higgins (Salford Primary Care Trust)

Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting Arrangements 13 April 2007 Code outcomes and reduce inequalities Authorising Lead Performance Lead Officer officer administrator partner Outcome 11 Improve health and Julie Higgins Janice Lowndes N/A SPCT, Healthy City reduce health inequalities (Mandatory Executive outcome) The gap between Salford and the rest of Julie Higgins Muna Aziz Muna Aziz SPCT, Healthy City LAA 20a + England in all age, all cause mortalities Executive LAA 20b LAA 21 The gap within the local area in all age, all Julie Higgins Muna Aziz Muna Aziz SPCT, Healthy City cause mortalities - DSR (ratio between the Executive rate in the most deprived quintile of LSOAs and average for area Outcome 12 Reduce premature Julie Higgins Janice Lowndes N/A SPCT, Healthy City mortality rates and reduce Executive inequalities in premature mortality rates between wards/neighbourhoods with a particular focus on reducing the risk factors for heart disease, stroke and related diseases (Cardiovascular Disease) (smoking, diet and physical activity) (Mandatory outcome)

Julie Higgins Jane Bell Jane Bell SPCT, Healthy City LAA 22 The percentage gap between Salford and Executive the rest of England and Wales for premature mortality rates from heart disease, stroke and related diseases. (directly standardised rate per 100,000) - Annual LAA 23 The gap in premature mortality rates Julie Higgins Jenny Hacker Jenny Hacker SPCT, Healthy City

Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting Arrangements 14 April 2007 between the most deprived 20% of Executive wards/neighbourhoods and the least deprived 20%, with a particular focus on reducing the gap in smoking prevalence in those areas.

LAA 24 The cumulative number of people that stop Julie Higgins Erica Kinniburgh Erica Kinniburgh SPCT, Healthy City smoking for four weeks across the city. - Executive Quarterly LAA 25b The percentage of adults participating in at Julie Higgins Samantha Foster Samantha Foster SCC (CHSC) least 30 minutes moderate intensity sport and active recreation (inc.recreational walking) on 3 or more days a week, as measured by Sport England’s “Active People” Survey - Annual LAA 25 The rate of increase of the proportion of Julie Higgins Jenny Hacker Jenny Hacker SPCT, Healthy City people with a Body Mass Index of over 30 Executive LAA 26a + The number of hospitalised admissions due Don Richards Katrina Stephens Katrina Stephens SCC (CHSC) DAAT LAA 26b to all conditions attributed to alcohol Outcome 13 Give children the best Julie Higgins Janice Lowndes N/A SPCT/SCC (CSD) start at birth LAA 27 The number of mothers initiating Julie Higgins Susan Slater Susan Slater SPCT/SCC (CSD) breastfeeding in the context of wider efforts to improve breastfeeding continuation up to 6mths - Quarterly LAA 28 The percentage of mothers continuing to Julie Higgins Erica Kinniburgh Erica Kinniburgh SPCT smoke at delivery - Quarterly Outcome 14 Improved Health of Julie Higgins Janice Lowndes N/A SPCT/SCC (CSD) Children and Young People LAA 29 The rate of increase in the proportion of Julie Higgins Jenny Hacker Jenny Hacker SPCT and children who are obese Children’s Services LAA 30 The percentage of annual increase in the Paul Greenway Steve Glazebrook John Coatman SCC (CSD)

Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting Arrangements 15 April 2007 number of schools with an approved travel plan LAA 31 Reduction in the under -18 conception rate - Faith Mann Paul Woltman John Coatman SCC (CSD) Annual LAA 32 Number of young people receiving an Don Richards Maggie Heavey Katrina Stephens SCC (CHSC) alcohol intervention from the young people's DAAT substance misuse service LAA 33 Number of young people referred to a Don Richards Maggie Heavey Katrina Stephens SCC (CHSC) specialist service as a result of admission to DAAT A and E for drugs or alcohol misuse Outcome 15 To improve quality of life Julie Higgins/Tom Janice Lowndes N/A SPCT/SCC for older people Mcdonald LAA 34 Number emergency admissions due to Tom McDonald Emma Greene Emma Greene SPCT/SCC fractured proximal femur due to falls all ages. Outcome 16 Achieve economic Tom Mcdonald Tom Mcdonald N/A SCC (CHSC) wellbeing

LAA 35 Number of successful new claims for benefit Tom Mcdonald Josette Phillips Josette Phillips SCC (CHSC) awarded to people aged over 60 with the help of Salford City Council welfare advice team - Quarterly LAA 36 Number of older people accessing Warm Bob Osbourne Gary Rearden Paula Mcguigan - SCC (housing Front scheme Stewart services)

Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting Arrangements 16 April 2007 PMF PI Objective 3: Improve Objective Lead: Don Brown Code community safety (Community Safety – Salford City Council)

Authorising Lead officer Performance Lead partner Officer administrator

Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting Arrangements 17 April 2007 Outcome 17 Reduce overall crime Don Brown Nigel Preston N/A GMP in line with local Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership targets and narrow the gap between the worst performing wards and/or neighbourhoods and other areas across the district (Mandatory outcome) LAA 37a - Reduce levels of overall crime in Salford Don Brown Nigel Preston Dawn Atkinson GMP LAA 37h (British Crime Survey Comparator crime), as recorded by Greater Manchester Police3. - Quarterly LAA 38 Narrow the gap in performance to Overall Don Brown Nigel Preston Dawn Atkinson GMP Crime Reduction between the worst performing areas and the Best Performing Areas of Salford. LAA 39a - Reduce the incidence of vehicle crime i.e. Don Brown Nigel Preston Dawn Atkinson GMP LAA 39h thefts from motor vehicles - Quarterly? LAA 40a - Reduce the incidents of criminal damage Don Brown Nigel Preston Dawn Atkinson GMP LAA 40h offences (across all categories of damage offences) LAA 41 Increase the number of domestic violence Don Brown Nigel Preston PC Rachel Drinnan GMP finalised prosecutions city-wide by 40% LAA 42 Reduce the number of reported incidents Don Brown Nigel Preston PC Rachel Drinnan GMP of repeat domestic violence city-wide by 15% LAA 43 Increase the number of sanctioned Don Brown Nigel Preston Dawn Atkinson GMP detections of violence against the person offences (Section 39 and47 Assaults)


Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting Arrangements 18 April 2007 LAA 44 Decrease the incidence of Serious Don Brown Nigel Preston Dawn Atkinson GMP Violence Against the person city-wide (Section18 and 20 Assaults) Outcome 18 Reduce the proportion Don Brown Nigel Preston N/A GMP of adult and young offenders, and prolific and other priority offenders who re-offend LAA 45a - Reduce the proportion of adult and young Angie Buckley Angie Buckley Probation LAA 45c offenders and prolific and other priority YOS offenders who re-offend a)Lynn Aimson/ SCC (CSU) a) Adults Janine Smith b) Young Offenders b)Lee Harding c) Prolific and Priority offenders c)Dawn Atkinson Outcome 19 Reassure the public, Don Brown Nigel Preston N/A SCC (CSU) reducing the fear of crime (Mandatory outcome) LAA 46 Increase the percentage of people in the Don Brown Nigel Preston Dawn Atkinson SCC (CSU) whole of Salford who feel safer.4 LAA 47 Increase the detections of hate crime - Don Brown Nigel Preston Dawn Atkinson SCC (CSU) Quarterly Outcome 20 Reduce the harm Don Brown Nigel Preston N/A DAAT caused by illegal drugs and misuse of alcohol (Mandatory outcome) LAA 48a - Reduce public perceptions of local drug Don Richards Steve Morton Mark Knight SCC (CHSC) LAA 48b dealing and use as a problem DAAT DAAT LAA 49 Increase the percentage of successful Don Richards Mark Knight Mark Knight SCC (CHSC) completions of drug treatment orders for DAAT those engaged in the criminal justice system LAA 50 In respect of those in or leaving drug Don Richards Mark Knight Mark Knight SCC (CHSC)


Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting Arrangements 19 April 2007 treatment increase the number in DAAT structured day care LAA 51 Decrease the under age alcohol test Don Brown Nigel Preston Linda O'Connell Trading standards purchase failure rate in respect of licensed David Sorrigan premise visits LAA 52 Increase the number of offenders referred Don Richards Katrina Stephens Katrina Stephens SCC (CHSC) for alcohol treatment DAAT

Outcome 21 Build ‘Respect’ in Don Brown Nigel Preston N/A SCC (CSU) communities and reduce anti-social behaviour (Mandatory outcome)

LAA 53 Increase the percentage of people who Don Brown Nigel Preston Dawn Atkinson SCC (CSU) feel informed about what is being done to tackle anti-social behaviour in their local area. 5 - Every 3 years LAA 54 Decrease the percentage of people Don Brown Nigel Preston Dawn Atkinson SCC (CSU) who feel that parents in their local area are made to take responsibility for the behaviour of their children is a 'very big problem' or a 'fairly big problem' in their local area- Every 3 years LAA 55 Decrease the percentage of people who Don Brown Nigel Preston Dawn Atkinson SCC (CSU) feel that people not treating other people with respect and consideration is a 'very big problem' or a 'fairly big problem' in their local area - Every 3 years LAA 56 Decrease the perceived level of Anti Social Don Brown Nigel Preston Dawn Atkinson SCC (CSU) Behaviour


Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting Arrangements 20 April 2007 LAA 57ai - Reduce the % or respondents to the Don Brown Nigel Preston Dawn Atkinson SCC (CSU) LAA 57gii Salford Citizens Panel Survey who when asked to consider specific issues listed below to be either a)‘a very big problem’ or b) ‘a fairly big problem’. i. vandalism, graffiti and deliberate damage; ii. using or dealing drugs; iii. teenagers hanging around on the streets; iv. rubbish and litter lying around; and v. drunkenness or rowdiness in public places vi. Noisy neighbours or loud parties Abandoned or burnt out vehicles - Every 3 years

Outcome 22 Increase domestic fire Geoff Akroyd Geoff Akroyd N/A Fire and Rescue safety and reduce arson (Mandatory service outcome) LAA 58 The number of deaths arising from Geoff Akroyd Geoff Akroyd Paul Redford Fire and Rescue accidental dwelling fires per 100,000 service population LAA 59 The number of injuries from accidental Don Brown Geoff Akroyd Paul Redford Fire and Rescue dwelling fires per 100,000 service Outcome 23 Improve the safety of Paul Greenway Paul Woltman N/A children and young people LAA 60 Number of children and young people Paul Greenway Paul Woltman John Coatman SCC (CSD) under 18 per 10,000 of the population who are looked after LAA 61 Percentage of looked after children placed Paul Greenway Paul Woltman John Coatman SCC (CSD)

Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting Arrangements 21 April 2007 outside Salford with independent or residential care LAA 62 Number of looked after children and young Paul Greenway Paul Woltman John Coatman SCC (CSD) people under 18 per 10,000 of the population who are on the child protection register LAA 63 Number of 10 to 17 year olds who are first Paul Greenway Tom Healy Lee Harding SCC (YOS) time entrants in the youth justice system LAA 64a - Percentage of pupils excluded from school Paul Greenway Lesley Taylor John Coatman SCC (CSD) LAA 64b LAA 65 Number of people killed or seriously Steven Lee Andy Devine Paula McGuigan- SCC (Highways) injured (KSI) in road traffic collisions - Stuart Quarterly

Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting Arrangements 22 April 2007 PMF PI Objective 4: Improve Objective Lead: Brian Wroe (Community Health and Social Code community engagement Care – Salford City Council)

Authorising Lead Performance Lead partner Officer officer administrator Outcome 24 Empower local people Brian Wroe Stephanie Mitchell N/A SCVS to have a greater choice and influence over local decision making and a greater role in public service delivery (Mandatory outcome) LAA 69 The percentage of people (aged 16 or Brian Wroe Stephanie Mitchell Stephanie Mitchell SCVS over) in Salford who undertake formal (until new officer in volunteering in groups, clubs or post (June) organisations for an average of 100 hours per 12 month period (an average of 2 hours per week) as measured by Salford Lifestyle Survey - Annual 1. LAA 68a2. Number of new people from socially Brian Wroe Stephanie Mitchell Stephanie Mitchell SCVS - LAA excluded groups who (until new officer in 68c undertake formal volunteering for an post (June) average of 100 hours per year6 a) a)People with no qualifications b) b)Black and minority ethnic c) people


Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting Arrangements 23 April 2007 c)People with disabilities – Annual

LAA 67 Percentage of people who feel that their Brian Wroe Shaun Clydesdale Josette Phillips SCC (CHSC) local area is a place where people can get on well together - Annual LAA 66 Percentage of people who feel they can Brian Wroe Diana Martin Josette Phillips SCC (CHSC) influence decisions in their area7 - Annual

LAA 70ai Percentage of voluntary and community Brian Wroe Stephanie Mitchell Stephanie Mitchell SCVS - LAA sector groups and organisations affirming (until new officer in 70cii growth in activity over the past year post (June) in terms of financial turnover and volunteering Outcome 25 Empowerment of Paul Greenway Paul Greenway N/A SCC (CSD) children and young people LAA 71 Percentage of children and young people Paul Greenway Paul Budis John Coatman SCC (CSD) asked who consider that their views are considered and that they can influence decisions in their area


Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting Arrangements 24 April 2007 PMF PI Objective 5: Improve Objective Lead: Wayne Priestley Code environment sustainability (Environmental Services -Salford City Council) Authorising Lead Performance Lead Partner Officer officer administrator Outcome 26 Cleaner, greener and Wayne Priestley Wayne Priestley N/A SCC (ES) safer public spaces (Mandatory outcome) LAA 72a Physical reduction in Wayne Priestley Wayne Priestley Peter Coxon SCC (ES) - LAA a) street litter/dog fouling 72jiv b) graffiti, fly posting - Every 3 years LAA 73 The % of people satisfied with the cleanliness Wayne Priestley Wayne Priestley Peter Coxon SCC (ES) standard in their area - Every 3 years LAA 74a Proportion of population within catchment Wayne Priestley Wayne Priestley Peter Coxon SCC (ES) - LAA areas of Greenspace standard 74d Outcome 27 Improve the quality of life Wayne Priestley Wayne Priestley N/A SCC (ES) for people in the most disadvantaged neighbourhoods; make service providers more responsive to neighbourhood needs and improve service delivery (Mandatory outcome) LAA 78a Percentage of residents reporting an increase Wayne Priestley Wayne Priestley Peter Coxon SCC (ES) - LAA 78c in satisfaction with the local environmental quality of their neighbourhoods as defined by BVPI199 (A) – (B) + Dog fouling - Every 3 years

Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting Arrangements 25 April 2007 LAA 79 Percentage of residents satisfied with local Wayne Priestley Wayne Priestley Peter Coxon SCC (ES) open spaces (including parks) that meet borough average - Every 3 years LAA 86 The % of abandoned vehicles removed within Wayne Priestley Wayne Priestley Peter Coxon SCC (ES) / GMP 24 hours from the point at which the authority is legally entitled to remove the vehicle

Outcome 28 Reduce waste to landfill Wayne Priestley Wayne Priestley N/A SCC (ES) and increase recycling LAA 77a Proportion of households involved Wayne Priestley Damien Thornton Linda SCC (ES) - LAA in recycling of domestic waste o’Connell/David 77e Sorrigan LAA 87 Increase in the percentage of municipal Wayne Priestley Damien Thornton Linda SCC (ES) waste recycled o’Connell/David Sorrigan LAA 88 Reduction in the percentage of municipal Wayne Priestley Damien Thornton Linda SCC (ES) waste land filled o’Connell/David Sorrigan Outcome 29 As part of an overall Bob Osbourne N/A N/A SCC (Housing and housing strategy for the district Planning) ensure that all social housing is made decent by 2010, unless a later deadline is agreed by DCLG as part of the Decent Homes programme. LAA 80 Non-decency targets to deliver Decent Bob Osbourne Gary Rearden Paula SCC (Housing and Homes by 2010 (or later deadline as McGuiganstuart Planning) approved by DCLG) which are agreed with

Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting Arrangements 26 April 2007 Government Offices and monitored at District Level against trajectories reported in LA BPSAs RSL and RSRs. LAA 81a The proportion of local authority homes which Bob Osbourne Gary Rearden Paula SCC (Housing and + LAA were not decent at the beginning of the year - McGuiganstuart Planning) 81b Annual Rearden LAA 82 The total number of private sector properties Bob Osbourne Gary Rearden Paula SCC (Housing and which were non decent at the beginning of McGuiganstuart Planning) the year occupied by owner or tenant in receipt of income related or disability benefits

LAA 83 Improve energy efficiency to public sector Bob Osbourne Gary Rearden Paula SCC (Housing and homes McGuiganstuart Planning) Outcome 30 Reduce environmental Wayne Priestley Mark Cashin N/A crime in the city LAA 84a The number of deliberate secondary fires in Wayne Priestley Geoff Akroyd Roselyn Baker Fire and Rescue - LAA84e Salford - Quarterly Service LAA 85a The number of primary vehicle fires in Salford Wayne Priestley Geoff Akroyd Roselyn Baker Fire and Rescue – LAA85e - Quarterly Service

Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting Arrangements 27 April 2007 Putting the theory in to practice….

Part 2: Accessing PMF

Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting 28 Arrangements April 2007 Accessing PMF in 3 simple steps

How do I access PMF?

The PMF is a web based system, that means, from within your organisation you can access the system by a dedicated web site.

The following steps will take you through how to:

 Access PMF  Log in  How to find the Performance Indicators you and your organisation are responsible for  How to input data  How to interpret the terminology  What type of information you need to provide i.e data or qualitative

Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting 29 Arrangements April 2007 Step 1 – Accessing PMF

The web address for the PMF system is:-

The following home page will be displayed.

Step 2 – Log in

You will find the ‘Log in’ icon at the top right hand side of the PMF home page.

Click on the Log in icon to access the log in table

Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting 30 Arrangements April 2007 A log in window will now appear.

Type in your username and password which has been provided to you. If you have forgotten your log in details or wish to change them, then please contact [email protected] or 0161 793-3422.

Once you have input your username and password, please click on the ‘log in’ button.

You should have now successfully logged in.

Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting 31 Arrangements April 2007 Step 3 Accessing your performance indicators?

After logging in, you will be returned to the homepage. In the top left hand corner of the home page, click on the ‘My PMF’ icon.

Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting 32 Arrangements April 2007 You will now be able to view all the performance indicators for which you have ‘performance administrator’ responsibility for. (N.B In the PMF, your name will appear as a ‘Collating officer’).

To the left hand side of the page you will see a list of indicator codes.

By selecting the indicator code, you can then gain direct access to each Performance Indicator you are responsible for.

For example; the code ‘LAA37a’ relates to the following indicator:-

 Reduce levels of overall crime in Salford (British Crime Survey Comparator Crime), as recorded by Greater Manchester Police: All Salford

Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting 33 Arrangements April 2007 You will now be able to view the detail of the performance indicator you have selected.

On this page, you will see that there are fields for inputting standard information, which you will see has already been completed:-

Year: the year to which the indicator relates Indicator: The code which has been allocated to the LAA indicator Indicator type: All the indicators you will access are allocated as LAA indicators Description: The title of the indicator Authorising Officer: The person ultimately accountable to the LSP and for consistent under performance issues that would need resolving at a strategic level. Responsible Officer: The person who will be the middle manager or lead officer responsible for resolving any under performance/poor reporting issues and providing risk based information. Collating officer: A Performance Administrator who will be responsible for collecting and inputting information into the PMF. Editorial access: Enables other users of the PMF to have editing access to the respective indicator. *There are a number of other fields on the above screen which are not being utilised for the purposes of the LAA. If these fields are not mentioned in this guide then please ignore them**.

Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting 34 Arrangements April 2007 Putting the theory in to practice….

Part 3: Inputting data

Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting 35 Arrangements April 2007 Putting the theory in to practice….

By now, you have learned to access PMF, log in and navigate your way through the system to the performance indicators you are responsible for.

The following exercise will enable you to gain a greater understanding of how to use the system and to also think about the information which you will need to input into the system in due course for the Performance Indicators which you have input responsibility.

You are now ready to begin….(Refer to Steps 1 – 3 for guidance on Logging in and accessing the system) Step 4 – Editing

To input any data or text into the PMF system, you will need to select the ‘edit’ function.

Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting 36 Arrangements April 2007 You will notice that the screen format has changed and that many of the fields have ‘opened up’ to allow changes/additions to be made.

The screen you are now in should look like this:-

Step 5 Inputting targets and quarterly reporting

From this page, with your mouse scroll down until you reach the field which is headed as ‘Performance data’. This is where annual targets and year end figures are input.

For many of the LAA Performance Indicators, the target information has in most cases already have been input as these have already been agreed by your organisation in advance. See the example below:-

Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting 37 Arrangements April 2007 Take some time to familiarise yourself with the targets. The performance data table also allows you to add in other types of data.

Historic Data

Under performance data section you will see that historic data can be added, going back to 2002/3. Where possible please complete actual targets achieved for previous years. This will allow you to see trends occurring, i.e how a service has performed previously and how that compares to current performance.


Benchmarking information, is a type of comparator information that enables us to compare our services to other areas either at Greater Manchester Level, regionally or nationally.

However each service or organisation has different criteria for comparing the quality of their services to other areas. For instance, The Council’s Children’s Services compares itself to authorities outside the Greater Manchester region, to authorities in the North East of the country, because of demographic similarities.

Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting 38 Arrangements April 2007 Other teams and organisations compare themselves to neighbouring authorities, such as Trafford or Manchester. There are other ways to benchmark services and are individual to each organisation. Indeed, benchmarking information isn’t always available or reliable so it is not always possible to make such comparisons.

However where it does exist, we need to ensure we capture this.

The PMF has the capacity to hold 3 types of benchmarking information that allows us to compare services to those being delivered else where. You can use the following fields to do this, Top Q, Median, Bottom Q.

Use the following fields to input Benchmarking information actual data (where it exists).

Projection: This field allows you to input a figure for the projected year end figure which may be different from any annual target set. This may include targets that are set nationally by the Government or other agencies. Top Q: ) This fields allows you to input comparator data on how the best performing organisations either locally, regionally or nationally are performing and allows you to benchmark with other authorities. Median: ) This field are for the input of comparator data. It is based on the performance being achieved by the top 50% of local authorities or organisations . Bot Q: ) This fields allows you to input comparator data on how poorly performing organisations either locally, regionally or nationally are performing and allows you to benchmark with other authorities or organisations. Average: This is the average performance being achieved by the comparator group in question.

If you are unsure how your benchmarking information ‘fits’ into the Top Q, Median or Bottom Q fields, please contact a member of the Policy and Improvement Team, (page 50) and we will advise on this further.

**It is good practice to save changes/additions as you go along. You can save changes /additions by clicking on the ‘Save’ button at the top of the screen. You will need to re-select the ‘Edit’ mode after saving**.

Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting 39 Arrangements April 2007 Making Monthly Comparisons

Now you can scroll down to the section headed ‘Monthly comparisons’. This section allows you to input and monitor monthly/quarterly/6-monthly milestones.

Using the radio buttons (The ‘yes/No’ buttons under each month), you need to select a quarterly reporting frequency. By selecting ‘yes’ for the months of June, September, December and March.

By selecting these, you are stating that the performance information you are providing is for the following quarters:-

Quarter 1= April - June Quarter 2= July - September Quarter 3= October - December Quarter 4= January - March

Setting Milestones

Using the ‘Milestone’ field, complete some milestone information of how you expect to be performing for the months of June, September, December and March.

Reporting Actual Performance

At the end of each quarter, under ‘Actual’, you will need to input the actual performance data that has been achieved.

Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting 40 Arrangements April 2007 Remember to save the data you have added be using the ‘save’ icon at the top of the page. Now select the ‘edit’ function using the ‘edit’ icon at the top of the page to continue inputting. Step 6 – Inputting Performance Commentary

During step 5, you learned to input data for the performance indicators you are responsible for. In Step 6, you can learn how to provide some commentary that will provide a written account of performance. You may need to consult with your lead officer for this information.


Scroll down to the ‘Performance Commentary’ field on the screen which is identified below:-

You will see a + icon which appears below the ‘Performance commentary’ heading. Select the + icon.

Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting 41 Arrangements April 2007 The following page will now be displayed:

Under Performance Commentary, you will see, the field ‘month’. Click on the drop down arrow at the right hand side:-

This allows you to select one of the months that you have selected as your reporting frequency in step 5 . (June, September, December or March). You should have already input data for these months.


Now input some comments on performance relating to the particular quarter end you have selected. (This is to support the data you have provided in Step 5)

By selecting June, for example from the drop down list, you will be able to input some commentary based on the respective quarters performance.

You can now enter comments in the ‘comments on current performance’ field. Type in some comments to provide some narrative. You may want to cover the following:

 Reasons for over performance (i.e a success with a particular new initiative)  Reasons for under performance ( i.e staffing problems, delay in activities commencing) Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting 42 Arrangements April 2007  Examples of good practice of your organisation working in partnership with other organisations that are helping to achieve the LAAA targets

‘Comments on current performance’ will be based on how you have performed based on the previous quarter, the annual target (after 4 quarters only) and whether you’re on track to meet future milestone targets. You can also provide some comments on how you are comparing to other areas. (To do this you may wish to revisit Step 5, which covers ‘Monthly comparisons’.


In the next field ‘Barriers/risks to achievement’, type in some comments that will provide information on any barriers or risks which you feel are preventing or hindering the achievement of targets, both for the previous quarter you are reporting on and that may effect the achievement of future targets.

For example, some barriers or risks could be in relation to resource issues, training needs, etc, but it is important that these are recorded so that these barriers/risks can be addressed by the Local Strategic Partnership


Now you have completed Barriers/Risks, you can now input your ‘Future actions’ that will address such risks and reverse any underperformance trends enabling the longer term targets to be achieved. In this section you may wish to include information about a specific action or series of activities that will mitigate any risks.

Finally, in ‘value for money’ section, you should provide here comments in respect of whether the service the PI relates to is providing good VFM. This is Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting 43 Arrangements April 2007 one of the essential requirements of the Government’s assessments of the LAA.

When you have inputted some commentary in to the VFM box, you have now finished the commentary section, make sure that you ‘save’ the text which has been input.

Now click on the ‘Close’ icon at the top of the page. This will return you to the main PI details screen:-

Congratulations! You have now successfully completed the first 6 simple steps to performance management!

The next step will take you through, how to generate a report from the information you have put in to the system.

Such reports are useful for internal team meetings and other groups who meet to discuss the performance of services.

The information you have provided in PMF will be used to generate reports to the Local Strategic Partnership.

Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting 44 Arrangements April 2007 Step 7 – Generating Performance reports

Now you have input information for the last quarter (i.e June, September, December or March), PMF has the facility to generate reports on the information on all the LAA performance indicators and achievement against targets that have been put in to the system. If you would like to generate a report , you can do so by following these few easy steps.

At the top of this page in the grey shaded area, you will see an icon headed ‘PI baskets’.

Now select the ‘PI Baskets’ icon. The following page will be displayed:

Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting 45 Arrangements April 2007 Next…..

Now scroll down the screen and click on the heading- ‘Local Area Agreement’. This will provide you with access to the ‘basket’ containing all the LAA performance indicators.

From this page, you will be able to view all the LAA performance indicators. To the right hand side of the screen is a ‘View monthly performance summary’ icon.

Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting 46 Arrangements April 2007 As you have already input data based on a quarterly reporting frequency of June, September, December and March. Select a month from the drop down menu e.g June

A report for the complete basket of LAA Performance Indicators will be displayed incorporating the data and performance comments which you have input.

You can repeat this exercise after each quarter.

For information on other reports that can be generated, please contact the Policy and Improvement Team, Chief Executive’s 0161 793- 3446. Your managers may be interested in receiving reports by LAA outcome or objective and this is something that will be available in due course.

Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting 47 Arrangements April 2007 Step 8 – Log out!

Logging out is simple, you will see the top right hand side of the screen has a ‘log out’ function. Select this icon and you will return to the PMF homepage, where you can exit the site.

Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting 48 Arrangements April 2007 Putting the theory in to practice….

Part 4: Next Steps & Post training reporting deadlines

Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting 49 Arrangements April 2007 Next 2 Steps…

We have already come a long way in terms of getting our performance management systems fit for purpose for monitoring progress of the Local Area Agreement. We have a solid foundation in which we can build on and we now need your help to ensure that every single LAA performance measure in the PMF has accurate performance data and information in it.

If we are to tell Salford’s story in the LAA Self assessment in November 2007, we need your help to ensure the performance against each of the 85 Performance indicators is accurate and up to date.

In your role as performance administrator, over the next 6 months - we need your assistance to complete the following tasks for each LAA performance indicator:

 Review the current information in the system. After doing so, for each Performance indicator you are responsible for; working with your lead officer, complete the following sections:  Historic data (where this is available - See Step 5)  Benchmarking (See Step 5)  Monthly comparisons (See Step 5)  Milestones (See Step 5)  Actuals (See step 5)  Performance commentary (See step 6) Performance Reporting Deadlines

Performance information Deadline required

31st May 2007 Historic Data Benchmarking data

30th June 2007 Quarterly (future) Milestones

6th July 2007 In addition to the above – Actuals, (based on April to June Quarter 1 performance) Performance commentary

Actuals, (based on July to September 12th October 2007 Quarter 2 performance) Performance commentary

Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting 50 Arrangements April 2007 Part 5: PMF Follow up support

Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting 51 Arrangements April 2007 OFFICER SUPPORT

We are here to help! Please do not hesitate to contact any of us should you require any support in using the PMF system. If you have not received training on the PMF system and are interested in receiving some, please also contact us to arrange this.

Roz Catlow Policy and Improvement Team Chief Executive’s Department Salford City Council

0161 793 3173 [email protected]

Keeley Sutton Policy and Improvement Team Chief Executive’s Department Salford City Council

0161 793 3422 [email protected]

Neil Watts Policy and Improvement Team Chief Executive’s Department Salford City Council

0161 793 3446 [email protected]

Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting 52 Arrangements April 2007 Salford Local Area Agreement 2007-2010 Performance Management Reporting 53 Arrangements April 2007

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