Msad 15 Performance Assessment Design Template

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Msad 15 Performance Assessment Design Template

Unit Components All documents should be created as .doc files. Please note, documents made in Pages do not translate into .doc if they have tables, graphics, or template settings. It should be possible for students to open all files on any computer. The footer of all documents should show MSAD 15. Every file should include the identification number for the learning target or standard. It is recommended that students learn to include this with their name if it is not already on the document.

Date: 2011 Unit Creator(s): Flo Islinger

Learning Target/Standard/Unit/Task: VA.01.CPS.01 - Application of creative process: Students identify and demonstrate creative problem-solving skills. a.Improvise to solve problems in the performing arts. b. Imagine and share possible solutions to apply to challenges in creating art.

Please include all items listed below. Record them in sequence. If electronic files, please identify the sequence of the files. Assessment Tool Rubric Matrices with associated checklists or files Resources or links Introductory set Exemplars of each item

MSAD 15 MSAD 15 PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT DESIGN TEMPLATE Design backwards. First determine what will be assessed and how it will be assessed. Content Area: Visual Art Unit/Topic: Flexible (can be unit-specific or a culminating cross unit assessment Measurement Topic or Standard ID# to be assessed: VA.01.CPS.01 Guiding Principle ID# to be assessed: Cognitive Strategy ID# to be assessed: College Transition ID# to be assessed:

What two or three big ideas, goals or objectives will guide student inquiry?

Written essential CONTENT AREA STANDARDS that will students know, be able to apply, and be assessed on at the end of this study? VA.01.CPS.01 -Application of creative process: Students identify and demonstrate creative problem-solving skills. a.Improvise to solve problems in the performing arts. b. Imagine and share possible solutions to apply to challenges in creating art.

GUIDING PRINCIPLES: What Essential Work Habits and/or Comprehensive Performance Skills will students develop? Essential Work Habits A clear and effective communicator Self-directed and lifelong learner Comprehensive Performance Skills Creative and practical problem solver Responsible and involved citizen Integrative and informed thinker COGNITIVE STRATEGIES: What will students be able to do as a result of this study? Problem Formulation Communication Hypothesize Organize x Strategize Construct Research Precision/Accuracy Identify Monitor Collect Confirm Interpretation Analyze Evaluate

MSAD 15 COLLEGE TRANSITIONS (If applicable) Social/identity issues in transition College types and missions Career pathways Affording college College culture Relations with professors Admissions Requirements Rubric: Begin by creating a rubric that articulates how you will see evidence of the standard(s). Is the rubric specific enough to be understood by all and general enough to apply to more than one product?

Design the performance assessment: Describe the performance assessment prompt(s). Creation of an art product using creative problem solving skills.

Describe formative/on-going assessments/other summative assessments that relate to this assessment. Teacher student check in: Student response to constructive criticism

Describe the criteria for the performance assessment(s) of the Content. Idea development/planning Creative problem solving Completed original work

Describe the criteria for the assessment(s) of Guiding Principles, Cognitive Strategies, and/or College Tran- sitions. Organization and Construction

Voice and Choice: How have you included student choice and voice in this assessment? Students make choices to make their products original within the lesson guidelines.

Differentiation: How might you adjust the content, process, or product to support struggling students in the as- sessment?

Assess across proficiencies: Does the rubric clearly assess what was taught in the content, the Guiding Principles, the Cognitive Strategies, and the College Transitions?

MSAD 15 MSAD#15 Title: Subject: Visual Art Grade: K-2, span 1

Topic: Designers: Flo Islinger Stage 1 – Desired Results

Established Goals: Maine Learning Results (what will you measure) VA.01.CPS.01 -Application of creative process: Students identify and demonstrate creative problem-solving skills. a.Improvise to solve problems in the performing arts. b. Imagine and share possible solutions to apply to challenges in creating art.

Understandings Essential Questions Students will understand that... How can the Visual Arts be used as a tool to creatively solve problems?

Knowledge Skills Students will know... Students will be able to...

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence

Performance Tasks Creation of an art product using creative problem solving skills.

MSAD 15 Stage 3 – Learning Plan

Learning Activities: WHERETO Where are we going?

How will we hook and hold student interest?

E how will we equip students for expected performance

R how will we help student rethink and revise?

E How will students reflect and self-evaluate their learning?

T How will we tailor learning to varied needs, interests and styles?

O How will we organize the lesson and sequencing the learning)

MSAD 15 Name: ______Date Started:______Date Completed:______

Measurement Topic:

4 3 2 1 Proficient with Distinction Proficient Partially Emerging Proficient The learner infers or applies the learned concept The learner understands the targeted The learner knows Needs help to show in an advanced manner or in an authentic complex ideas and concepts. the foundational the foundational situation. simple details and details and processes. processes of the concept.

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