Marketing Is All Around Us

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Marketing Is All Around Us

Name: Marketing Marketing Is All Around Us

What is Marketing?

Terms to know:




Functions of Marketing -- that work together to get goods and services from the producer to the consumer.








Each is

Distribution – Deciding and to products need to be sold to reach

Financing – getting the necessary to Name: Marketing Marketing Information Management – Getting information to make sound. Usually obtained through

Pricing – How much to to maximize

Product Service Management -- , maintaining, and improving a in response to market opportunities.

Promotion -- with potential customer to , and

them about a business’s products.

Selling – Planned, personalized that

Purchase decisions.

The Global Economy

Marketers are found at every .

Nearly all business decisions have a Marketing element

Marketing changes the:

Number ()

Quality ()

and Price () of products that you can buy. Name: Marketing The Marketing Concept says

Businesses must satisfy customers’in order to make a

1. If automobile manufactures do not give their a choice (what they want), they


2. That concept is true for all businesses.

3. Name: Marketing Vocabulary Worksheet

1. What are the 7 Functions of Marketing and give one example how a large hotel chain could

use each one?

Function of Marketing Hotel example








2. What is the definition of Marketing?

3. What is the difference between a good and a service?

1. A good is

2. A service is

4. What do we call all of the activities that make a product or service that is capable of satisfying customers’

wants and needs?

1. What does the Marketing Concept state?

2. Create a Marketing Concept statement for the manufacture of your toothpaste.

must sell toothpaste that is flavored. Name: Marketing

3. Why is the above statement about your toothpaste true?

4. In which three ways does Marketing make the products you buy better? Name: Marketing MARKETING MANAGEMENT SERIES EVENT PARTICIPANT INSTRUCTIONS

PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 1. Describe marketing functions and related activities.

2. Identify product’s/service’s competitive advantage.

3. Discuss motivational theories that impact buying behavior.

4. Explain customer/client/business buying behavior.

5. Demonstrate connections between company actions and results.


You are to assume the role of marketing specialist for TOUCH TECHNOLOGY, a media technology company that produces mobile phones. The CEO (judge) has asked you to develop a marketing plan for an existing product.

TOUCH TECHNOLOGY is a respected leader in media technology. In hopes of increasing the company’s market share in the competitive industry, the company would like to increase marketing plans for their smart phone, the Aviator. The Aviator was the first smart phone ever produced. It was introduced to the public over a decade ago, long before the competition launched similar models. While the Aviator can still claim superior technology as a product, its competition enjoys a higher market share, universal popularity and a “coolness factor” the handheld Aviator cannot seem to match. A recent study showed that only 2% of consumers purchasing smart phones in the future would choose the Aviator.

Competitors’ smart phones offer more than 100,000 applications compared to only 400 for the Aviator. Consumer feedback indicated that the Aviator’s e-mail system is difficult to use and not always dependable. The Aviator is only available in the standard black or silver color options, which many feel are outdated.

The CEO (judge) has asked for you to develop a marketing plan specifically for the Aviator that will help gain a larger market share in the smart phone industry. In developing your plan, the CEO (judge) wants a prioritized list of changes that need to be made to the Aviator to support the success of the marketing strategies.

You will present the marketing plan to the CEO (judge) in a role-play to take place in the CEO’s (judge’s) office. The CEO (judge) will begin the role-play by greeting you and asking to hear your ideas. After you have presented the marketing plan and have answered the CEO’s (judge’s) questions, the CEO (judge) will conclude the role-play by thanking you for your work. Name: Marketing

Standard 1 Day 2 LESSON OUTLINE

Objective:  The benefits of marketing  The meaning of economic utility  The five economic utilities and how to distinguish the four that are related to marketing

1. Complete the “Lecture Guide” using the “PowerPoint” Presentation and your Instructor.

2. Complete each of the worksheets as they are presented in the PowerPoint.

a. “High or Low Utility?” Worksheet

b. Complete and correct the “Vocabulary Worksheet”

c. Participate in the “Food Marketing Series” DECA Role Play

3. Turn in your completed packet to your Instructor. Name: Marketing The Importance of Marketing

Economic Benefits of Marketing

* Marketing betweenof seller of an item

New and Improved Products --businesses look for opportunities to

Lower Prices – marketing activities . When demand is , manufacturers can produce at a . They can sell at a lower price but increase the quantity sold. Thus, even though prices are low.

It adds

Added Value =

There are five types of Utility:

1. _

2. _

3. _

4. _

5. _

of a product or service that make it capable of consumers’ wants and needs.

Form Utility -- Changing or together to make them more – making and things.

For example Name: Marketing Place Utility -- Having a product customers can _.

It Involves

* _– may be through a catalog or at a retailer (actual store) – or, Internet.

* _ the product to the location.

Time Utility -- Having a product available at or a convenient .

It includes:

 Planning and _

 Time of _

 Time of

Possession Utility -- The for some value.

Payment may be made by

 Installments (layaway)

Information Utility -- Involves with the

For example

Which types of utility are related to marketing? Name: Marketing is a function of production, NOT marketing

These utilities ARE directly related to marketing:

They are Name: Marketing High or Low Utility?

Directions: For each type of utility, write three examples of something that you think has a high utility level and three things that you think have a low utility level.

High Utility Level Low Utility Level Ex: Glass soda bottle Ex: Sand 1. 1. Form Utility (Not Marketing) 2. 2. 3. 3. Ex: Ski Shop at Sundance Ex: Ski Shop on State Street Place 1. 1. Utility 2. 2. 3. 3. Ex: Time spent with Friends Ex: Time spent at work Time 1. 1. Utility 2. 2. 3. 3. Ex: new car Ex: broken down car Possession 1. 1. Utility 2. 2. 3. 3. Name: Marketing Vocabulary Worksheet

1. Marketing adds value to products. What is another term for value?

2. Which economic utility increased when Big Ed’s 24-Hour Diner recently began accepting VISA and MasterCard?

3. The owners of the Totally Outrageous Shoe Store decided to rent store space next to a music store where teenagers frequently shop. Which utility did the owners’ decision add to their product?

4. Adding Utility to a product is much like increasing the of a product so customers are willing to spend more money for the item

5. Informing consumers about a products components or specifications is an example of which type of utility?

6. What are three economic benefits of marketing?

7. Buying a finished product instead of the individual components is an example of which type of utility?

8. Having a 50% off sale on the 5th of July would be an example of which type of utility?

9. Which utility is not related to marketing?

10. Being able to make purchases online using a credit card is an example of which type of utility? Name: Marketing Food Marketing Series PARTICIPANT INSTRUCTIONS


1. Describe marketing functions and related activities.

2. Identify forms of economic utility created by marketing activities.

3. Handle customer inquiries.

4. Explain marketing and its importance.

5. Explain the concept of marketing and market identification.


You are to assume the role of grocery department manager for a nationwide supermarket. As you are reviewing department restocking sheets, an angry customer approaches you and complains to you about how manufacturers and retailers waste money on marketing their goods. The customer emphatically states that retail prices could be significantly lower if manufacturers spent less money on marketing their products.

You are quite aware that marketing makes buying easier for customers. It also creates new and improved products at lower prices. You are to take this opportunity to respond to the customer and explain the economic benefits of marketing. Consider the following economic concepts when responding to the customer:

 How marketing adds value (utility) to a good or service  Place utility  Time utility  Information utility  Possession utility

The role-play will take place on the sales floor. The customer (judge) will begin the role-play by explaining his/her feelings concerning retail prices. After you have answered the customer’s questions, the customer (judge) will end the role-play by thanking you for your explanation. Name: Marketing Standard 1 Day 3 LESSON OUTLINE

Objective: • Define a market • Describe target marketing • Differentiate between customers and consumers • Use the four P’s of the marketing mix

1. Complete the “Lecture Guide” using the “PowerPoint” Presentation, the book, and your Instructor.

2. Complete each of the worksheets as they are presented in the PowerPoint.

a. “Marketing’s 4 P’s: The Consumer Angle” Video Listing Guide

b. Complete the “Vocabulary Review”


3. Turn in your completed packet to your Instructor and take the Test. Name: Marketing Fundamentals of Marketing

Market – who have the and to buy.

Target Marketing – Focusing all

on a very of people who you want to

Customers – the product.

Consumers – people who actually the product.

Marketing Mix -- Basic marketing – the


2. _


4. _

Product Strategies

What product to

How to it

What name to use

What to project

Place Strategies and a product will be distributed. Name: Marketing Price Strategies

Reflect what customers are .

Promotion Strategies

How potential customers will be about the new product

* What the will be

* When and where it will be delivered

* Whatare there to purchase it

The Marketing Mix

The elements

The Marketing Mix – The 4 P’s

* Contains countless .

* Management must select a of marketing mix decisions that will satisfy target

markets and achieve organizational Name: Marketing Marketing’s 4 P’s: The Consumer Angle  Where does consumer research come from?

 What are the two main markets?

 Qualitative Research includes:

 Quantitative Research includes:

 What does the Marketing Mix include?





 The Product is?

 What is Price?

 What does Place mean?

 Promotion is?

 What is the “fifth” P?

 Marketing = - Name: Marketing PRODUCT  Products include?

PRICING  What type of questions should you ask before setting a price?

 How do you price a product to capture as many buyers a possible?

 Price =

 What is Skimming?

 What is Penetration?

PLACE  Most importantly Place includes

 Direct Distribution

 Indirect Distribution

 How did DELL distribute the computers?

PROMOTION  What does successful promotion allow consumers to achiever?

 Mr. Wipple blanketed the airwaves with “

 What did they build in NYC?

 What are some examples of technology in Promotion?

POSITIONING Name: Marketing  What is Positioning?

 How did Starbucks “change” coffee?

BRANDING  How did branding start?

 What is a brand?

 People buy products because:

 Porsche brand its cars?

 Who is at the heart of Marketing?

 Who decides which products succeed?

Vocabulary Review

1.______Activities that work together to satisfy target markets and achieve organizational goals.

2.______How and where products are transported?

3.______The art of informing the public about a product using a variety of methods, some you paid for others where free, is called?

4.______The Marketing Mix (4 P's) include?

5.______All of the potential customers who have the willingness and ability to purchase a product. Name: Marketing 6.______Focusing all Marketing efforts on a very specific group of people.

7.______The group of people who buy products.

8.______The individuals who use a product.

9.______Decisions about what product to make, how its packaged, branding, and image are which marketing mix element?

10.______How much customers are willing to spend for a product. Name: Marketing TRAVEL AND TOURISM MARKETING MANAGEMENT TEAM DECISION MAKING EVENT

SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE INDICATORS EVALUATED  Describe the nature of current economic problems.  Describe current issues and trends in the travel and tourism industry.  Describe the nature of target marketing in the travel and tourism industry.  Develop a marketing plan.  Determine services to provide customers.  Develop strategies to position a product/business.  Explain the role of promotion as a marketing function.

CASE STUDY SITUATION You are to assume the roles of employees in the marketing department of COASTAL AIRWAYS, a mid-size airline company. The airline’s general manager (judge) has asked you to prepare a marketing plan.

COASTAL AIRWAYS, a family-owned airline, has been in business for 15 years. The company specializes in flying to small cities along the coast where most major airlines don’t fly. The airline has a fleet of 75 planes ranging from small prop planes up to its biggest plane, a DC-9. The average daily passenger load is 1,500. The majority of customers are vacationers, but business professionals are the fastest-growing segment.

While your traditional target market has been people looking for a good value for vacation travel, both business travelers and those traveling for personal reasons have given the airline high marks in customer satisfaction—COASTAL AIRWAYS has been one of the highest-rated airlines for the past 10 years. COASTAL AIRWAYS is known for providing no-frills, on-time travel at a reasonable price. With its growth over the past several years, COASTAL even offers a better selection of travel times to several destinations than those of the major airlines.

Recent world events have put the travel industry as a whole into a downward spiral. Many airline companies are operating fewer flights, and in some case even discontinuing service on less-profitable routes, because they cannot get their flights filled. Because of its slow growth over the years and its specific niche in the market, COASTAL AIRWAYS isn’t feeling that squeeze yet. In fact, management has decided to add new daily flights for their busiest routes, with the option to add even more, to accommodate the additional demand of business travelers. COASTAL AIRWAYS is essentially filling the voids left by airlines who have reduced their number of flights in anticipation of an increase in demand back to previous levels, or even higher. Name: Marketing COASTAL AIRWAYS is confident that it will remain a first choice for people traveling for personal reasons, vacation or otherwise. It is just a matter of time, as people become more comfortable again with air travel, before personal travel returns to previous levels. Still, the largest area of growth opportunity is business travelers.

You know several characteristics of the average business traveler—business travelers are more cost conscious than in the past, they look for convenience in travel schedules, and they tend to be more brand loyal than personal travelers. The airline’s general manager (judge) wants you to create a plan to attract the business travel market, while at the same time maintaining the airline’s strong appeal to personal travelers. The plan should include advertising and promotional strategies, as well as services offered to customers.

You will present your marketing plan to the general manager (judge) in a meeting in the office conference room. The general manager (judge) will begin the meeting by greeting you and asking to hear your ideas. After you have presented your plan and have answered the general manager’s (judge’s) questions, the general manager (judge) will conclude the meeting by thanking you for your efforts. Name: Marketing Standard 1 Day 4 LESSON OUTLINE

Objective: • Understand the concept of market segmentation. • Define the term market segmentation. • Understand the four methods used to segment a market. • Understand current demographic, psychographic, and geographic trends

1. Complete the “Lecture Guide” using the “PowerPoint” Presentation, the book, and your Instructor. 2. Complete each of the worksheets as they are presented in the PowerPoint. a. “Market Segmentation” Assignment b. “Segmentation” Activity c. “Vocabulary Review” Worksheet d. Participate in the “SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT MARKETING” DECA Role Play e. “Test Review” Activity 3. Turn in your completed packet to your Instructor. Name: Marketing Market Segmentation

Analyzing Markets

is a way of analyzing a market by in order to create a

Types of Segmentation:

1. _

2. _

3. _

4. _

Demographics that describe a population in terms of personal characteristics.

Demographics include:

1. ___

A. _

B. _

C. _

2. _

3. _

4. _

Psychographics -- Involves grouping people with as well as

A. Attitudes

B. & Values

VALSTM is a and tool. Name: Marketing Geographics – Segmentation based




Behavioral Segmentation

* Looking at the by consumers, shopping patterns, and Market benefits, not just

the physical characteristics of a product

* Many businesses find that the applies.

Mass Marketing Vs Segmentation

* Mass marketing as it once was.

* _ marketing (the current trend) – markets are down and defined with extreme


Instructions: Using the four methods of segmentation (Demographic, Behavioral, Psychographics, and Geographic) segment yourself into categories. When you are finished you will have your target Market

Demographics: Age





Life stage

Behavioral/Rate of Use: Benefits derived


Psychographic: Life Styles Values






Pick five students in the class and complete a Customer Profile for each. Use the table below and fill in each square.

Students Demographic Geographic Psychographic Product Benefit Name Information Information Information Information Name: Marketing Vocabulary Review

1. Dividing the total market into smaller groups of people by analyzing a market by specific characteristics to define a target market?

2. Statistics that describe a population in terms of personal characteristics?

3. Involves information about the market with regards to shared attitudes, lifestyle, and values?

4. Refers to segmentation based on political boundary or climate?

5. Refers to segmentation based on the benefits desired by the consumer? . 6. For many businesses what Behavioral Segmentation rule describes where most of its sales come from?

7. A market that has been narrowed down with extreme precision?

8. In the U.S. which ethnic population has seen its number declining?

9. What marketing tool is used to help define a consumer’s psychographic?

10. What do we call a population’s views and personal attitudes about health, fun, and living? Name: Marketing SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT MARKETING TEAM DECISION MAKING EVENT


 Explain the nature of sport marketing.  Explain the concept of market and market identification.  Develop a marketing plan.  Explain advertising media used in the sport/event industries.  Describe the use of technology in the promotion function.  Write promotional messages that appeal to targeted markets.  Develop viral sport/event marketing strategies.


You are to assume the roles of marketing managers for the SOUTH CITY STARS, a professional soccer team. The owner of the SOUTH CITY STARS (judge) has asked you to develop a marketing strategy and slogan to reach a target market.

Soccer spectators are actually consumers purchasing a service—the soccer game. The ultimate business goal for a soccer team is to sell the maximum number of tickets, and other related sporting items, to maximize profits. To continue to exist, a successful soccer franchise must make a profit for investors, owners and sponsors. The oil that keeps the franchise running smoothly is the fans, who provide most of the revenue. Soccer franchises, sponsors and advertisers are all dependent on the goodwill of a team’s fans.

The owner (judge) believes that a largely ignored group of fans is the women who compose 30 percent of the team’s market. Research shows that today’s female consumers have more purchasing power than ever, but traditional methods of marketing to stereotypes are failing. The market research that you already conducted indicates that the SOUTH CITY STARS’ core market can be described as follows:

 18–34 years old  70% male; 30% female  technologically savvy  values innovation and emerging technologies  highly mobile

The owner (judge) has asked your team to develop a marketing strategy and slogan that will effectively reach the team’s female fans. In an era where sponsorship revenues are decreasing and television rights fees are also shrinking, your plan should include innovative media and technologies, not just television.

You will present your strategy and slogan to the owner (judge) in a meeting to take place in the conference room of the team’s headquarters. The owner (judge) will begin the meeting by greeting you and asking to hear your ideas. After you have presented your strategies and slogan and have answered the owner’s (judge’s) questions, the owner (judge) will conclude the meeting by thanking you for your work. Name: Marketing Test Review

1) Deciding how, where, and to whom products need to be sold to reach the Consumer is called ______. A B C D Ans: ______

2) A product that cannot be stored. It is generally considered to be in-tangible. A B C D Ans: ______

3) A product that can be stored. Generally considered to be tangible. A B C D Ans: ______

4) The Following is an Example of what Utility: "I am not able to make it to the store before it closes each day. Fortunately, I can make my purchases online with a bank card." A B C D Ans: ______

5) The Following is an Example of what Utility: "I am planning a trip to Australia during winter break. It is now November and I cant find a swimming suit." A B C D Ans: ______

6) The Following is an Example of what Utility: "I could either buy some pre-made brownies or buy the seperate ingredients and make them myself." A B C D Ans: ______

7) Activities that work together to get goods and services from producers to consumers A B C D Ans: ______

8) Getting the money necessary to operate a business A B C D Ans: ______

9) Getting information to make sound business decisions A B C D Ans: ______

10) Marketing adds Utility to products and services. A B Ans: ______

11) Which of the four P’s of marketing effects the Location and Transportation of the product? A B C D Ans: ______

12) What is the group that decides whether or not a business will survive? A B C D Ans: ______

13) Focus all marketing efforts on a specific group of customers. A B C D Ans: ______

14) Segmenting based on where people live. A B C D Ans: ______

15) Segmentation based on personal characteristics. A B C D Ans: ______Name: Marketing

16) Analyzing a market by specific characteristics to define a target market. A B C D Ans: ______

17) Segmentation based on lifestyles, attitudes, and values. A B C D Ans: ______

18) ______are those people who actually use the product. A B C D Ans: ______

19) ______are people who buy the product A B C D Ans: ______

20) A combination of four strategies that management uses to market a product and achive organizational goals. A B C D Ans: ______

21) What do we call a population’s views and personal attitudes about health, fun, and living? A B C D Ans: ______

22) What is the term for the phrase "Companies sell what Customers want." A B C D Ans: ______

23) Which of the following are the Economic Benefits of Marketing? A B C D Ans: ______

24) Which Utility is a function of Production and not Marketing? A B C D Ans: ______

25) Concerning Behavioral Segmentation: Which rule is true for most businesses? A B C D Ans: ______

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