Inpatient Questionnaire Results and Analysis

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Inpatient Questionnaire Results and Analysis

St Margaret of Scotland Hospice Inpatient Questionnaire Results and Analysis St Joseph’s Specialist Palliative Care Centre December 2015- February 2016

Introduction As part of the Hospice clinical governance audit programme an audit of patient satisfaction was carried out within St Joseph’s Specialist Palliative Care Centre. Ascertaining patient satisfaction is a method of identifying areas of good practice as well as areas which could be improved.

Methodology A random sample of 10 patients within St Joseph’s Specialist Palliative Care Centre, were asked to complete a questionnaire of their experience within the Hospice. Ten questionnaires were completed. Some patients requested assistance in reading the questions and/or writing the form, however all patients within the sample were able to understand and verbalise their answers and feelings if unable to write themselves. The questionnaires were completed between December 2015- February 2016. Analysis is based on all 10 completed questionnaires.

Results and Discussion

1. Were you and your relatives made to feel welcome when you first arrived at the Hospice?

Clinical Governance Inpatient Satisfaction St Joseph’s Specialist Palliative Care Centre December 2015-February 2016

Page 1 Yes 10 No 0: 1 person added: ‘Most definitely’

All were made to feel welcome when first arrived at the Hospice.

2. Were you introduced to the nurse looking after you?

Yes 10 No 0 On person added: ‘They all introduced themselves’

All patients were introduced to the nurse looking after the person

3. Were you introduced to other patients within the room?

Yes 8 Clinical Governance Inpatient Satisfaction St Joseph’s Specialist Palliative Care Centre December 2015-February 2016

Page 2 No 0 N/A 2 Comments: Single Room

Patients are introduced to other patients within the room when appropriate.

4. Were you shown how to operate the call system within the room?

Yes 10 No 0 All patients were shown how to operate the call system within the room

5. Were you or your family given an information leaflet pertaining to the ward?

Yes 10 No 0

Clinical Governance Inpatient Satisfaction St Joseph’s Specialist Palliative Care Centre December 2015-February 2016

Page 3 Comments: (information leaflet)  It was helpful  The first thing my husband would have asked for, it was clear to read  My family felt leaflet was very informative  Yes very informative

6. Were you and your family shown where the Prayer Room is located?

Yes 6 No 4 Comments:  Did not want to go  N/A (2)  Already Know

7. Were you and your family shown where the Garden Room is located?

Clinical Governance Inpatient Satisfaction St Joseph’s Specialist Palliative Care Centre December 2015-February 2016

Page 4 Yes 10 No 0

Comment: Already Know

8. Were your care needs assessed by the Nurse on admission to the ward?

Yes 10 No 0

9. Were the needs of your family/carers also considered by ward staff?

Clinical Governance Inpatient Satisfaction St Joseph’s Specialist Palliative Care Centre December 2015-February 2016

Page 5 Yes Always 10 Yes Sometimes 0 No Never 0

10. Are your care needs regularly reviewed and addressed by ward Staff

Yes Always 10 Yes Sometimes 0 No Never 0

Clinical Governance Inpatient Satisfaction St Joseph’s Specialist Palliative Care Centre December 2015-February 2016

Page 6 11. Do ward staff include you in the planning of your care?

Yes Always 10 Yes Sometimes 0 No Never 0

Comment: Kept updated

12. Are you given the opportunity to attend religious services within the Hospice if you so wish?

Yes Always 7 Yes Sometimes 0 No Never 0 Not Appropriate 3

Clinical Governance Inpatient Satisfaction St Joseph’s Specialist Palliative Care Centre December 2015-February 2016

Page 7 13. Are you given the choice of having a bath or a shower every day?

Yes Always 10 Yes Sometimes 0 No Never 0 Comment: I love the bath; Love the Jacuzzi every day and it just gets better and better

14. Are you given the choice of which clothes you would prefer to wear?

Yes Always 9 Yes Sometimes 0 No Never 0 Blank 1

Clinical Governance Inpatient Satisfaction St Joseph’s Specialist Palliative Care Centre December 2015-February 2016

Page 8 15. Are you given a choice of meals which meet your needs?

Yes Always 9 Yes Sometimes 0 No Never 0 Blank 1 Comments: They make it to suit me; Head Chef came to see me and really enjoying the meals he is preparing for me

16. Are you given the opportunity to discuss worries or concerns with ward staff?

Yes Always 10 Yes Sometimes 0 No Never 0 Comment:  Finding it easier and easier as my stay progresses  Millions of opportunities

Clinical Governance Inpatient Satisfaction St Joseph’s Specialist Palliative Care Centre December 2015-February 2016

Page 9 17. Are your relatives given the opportunity to discuss worries or concerns with ward staff?

Yes Always 10 Yes Sometimes 0 No Never 0

18. Are senior staff available to discuss any concerns you may have?

Yes Always 10 Yes Sometimes 0 No Never 0

19. Are you satisfied with your care within the ward? Clinical Governance Inpatient Satisfaction St Joseph’s Specialist Palliative Care Centre December 2015-February 2016

Page 10 Yes Always 10 Yes Sometimes 0 No Never 0

20. Please rate your level of satisfaction with care within the ward

Categories Excellent 10 Good 0 Fair 0 Unsatisfactory 0 All rated their care as Excellent

Clinical Governance Inpatient Satisfaction St Joseph’s Specialist Palliative Care Centre December 2015-February 2016

Page 11 21. Name three things you like about your care within the ward. All comments are noted: Included in all decisions Choices for everything Excellent care High standard of cleanliness reassures patient. Consideration is given where placing patients, makes a big difference. The care The staff are brilliant Attention from staff- everything! I could write a book on all the things I like about the ward. The staff are always helpful, cheery and they all lift my spirits. The Hospice is a very special place with special staff who are all very attentive to my needs. I feel I am staying in a 5 star hotel I had a very poor appetite and the Head Chef came to see me, he makes lovely meals which I am enjoying. The physio and OT are also fantastic and helped with my walking. The general atmosphere the staff bring is upbeat and that impacts on my well being, The staff are very good. Happy with all aspects of care Staff are lovely It’s homely Doctors are very good. I couldn’t get better care anywhere I love my single room and the nurse come into see me Nurses are very attentive, always around. I like everything, the patient is at the centre, making the decisions, I feel a huge relief since coming here. I just love everything I like the fact they listen to me and they do their best to carry out what I want if they can.

22. Name three things you would like included in your care within the ward All comments are noted: All my care needs are met within the ward. There is nothing I want that I don’t receive at the Hospice Not that I know of. Nothing to include No Nothing, I am so pleased with all the care I receive Quite happy- I don’t think it could be improved Everything is just perfect Nothing can be included, just perfect Nothing I cannot fault you anywhere, everybody has been tremendous

Clinical Governance Inpatient Satisfaction St Joseph’s Specialist Palliative Care Centre December 2015-February 2016

Page 12 Discussion The Core Values and Mission Statement of the Organisation remain evident in the results. Patients are made to feel welcome when they arrive at the Hospice. This is very important as patients may have been in hospital for some time, or struggling at home with symptoms, they may be frightened, thus that first welcome is of high importance in building trust and making the person feel safe and wanted here at the Hospice. Patients are introduced to others within the room if this is appropriate and are always orientated to the environment and facilities and shown how to operate the call system. This would also impact on patients feeling and being safe.

Patients are involved in the planning of their care and are given choices, allowing the person control over decisions and their life as much as they are able, one comment ‘choice for everything’.

Such choices include whether they wish a bath or shower every day, the clothes they wish to wear and they feel they get a choice of meals which meet their needs.

Patients feel they are given the choice of attending religious services if they wish and this may be important for some patients helping to meet their spiritual needs.

Patients reported that senior staff are available at all times and also that they feel they and their relatives are given opportunities to discuss any worries or concerns with ward staff. This also assists in meeting their spiritual needs.

All patients are satisfied with their care within the ward and rate their level of satisfaction as Excellent.

Things that patients like especially about their care within the ward include, choices given, all aspects of care, the staff including the nurses, doctors, OT and physio, the high level of cleanliness as well as the atmosphere.

Such comments and results are achieved through the Leadership of the Chief Executive who is always available to patients and relatives, the Core Values and Mission Statement of the Organisation in practice, staff engagement, education, dedicated team work and good governance. It is always the aim that such care is always given.

Action Plan:  Mission Effectiveness Programme will continue as part of Mandatory training ensuring the Core Values and Mission Statement of the Organisation continues to underpin all activity, interactions, decision making and governance.  Staff always to be up to date with Mandatory Training and that it is always evident in practice.  Education which is available will continue, courses to continue to meet developmental needs of staff and for staff to ensure learning is evident in

Clinical Governance Inpatient Satisfaction St Joseph’s Specialist Palliative Care Centre December 2015-February 2016

Page 13 practice. Education is currently tailored to meet the needs of staff working in specialist palliative care and continuing care and this will continue.  Appraisal and mentorship programmes in place to continue to identify learning needs and development plans continue to be agreed. Appraisals and assessments will continue to ensure the Core Values and Mission Statement are in practice. Appraisals and mentorship programmes will be underpinned by the Mission and Core Values to ensure optimum outcomes.  To ensure all patients are cared for with the Core Values underpinning care delivery, ensuring patients always feel welcome at the Hospice.  Continue with ward reports, teaching Multi Disciplinary Team Meetings, ward meetings and meetings with the Chief Executive and Senior Management Team so all areas of practice can be discussed and reviewed, also that learning needs are discussed and met.  Continue to give leaflets pertaining to services to patients and their families.  Staff, including senior staff, to continue to be available for patients and their families.  Include patients in their care as much as the person is able or wishes and continue to ensure patients are given choices as described.  To continue to maximise good methods of sharing knowledge through meetings and education  To continue to ensure safe and effective communication with consent within the team pertaining to patient care.  The next audit will include a question as to whether the patient can recall consent being obtained to share information within the team.  Policies and procedures to be adhered to at all times through good governance. Clinical Governance meetings to continue to monitor and ensure good governance underpinned by the Mission and Core Values of the Organisation.  Staff to continue to be supported in their roles throughout the Organisation through the many modes of staff development and support available, such as education, appraisals, meetings with Chief Executive and senior Managers, reports, pastoral care team, leisure facilities, prayer room and Garden room.  Staff to continue to listen to the patient, ensuring person-centred care using optimum communication skills. Staff access communication training.  The Chief Executive is asked to continue her excellent Leadership throughout the Organisation and to continue to be so readily available to patients and their families through frequent rounds throughout the day and evening and to continue in staff support, teaching and development.  Senior managers to continue to be available for patients, meeting the patients and families every day and teaching and supporting staff in their roles.

Dissemination of Results: Results are forwarded to Sr Rita, The Chief Executive, and to the Senior Management Team for discussion. They are made available in Units throughout the Hospice, are Clinical Governance Inpatient Satisfaction St Joseph’s Specialist Palliative Care Centre December 2015-February 2016

Page 14 discussed at reports, Multidisciplinary Team Meetings and Clinical Governance Meetings to ensure all Departments are aware of them and how to access them at any time. Results are included in Board Reports for the Board of Directors, are available for Inspectors and included in the Hospice website.

Core Values of the Organisation:






Sr Rita, The Chief Executive of the Organisation

Clinical Governance Inpatient Satisfaction St Joseph’s Specialist Palliative Care Centre December 2015-February 2016

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