ILiS Do It Yourself Guide Number 10

Working with the media

This ILiS DIY guide:

. Helps you understand what the media is.

. Explains ways you can work with the media.

. Tells you how to raise awareness of issues affecting disabled people.

. Tells you how best to get your story across.

. Tells you where you can get more information.

This guide is in four parts:

1. What is the media?

2. Using the right media for your message

3. What can I do?

4. Where can I get more information?

1. What is the media?

1 The word “media” is used to describe different communications methods like television, radio, the internet, magazines and newspapers. The media is the main ways people share news and information. The media lets you:

. Inform and put pressure on people. . Shape public opinion. . Set targets for people who make decisions. . Present positive images of disabled people. . Challenge views about disabled people. . Raise understanding of independent living.

2. Using the right media for your message Media It is usually better if someone deals with the Training media on behalf of an organisation or a group. There is training available for people who do this. To work successfully with the media you need to be clear on four main questions:

. What is my message? You must have a clear story to tell. . Who am I communicating with? Make your story important to the audience.

2 . Why am I doing this? Be clear about the result you want. . Where am I telling my story? Pick the best type of media to suit your story. 3. What can I do?

 Make sure you are prepared.  Make the story interesting to the audience.  Make yourself an expert. Do your research.  Make contact with the media.  Be available to speak to the media.  Remember not everyone will like your story.  Make your message easy to understand.  Make your story interesting or important.

4. Where can I get more information? Read the ILiS DIY guides on research and developing policy.

A lot of information is available online. Ask someone to help you find the information you need. Most websites have information available in other formats. If they do not you could ask them to make their information accessible to everyone.

3 Friends of the Earth UK has a helpful media guide: lease.pdf .

A full list of contact details for all newspapers in Scotland is at: