Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary

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Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary





1. Name and Composition (a) The name of this organization shall be the Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary, State Department of Wisconsin, Inc. It shall be composed of all local Units of the Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary located in the State of Wisconsin.

2. State Department Headquarters (a) The State Department Headquarters shall be located in the city or town, which is the resident city of the State Adjutant.

3. State Officers (a) The office of Adjutant/Treasurer may be a combined position.

(b) Newly elected State Officers shall take office after the end of the convention.

(c) The term of office for an elected State Commander shall not exceed two consecutive years.

(d) All elected State Officers and the State Adjutant shall submit a personal report of their year's activities and budgeted expenses for inclusion in the convention minutes.

(e) All elected State Officers and the State Adjutant shall prepare a report, as directed by the State Commander, for presentation at Fall Conference.

(f) No mail shall be sent out by State Officers, Chairman or Presidents of any club except for PSC Club until the State Adjutant has a copy and reviews for mailing.

4. Additional Duties of State Commander (a) The Commander shall appoint the following: State Adjutant, State Sergeant at Arms and the State Chairmen of Americanism, Community Service, History, Hospital, Legislative and Mae Holmes. The Commander shall also appoint the Conductor, Asst. Conductor, Flag Bearer, Banner Bearer, Musician, VAVS Chairman, Tomah Christmas Store Committee, Wisconsin Veterans Homes Representatives, Ways and Means Committee, Standing Rules Committee, State Audit Committee and the Wisconsin Auxiliary Member of the Year Committee.

(b) In the odd numbered years, the State Commander shall recommend VAVS Representatives for Clement J. Zablocki VAMC, William S. Middleton Memorial VAH, and Tomah VAMC to the National VAVS Representative for certification. The VAVS Representative shall be the State Chairman for their facility. (c) All appointments of vacated officers/chairmen must be approved by the State Executive Committee. Any replacement of these positions shall require the prior approval of the State Executive Committee within thirty (30) days of the appointment.

(d) The State Commander shall be the state representative to the National Fall Conference. The State Commander shall present an oral report of the National Fall Conference at the State Fall Conference. In the possibility that the Commander cannot attend National Fall Conference, the Senior Vice Commander and so on down the line would become the representative.

(e) The State Commander shall be the elected state delegate to National Convention. In the possibility that the Commander cannot attend National Convention, the Senior Vice and so on down the line shall be elected as the delegate. (The state delegate shall attend all sessions/workshops of the National Convention. The delegate shall present an oral and written report of the National Convention at the State Fall Conference).

(f) The State Commander shall write an article for each issue of the "Wisconsin DAV News".

(g) The State Commander shall present an oral report of year's activities to the state convention body. An itemized travel and expense record shall be prepared for inclusion in the State Department Convention Minutes.

(h) Official visits are as follows: (1) The State Commander shall make an official visit to each Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Wisconsin, each Wisconsin Veterans Home. and, when possible, the Minneapolis and Iron Mountain Veterans Affairs Medical Centers. Visits shall be made at a time set by the DAV Department and accompanying the DAV State Commander when schedules will allow.

(2) The State Commander shall make an official visit to DAV/DAVA Days at the various Wisconsin Veterans Homes, Salute to State Legislators, Memorial Day at Wood National Cemetery and Tomah Christmas Store.

(3) The State Commander shall attend Wisconsin Veterans Day at the Capital in odd numbered years.

(4) The State Commander shall visit Units as necessary or as requested. With prior notification all visits shall be made at a regular business meeting.

In the event the State Commander is unable to make a visit, The State Commander may delegate another State Officer or Past State Commander to make the visit. The State Commander shall notify the State Adjutant and State Treasurer, in writing, if this occurs.

(i) The State Commander shall be the custodian of the State Department Colors, Charter, gavel and the minutes of the previous conventions. (j) The State Commander shall perform other duties as indicated by Convention mandates, Executive Committee action, National By-Laws provisions and by the existence of any necessity requiring the head of an organization to act.

(k) The State Commander, with the approval of the SEC’s, shall have the right to relieve any State Officer, Chairman or SEC for failure to function in their given position.

5. Additional Duties of State Senior Vice Commander (a) The State Senior Vice Commander shall serve as the State Membership Chairman and it shall be the State Senior Vice Commander’s duty to promote the increase of membership in the State.

(b) The State Senior Vice Commander shall assist the Commander upon request and shall perform other duties as the Commander or Executive Committee may direct.

(c) The State Senior Vice Commander shall complete a list of the following appointees: State Adjutant, State Sergeant at Arms and the State Chairmen of Americanism, Community Service, History, Hospital, Legislative and Mae Holmes. The Senior Vice Commander shall also appoint the Conductor, Asst. Conductor, Flag Bearer, Banner Bearer, Musician, VAVS Chairman, Tomah Christmas Store Committee, Wisconsin Veterans Homes Representatives, Ways and Means Committee, Standing Rules Committee, State Audit Committee and the Wisconsin Auxiliary Member of the Year Committee. These appointees shall be sent to State Headquarters sixty (60) days prior to State Convention.

6. Additional Duties of State Junior Vice Commander (a) The State Junior Vice Commander shall assist the Commander and Senior Vice Commander upon request. The State Junior Vice Commander shall perform such other duties as the Commander or Executive Committee may direct.

(b) The State Junior Vice Commander shall serve as the State Junior Activities Chairman. It shall be the State Junior Vice Commander’s duty to promote the membership and participation of junior members in the State.

(c) The State Junior Vice Commander shall be responsible for the junior luncheon at State Convention.

(d) The State Junior Vice Commander shall serve on the DAV Youth Award Committee.

(e) The State Junior Vice Commander shall be responsible for providing a project/craft that the junior members can complete during the Convention meetings.

7. Additional Duties of State Chaplain (a) The State Chaplain shall have programs printed and conduct the traditional Memorial Service at State Convention. In the event of the passing of a State Officer/Chairmen, Past State Commander or resident Past National Commander of both DAV/DAVA, their names will be included in the printing of the Memorial program. (b) The State Chaplain shall send cards, appropriate for the occasion, to DAV and Auxiliary members.

(c) The State Chaplain shall be the custodian of the State Bible, Altar Cloth and other materials used for the Memorial Service.

8. Additional Duties of State Treasurer (a) The State Treasurer shall be the official custodian of all State funds and shall be bonded through the State Department of Wisconsin.

(b) The State Treasurer shall keep all State funds in a bank account(s). All moneys must be deposited in the name of “Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary, State Department of Wisconsin, Inc.”.

(c) The State Treasurer shall present a quarterly itemized statement of receipts and disbursements to the Finance Committee and an annual itemized report to the State Convention.

(d) The State Treasurer shall prepare the Financial Report form as provided by National Headquarters.

(e) The State Treasurer shall prepare Form 990.

(f) The State Treasurer shall present the Department financial records to a State Audit Committee or, if the need arises, to a Certified Public Accountant to review and verify prior to the State Convention.

9. Additional Duties of State Judge Advocate (a) The State Judge Advocate shall be the advisor to the State Standing Rules Committee.

10. Additional Duties of State Adjutant (a) The State Adjutant shall assemble, reproduce and distribute a roster of the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all elected State Officers, appointed State Officers, elected Committee members, appointed Chairmen/Committee members, VAVS Representatives and Deputies, Veteran Homes Representatives and Deputies, Past State Commanders, resident Past National Commanders, Unit Commanders, Adjutants, and Treasurer. Additional pertinent information such as contact information for State and National Headquarters, DAV Department Service Officer/Hospital Service Coordinator program, etc. shall also be included. Rosters are to be reproduced and distributed/mailed by August 31st.

(b) The State Adjutant shall assemble, reproduce and distribute the minutes of the State Convention, including all action taken by the Convention, the personal and financial reports of all officers, all VAVS Representatives, the Representatives at the Wisconsin Veterans Homes and the Tomah Christmas Store Committee. Convention minutes are to be distributed at Fall Conference and/or mailed. (c) The State Adjutant shall assemble, reproduce and distribute the minutes of the Executive Committee and State Finance Committee meetings held at State Fall Conference.

(d) The State Adjutant shall, under the direction of the State Commander, mail out all information on State Fall Conference thirty (30) days prior to the State Fall Conference and sixty (60) days prior to the State Convention.

(e) The State Adjutant shall prepare, reproduce and distribute any changes in the State Standing Rules and Convention Rules. When the need arises for reprinting, the Standing Rules Committee shall be responsible for providing a print ready document of the revised Standing Rules to the State Adjutant.

(f) The Convention Minutes, State Executive Committee minutes, approved Standing Rule changes; bulletins and rosters are to be sent to the elected State Officers, State Executive Committee members, active Past State Commanders, resident active Past National Commander and to each Unit. Rosters shall be sent to the 12th District NEC and Alternate NEC, National Service office in Milwaukee, Hospital Service Coordinators and the Commander and Adjutant of the DAV State Department of Wisconsin. Rosters shall also be sent to the Heads of Voluntary Services at the VAMCs and Wisconsin Veterans Homes and to the VAVS Representatives/Hospital Representatives for each facility.

(g) The State Adjutant shall prepare, reproduce and distribute the Mae Holmes report form and credentials to the Units at least sixty (60) days prior to the State Convention.

(h) The State Adjutant shall be the custodian of the State files, office equipment, office supplies and any property being held in trust following revocation of a Unit Charter.

(i) The State Adjutant shall record all proceedings of the Finance Committee. The State Adjutant shall, under the direction of the State Finance Chairman, send correspondence requesting approval of all State fund-raising projects to the proper levels in the State and National DAV. Minutes shall be sent to the Finance Committee Members. Additional copies sent to State Officers and Ways and Means Committee members are for informational purposes only.

(j) The State Adjutant shall compute the voting strength and serve as the advisor to the Credentials committee at the State Convention.

11. Duties of State Conductor & Assistant Conductor (a) The Conductor and/or Assistant Conductor shall prepare the meeting hall for the State Convention and Fall Conference, present the State Colors, escort all visitors and distinguished guests, and perform any other duties that may be incident to the office.

12. Duties of State History Chairman (a) The State History Chairman shall compile a State History Book and present it to the Commander at the State Convention. (b) The State History Chairman shall distribute guidelines and encourage Units to prepare books to enter for the Genevieve D. Hensel Award.

13. Duties of State Legislative Chairman (a) The State Legislative Chairman shall promote the active participation of the Units in the DAV Legislative program.

14. Duties of State Americanism Chairman (a) The State Americanism Chairman shall promote the active participation of the Units in patriotic programs and parades, and advise the members in approved Flag customs.

(b) The State Americanism Chairman shall be the State Patriotic Instructor.

15. Duties of State Community Service Chairman (a) The State Community Service Chairman shall promote the active participation of all members in local programs and projects, which would create goodwill in the community.

16. Duties of State Mae Holmes Chairman (a) The Mae Holmes Chairman shall be responsible for consolidating the Unit Mae Holmes reports and presenting such to the Convention Body.

(b) At State Convention the Mae Holmes Chairman shall be the advisor to the committee responsible for judging the reports.

17. Duties of State Hospital (Non-VA) Chairman (a) The State Hospital (non-VA) Chairman shall promote the active participation of Units and members in Hospital (non-VA) programs. This includes the Wisconsin Veterans Homes, local and state hospitals, nursing homes, healthcare facilities, etc.

18. Duties of Wisconsin Veterans Homes Representatives (a) The Representatives shall promote (non-VA) hospital work at the Wisconsin Veterans Homes by informing the membership of the special needs at the Homes and to coordinate DAVA activities at the Homes.

(b) The Representative shall establish and maintain a checking account in the name of the “Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary, State Department of Wisconsin, Inc.”, solely for the deposit and expenditure of funds received from the State Department and Units. Authorized signatures on this account shall be the Representative, one (1) Deputy and the State Treasurer. Only one (1) signature shall be required. The VAVS Representatives shall keep accurate records showing the source of income and the amount, funds deposited, and expenditures with receipts attached. The Wisconsin Veterans Homes Representatives/Deputies shall be bonded through the State Department of Wisconsin. (c) Accurate records shall be kept by the Representative showing source of income and amount, funds deposited, and expenditures with receipts attached.

(d) Financial records shall be retained as follows: annual audit reports and ledgers – indefinitely; bank statements, canceled checks and other miscellaneous records - three (3) years.

(e) The Wisconsin Veterans Home Representatives shall present to the State Finance Committee records, check book, canceled checks with receipts attached, and bank statements to review and verify when requested. The review shall cover a period from June 1 through May 31.

(f) Each Wisconsin Veterans Home Representative shall give a report of the activities at their respective Veterans Home, including a financial report, at the State Convention. The report shall cover the period from June 1 through May 31.

(g) Each Representative shall prepare a report of the activities and future plans at their facility for presentation at State Fall Conference.

(h) The Wisconsin Veterans Home Representative may have two (2) deputies, or if there is a demonstrated need thereof, three (3) deputies.

19. Duties of VAVS Chairman (a) The VAVS Chairman shall promote hospital work at VA sponsored facilities in the State. This includes the VA Medical Centers, Transportation Program, Hospitalized Veterans Writing Program, VA Out-Patient Clinics, VA contract Nursing Homes, etc.

20. Additional Duties of VAVS Representatives (a) The VAVS Representatives at Clement J. Zablocki VAMC, William S. Middleton Memorial VAH and Tomah VAMC shall be the State Chairman for their respective facilities.

(b) The VAVS Representatives shall establish and maintain a checking account in the name of the “Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary, State Department of Wisconsin, Inc.”, solely for the deposit and expenditure of funds received from the State Department and Units. Under the direction of the VAVS Representative, she may appoint one (1) of the deputies to maintain the records Authorized signatures on this account shall be the Representative, one (1) Deputy and the State Treasurer. Only one (1) signature shall be required. The VAVS Representative/Deputy shall keep accurate records showing the source of income and the amount, funds deposited, and expenditures with receipts attached. The VAVS Representatives/Deputies shall be bonded through the State Department of Wisconsin.

(c) Financial records shall be retained as follows: annual audit reports and ledgers – indefinitely, bank statements, canceled checks and other miscellaneous records – three (3) years.

(d) The VAVS Representative shall present to the State Finance Committee the records, check book, canceled checks with receipts attached, and bank statements to review and verify semi- annually. (e) Each Representative may have two (2) Deputies, or if there is a demonstrated need thereof, three (3) Deputies.

(f) Each Representative shall give a report of the hospital activities, including a financial report, at the State Convention. The report shall cover the period from June 1 through May 31.

(g) Each Representative shall prepare a report of the activities and future plans at their facility for presentation at State Fall Conference.

21. Duties of the Tomah Christmas Store Committee (a) The Tomah Christmas Store Committee members shall be responsible for the DAVA Christmas Store at Tomah VA Medical Center.

(b) One Tomah Christmas Store Committee member shall be responsible for establishing and maintaining a bank account in the name of DAVA Dept. of WI., Inc. That Committee member and the State Treasurer shall be authorized signatures on the account. Only one signature will be required to write checks, and shall be bonded through the DAVA State Dept. of WI., Inc.

(c) Accurate records shall be kept by the chairman showing source of income and amount, funds deposited, and expenditures with receipts attached.

(d) Financial records shall be retained as follows: annual audit reports and ledgers - indefinitely, bank statements, canceled checks and other miscellaneous records - three (3) years.

(e) The Tomah Christmas Store Committee shall present to the State Finance Committee records, check book, canceled checks with receipts attached, and bank statements to review and verify when requested. The review shall cover a calendar year June 1 through May 31.

(f) The Tomah Christmas Store Committee shall give a report of the Christmas Store activities, including a financial report, at the State Convention. The report shall cover the period from June 1 through May 31.

(g) The Tomah Christmas Store Committee shall prepare a report of the activities and future plans for the Christmas Store for presentation at State Fall Conference.

22. Standing Rules Committee (a) The Committee shall consist of three (3) members appointed by the State Commander. No two (2) members from the same unit shall serve on this Committee.

(b) The State Judge Advocate shall be an advisor to the Committee.

(c) The Committee shall meet at Fall Conference and prior to State Convention to consider proposed resolutions and proposed amendments to the State Standing Rules. (d) The Chairman shall present all amendments and resolutions to the delegates at State Convention for their consideration.

23. Duties of the State Delegate/Alternate to the National Convention (a) The State Delegate/Alternate to the National Convention shall be elected at the State Convention, immediately following the election of officers and finance committee members. The State Delegate/Alternate to the National Convention shall attend all sessions/workshops of the National Convention and will present an oral and written report at the following State Fall Conference.

24. State Executive Committee (a) Any active resident Past National Commander shall be a member with vote.

(b) All State Executive Committee Members (SEC) and Alternates shall be installed at the State Executive Committee meeting following the close of State Convention. Any SEC and Alternate not in attendance at this meeting may be installed at a Unit or State Executive Committee meeting when a proper installing officer is present.

(c) The Committee shall also meet just prior to the State Fall Conference.

(d) The Pre-Convention Executive Committee meeting shall elect members to the State Nominating Committee.

(e) All appointments of the State Commander must be approved by the State Executive Committee. Any replacement of these Officers/Chairmen shall require the prior approval of the State Executive Committee within thirty (30) days of the vacancy.

25. State Nominating Committee (a) The State Nominating Committee shall be elected at the Pre-Convention Executive Committee meeting. The Committee shall consist of seven (7) members, no two (2) members from the same Unit.

(b) A Past State Commander shall aid the committee in an advisory position only.

(c) Members of the Committee shall elect their own chairman.

(d) The Committee shall meet to review resumes and interview all candidates for office.

(e) The Committee shall select a candidate for each elective State office.

(f) The Chairman shall present the proposed slate of candidates to the Convention Body at the session prior to the election of officers.

26. State Finance Committee (a) The Committee shall be composed of three (3) elected members selected from three (3) different units in the Department. One member each year shall be elected for a three (3) year term. The member with one year remaining will be the Chairman.

(b) The State Commander, State Senior Vice Commander, State Treasurer and the State Adjutant shall be advisors to the Committee. They shall have no vote.

(c) A majority of the voting members shall constitute a quorum.

(d) The State Finance Chairman shall notify all members, elected and advisory, of all meetings, regular or special.

(e) The Committee shall be responsible for all State fund raising projects. The State Adjutant, under the direction of the State Finance Chairman, shall request approval of all projects from the State and National DAV, as required.

(f) The Committee shall review and verify the books of the VAVS Representatives. The review shall cover a period from June 1 through May 31.

(g) The Committee shall review and verify the books of the Wisconsin Veterans Homes. The review shall cover a period from June 1 through May 31.

(h) The Committee shall review and verify the books of the Chairman of the Tomah Christmas Store. The review shall cover a period from June 1 through May 31.

(i) The Committee shall prepare a budget, which shall be printed and distributed to the Convention delegates prior to the vote thereon. The Chairman shall present the proposed budget to the Convention Body.

27. Duties of State Audit Committee (a) The State Audit Committee shall consist of three (3) members appointed by the State Commander. Those excluded from the Committee are the State Commander, State Senior Vice Commander, State Treasurer, State Adjutant and members of the State Finance Committee.

(b) One (1) member shall be appointed each year for a 3-year term. The member with one (1) year remaining will be the Chairman.

(c) The committee shall be responsible for reviewing and verifying the State Department’s financial records at the close of each fiscal year. All committee members must be present for the review and verification of Department records.

(d) The Committee shall meet prior to State Fall Conference and State Convention at a time and place convenient to all members and the State Treasurer.

28. Wisconsin Auxiliary Member of the Year (a) The Committee shall be composed of three (3) members, no two (2) from the same unit.

(b) Only one (1) candidate per year per unit shall be submitted to be the recipient of the Wisconsin Auxiliary Member of the Year Award. The application will include lifetime achievements while a member of the DAVA. Nominees not selected by the State can be re- submitted in subsequent years. No deceased member shall be considered for this award.

(c) The winner will have a picture in the Convention Book with a short biography. The winner will be introduced at the opening session by the chairman and honored at the banquet. The DAVA Department of Wisconsin shall provide the winner with a gift, a maximum of two (2) nights stay at the convention hotel, registration, banquet ticket/s (for the recipient and spouse/guest) and seating at the head table.

29. Mandates (a) Each Unit shall submit to the State Treasurer, on or before October 1 of each year, the following mandates:

HOSPITAL MANDATE: Each Unit shall pay one dollar ($1.00) per senior member, based on the June 30th membership of the preceding membership year. This fund shall be divided among the three (3) Veterans’ Hospitals and the Wisconsin Veterans Homes, based on the percentage of bed capacity.

CHAPLAIN'S FUND MANDATE: Each Unit shall pay six dollars ($6.00) to be used to help defray Chaplain and memorial expenses. Any money not used, will be turned over to the general fund.

MINUTES FUND MANDATE: Each Unit shall pay six dollars ($6.00) to be used to help defray the expense of reproducing and distributing the Convention Minutes and State Standing Rules. Any money not used, will be turned over to the general fund.

NEW UNIT FUND MANDATE: Each Unit shall pay two dollars ($2.00) to be used to defray the cost of furnishing each new Unit chartered with a desk Flag set, a Bible, a frame for the Charter, 3 copies of the Constitution and Bylaws, 3 copies of the State Standing Rules, a copy of the Auxiliary Programs Manual and a voucher book. Any money not used, will be turned over to the general fund.

30. Fiscal Year, Per Capita, At-Large Dues (a) The State Fiscal Year shall be June 1 to May 31.

(b) The State Department will receive from National Headquarters three dollars ($3.00) per capita tax per annual senior member. Each Unit shall pay the State Department one dollar ($1.00) per capita tax per junior member.

c) The annual membership dues for members-at-large, Badger State #13, shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00). 31. Finances – Miscellaneous (a) Upon the death of a resident Past National Commander, the current 12 th District National Executive Committee member/alternate, if from Wisconsin, an Auxiliary Past State Commander, a current Elected Auxiliary State Commander and State Officers, including the State Adjutant, their spouse, parent or child of the current elected Auxiliary Commander or elected State Officers, the Treasurer shall issue a check in the amount of twenty-five ($25.00) and send it to the State Chaplain. The State Chaplain shall forward it on behalf of the Auxiliary State Department to the family of the deceased. The expenditure will be taken from the Contingency Fund.

(b) The Finance Committee shall include in the budget a monetary amount to be used exclusively to pay for the meals of the National Representative of the DAVA while attending the State Department Convention and, if applicable, State Fall Conference.

(c) The Finance Committee shall include in the budget mileage and per diem allowances for the Commander, Sr. Vice Commander, Jr. Vice Commander, Chaplain, Treasurer, Judge Advocate, Adjutant, State Finance Committee and the State Audit Committee. Mileage and per diem will not be paid if the individual (or spouse, if applicable) is receiving mileage and/or per diem from a Unit, DAV Chapter or DAV Department.

(d) The Finance Committee shall include in the budget a monetary amount to help defray the expenses of the delegate or alternate to the National Convention.

(e) When the 12th District National Executive Committee Member and their Alternate are from the State Department of Wisconsin they shall receive mileage and per diem for the 12th District Conference when held in Wisconsin if not reimbursed by the National Organization.

(f) The State Department will pay the amount allowed in the budget to authorized officers, Finance and Audit Committee members participating in budgeted functions upon the receipt of a travel reimbursement form, with receipts attached. No advance payments will be made unless there is a special need, the officer will then have to request a special form and have it approved by the State Commander and Treasurer. All receipts are to be sent to the State Treasurer within thirty (30) days following the event.

(g) Written reports must be sent to Adjutant when requesting reimbursement for budgeted items. Receipts or copies of receipts shall be sent to State Treasurer when requesting reimbursement for budgeted items. Reimbursement will not be paid unless the Adjutant and Treasurer receive proper documents.

(h) Each VAVS Representative and each Wisconsin Veterans Home Representative shall receive an allotted percentage of the State Hospital Fund to be used at their respective facilities. The allotted percentage shall be determined by the bed capacity of each Hospital and the Wisconsin Veterans Homes on June 1 of each year. The percentages are paid twice a year.

(i) As the money market certificates come due, the interest will be put into the Hospital Fund and the original face amounts of the certificates shall be re-invested. (j) The only Auxiliary fund raising activities allowed at the State Convention and State Fall Conference will be those sponsored by the State Finance Committee.

32. Local Auxiliaries (a) A copy of the Unit's Financial Report must also be sent to the DAV State Department Adjutant and to the Adjutant of their local DAV Chapter.

33. Miscellaneous (a) The flower of the State Department of Wisconsin DAVA shall be the Forget-Me-Not as adopted by the National Convention at El Paso, Texas in June 1927.

(b) The song "He Sleeps Beneath the Soil of France" shall be incorporated into the Memorial Service of the DAVA, State Department of Wisconsin and shall be kept by the State Department for exclusive use in the Memorial Services held annually at the State Convention.

(c) The Genevieve D. Hensel Award shall be awarded each year to the Outstanding Unit of Wisconsin. The large trophy shall be passed on until all forty (40) plates have been engraved, after which it will be permanently awarded to the Unit that has won it most often. The large trophy will be presented at the Convention banquet. Each year the winner of the award shall receive a certificate of appreciation and a monetary amount of $100.00. The maintenance fund for the Genevieve D. Hensel Award will cover the expenses of the engraving.

(d) There shall be no smoking or drinking of alcoholic beverages in the meeting rooms of the DAVA. Cell phones will be turned off during all sessions and committee meetings.

(e) CAPS: Only official DAV Auxiliary caps, purchased from National Headquarters, shall be authorized for wear by Wisconsin DAVA members. State Officers and Chairmen may wear the official all white cap with gold lettering and gold piping during their term of office only. Unit Officers and members may wear the official all Navy blue cap with gold lettering and gold piping. Past State Commanders may wear the official all white cap with gold lettering and gold piping with "Past State Commander" or "State Commander" and the years she served, or the official cap with gold crown and blue sides and gold lettering with gold piping. No jewelry, patches or other adornment shall be placed on DAVA caps with the exception of the American Flag or pin from National Headquarters designating office held.

(f) JEWELRY: Membership, Past Commander's, and other pins designating DAVA may be worn directly on clothing or pinned on a ribbon or Wisconsin shaped cloth holder. Jewelry designating membership in other organizations shall not be worn at DAVA meetings unless the member is officially representing that organization.

34. Effective Date The Wisconsin State Standing Rules, following their adoption at State Convention, shall become effective upon review and approval of the National Judge Advocate. ADOPTED June 14, 1991 at convention in Green Bay, Wisconsin and as amended in subsequent conventions.

Respectfully submitted, Elaine Smith, Standing Rules Chairman June 11, 2010

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