EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Stereo, Fm System, Yarn Balls, Scoops, Whiffle Balls, Cones

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EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Stereo, Fm System, Yarn Balls, Scoops, Whiffle Balls, Cones


GRADE: K-2 Scoops lesson # 1 & 2

EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Stereo, Fm system, Yarn Balls, scoops, whiffle balls, cones.

1. ENTRY ACTIVITY (10-15 minutes) Students in grades 1-5 will perform the white board warm up.

Play track # 16 (Wishy Washy) of the K-1 CD (already in the stereo). All the student know this dance. Give a command for the movement of skipping to begin. When the “Wishy Washy” chorus comes on, all the students stop and do the “wishy washy’ dance (kick legs out to the side). Then give another command for another movement for the verse – sidestepping, backwards, galloping, bushwacker, jogging, running, anything they would like.

Stretch as a group – just a couple of review stretches – count to 8. You can select students to choose a stretch.

2. SKILL DEVELOPMENT AND PRACTICE Provide a demonstration with a student(s) for the following review skills. Review – underhand bowling – step with the opposite foot of the hand holding the ball. - swing your throwing like a clock pendulum (back then forward) - bend your knees so that the ball and your hand are close to the floor. - Follow through towards your target.

Review – catching with two hands: a) for a low ball – cup your hands so that your pinky fingers are together. - spread feet apart - bend knees - eyes on the ball until it’s in your hands.

Activity: From their ‘spot’ positions set up the students so that they will be working with a partner on the white lines (badminton lines). If this distance is too great, reduce the distance by a step or two.

1. Bowl (roll) ball and catch with 2 hands. 2. Bowl ball to rt or left and catch with 2 hands. The catchers must side step to receive the ball. 3. Underhand toss (same as bowl but not bending knees as deep). Aiming for about the waist or knee level of partner so they can still perform an low ball catch with ‘pinkies’ together. 4. Underhand toss. Aiming the ball to touch the top of the head of their partner. Catcher must have thumbs together and above head. b) catching a high ball – cup your hands so that your thumbs are together. - spread feet apart - bend knees - eyes on the ball until it’s in your hands. Activity - 1. In one minute, how many catches can you and your partner make. 2. You have 3 options (roll, underarm low toss, underarm high toss) try to fool your partner in which one you will be delivering. Lesson # 2 – Some classes may reach this lesson in the first class so if there is time, move into the introduction of the scoops.

Scoops – grip – take the ‘V’ formed by your thumb and index finger and place it on top of the handle of the scoop. The face (open side) of the scoop must be facing up when placing your hand on it. Your knuckles should be facing down. Make sure that the students are only using one hand.

Drill: Same formation as above but bring both partners to the same side. 1. One partner carries the ball to the white line and back and (knuckles down) and then turns the scoop over to drop into their partner’s scoop who will perform the same task. The second time through the players will switch their carrying hand and will continue to switch each time they perform the task. Left – Right – Left – Right

2. Partners face opposite each other as before. (white line to white line). One partner will bowl (with their hand as before), while the other is in a catching position (as before) but instead of using two hands, they are using one hand on a scoop (alternating after each catch). They may bowl with the same hand if they choose or can challenge themselves by switching their bowling hand. -The key is to have the tip of the scoop level with the floor so the ball can easily flow into the scoop. Once the ball is in the scoop, raise the scoop upward to hold it in.

Progression – bowl the ball with the scoop and catch with the scoop (still on the ground). Common mistakes – the ball tends to fly upwards because the follow through is too high.

3. Catching a low ball in the air. To begin, have the students cup the scooping part with their hands. One partner throw the ball, while the other catches the ball with the scoop (but with the hands cupped behind the scoop instead of holding the handle. Again, I would begin this activity with the tosser using their hands instead of the scoop. Progressions : - Catch with only one hand on the handle - try tossing the ball (underhand) with the scoop. Again, the follow through is the key component of accuracy

4. Catching a high ball in the air. Again, begin the drill with the catchers placing both hands behind the scoop head (thumbs together – like a normal catching position). The tosser will begin with an underarm toss but with more height. The catcher must move their feet and watch the ball go into the scoop. Progressions – Catch with only one hand on the handle – They must adjust their grip on the hand to allow their hand to bend backwards to that their hand is in front of the scoop head in relation to the direction the ball is coming from. 3. CULMINATING ACTIVITY A. The goal of this game is to have the Bowlers ( ) roll the ball past the scoopers and hit the wall. If the bowler can successfully do that, they switch spots with the bowlers. If the scooper makes a successful catch, they simply roll the ball back to the scoopers and get ready to catch another ball. A scooper may NOT use any part of their body to stop the ball from touching the wall. If they do, it’s as if the ball hit the wall and they must switch with the person who tossed the ball. (See diagram on the next page. B. The bowlers bowl the balls from their side in an attempt to hit the back wall of the other team. All balls must be rolling on the ground and the bowlers are not allowed getting in the way of another teams ball. Alternating bowling zones may need to be marked out by cones to avoid bowlers hitting other bowlers. The scoopers must attempt to stop the ball from hitting the ball by using the scoop only. If any part of their body touches the ball, then it counts as a goal for the other team. Switch the roles of the players at designated times.

Stew Pot Groups of 4 – hula hoop, bean bags. The hula hoop is the pot. The bean bags are the stew ingredients. Members must throw the ingredients into the pot. If one ingredient is missed, they must retrieve all the ingredients and retry. If all are successful, they must retrieve the ingredients from the pot and step back one step and try again.

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Key points of bowling, catching with/without scoop. Tighten muscles/ jello muscles – loose 3x’s with 3 slow deep breaths Lesson # 3 – Scoops – sending and receiving with scoops + overhand throw.

Warm up – White board

Review catching with scoops

Drill – Partners – throw and catch

Activity: Clear the Field /Squirrels and Nuts(modified) The first person in line (of each team) runs to the center of the gym and retrieves one ball. They then run back to the polyspot in front of their line and throw the ball to their partner who is standing on the next polyspot. The partner must catch the ball with a scoop. If unsuccessful, the thrower retrieves the missed ball and makes another attempt at throwing the ball (with an underhand throw). Limit the throws to 2. Variation – tosser must have a scoop as well.


Swithcaroo The gym is divided into 4 quadrants (4 teams) or you can choose to split the gym into two halves. In each quadrant is a team. Each team has the same amount of yarn balls. The object of the game is to hit someone from another quadrant with a yarn ball. If successful, they must move to your quadrant. Designate what type of throw can be used: underhand toss, overhand toss or even the use of scoops.

Overhand throw:

Ready position – face target, feet shoulder width apart, knees bent, eyes on target, object held in front of the body. – Make a ‘T’ then turn the ‘T’ with a pivot so the non throwing arm is facing toward the target. – Side step and Reach Back/ Point and Look – Back foot stays put – they pivot on it as to ‘squash a bug’ – Follow through – down and across the body (almost like hugging yourself)

CUE SET – Ready / T / Side T/ Elbow/ Step/ Squish & Hug

Drill: Have students throw against the wall. Choose an area and aim for that area. Begin with just hitting the wall, then select a certain height for them to hit. High Targets, low targets, medium targets. Increase and decrease the distance from the targets. - Throw the ball high - Throw the ball low - Throw the ball softly - Throw the ball with a great amount of force Other targets – take a rope and string it from one basketball net to another and add hula hoops to it. – Take the shape mats and place them around the gym as targets. – Tape hula hoops to wall – Create a Word - Tape Letters to the wall and have the students spell their name, partner’s name, etc…

Drill – Challenge Cards – yarn ball, bean bag, nerf ball With a partner, draw a card out of the box. The student must perform the challenge on the card. 1. Throw the ball using medium or heavy force 2. Throw the ball, releasing at a medium level/high level/low level 3. Throw the ball towards your partner’s bellybutton 4. Throw the ball so that it hits the wall, bounces once and you are able to catch it.

Culminating Activity

Wall Ball In partners, stand 15 feet from the wall. One partner throw the ball against the wall at least 10 feet high. The other partner has to catch the ball after it comes off the wall but before it hits the ground. With younger students you can allow it to bounce once or twice. If the partner catches he/she throws the ball against the wall from where they caught it.

Cycle/Recycle: With a badminton net/volleyball net – the students must throw the ball(s) over the net to the other team. They in turn attempt to catch the ball (with hands/scoops) and throw the ball back.

Other suggestions: Switcheroo Target Practice One side is the throwing side. One side is the catching side. The throwing side throws the yarn ball (underhand or overhand – depending on the lesson) and tries to hit the target (on the bounce or straight in. The catchers without touching or going in the target area, tries to catch it. Variation – have targets on both side

Firing Squad The triangles must underhand toss or overhand throw depending on which lesson is being taught. They are trying to hit the target on the wall. While the squares are trying to catch the ball with a scoop.

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