Walnut High School

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Walnut High School

Walnut High School Advanced Dance Course Outline The following information concerns expectations and requirements for proper behavior and participation in dance class. Each student will be well informed of what is expected to ensure a positive and productive learning environment. Class Rules: 1. Dress and participate each day. No Exceptions! If a student does not participate for medical reasons, (a Doctor’s note is required). A one-three page summary of the class must be turned in to receive credit. 2. Be on time to class. Students will be considered tardy if not seated in their roll call formation at the time the ten-minute bell rings. 3. Dress in proper dance attire. Suggested clothes for dance may include the following: Full leotard and tights, leggings, dance Capri pants are acceptable. T-shirts that say “Dance” (previous Walnut spring show shirt) or a shirt with the “Walnut” title are acceptable. Half tops, or any top showing the stomach, are not allowed. Pajama pants are not acceptable. Traditional “Dance” attire is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED! Jazz or ballet shoes are recommended. 4. Food, drinks, and/or chewing gum are NOT allowed in class. Water is the only exception! 5. Hair must be pulled up/back before entering the dance room . 6. Show mutual respect and consideration to both the teacher and the other classmates. 7. NO CELL PHONES, unless needed for choreographic purposes.

Assignments & Grading Procedures: 1. Attendance, Dress, and Participation will be calculated on a daily basis. 2. Evaluation and Exams: A) Skill-Students will learn different warm-ups and technical routines. They will be graded on the knowledge of these skills as well as the technical ability and execution of these skills. This will take place every 4-6 weeks. B) Written-Students will be tested and graded on the knowledge of dance history and proper technique and terminology. This will take place every 4-6 weeks. C) Anatomy of a Dancer: Students will be expected to learn the correct muscular vocabulary. D) Choreography and Improvisation: Students will be graded on their originality, creativity, and technical variety pertaining to each specific assignment. 3. Choreography A) The different elements and aspects of choreography will be discussed and experimented with throughout the semester. Notebooks are suggested to take notes. Pen and paper are suggested everyday to take notes or to just write choreography reviews. A small, 3 ring binder is useful. B) Choreographic assignments will be graded on the basis of effort, knowledge of the assignments, originality, and creativity. These assignments will be worked on in class in a group environment. C) Choreographic terms and examples will be on the 4-6 week exams and final. 4. Dance Critique will be required from each student and will be due one week before the final exam. No Late Papers will be accepted! The paper should be a typed, double spaced and 3-4 pages in length. An outline of the material expected will be given out in class. 5. A written and performance/choreography Final Exam will be given at the end of the semester covering all work up to that date. 6. Performances, the “Winter Wishes Dance Concert” will be Nov. 30 and Dec. 1, 2017. Each advanced dancer will be required to participate in the production. Technical and dress rehearsals are scheduled for Nov. 27, 28 and 29th. Attendance will be required and will be worth points towards their semester grade. Spring Dance Production will be May 3-4 2018. The tech and dress rehearsals are April 30, May 1-2. Attendance is required and will be worth points towards their semester grade.

Non-Suits: 1. A non-suit will be issued for improper dance attire or failure to dress and will be interpreted as defiance. Students will still be expected to participate even if they choose not to dress. NO OBSERVATIONS in Dance Class. A –4.5 deduction will be issued. If it is habitual, the following procedure will be as follows: 1. First and second offense = Student will be counseled. 2. Third offense = Parent of the student will be contacted. 3. Fourth offense = Student will be counseled and parent will be contacted by GLC. 4. Fifth offense = Conference will be held with GLC, teacher, and student. Student will be placed on contract and failure to complete contract will result in failure of the class. Make-ups: 1. Students can Make-up their points when they have an excused absence. 2. Students may Not make-up non-suits! 3. A. The make-up consists of a 2-3 page paper on a related dance, aerobic, or fitness issue. The paper must have the article attached, be typed, and double spaced. It must give a summary of the article as well as personal feelings and/or reflections about it. It must be labeled as “Make-up”. B. Take an outside dance or fitness class. Get the business card signed by the instructor with the date and time of class. Turn that in to earn make-up points. 4. All make-ups must be turned in one week before the grading period ends.

Aerobics and Pilates At least once a week in the dance class the students will engage in some form of aerobic and Pilates activity. This may be in the form of hand weights, a cardiovascular workout, basic yoga and Pilates techniques or aerobic circuits. The department provides all aerobic educational tools to reinforce healthy life choices and wellness principles. The students must participate to the best of their abilities. Grading The Dance Department along with the PE Department works on an A-F Grading Scale. 90%-100% (with critique) = A 80%-90% = B 70%-80% = C 60%-70% = D Below 60% = F The points will be deducted as follows: -1 = tardy -4.5 (-9 block day)= non-suit -2 (-4 block day) = absence -2 (-4 block day) = nonparticipation -2 = hair down -1 = gum chewing -5 = Disrespectful behavior towards other dancers or teacher. -15 = Missed Tech or Dress Rehearsal -25 = Missed Performance All exams, choreographic assignments, and performances will be graded on a point system that will be averaged at the end of each quarter for final grade standing.

Videotaping: Your daughter may be taped for instructional purposes. If you do not wish for your daughter to be videotaped please inform me by phone, email or in the form of a written note as soon as possible. Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 7:50-8:45am.

DETACH AND RETURN THIS PORTION TO MRS. TOMLIN I have read and understand all the class rules, assignments, and expectations for this dance course.

______Student Name (Print) Class Period

______Student Signature Date Parent Signature Date

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