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Paper Title (Use Style: Paper Title) s14

Energy Conservation using Automatic Switching System

Mamta Asrani B.E student, Electronic & comm Engg Renuka Diwanji Jhulelal Institute Of Technology B.E student, Electronic & comm Engg Nagpur, Maharashtra, India Jhulelal Institute Of Technology [email protected] Nagpur, Maharashtra, India [email protected]

Mrunali Borkar B.E student, Electronic & comm Engg Prof. Priya Salankar Jhulelal Institute Of Technology Assistant Professor Nagpur, Maharashtra, India Jhulelal Institute Of Technology [email protected] Nagpur, Maharashtra, India [email protected]

Abstract—Wastage of electricity is one of the main problems we residential lighting controls has been characterized by are facing now-a-days. In schools, colleges, homes, industries, we the Consortium for Energy Efficiency. see that lights/fans remain switched on even when there is The term lighting control system refers to an intelligent nobody present the area. This is caused due to negligence and networked system of devices related to lighting control. These sometimes when we are in hurry. Thus, to avoid such situations devices may include relays, occupancy sensors, photocells, where a lot of electricity is wasted for no good reason, we present to you our project called Energy saving automatic switching light control switches or touchscreens, and signals from other system. We aim on designing a circuit that turns on and off the building systems (such as fire alarm or HVAC). Adjustment of electrical appliances (mainly lights and fans) pertaining to the system occurs both at device locations and at central presence of humans in the area.The objective is to use sensors to computer locations via software programs or other interface detect the presence of any living creature, and use it to control devices. The major advantage of a lighting control system the lights/fans in that area. over stand-alone lighting controls or conventional Keywords—IR Sensor ,PIR Sensor, component; formatting; manual switching is the ability to control individual lights or style; styling; insert (key words) groups of lights from a single user interface device. This ability to control multiple light sources from a user device I. INTRODUCTION allows complex lighting scenes to be created. A room may A lighting control system is an intelligent control solution that have multiple scenes pre-set, each one created for different incorporates communication between various system inputs activities in the room. A major benefit of lighting control and outputs related to lighting control with the use of one or systems is reduced energy consumption. Longer lamp life is more central computing devices. Lighting control systems are also gained when dimming and switching off lights when not widely used on both indoor and outdoor lighting of in use Section II gives the details of the proposed work, commercial, industrial, and residential spaces. Lighting Section III discusses the implementation of the system and control systems serve to provide the right amount of light finally section IV gives the details of the circuit diagram and where and when it is needed. its working, Lighting control systems are employed to maximize II. PROPOSED WORK the energy savings from the lighting system, satisfy building codes, or comply with green building and energy conservation programs. Lighting control systems are often referred to under In this work it is proposed to make a controller based model to the term Smart Lighting. The term lighting controls is keep track of number of person who have visited the room and typically used to indicate stand-alone control of the lighting those who have left the room and simultaneously it will keep a within a space. This may include occupancy sensors, time tab on whether the room is vacant or is occupied. We use IR clocks, and photocells that are hard-wired to control fixed sensor to keep a track on number of persons moving inside or groups of lights independently. Adjustment occurs manually at moving outside the room. The PIR sensor also known as the each devices location. The efficiency of and market for occupancy sensors will be used to sense whether a particular area or a room is occupied or vacant and is it is found to be vacant then the bulbs will switch off. Figure 2 The Microcontroller 89S52 In today’s world, there is a continuous need for automatic appliances. With the increase in standard of living, there is a An infrared sensor is an electronic device that emits in order to sense of urgency for developing circuits that would ease the sense some aspects of the surroundings. complexity of life. Also if at all one wants to know the number An IR sensor can measure the heat as well as detect the of people present in room soaps not to have congestion, this motion. The radiations that are detected by an infrared sensor circuit proves to be helpful. This work “Energy Conservation are invisible to human eyes. The emitter is simply an IR LED using Automatic Switching System " is a reliable circuit that (Light emitting diode) and the detector is simply an IR takes over the task of persons/visitor in the room very accurately similarly acts as an intelligent system which would photodiode which is sensitive to IR light of same wavelength turn on the lights or appliances when the room is occupied and as emitted by IR LED. When IR light falls on photodiode, the would turn off the appliances if the room is vacant. The total resistances and output voltages change in proportion to the number of person inside the room will be displayed on the magnitude of the IR light received. The range of IR sensor is LCD screen. 20cm(0.2m) to 150cm(1.5m). IR sensors are less expensive.

III. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SYSTEM Figure 1 below shows the block diagram of Energy Conservation using Automatic Switching System. It consists of Transmitter 1 and transmitter which are nothing but IR sensors. It has a PIR sensor, Microcontroller, LCD Display, and Relay.

Figure 3 The IR Sensor

The purpose of the PIR sensor is to sense the movement of people. All the things with a temperature above absolute zero emit heat energy in the form of radiations, called as black body radiation. These radiations are invisible to human eye as they have infrared wavelength. The sensor is actually split into two halves so as to detect not the radiation itself, but the change in condition that occurs when a target enters its field. These changes in the amount of infrared radiation on the element in turn change the voltages generated, which are measured by an on-board amplifier. When motion is detected Figure 1 Block diagram of the system the PIR sensor outputs a high signal on its output pin.PIR sensors have a range of approximately 6 meters. PIR sensors are small, inexpensive, low power, rugged, have a wide lens The purpose of the microcontroller is to continuously sens range, are easy to interface with, and are easy to use. Their e the data from the IR sensor as well as the PIR sensor. Whene best feature is that they don’t wear out. ver any person crosses the IR sensor while entering or leaving the room the IR sensor forwards the signal to the microcontrol ler a count is registered .One IR sensor will register the count of the person entering the room and the other IR sensor will re gister the count of the person leaving the room

Figure 4 The PIR Sensor A liquid-crystal display (LCD) is a flat-panel display or other electronic visual display that uses the light-modulating properties of liquid crystals. Liquid crystals do not emit light directly. LCDs are available to display arbitrary images (as in a general-purpose computer display) or fixed images with low information content, which can be displayed or hidden, such as preset words, digits, and 7-segment displays as in a digital clock. They use the same basic technology, except that arbitrary images are made up of a large number of small pixels, while other displays have larger elements.

Figure 5 The LCD Display A relay is an electrically operated switch. Many relays use an electromagnet to mechanically operate a switch, but other operating principles are also used, such as solid-state relays. Relays are used where it is necessary to control a circuit by a low-power signal (with complete electrical isolation between Figure 7 The Circuit Diagram control and controlled circuits), or where several circuits must The circuit works on the principle of IR sensing. Two sets of be controlled by one signal. IR sensors consisting of an IR LED and photo transistor are placed at two ends. Output from each sensor is fed to the microcontroller. In normal operation, IR light from the LED would fall on the photo transistor and the latter would conduct. The output from the sensor would be a logic low signal in this case. In case of any interruption (due to any person crossing the path), the photo transistor would cease to conduct or conduct less and the output from the sensor would be a logic high signal. The transition from low to high, for each sensor pair is detected by the microcontroller and accordingly the Figure 6 The Relay count would be increased or decreased. The heart of the circuit design lies in designing the microcontroller interface. Here we use the microcontroller AT89s52 which is an ATMEL IV. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM AND WORKING family microcontroller. The microcontroller AT89s52 is IR Transmitter: We are using IR transmitters because, infrared interfaced to the IR sensor pairs at two ports pins – P1.1 and beams are not visible to human eyes and are not easily P1.2 respectively. The data pins of LCD D0-D7 are connected triggered by other sources in the environment. to port P0.0-P0.7 and the RS, RW and E are connected to port P2.5, P2.6, and P2.7 respectively. The PIR sensor is connected IR Receiver: It is an active low device. So, when the IR rays to port P1.3. Also to turn ON/OFF the load we have connected are interrupted by any person, microcontroller will receive a a relay to port P1.0. The relay is an automatic switch which operates the output load as per the signal received from the high pulse from IR receiver. microcontroller. Hence when the PIR sensor detects any human motion it will give a high signal to the microcontroller Microcontroller: This is the CPU of our project. We are using and then the microcontroller will give signal to the relay to a 8052 microcontroller. Its functions are : 1. Bidirectional turn On/Off the load. visitor counter 2. Display 3.Automatic room light controller Applications: LDC Display: We plan on using 16x2 alphanumeric Liquid This circuit can be used domestically to get an indication of Crystal Display, which means it can display alphabets as well number of persons entering a party. It can be used at official as numbers on 2 lines each containing 16 characters. meetings. It can be used at homes and other places to keep a check on the number of persons entering a secured place. Relay : Since microcontroller cannot directly turn on relay, we It can also be used as home automation system to ensure are using a relay driver circuit. This circuit consists of a energy saving by switching on the loads and fans only when transistor which is used to turn on relay through needed. microcontroller. Limitations: It is a theoretical circuit and may require few changes in LM7805.pdf practical implementation. It is a low range circuit and cannot [7] be implemented at large areas. With frequent change in the [1] stic substrate interface,” IEEE Transl. J. Magn. Japan, vol. 2, pp. 740- 741, August 1987 [Digests 9th Annual Conf. Magnetics Japan, p. 301, count value, after a certain time the output may look 1982]. confusing. [2] M. Young, The Technical Writer’s Handbook. 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