Title of Article (The Title Should Not Be Full Sentences)
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Title of article (The title should not be full sentences)
Author1, Author2, Author1 (First Name, Middle Name, Last Name)
1Affiliation (Department, University, City Name and Post Code, Country) 2Affiliation (Department, University, City Name and Post Code, Country. Has extra spacing after the line)
Abstract The abstract should be summarize the contents of the paper and should contain at least 100 and at most 200 words. It should be a concise summary of the aims, methods, results, and conclusions and/or other significant items in the paper. Together with the title, it must be adequate as an index to all the subjects treated in the paper, and will be used as a base for indexing. Avoid displayed mathematical expressions. Define all nonstandard symbols and abbreviations. There should be two blank (10.5-point) lines before and after the abstract.
Keywords The key words should include 3-8 pieces of words or phrases to serve as guidelines for indexing. The comma should be used between the key words.
1 Introduction
All papers must be sent in Word format. Papers should be formatted with single columns and should be single-spaced, 10.5 point Times New Roman font. Also, do not change the margins as they have been set in the template: Top-2.54 cm, Right-2.54 cm, Bottom-2.54 cm, Left-2.54 cm. Text should be justified. Do not add any headings or footers to your document. Papers must be provided in Microsoft Word (.doc) format and cannot be larger than 25 MB each.
2 Body
The text should contain Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion sections
2.1 Figures and photographs
Figures should be numbered and should have a caption which should always be positioned under the figures. The final sentence of a caption should end without a period. Line drawings should have a resolution of at least 1200 dpi. For digital halftones 300 dpi is usually sufficient. If you cannot provide your figures electronically, paste originals into the manuscript and center them between the margins. Every single figure (except a photograph) is often reduced to 5 cm (High)×7 cm (Width). The final thickness of a line in a figure usually lies within the range 0.15-0.20 mm. When preparing the figures, authors should pay attention to the widths of lines and similar details, as some (e.g. dotted or thin lines) may disappear after reduction. Particular attention should be paid to line strengths in graphics prepared in vector formats. The Fig. 1 is an example.
Fig. 1 This shows a figure consisting of different types of lines. The last sentence of a figure caption should generally end without a period
2.2 Tables
Headings should be capitalized the first word and should, with the exception of the title, be aligned to the left. Words joined by a hyphen are subject to a special rule. If the first word can stand alone, the second word should be capitalized. The font sizes are given in Table 1.
Table 1 Font sizes of headings. Table captions should always be positioned abovethe tables. The final sentence of a table caption should end without a period Heading level Example Font size and style Title (centered) Title of article … 16 point, bold 1st-level heading 1 Introduction 14 point, bold 2nd-level heading 2.1 Printing area 10.5 point, bold 3rd-level heading Headings. Text follows … 10.5 point, bold 4th-level heading Remark. Text follows … 10.5 point, italic
2.3 Formulas
Displayed equations or formulas are centered and set on a separate line. Displayed expressions should be numbered for reference. The numbers should be consecutive within the contribution, with numbers enclosed in parentheses and set on the right margin. For example, x + y = z (1)
2.4 Citations
The list of references is headed “References”. For citations in the text please use square brackets and consecutive numbers: [1], [2], [3], …
5 Acknowledgements
Generally this paragraph is the place to acknowledge people, organizations, and financing (you may state grant numbers and sponsors here).
6 References
Personal communications, unpublished data, and websites are not acceptable references and should be listed as the footnotes at the bottom of the normal text area. The essential references (formally published journals, articles, monographs, dissertations, reports, proceedings, standards, patents, and/or electronic publications) cited in the text can be listed and must be numbered consecutively by Arabic numerals, which should be listed in the same order as cited in the text. There should be at least fifteen references. Here are some referred orders as follows:
[1] Visvanathan C, Yang B S, Muttamara S, et al. Application of air backflushing technique in membrane bioreactor. Water Sci Technol, 1997, 36(12): 259―266 (for journals articles) [2] Gao C M, Li X F, Wang S T, et al. Handbook for Land Application System of Municipal Wastewater. Beijing: China Standard Press, 1991 (in Chinese) (for monographs) [3] Liu C X. Study on the measures for improving constructed wetlands’ performance in treating domestic wastewater. Dissertation for the Doctoral Degree. Beijing: Tsinghua University, 2003 (in Chinese) (for dissertations) [4] Ray D. Natural Systems for Water Pollution Control. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1982 (for monographs) [5] Cui F Y, Ren G. Pilot study of process of bathing wastewater treatment for reuse. In: Proceedings of the International Water Association Conference 2005, Xi’an. Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press, 2005, 87―92 (for proceedings)