January 2007 NOHC Conference Call
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Indian Health Service Dental Program National Oral Health Council Minutes Executive Committee DRAFT COPY
Page 1 DATE Conference Call PLACE QUOROM MET LEADER RECORDER 11 January 2007 Yes Stuart Holmes Jan Colton
ATTENDANCE NO YES NO YES NO YES Aberdeen: Kim Sturm X Nashville: X Specialist:: Jan Colton X Joyce Biberica Alaska: George Bird X Navajo: X Hygiene: Travis X Heshmat Mortazavi Fisher
Albuquerque: Bill Morningstar X Oklahoma: Anthony X Dental Assistant: X Likes Linda Canada
Bemidji: Kirk Ritchie X Phoenix: Stuart X ADO: Rick Troyer X X Holmes Billings: Phil Driscoll X Portland: Kevin X HQE Liaison: Pat Zimmerman Blahut
California: Richard Schoen X Tucson: Joe Hosek X HQE Representative: X Jim Schaeffer Indian Health Service Dental Program National Oral Health Council Minutes Executive Committee DRAFT COPY
Page 2 GUESTS: ACTION ITEM DISCUSSION/RECOMMENDATION ACTION FOLLOW-UP RESP. PARTY F/UP DATE ADO Report We remain on CR until at least February. Info only Holmes/Troyer Discussed GPRA and levels set as goals. 129 students interested in 79 externship positions. No new loan repayment until CR is ended. Program for Updates to be finalized by the end of January. Please forward names of individuals who would be interested in teaching Expanded Functions as their will be something similar to a train the trainer program. Elections Vice-Chair and Secretary should be 2nd year Info to be sent out Colton/Holmes representatives. Election upcoming. Anticoagulation Articles Article list developed and sent out to NOHC Revised/Updated article to Sturm representatives. Interested in posting such lists on the be sent to representatives website. Advised that legal aspects must be considered. for review Must develop review process. See attached email from Dr. Blahut DA Elections No report. Dr. Morningstar unable to contact Linda Place on Combined Councils Holmes/All Canada. agenda. Combined Councils Schedule: Monday-Thursday, Friday travel Send questions for Dr. Grim Holmes/All Facility: Bahia in San Diego, CA to Dr. Holmes Develop Topics/See Old Work Plans Contact ADOs and Chiefs for ideas to work on Mary Beth Kinney: CDE and Website issues Diane Cooper: NIH Library Access Indian Health Service Dental Program National Oral Health Council Minutes Executive Committee DRAFT COPY
Page 3 ACTION ITEM DISCUSSION/RECOMMENDATION ACTION FOLLOW-UP RESP. PARTY F/UP DATE Dee Robertson: Clorhexadine Varnish Study HP/DP All proposals for annual hp/dp awards have been Blahut reviewed, scored, and rank ordered. As soon as we have a better idea of our annual fy07 budget, I will be able to announce funding. At present, it appears this announcement will be made in mid-February MCRP There was no committee meeting in December. No new Blahut dental cases were received within the last month. GPRA Final annual goals have been finalized with OMB. The Blahut new OMB examiner assigned to IHS requested modest increases to be postulated for all objectives (not just the three dental objectives). Suggested annual objectives that maintained previous production were deemed “not ambitious enough.” However, dental managed to emerge with three annual goals that do not postulate any increases: 1. Access to care: 24% (which was our goal last year. We achieved this goal two years ago, and barely failed to achieve it last year.) 2. Patients receiving at least one topical fluoride application: 95,439 (this was our production last year) 3. Dental sealants: 246,645 (this was our production last year, and represents the only diminished annual goal, at present, for any discipline. Our goal last year was 249,882.) Indian Health Service Dental Program National Oral Health Council Minutes Executive Committee DRAFT COPY
Page 4 ACTION ITEM DISCUSSION/RECOMMENDATION ACTION FOLLOW-UP RESP. PARTY F/UP DATE Orientation to IHS / HHS / For the last few years HQ dental personnel have hosted Blahut HQE our GP residents for a two one-week sessions, one in the fall and one in the spring, for an orientation to IHS, HHS, HQ, and various other agencies we interact with such as HRSA and NIH. Starting next fall, we are going to open this opportunity to a limited number of dental providers who are not in our GP residency programs. At first, this opportunity will be limited to members of selected workgroups, such as the ADO group and the National Oral Health Council. It is not clear yet if funding will be available to cover any expenses for this orientation. DePac Representation Would like more coordination between the two groups on Bird items or areas which are of concern to both constituencies
Other N/A All Next Conference Call 8 February 2007 Holmes MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!