Policies and Rules for ASB Computers

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Policies and Rules for ASB Computers

Associated Students of Napa Valley College Contract

Welcome to the Napa Valley College ASNVC! Congratulations on being elected or appointed. Your service will be greatly appreciated!

ASNVC Policies and Rules for Conduct in the ASNVC Office Office Etiquette 1) You may prepare food from the microwave or refrigerator but you must take it elsewhere to eat it. You are allowed to eat in the office if you are working on homework or ASNVC work and have permission from the Office Assistant or Coordinator of Student Life. 2) As a working office, the noise level must stay under conversational levels. If not you will be asked to leave. 3) Music is allowed in the office if you are using earplugs or headsets. Computer Usage in the Office of Student Life 4) The front office computer (located at the front desk) is to be used primarily by the ASNVC Office Assistant, but may be used by ASNVC Board members to produce Student ID cards. 5) The front computer (located by the door) may only be used by club members and ASNVC board members for legitimate club or office -related work. a) NO program files may be downloaded to any computer. If a file needs updating, please inform the Office Assistant so she can arrange it with IT. b) There is to be no pornography, no game playing, no CD burning, or opening of attachments that are not ASNVC or club related. c) Do not eat or drink at the computers. 6) The ASNVC Board computer (located in the back office) is only to be used by ASNVC board members. The computer is to only be used for ASNVC related work. a) NO program files may be downloaded to any computer. If a file needs updating, please inform the Office Assistant so she can arrange it with IT. b) If an ASNVC board member is also serving in a campus club, they may use the back computer for club related business but ASNVC business takes priority over all else. c) There is to be no pornography, no game playing, no CD burning, or opening of attachments that are not ASNVC related. d) Do not eat or drink at the computers.

Office Property 1) Do not deface ASNVC office equipment (ie: office supplies, desk, and copier) with permanent stickers, tape, etc. 2) When using the copier, do not fix paper jams yourself. Ask for assistance from the Office Assistant or the Coordinator of Student Life. 3) Please clean up after yourself. a) Do not leave food or drinks at the tables. b) Please put all food trash in the outside trashcans. c) The fridge will be cleared of its contents every Friday. 4) The ASNVC President and Office Assistant will be coordinating a weekly cleanup crew that will be assigned at the Leadership Conference in August.

1 Rev. 08062014 Supply Room Rules 1) Due to the sensitivity of students and staff, foods with strong odors should be prepared and consumed in the Student Activity Center. 2) ASNVC Board members may NOT use disposable dishware purchased by ASNVC or any clubs. 3) ASNVC Officers may keep a storage bin no bigger than 8” w x 13” d x 12”h in the supply room. a) This should be used for storage of personal food items, dishes, cutlery, etc. b) ALL dishware must be cleaned prior to placing them in the storage bin and will be disposed of if returned uncleansed. c) All perishable foods must be removed prior to spoilage and every Friday. 4) Refrigerator may be used for personal food items. a) All items must be removed on Friday or they will be discarded. b) All perishable foods must be removed prior to spoilage. 5) ASNVC Officers may use the microwave located in the supply room. a) All foods being prepared in the microwave should be covered during cooking. b) Any spills or splatters should be cleaned immediately. c) Do not leave the microwave unattended while in use. 6) ASNVC Board members may use the coffee maker in the supply room. a) In order for ASNVC to purchase supplies, Board members are required to pay $0.50 per cup of coffee. a.i) If the fund is not replenished, ASNVC Board members will be required to bring in their own coffee making supplies. a.ii) ASNVC may not use ASNVC funds for coffee making supplies. b) The coffee maker will shut off automatically after 2 hours. c) If you take the last cup of coffee, make more or turn off the machine. d) After 3:00 PM, only make enough coffee for those who will be consuming it. e) Please see the instructions above the coffee maker for the correct procedures. 7) The supply room cleaning schedule will be posted on the white board. a) ASNVC Board members who do not complete their scheduled cleaning will be subject to restriction from the ASNVC office. 8) Only items for upcoming events occurring within 30 days may be stored in the supply room. a) Clubs must remove their items within three (3) of an event or they will be discarded. b) ASNVC event items should be stored in the Cultural Center after an event and are subject to disposal within one (1) week of the event.

Cultural Center Guidelines 1) No items may be removed from the Cultural Center cabinets without express approval from the ASNVC Board. a) Any items requested by ASNVC, NVC, or Clubs require a completed inventory request form. b) All inventory request forms shall be filled by an ASNVC Board member during their regular office hours.

2 b.i) The Office Assistant and/or Coordinator of Student Life may NOT fill the orders. c) Items housed in the Cultural Center are NOT for personal use and may not be removed without proper documentation. d) Clubs will be charged for the items in bulk whether they use them all or not.

Printing/Copying 1) All copy and print jobs must be logged in the Print Log binder. a) Please limit paper usage to the best of your ability (ie: double-sided, electronic versions, etc). 2) All print or copy jobs for clubs must be requested through the ASNVC Office Assistant. a) Any club printing or copying requires a Copy Request form. b) ASNVC Board members may not copy or print for clubs, even if they are members of the club that is requesting the print or copy job.

Notebook Computers 1) All ASNVC Board members will have a notebook computer assigned to them by the Office Assistant. 2) ASNVC Board members are responsible for charging and updating of software on their assigned notebook computer. 3) The ASNVC Board member is responsible for the care and handling of their notebook computer while in their possession. 4) ASNVC Board members may use the notebook computers for ASNVC, constituent and other committee meetings. 5) Notebook computers may not be used for reasons other than ASNVC responsibilities. 6) There is to be no pornography or other violations of the NVC computer use policy.

Board Member Responsibilities 1) All ASNVC Board members must keep one (1) office hour per week, at which time they must be available to students. This time should be focused on the responsibilities related to their position. a) Committee, constituent, and hiring committees or trainings do not qualify as office hours. b) Office hours must be signed off by a superior in the ASNVC hierarchy or the Office Assistant. The President and Vice President office hours must be signed off by the Coordinator of Student Life. 2) All ASNVC Board members will chair at least one (1) ASNVC Committee and serve on at least one (1) other committee. 3) All ASNVC Board members will sit in on at least one (1) constituent committee. a) Shall keep meeting agendas and minutes in a place accessible to all ASNVC Board members. b) Shall report on the constituent group at ASNVC Board meetings. 4) All ASNVC Board members shall attend Hiring Committee training and serve on hiring committees for open positions related to their ASNVC Board position.

3 Rev. 08062014 5) All ASNVC Board members shall attend Food Handling Certification training. 6) ASNVC Board members might be called on to be a Student Advocate. The role of Student Advocate is to be “another student in the room” for a student who is going through the NVC Grievance Process. ASNVC Student Advocates do not speak for the student but on behalf.

Work Ethic 1) The ASNVC board shall develop a contract stating an agreed upon level of acceptable participation in activities and events prior to the beginning of the fall semester.

Consequences for Violating Office and Computer use rules 1) Any student, non-student, ASNVC Board Member, or Club Member who violates the office or computer use rules are subject to disciplinary action by the Coordinator of Student Life, with approval from the V.P. of Student Services OR the ASNVC President, which may range from a verbal warning to the individual being banned from the office up to the end of the semester

Consequences for violating agreed upon work ethic standards 1) Disciplinary action may range from a verbal warning to dismissal and must be approved by the Student Life Coordinator AND VP of Student Services.

Steps to resign from the ASNVC Board 1) To officially resign and step down from the ASNVC Board, board members will need to send a signed, typed letter addressed to the ASNVC President and the Coordinator of Student Life. 2) Board members who do wish to step down are encouraged to attend their last meeting and let the group know in person. 3) Once you have resigned from the ASNVC Board, you will need to clean out your personal items from the ASNVC Office within 5 calendar days. 4) If you resign prior to graduation or transferring, you can petition to the ASNVC Board to still be considered for an ASNVC Scholarship and Stole.

4 Please return this page signed to the ASNVC Coordinator.

I agree to honor and follow NVC Policies, the Student Contract, the ASNVC Bylaws, and the ASNVC Constitution while I am serving on the ASNVC Board and I have read and understand the responsibilities associated with my position.

______ASNVC Board Member’s Name ASNVC Board Member’ Position (Please Print) (Please Print)

______ASNVC Board Member’s Signature Coordinator of Student Life Signature

______Date Date

5 Rev. 08062014

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