Education, Above All, Should Teach People to Become Lifelong Learners

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Education, Above All, Should Teach People to Become Lifelong Learners

"Education, above all, should teach people to become lifelong learners" --Mortimer Alder 8 th Grade US History Robert AROSTEGUY (pronounced Ah-ROS-Te-Gee) Room: 502 Phone: (916) 434-5270 Email: [email protected] Website:

8th Grade US History: Welcome to 8th Grade US History! As per the California History Standards: “Students in grade eight study the ideas, issues, and events from the framing of the Constitution up to the second wave of immigration and progressive era. After reviewing the development of America’s democratic institutions founded on the Judeo-Christian heritage and English parliamentary traditions, particularly the shaping of the Constitution, students trace the development of American politics, society, culture, and economy and relate them to the emergence of major regional differences. They learn about the challenges facing the new nation, with an emphasis on the causes, course, and consequences of the Civil War. They make connections between the rise of industrialization and contemporary social and economic conditions.” This will be a fast paced course and it is important to stay up on class work and homework!

GRADING POLICY: Grades are based on points accumulated across three categories based on expected learning outcomes. Tests: 60% Assignments: 30% Notebooks: 10% then converted to percentages as follows: A to A-: 100+%- 89.5% B+ to B-: 89.4%-79.5% C+ to C-: 79.4%-69.5% D+ to D-: 69.4%-59.5% F: 59.4%-0 ATTENDANCE POLICY: Attendance policies will be enforced in accordance with the student handbook (p. 6). Make-up work will be accepted on excused absences for full credit, unexcused absences will result in partial credit. TARDY POLICY: All tardies must go through the office first or attendance will reflect tardy, excessive will result in referral. CLASSWORK/HOMEWORK POLICY:  All homework assignments are due AT THE BEGINNING of class on the due date, unless otherwise noted. Homework should be placed in the turn in basket before class begins—make sure you arrive on time!  I will deduct points for late work. After two weeks—late assignments will not be accepted.  Your full name, date, and period number must be on your assignment in order to receive full credit.  Assignments must be thoughtfully and neatly organized. I will deduct points for any torn papers or work that is unfinished or illegible. Take pride in your work!

Notebook Students are required to bring their Interactive Notebook (INB) everyday! You will place in-class assignments, notes, maps, etc. in this notebook. You will need a glue stick, tape or a stapler to affix papers in it. You will maintain a Table of Contents and keep it up to date. This will be collected AT THE END of each unit. Parents should be able to look in and see what students are doing and learning. To see if your student is up to date, check my webpage to see what assignments should be in there. Extra Credit There are only two opportunities for extra credit. 1) Bathroom passes: worth 20 pts if none are used over the course of a trimester, otherwise 5 pts. per pass remaining 2) Current Events: Current event sheets are located in back of the room for students to retrieve. They must fill in each section COMPLETELY, in complete sentences and IN THEIR OWN WORDS. The article must be affixed to the sheet—no article, no points. Online articles are okay, but they must be printed out. Students may complete ONLY 1 current event per week, worth 5 points, for a max. of 20 points extra credit (you can still submit more current events but will not receive any more additional credit). Please note: sports, celebrity news, gaming, and science or technology news that does not have to do with the earth or that does not directly affect the human condition will not be accepted. CELL PHONE/ELECTRONICS POLICY: Cell phones and mp3 players are not allowed and will not be tolerated in class. If I hear it or see it, it’s mine. Please see page 8 in your handbook for violation process. MATERIALS: Each student must bring the following to class EVERYDAY: o Text books: Holt Medieval World History book (blue) o Spiral notebook (INB) o Pencil/Pen (blue or black ONLY-I will not accept red, green or any other colors) o Glue stick, tape, or stapler

DRESS CODE POLICY: The Dress Code will be enforced as outlined in the Student Handbook (p. 5). If you are in violation of the dress code, you will be sent to the office until it is resolved.

If You Choose to Break a Rule First time: Student will be given a verbal warning to correct the behavior. Second time: Parental contact. Student counseled by teacher. May be asked to leave classroom and complete a reflective writing assignment. Possible detention. Third time: Parental contact again, sent to office. Detention. Fourth time/ Student sent immediately to administration for further action. Conference with parents. Severe disruption: Student set to administration, parental contact with possible conference.

POLICIES and PROCEDURES: 1. Upon entering room, students will quietly and quickly:  Place any homework in the "turn in" basket unless otherwise noted  Take their seat and proceed to write the agenda and complete opening activity as directed. 2. At the sound of the bell, students will:  Wait to be excused by their teacher  Students may have to wait a few minutes after class due to behavior problems during class.

CLASSROOM GUIDELINES: The key to success in this classroom is: RESPECT RESPECT property RESPECT yourself, others, and the teacher RESPECT differences

We understand that we have the responsibility of respecting these guidelines and agree to act accordingly.

Signature:______Date:______** Please read through the course syllabus with your parent/guardian, sign It, and bring it back. This is worth 20 points. If you have any questions, please write them on this paper. Thank You, Mr. Arosteguy To the parent or guardian: Thank you for reading the syllabus with your child. Please fill out the below information with the most current information, as sometimes what we have in the system is not correct. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Thank you!

Parent/Guardian Name (Please print):______Parent/Guardian Signature:______Date:______

Home phone:______Cell phone:______Work phone:______E-mail address:______

Student Name (Please print):______Student Signature:______Date:______

Anything I should know about your child in order to further help them: ______

Questions or comments:

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