The Parish Voice

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The Parish Voice

The Parish Voice Newsletter of Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church of Milton, PA Volume 25, No. 8 August, 2008

Miracles – again and again... Spend some time in these remaining summer days counting the simple miracles God places in your Dear Friends, life. Remember the miracle that YOU are! As you do that, also recall God’s miracles in scripture – Since our last newsletter communication, I have reconnecting yourselves to God’s Word. Whether been introduced to another miracle in my life. His it’s water becoming wine (John 2:1-12), the name is Finn Logan Tharp, my third grandson. In creation of flowers and trees (Genesis 1:11-13), or addition to Finn’s presence, I have also enjoyed a huge catch of fish (Luke 5:1-11), listen again to two terrific weeks here in Milton with my two older how we have such a miraculous, amazing God. grandsons, Dylan and Ian Tharp. As I have heard YOU, dear friends in Christ, are miracles to me Finn learn to make sounds like “aaaah” and every day! “bbbbuuhh” and Dylan and Ian squeal with delight at places like Knoebel’s, McDonald’s play place, “Your way, O God, is holy. What god is so great as and Clyde Peeling’s Reptiland, I have been thinking our God? You are the God who works wonders; a lot these past two months about miracles…. you have displayed your might among the peoples. With your strong arm you redeemed your people…” It was a year ago that you supported our family – Psalm 77:13-15 through three of our children’s life-threatening health issues. Ashley, John, and Justin have all Your partner in mission and ministry, recovered from their illnesses and are back to work and life, thanks to God’s many blessings. The Pastor Pat :-) miracles of healing, along with the miracles of new sounds in our children’s lives, remind me again of the miracle of serving our Lord alongside you each day.

Some miracles are not quite as visible or dramatic. Sometimes they come as sunbeams on tightened faces or soft carpeting under tired feet. Sometimes they come through pain and grow us to a new level of hearing our Lord’s love. Sometimes they are smiles that burst into laughter, freeing us to a new day or task. Try it: just laugh at yourself or listen to a good joke. It’s good for you! (Kermit Benfer used to say you can do that every morning you look in the mirror!) Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church Newsletter Page 2 Prayer Concerns . . . Gladys Fisher; Irmgard Gordos; Merritt & Doris Heffelfinger; Margaret & Tommy Kline; Mary Members, Friends and Family of Kathryn Leiby; Helen Manning; Catherine Mazeall; Christ Lutheran Prayer List… Elva Mazeall; Dix & Pauline Reitz; Marguarite Ruth; Connie Sholly; Marie Springer; Leah Walker; Family of Jack Mazeall; Family of Kenneth Webb; Nancy Weikel; Jeannine Wilkerson; Helen Nein; Meika Albert; Bob Bailey; Bob Barnish; Josephine Yocum Hailey Bartlett; Laura Beck; Todd Beck, Jr.; Todd Beck, Sr.; Inez Bingaman; Maxine Bingaman; Lauren Military… Bodek; Bob Boyer; Cindy Boyer; Lucille Bruss; Amy Adam Arndt; Todd Beck, Jr.; Jen Bower; Amy Brown; Betty Brown; Sandy Buck; Steph Byers; Brown; Joshua Brown; Justin Dorman; Matthew Harley Cameron; Karen Campbell; Ben Case; Miles Dorman; Daniel Gonzales; Gabriel Gonzales; Justin Crawford; Mary Cromis; Pastor Greg Davidson; Gonzales; Christopher Grimsley; Jason Hutt; Jay Rose Deaner; Margaret “Peg” Derr; Jane Dulaney; Milinichik; Anthony Nudson; Dan Moll; Derek Jane Dietrich; Betty Dobbs; Bill Dotts; Cy & Snyder; Glenn Snyder; Eric Strobeck; Stephanie Christine Eminhizer; Fay Engleman; Doug Erickson; Ulmer Simon Francis; Virginia Frantz; Jeff Frederick; Joyce Frederick; Edith Gray; Ned Germini; Florence More prayers needed… Greenly; Shirley Gromlich; Kellie Gross; Ida Mae These are member families we have prayed for in Hartman; Frank & Bessie Hartzel; Deb Harvey; Church since last issue: Bruce & Nancy Manning; Verna & Syd Heddings; Sam Henney; Dorothy Edna Spotts; Kurt Umholtz; Steve Manning; Robert Hermani; Mindy Hewitt; Marti Hornberger; Ben Spotts; Harold & Stella Webb; Timothy Manning; Housner; Debra Huff; Perry & Sharon Karchner; Marie E. Springer; George & Dawn Umholtz; Raymond Keefer; David King; Gary Krick; Lillian Andrew & Doris Millett; Rodney, Carol, & Cory Longenberger; Corey Lose; Jeannie Macamer; Templin; Stephanie Ulmer; Jeremy Millett; Jay & Arlene Marason; Catherine Mazeall; Lois Ann Joan Trate; Ken & Penny Ulmer; Chuck, Kim, Brent, McDonald; Sharon Metzger; Joann Meyer; Audrey & Austin Mitch; Stanley Stahl; Todd Twist; Stephen Miller; Tim Miller; Terry Moll; Dan Morgan; David Moll; Adam Steeley; Martin, Ruth & Izak Trinidad, Morgan & family; Ruthella Nesbitt; Robert A.J., & Vanessa Gonzales; Betty Morgan, June Mull; Newman; Sue Newton; Hunter Page; Lola Pappas; Bobby Steeley, Jr. Walter Poeth; Jamie Reed; Orvis Rockey; Jim Russell; Judy & Joe Rutkowski; Mary Lou Sanders; For our ad hoc “giving ministry” who are helping us Casey Santi; Judy Schneider; Tammy Schneider; discover ways to close our operating budget deficit: Mike Slease; Laurie Smith; Mackenzie Snyder; Kathleen Burch, Penny Coup, Rose Deaner, Laurie Nancy Snyder; Tom Snyder; Margaret Stahl; Fisher, and Donna Spear. Dorothy Stevens; Kisha Suarez; Mary Sudol; Charles Symanski; Susan Trate; Ben Trego; Margaret Tullis; Terry Valiquette; John VanKirk; Also remember our janitor, John VanKirk, as he Sandy Wagner; Harry Walters; Audrey Wands; Eric recovers from heart surgery. We offer our special Watson, Jr.; Justin Watson; Stewart Watson, Jr.; thanks to the Staff Support Ministry Group for Linnea working hard to find a temporary replacement for Weddington; Danette Weikel; Beth Wertz; Cheryl John during his medical absence. Yeager; Jennifer; Sarah; Sierra Remember these leaders and congregational families as you offer your prayers this next month. Homebound & Special Concerns Members… Phyllis Albertson; Carrie Bastian; Blanche Benfer; Caroline Bobb; Lucille Bruss; Mary Burns; Dr. Ken & Betty Jeanne Callenberger; Edith Coup; Betty Dotts; Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church Newsletter Page 3 Thank You . . . Thank You Notes . . .

. To Donna, Rachael, & Julia Spear for getting Thank you for the card and keeping me in your the bulletins ready while Lorei was on thoughts and prayers. You are awesome, Pastor vacation. Pat. You have really changed Church. . To Steve Ishler for his hard work with the May God Bless, - Corey Danowsky pavilion drawings and meetings. . To Kellie Brouse for your faithful service as Thank you for my card and graduation gift. I am Christian Education Chair all these years. really excited to start Penn State! Please wish me . To Pam Walsh and Nancy Mensch, for your luck and keep me in your prayers as I start this new wonderful ministry with summer Sunday journey. We Are…Penn State! School, and for accepting the ministry of co- Love in Christ, - Rob Comerer chairing our Christian Education Ministry Group. We wanted to say “thank you” for the packet of . To Roger Watts, for helping to de-bug the Knoebel’s ride tickets we received on Children’s office computers. Sunday at Church. We all enjoy the rides – . To Heather Martin, Stephanie Byers, although we all like different kinds of rides. Lindsay Byers, Lauren Byers, Rachael Spear, - Alyssa, Lindsay, Lauren & Ryan Byers Kim Mitch, Donna Spear, Betty Morgan, (See the pictures and thank you’s on the bulletin Bebe Bolich, Isabelle Feehrer, Rose Bolich, board.) Penny Coup, Laurie Fisher, Barb Gray, Jenn Harrington, Nancy Mensch, Julia Spear, Pam Thank you so much for all your prayers for Kisha. Walsh, Rose Walsh, Pastor Keith, and Pastor Please continue to pray for her. Pat for helping with Vacation Bible School - Jennifer Harrington & Abe Suarez this year. We offer a special thanks to Kay Dunn for serving as our Director…AND for all the terrific kids who attended VBS! God’s Blessings and Love… . To Bob Greenly for all his help in hiring a temporary janitor during John VanKirk’s  To Elva Mazeall and family as you recuperation. We welcome Rich McSwain mourn the loss of your husband, John from Watsontown! “Jack” Mazeall. . To all those wonderful people who brought  To Ann Romig, Mugi and Andrea Amu, food and helped set up, serve, and all their family, in the loss of Mugi and clean up for the luncheon following and Andrea’s newborn daughter, Amelia the funeral service of Jack Mazeall. Grace-Ann.  To Pastor B.J. Collins and family in the loss of your mother, Helen Nein. Your Christ Church family mourns with you and sends love.  To Betty Eskildson, who has served Christ Church faithfully in her membership here. Betty recently transferred her membership to her home congregation, First Lutheran Church in Mifflinburg. We send her with our continuing love and prayers. Betty still delights us with her participation in Thursday’s Bible Studies! Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church Newsletter Page 4  To Pastor Pat and Pastor Keith on the Special Appeal birth of their third grandson, Finn Logan Tharp. Finn is the son of Pastor Pat’s Envelopes – Hunger middle son, Jeremy, and his wife, Cecily, who live in Gore, Virginia. He was born (envelope provided with newsletter) on June 8 in Winchester, Virginia, weighed 7 pounds 11 ounces, and was 20 ½ inches long. (Check out Pastor Pat’s office door for pictures!) American Red Cross

Food Bank—The Red Cross is collecting cereal for the month of August. Please place your donations in the grocery cart in the narthex. Thank you.

Bloodmobile – Wed., August 6 12 noon – 6 p.m. Serving with Honor – Glenn Snyder Orthodontist ad in Standard – Wargo brothers Relay for Life – Dale Kriner AARP Honorees – Anna Mae Harpster, Glenn Are you going Snyder, Ida Snyder, James Seidel on a trip this Superintendent’s Challenge – Courtney summer? Kovilaritch Woman’s Club – Anna Mae Harpster; Mae Jones Stay School Counts! Awards – Lauren Byers, Morgan connected Greenly, Alexis Albertson, Lindsay Byers, with your Brittany Snyder, Trent Wargo, Rachel Solomon, Rob Comerer, Corey Danowsky church family… Milton Middle School Distinguished Honor Roll – Chloe Abell, Ryan Byers, Blake o Pray for your church family. Kovilaritch o Send us a post card from your vacation Milton Middle School Honor Roll – Julia Spear, spot. We want to share your joy, too! Let Ashley Winner, Linea Brouse, Amanda us know how much fun you’re having! Johnson, Camille Kreisher, Ryan o Don’t forget your offerings that help the Solomon, Grant Wargo, Rachael Spear church pay its bills while you’re away. Baugher Elem. School Citizen of the Month o Check out what’s happening by pulling up for July – Alyssa Byers our website: Watching the fireworks - Tatum Brittingham o OR…..pick up a bulletin at the church on YMCA – Nancy Walters weeks you must miss church – keep in Team Cambodia check presentation – Pastor Pat touch! and Roger Watts o Visit a local church at your vacation spot – bring us their good ideas for doing ministry! o Give thanks for the many blessings God has given you – and for the blessing you are to your church family. Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church Newsletter Page 5

This summer we have a Congregation Council Sunday School program. We are using the Arch Children’s Meeting Highlights Books as our teaching guide. June 3, 2008 The class runs from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. each Sunday.  A small committee has been formed to look Donations of snacks and at ways to raise awareness to increase giving drinks are needed each week. during the summer months so that we do not There is a sign-up sheet on the fall further behind on operating expenses. table in the narthex. The committee consists of Penny Coup, Rose There is a basket available in the classroom for Deaner, Kathleen Burch, Laurie Fisher, and children to donate an item of Donna Spear and will meet on Sunday, June 8 food or money each week (if they can) to benefit and 15, at 9 a.m. the local Food Bank.  Frank Hartzel presented information about the maintenance of the parking lot. Council approved and Unico Sealing, Inc. of Lewis- 5th Sunday Hymn Sing - send in your burg will proceed with the parking lot reseal- favorite suggestions! ing.  Four contractors will be pursued for bids for the recently approved pavilion project. On August 31 we will have a Hymn Sing during the  Council discussed the installation of a securi- 10:30 a.m. ty system and fire protection system on rec- worship service. ommendation from the Property Committee. Send in your It was the consensus of Council that this favorites either should go to congregation for vote. Notifica- by calling the tion will go out in late July or early August church office or and a congregational meeting will be held in writing your September to vote for this proposal. selection on a piece of paper and placing it in the  John VanKirk, our church custodian, will be offering plate. (If your favorite hymn is not in having heart surgery on July 7 and will need either of our hymnals, let us know. We will print to have off for three months. out hymns that do not need copyright permission if Property and Staff Support Committees we can find them.) Be sure to call no later than will work together to find a replacement. August 24 so we have time to put together the hymn sing bulletin. Let's lift up glory to the Lord The complete record of the meeting minutes can be with the music that has touched our lives in so viewed on the church website at many special ways! 08.pdf or you may pick up a copy in the church office during normal office hours. Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church Newsletter Page 6 Congregation Council Summer Sunday School children (thanks Hope, Joseph, Gary, and Gavin!). On the back of each ornament is a Meeting Highlights label with a dollar amount, an expense, and a space for July 1, 2008 your envelope number.

Every dollar counts…simply attach your “extra” offering  Council approved Gavin Walsh for First Com- to a card of your choice, be sure to include your munion. envelope number on the back, and drop it in the  Council approved the ELCA’s recommenda- coconut. The offering counters will add up this extra tion to supporting Pastor Ron Shelhamer in giving, and we’ll watch our budget deficit get smaller Liberia. Jim & Karen Noss are retiring July 5, each week. 2008.  The 2008 Giving Tree campaign is underway. Congregational members can choose an or- nament from the palm tree in the Narthex for an extra giving opportunity in order to help bring our offerings in line with our bud- get. The campaign concludes on October 5, 2008.  The regularly scheduled August 5 Council Giving Tree Update meeting will include a Leadership Retreat and a short Council agenda. June 29, 2008 $ 38.00 July 6, 2008 105.00 The complete record of the meeting minutes can be July 13, 2008 52.00 viewed on the church website at TOTAL received $195.00 8.pdf or you may pick up a copy in the church office during normal office hours. New from Staff Support!

Have you noticed how many Keep God’s Lights On! 2008 Giving wonderful people work together to make God’s ministry happen here Campaign at Christ Church? We are blessed with so many faithful staff and At the middle of the year our volunteers whose gifts and talents giving is a bit behind spread Jesus’ love in our budget. Now we all congregation, community, and know that times are tight right now, but we need to world. keep in mind that it takes Beginning in September, and in every our offerings to keep our month thereafter, your Staff Support Ministry church running. So here’s how Group will be saying “thank you” in special ways to everyone can pitch in and you who offer your leadership gifts at Christ help: Church! This is how it will work:

Beginning June 29 (and ending October 5) in Volunteers: we will print out a brief the Narthex you’ll find a beautiful palm description of your ministry, list your tree with a coconut sitting under it (part names in the church bulletin and of the decorations for this year’s newsletter, and recognize you Vacation Bible School). This is our Giving Tree. Lying on the table next to personally in worship by introducing the tree will be ornaments created by the Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church Newsletter Page 7 you and offering a thank-you gift from missionary, and six congregations supporting ELCA your church family. missionaries without signing covenants. Total sponsorship gifts from congregations and Staff: One month in advance we will individuals in the ELCA amounted to $3,828,427 in post your picture in the narthex and any 2007. interesting facts you would like to share about yourself. To thank you for your Missionaries supported by the Upper Susquehanna ministry, the congregation will have an Synod include Bette McCrandall, opportunity to contribute to a “gift bag” James and Karen Noss, Viking and Marissa Dietrich, which will contain small thank you gifts Aaron and Lynette Albrecht, Stephen and Jean from your Christ Church brothers and Godsall-Myers, Stephen Deal, Nancy Stevenson, sisters. It is our hope that we can find Chad Rimmer, Clifford and Mitesaida Lewis, and unique ways of celebrating your special Ronald Shellhamer. (Note: Gifts sent through self as we read the interesting facts you channels outside the share with us! We will recognize you in ELCA Missionary Support process are not included the bulletin and newsletter, too. in these figures.)

Our first ministry celebration will be on Nurse’s Notes Sunday, September 14. We will give thanks for Sunday School teachers and helpers, our church Benefits of eating local produce: librarian, our offering counters, and our home communion teams.  Stewardship of energy costs for shipment th On the 4 Sunday, September 28, we will  Meandering through the local grower’s give thanks for Donna Spear, our Junior Choir market is a relaxing, pleasurable activity Director and Webmaster. Donna’s special that wakes up all your senses information will be posted in the narthex sometime  You’ll be consuming less processed foods during the end of August.  You’re more likely to choose and actually Each month thereafter, we will lift up eat more fruits and vegetables particular groups and individuals in other  You have the opportunity to ask the grower leadership roles. And by all means – you can help about farming methods or pesticide use by making sure we include all who lead with their  The money spent supports the local grower time and talents. If you know of someone who  Vouchers given to the poor for the grower’s shares a special ministry, contact Kay Dunn, Penny market are likely to increase the Ulmer, Janie Bloom, Bob Greenly, Karen Lubrecht, consumption of fruits and vegetables (WIC, or Frank Kovilaritch. We want to make sure we say senior citizens, etc.) “THANK YOU” to all who lead us in so many ways! ********** USS Congregations Give It’s a matter of stewardship…Are you tired of receiving pound upon pound of unwanted Nearly $32,000 in catalogs? Check out Missionary Support and have your name removed from many of these pesky lists. Applause goes to retailers Members of the Upper Susquehanna Synod gave who have voluntarily opted to be a part of the gifts totaling $32,380 in 2007 in support of ELCA solution by being listed as willing participants in missionaries. Gifts ranged in size from $200 to saving resources (and $) while serving $365 from individuals and $190 to $15,000 from customers. They can be found at congregations. Givers include 27 congregations who signed a covenant to support an ELCA Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church Newsletter Page 8, and Performing Arts Series include companies such as Abbey Press, Burpee, L.L. Bean, Land’s End, and more. At Central Oak Heights

********** The following events will be held at Central Oak Know the signs of heat exhaustion! Heat Heights (Rt. 15 north of Lewisburg) in the open exhaustion results from fluid loss or sodium air tabernacle/amphitheater: loss in the heat. Symptoms include loss of coordination; dizziness or fainting; profuse Sat., August 9 – 7:30 p.m. – Buffalo Valley Brass sweating or pale skin; headache, nausea, Sat., August 16 – 7:30 p.m. – Heart of vomiting or diarrhea; stomach/intestinal Pennsylvania Chorus (Pennsylvania’s only cramps or persistent women’s barbershop chorus) muscle cramps. The person suffering should be Sat., August 23 – 7:30 p.m. – Black Bear moved immediately to a cool, shaded area, Crossing (performing musical expressions from with legs elevated. Begin fluid replacement as Celtic lands, Eastern Europe and traditional soon as possible with Gatorade or other clear favorites) non-caffeine bearing liquids. If their condition gets Guidance from Wesley worse or does not improve within a few minutes, they should be seen by a physician in John Wesley (1703-1791) offered the following the Emergency Room – call 911. “Rules of Conduct” for Christians:

Do all the good you can, Social Dancing Classes By all the means you can, In all the ways you can, To Be Held In all the places you can, At all the times you can, Frank & Sandy Hartzel will To all the people you can, once again lead dance As long as ever you can. classes at Christ Church on Monday evenings. ‘ The Basic Class is 6:30-8:00 Twas the Day after Bible School p.m.; Intermediate Class is ‘ 8:00-9:30 p.m. Cost is $5 Twas the day after Bible School and all over town, per person per night. With a sigh of relief, we all settled down. Basic figures, styling, Out to the golf course goes Dad in his cap, technique, and dance And home in the bedroom Mom’s taking a nap. sequences that can be used on a social dance Gone Linda, gone Brenda, gone David and Johnny, floor will be taught. Lessons are also available Gone Margie, and Mary, and Ronnie and on Tuesdays (6:30-8:00 p.m.) at the West End Donnie. Christian Community Center, 909 Diamond St., Gone stories, and puppets, and songs in the air, Gone paint under fingernails and paste in the Williamsport. Contact Frank or Sandy at 326- hair. 7681 or [email protected]. Check out their Rest sweetly, dear workers, and wake with good website: cheer, For Bible School won’t come again for a year. As they drifted off, I heard them exclaim: “It was worth all the hard work and we’d do it again!” Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church Newsletter Page 9

Sonya & Michael Hamilton 8/3 6 years James & Brenda Bartlett 8/4 7 years Pete & Florence Ishler 8/13 48 years Dale & Patricia Bender 8/16 58 years Robert & Deborah Greenly 8/18 24 years Tracy & Pauline Guffey 8/21 26 years Merritt & Doris Heffelfinger 8/25 61 years Michael & Mary Lazor 8/27 36 years Scott & Mary Freeman 8/28 10 years

Rose Walsh 8/1 Kathy Longenberger 8/3 Ryan Francis 8/4 Laurie Mull 8/5 Treasurer’s Report for Zachary Perrin 8/5 Stephen Albertson 8/7 June Cortney Bennett 8/7 Donald Fisher 8/8 Begin. Receipts Expenses Curr. Betty Hagenbuch 8/8 Balances thru thru Balances 1/01/08 6/30/08 6/30/08 6/30/08 Dix Reitz 8/8 Current 14,103.86 Deana Kovilaritch 8/10 Expenses 61,501.04 -73,459.34 2,145.56 Kellie Brouse 8/12 Synod 0 Commitment 2,429.629 0 2,429.62 Nathan Mullin 8/12 Local Kimberly Bastian 8/13 Benevolences 729.00 5,683.51 -874.69 5,537.82 Karen Lubrecht 8/13 Building Fund 9,884.99 787.76 -200.74 10,472.01 Parking Lot Kurt Umholtz 8/15 Fund 6,000.00 0 0 6,000.00 Maxine Jones 8/16 Anna Catherine Snyder 8/17 TOTALS 30,717.85 70,401.93 -74,534.77 26,585.01 Garrett Beck 8/18 Blaine Poeth 8/18 Average Receipts per week 2,365.00 Carol Reed 8/18 Need per week to meet Budget 2,817.00 Projected Deficit -29,879.00 Margaret Kline 8/19 Patsy Aunkst 8/23 Kurt Seidel 8/27 Sandra Buck 8/28 Donald Steeley 8/30 Craig McHenry 8/31 Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church Newsletter Page 10

August Worship Participants

Altar Guild: Kay Dunn, Betty Baumer, Laurie Fisher

Date Ushers Participants

Aug. 3 John & Trent Wargo, Nancy Watts, Kellie A – Blake Wargo Brouse L – Ed Coup S – Bebe Bolich & Rose Deaner SS – Roger Watts Prayer Team Minister – Kellie Brouse

Aug. 10 Don Fisher, Bill & Stacey Winner, Harold A – Ashley Winner Webb L – Laurie Fisher S – Ed Coup and Heather Martin SS – Roger Watts Prayer Team Minister – Ed Coup

Aug. 17 Larry Gray, Barry Yeager, Gerald & Ruth A – Grant Wargo Greenly L – Lindsay Byers S – Rose Deaner and Bebe Bolich SS – Stephen Moll Prayer Team Minister – Rose Deaner

Aug. 24 Bebe & George Bolich, Jack Plotts, Lee Yost A – Ryan Byers L – Frank Hartzel S – Ed Coup and Heather Martin SS – Stephen Moll Prayer Team Minister – Mae Jones

Aug. 31 Glenn & Ida Snyder, Chuck & Kim Mitch A – Sydney Blosser L – Stephen Moll S – Rose Deaner and Bebe Bolich SS – Stephen Moll Prayer Team Minister – Kellie Brouse

If you are unable to participate on the dates you are scheduled this month, we would ask that you please contact the following people so arrangements can be made for someone to take your place: Altar Guild: Rose Bolich 568-8433 Ushers, Lectors, Servers & Sound System: Church Office 742-7473 Acolytes, Crucifers, & Torchbearers: Kellie Brouse 742-2115 Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church Newsletter Page 11

AUGUST 2008 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 7 pm-worship

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12th Sun. after Pentecost 8 am-Sermon Study 12-6 pm: 7 pm-worship 8:30-worship @ Trinity 6:30-8:30 pm-Ballroom Group Bloodmobile 2 pm–Bible Study 9:00-Sunday School Dance 7 pm-Council & 4 pm-Quiet 10:30-Holy Eucharist Leadership Retreat Communion

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 13th Sun. after Pentecost 6:30 pm-Witness Mtg. 8 am-Sermon Study 4 pm-Quiet 2 pm–Bible Study Newsletter 7 pm-worship 8:30-worship @ Trinity Group Communion 6:15 pm-Sunday Deadline 9:00- Sunday School 7 pm-Staff Support 7:30 pm-Thrivent School Teachers’ Mtg. 10:30–Holy Eucharist mtg. @ St. Peter’s, West Cameron

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 14th Sun. after Pentecost 6:30-8:30 pm- Ballroom 8 am-Sermon Study 4 pm–Quiet 8 am-2:30 pm: 7 pm-worship 8:30-worship @ Trinity Dance Group Communion PSU Rdg. Program 9:00-Sunday School 7:45 pm-BYO Snack/Rdg. 10 am-ELCMA mtg. 10:30–Holy Eucharist; Ed of Psalms 2 pm-Bible Study Coup, preacher; Home Communions

24 25 26 27 28 29 30 15th Sun. after Pentecost 7 pm- Worship & Music 8 am-Sermon Study 4 pm-Quiet 9 am-Newsletter 7 pm-worship 8:30-worship @ Trinity Group Communion Assembly 9:00-Sunday School 6:30 pm-Finance 2 pm-Bible Study 10:30–Holy Eucharist

31 Sept. 1 Sept. 2 Sept. 3 16th Sun. after Pentecost 8:30-worship @ Trinity No Wed. 9:00-Sunday School OFFICE CLOSED – worship service 10:30-Holy Eucharist; LABOR DAY Hymn Sing *Pastor Pat away after worship thru Sept. 3* Text Key: Bold – Christ Lutheran Events Italics – Pastor Pat’s Activities Plain – Community Events

Don’t forget to look for God’s miracles each day! Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church Newsletter Page 12 The Parish Voice Newsletter of Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church of Milton, PA Vol. 25 No. 8 August, 2008

A congregational meeting to discuss the purchase of a building security system and fire protection bid from The Lock Pros in Milton is scheduled for Sunday, September 21, during worship. This quote is broken down into two sections: 1) $9,575 for alarm system installation for building and employee security, and 2) $11,885 for the fire security system installation. In addition, there is a $22 per month fee for monitoring the alarm system, $240 per year for monitoring the fire security system, and $250 per year for maintaining the systems. Monitoring is done by a company in Lancaster, PA. Please plan to be present to discuss this very important Christ Church decision.

Mission Statement of Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church

We are called by God to follow Christ’s example and teachings by worshiping, witnessing, learning, supporting one another, and reaching out to others. Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church Newsletter Page 13 Public Office Hours are Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. [Sept.-May]; 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. [June-August] (unless previously noted in the weekly bulletin or monthly newsletter). Please feel free to stop by with bulletin announcements or monthly newsletter articles.


Bulletin announcements are due in office by Wednesday afternoon at 2 pm.

Newsletter articles are due in office by the 15th of each month (unless otherwise noted on newsletter calendar).

Deadline for the next newsletter is August 15 with assembly on Thursday, August 28.

Please feel free to e-mail [email protected] with any bulletin announcements or newsletter articles.





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Public Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 10 am – 2 pm Phone: (570) 742-7473 Pastor E-mail: [email protected] Secretary E-mail: [email protected] Church Website:

Staff: The Rev. Patricia A. T. Pittsnogle, Pastor Lorei Comerer, Church Office Manager Donna Spear, Webmaster Nancy Walters, Director of Church Music Brett Hosterman, Organist Donna Spear, Jr. Choir/Bell Director Dale Kriner, Treasurer Ruth Greenly, Financial Secretary John VanKirk, Custodian Bob Greenly, Groundskeeper Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church Newsletter Page 14

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