1St Student Name Abc123
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SRA 311.00x SP15
Table/Row # ____ 1st Student Name [abc123] 2nd Student Name [def456]
Table of Contents
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2 I. Introduction It is recommended to complete this introduction paragraph(s) last. Using full sentences and paragraphs to briefly introduce and summarize contents of this paper. Note that the introduction changes for each UrRISK project! A) Purpose Pick and describe a real location (e.g., Atherton Hotel) that can either be visited in person, or by photograph/video. Indicate a fictitious name and credible title of the protector that has “hired” your team as a consultant to conduct the risk assessment. In this section you could cross- reference Appendix A: Literature Evidence.
Explain why this risk assessment is important. From the literature that provides the information you CITE, quantify the importance of the risk assessment (i.e., use data, such as number of hotel rooms, number of guests, annual revenue).
It is often easier to select a familiar protector’s point of view, such as hotel guest. Hotel Manager might be more difficult. B) Scope of the Risk Assessment Specify what is within and not within the scope of your risk assessment.
Select a very narrow scope area that is supported by your literature (e.g., for topic “hotel,” scope area could be pest control in hotel guest rooms).
Also specify what is not within your scope statement. For example, reference the top level categories from the general enterprise risk map at http://bit.ly/1icMuln to indicate areas that are NOT within scope. If desired, you may include this image in your scope statement, or build your own image.
3 Figure 1 below should NOT be included in your submission. It is only included here to illustrate how to cross-reference a figure, and include a full caption below the figure! A figure is not required for this UrRISK.
Figure 1: The Four-Step Risk Assessment Process (McGill, 2010, p. 1)
4 Reference List Euchner, J. (2014). Occupational hazards. Research Technology Management, 57(2), 9-10. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/1507798819?accountid=13158
McComb, S. D. (1932). HAZARDS. Marine Engineering & Shipping Age (1923-1935), 37(12), 514. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/855857303?accountid=13158
Start reference list on a new page. Use Word’s paragraph option “hanging indent” for each reference. Double-space between each reference, and single-space each reference itself. Sort list alphabetically by author’s last name. Sources listed here must be cited in the text. Move others to Appendix A: Literature Evidence as needed.
APA reference list: http://www.calvin.edu/library/knightcite/index.php?standard=APA
APA end-of-text reference: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/05/
APA in-text citations: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/media/pdf/20110928111055_949.pdf
5 Appendix A: Literature Evidence You may use as many appendices as necessary. Start each appendix on a new page. Note that the title (above) includes a letter and description. Some appendices are required, such as this one. Be sure to cross-reference all appendices in the body of the paper (i.e. Appendix A: Literature Evidence shows…). Also, each appendix itself must begin with an explanatory paragraph, as some people read these papers from back to front! Three quality supporting references need to be listed, using APA end-of-paper citation style described in UrRISK folder. Beneath each reference list appropriate information that might be used later to complete the body of the paper. At least one (1) location-specific source should be included. This will be general information regarding the chosen location. At least two (2) other sources should be risk-related to the sub-topic. For example, a study of commercial kitchen fire control might include National Fire Prevention Association white papers describing commercial kitchen fire control. NOTE: Do NOT expect to find resources describing risks and risk controls specifically at your chosen location.
6 GRADING RUBRIC Peer Reviewer: Assign total points here for composition, contribution, subject knowledge and APA citations. Write specific comments into student’s paper.
Section ______1st Author Name (Print): ______2nd Author Name (Print): ______1st Peer Reviewer Name (Print): ______2nd Peer Reviewer Name (Print): ______Peer Max Instructo Item Reviewe Possible r r Points Total Points Points 25 Composition - Business professional writing with no grammatical or spelling errors, stapled hardcopy, and softcopy to Angel dropbox. 25 Topic Knowledge - Improves class learning by providing new information or approach to chosen risk assessment topic. 25 Risk Knowledge - Knowledge of course content is illustrated by integrating concepts into the essay. Does it appear that you know what you are writing about? Are you aware of aspects of this covered in class? 15 Captions, References and APA Citations - Reference to article, book, or magazine where new information or approach is provided, and appropriate citation in text. Must follow APA format!!! In-Text Cite: Includes author/year, sometimes page number Reference List: Each single-spaced with hanging indent, double- space between citations Captions: Tables/ figures must include complete captions with citation (blank) 10 In-class peer review - Thorough and complete with specific comments (i.e. NOT "good job" or "great opening") for what has been done well or what could be done to improve the paper (blank) 100 Total