President Johnna Sweet Opened the Meeting at 6:02Pm
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P.O. Box 614, Sanger, Texas 76266
July 25, 2016 Meeting Minutes
President Johnna Sweet opened the meeting at 6:02pm
Review and approval of minutes from the May 23, 2016 meeting
Motion to approve by Heidi Mobley, Seconded by Wendy Jones.
Motion Carried
Treasurer’s Report:
Review of the 2016-2017 budget. Motion to approve by Maria Kumbier, Seconded by Wendy Jones
New Business:
Committee Reports
Fundraiser Committee:
Family Dinner Night will continue this year. We are going to look into making signs to put out in front of the schools and/or in front of the restaurant’s, with their approval, to make sure the word gets out.
Our first Family Dinner Night of the 2016-2017 year will be Monday August 8th at Southern BBQ. There will be a bucket to drop your receipt into; for every receipt they will give us 15%.
Concession Stand Committee:
Wendy Jones has volunteered to be the chair over concessions however, she needs a co-chair. If anyone would be interested, please contact one of the booster officers or Wendy Jones ASAP.
Props Committee: We are looking for a chair/co-chair for this committee. We currently have had several people who have advised they would be willing to help, but need a chair. The stands for the props will be purchased, not built this year. They will need to have handles added and the canvases will need to be attached.
Loading Crew Committee:
We are also looking for a chair/co-chair for this committee. There will be a lot of props for the show next year and will need several people to help load the instruments and props in the trailer for every away game and competition. Mr. Cox will be helping to oversee this.
Uniform Committee:
Uniform fittings have started and are going well.
Band Meals Committee:
Michelle Rasure and Tracy Sykora will be heading up band meals this year. They are currently gathering information to put a plan in place to get the kids fed. They will need help, if you’re interested please let one of them know.
Approval of Expenditures:
Mr. Autry has asked us to write a check to the show designer for $2000. This is accounted for in his 2016-2017 budget, however that budget is not available to him yet. In turn he will cover $2000 of our prop/show budget.
Mr. Autry has found pre built frames for the props for the 2016-2017 marching show. They are expandable, well built and would last many years. The boosters proposed budget for the props and marching show expenses total $5000.00. The total cost for all the frames (19 total) would come to approx. $4,539.00. The canvases are approx. $2000. Mr. Autry stated that he will use the boosters budgeted $5000 towards those costs and the remainder of the cost would come out of the bands budget.
Motion to approve was made by Mike Sweet; Seconded by Ann Marie Afferbach.
Motion Carried.
Director’s Reports:
From Mrs. Thornburg:
She is gearing up for the start of the school year and is anticipating at least 84 students to start 6th grade band this year.
From Mr Autry:
There have been school schedule changes to make the directors more efficient. These changes will lower the student to teacher ratio significantly and make sure that students are well supervised at all times. There will be 2 band classes next year at the high school.
Ms. Abass will be returning as the color guard instructor for 2016-2017.
Wesley McCall has been officially hired on by the ISD and will be full time at both the Middle school and High school campuses.
Discussion of the proposed Florida Trip. There will be more information available at the parent meeting on August 1st; however, a minimum confirmation of 75 students at registration must take place in order to proceed with the Florida trip this year.
Mr. Autry is checking into how many fundraisers the kids can participate in. The official response, per Dr. Chris Granger the new High School principal, is 2 “Tax free” fundraisers. Will update on the meaning of “tax free” at the next meeting.
Additional Discussions:
There is a mandatory parents meeting on August 1st.
Returning student(s) parent meeting is scheduled for 6:00pm
Parents new to Sanger Band meeting is at 6:45
Band Registration is Aug 6th. All Leadership, Officers & Volunteers will need to arrive at 8:00am.
Freshman & Senior Registration will be from 9:00-10:30
Sophomores and Juniors will be from 10:30- 12:00
We still need more volunteers to work booths at registration.
A fundraising raffle is being held for a 50 quart Yeti cooler and 2 – 20oz Yeti tumblers; tickets are $10 each. Tickets and additional information regarding the raffle will be available at the mandatory parent meeting.
The next booster meeting is scheduled for August 22, 2016 at 6pm.
With no other further business needing to be discussed and no other comments, questions, or concerns needing to be addressed, a motion to adjourn the meeting was made.
Motion by Jackie Hallmark, Seconded by Heather Walker. Motion Carried
Meeting ended at 6:56pm