Somewhere out on the Range

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Somewhere out on the Range

1 LEFT BEHIND "Rocks show some kind of marine side. Propelled like a rocket, I creatures," Tim said. rotated to face up, feet first. SOMEWHERE OUT ON THE Seconds later came a free fall RANGE I was through arguing with him surrounded by tons of white water. about Noah's Flood. The marine Sunlight blazed on my face; I spent most of my life behind fossils weren't signs of Lost River shadows turned into glaring light. corporate doors. Now at Canyon. He got that from people My ears filled with an intolerable retirement, it was time to exercise in the diner at breakfast. Tim roar... then silence as I plunged my outdoor fantasies. The first one seemed to be a sucker for anyone into frightfully cold water. No was horseback riding in the who could spin a yarn. breath left, boots half off, mountains and canyons of exhausted, can't move. California... I enjoyed the breathtaking views around every turn of the trail, so A force rudely pushed me from Once I learned to roll in the long as I stayed in the saddle. underneath. I rocketed straight up, saddle, I was less conscious of the gasped for air expecting to suck in horse's movement under my The hooves plunked in the stream water and drown. Instead I got air bottom. The canyons were with regularity as the water crept and slammed down with a stinging breathtaking, the streams and up my legs. The hot July Sun beat belly whopper. I managed to lift lakes refreshing to my soul. down the back of my neck. I got my head and get air again. I didn't an unexpected chill... think I had the strength to breathe Frequent stops were helpful to my after this. A current grabbed me, riding career. Tim, the Dude "Hey, Tim, that's cold!" my body twisted upward, I took in Ranch's assigned riding partner, another breath. maintained they were necessary to "Must be some kind of look for signs. He was a lot underground stream. The waters Violent coughing from the shore younger. His enthusiasm matched around here are never this cold!," reached my ears. Through blurred his ego for trying to discover he replied. eyes I could see a body lying on things other people hadn't. the beach, half in the water. The "What are you an expert?," I said, current took me right past it and On the other hand, I discovered "We're tourists!" around a bend. I flutter kicked and magnificent sequoias casting giant pushed off anything I passed to get shadows under a pale blue sky... "That's what the internet says," he to shore. The angle was too mountain formations beyond retorted. gradual. I was going to get caught imagination. in the rapids that rumbled in front "Hey, Tim, it's getting deep!" of me. My strength was gone, Once again Tim leaped off his swimming only served to exhaust horse to pick up a handful of The water ahead was dark and me more. rocks. They were clues to him. agitated. Tim and his horse disappeared for a moment. His "Agghhhh!" I began to choke. "It's all in the rocks", he said. horse struggled to the surface, its Someone grabbed the back of my hooves came up above the water shirt as I passed under a huge He'd gotten an 'A' in Geology and and splashed down heavily. It's branch. I was painfully dragged now he was an expert fossil man. eyes were wide and panicked. over rough bark in jerky motions. Seconds later, I rolled onto the I enjoyed his zest. It was good to Swirling water pulled me under. sandy shore - coughing up water, be a patient listener if you wanted Tim and his horse were separated - my feet still in the stream. My to share in his adventures. His silhouettes floundering before my eyes were so blurry I couldn't tell logic escaped me. eyes. My horse was below me. I who my benefactor was. All I slammed into a huge rock so hard could do was close my eyes and "What now?" I said. I thought I was going to die. Dark, breathe... shadowy images were all around. A wall smashed me on the other 2 A violent shiver woke me up in blazing camp fire. I ate ravenously "Sorry 'bout all the trouble, darkness. My feet were swaying in - it was some kind of dried meat Ranger," Tim said, "We were cold water. Shaking surrounded by leaves and stems. It looking for Lost River Canyon". uncontrollably, I dragged myself wasn't there last night. What I up the beach like a soldier in wouldn't have given for a cup of "Why cain't y'all do thins the easy combat. By chance I lifted up my hot coffee and a bowl of rice way?" The Ranger answered. "The head as high as I could and spotted krispies. trail ta Lost River Canyon's 'rat' a bright, reddish orange flickering off ol' 395 a short ride off yonder - light between two bushes off in "Can't believe... hung onto th' cain't miss the sign, biggern' ol' the distance. It was just over some horses' tail," Tim opened up. miner Roy's shack. Thars ridin sand dunes. Evidently the beach "Pulled me right to trails frum all points.... zzz'not a rose abruptly into a thick brushy shore...Thought I'd lost you... good idee fur tenderfeet ta go area blocking the line of sight couldn't speak last night, mouth down river thru them rapids.... unless one stood up. Up to my wouldn't move." Ya'll musta been listen' to th' gang knees I struggled, turning at Sparky's Diner" sideways at first to squish my "That's a first," I smiled. boots on. The first step toward the I was embarrassed at how this light was shaky. Thoughts were of "Ha!," Tim smiled back, chewing crusty old Ranger could see so survival. on green leaves. clearly through us.

The bright light spewed visible "Phfffff" came the sound from one "Y'all jes lak church folk ah know. smoke into the night air wisping of our horses' nostrils as they clip - They swaller up ev'ry word a up toward the moon. A multi- clopped their way up the rocky foolishness, even from the pulpit... colored mound with a fuzzy top incline to our camp. too lazy ta take time to check inta appeared on the right. I everythin' their selves. Trouble approached noisily. Nothing Tim and I turned quickly to see befalls them at ev'ry turn." moved but the light which sent out our mounts being led by a burly a crackling sound. I had no energy Park Ranger. Both animals were My face blushed like last night's to say anything - no worry if there happily chewing on green grass campfire as I turned to see Tim's were any danger. from the valley below - looking no reaction. less the worse for wear. I spied the Once I reached the clearing, I saddles straddling a fallen branch The reins were suddenly dragging could see better. I was too near the pathway. on the rocky path near the fire. exhausted to say a word to Tim. I The horses appeared startled. I picked up the multi-colored Indian "Sorry couldna introduce m'self t' blinked my eyes and rubbed them blanket lying nearby, put it over y'all last nite," the man puffed as several times. my shoulders and sat down on the he pulled on the reins of both log next to him. His glazed, horses. "Name's Ranger Bob... "Whaaaaaa!," Tim's sharp voice hollow-eyed stare went from the someone got snake bit' down th' broke through the morning air to fire to me and back. Later, I put trail... had to take off soon as ah confirm what I saw - the Ranger my wet clothes on a flat rock to haird it on th' radio." had vanished into thin air! dry. Tomorrow would be a new day - we could talk then. He looked powerful enough to I was paralyzed. Young Tim drag me out of the water. moved quickly and gathered up I dozed on and off until the color the reins. I looked all around to of the sky matched last night's fire. "Looks laak y'all had yore fill a see if I could find any telltale I raised my arms and stretched - desert food," Ranger Bob signs. Too much had happened in eyes gradually unblurred. Tim was remarked as he approached the the last few hours to process. bending over morsels of food laid camp fire. There was nothing left of the man out on a small, hewn out log. His except a pile of clothing on top of blanket lay perilously close to the his boots and an old Appaloosa burning embers of the once grazing in the valley. 3 My throat was hoarse yelling for "It's still in gear! Man, what seemed to process Ranger Bob's Ranger Bob... or anyone. I happened to the driver!," I said. disappearance as mystical - the gathered up the reins of two horses danger he faced only a story to and headed for 395 on foot. They "Uhhh," Tim responded. tell. He dozed off to sleep. were still skiddish. Tim insisted on riding in the hopes of seeing "You okay, Tim?" His callousness irritated me. someone. At any moment, we expected to hear the whine of "I dunno, all this scares me," Tim "Tim, wake up! Can you drive? vehicles, but there were only the said. I'm bushed." sounds of wilderness. I rocked the Toyota back and forth "Ummph, huh!, Ohhh, yeah.," Tim Thirty minutes later, the horses' until it was on the road again. The responded. He rolled over to face clip/clop on concrete echoed eerily four wheel drive made the the door and went back to sleep. down an empty road. difference. "Tim, come on! Wake up! I "Which way to the Ranch?" I "What 'bout the horses?" Tim said. haven't seen a soul since the asked. Tanker. We just crossed 208 to "Can't take 'em with us... There's Smith. I was too tired to react. I'm Tim shrugged. He pointed and grass over there...Stay here. Be getting hungry." looked with frightened eyes at a back..." pick-up with its rear end straight "Why didn't you take the food in up in the air - its nose in a ditch. "Okay," was all Tim could the saddle bags?" Tim said, his manage. voice muffled against the door. There were other vehicles in ominous positions in the distance. We'll probably get into trouble "Suppose he turned up?" I No sign of life - no road signs. A with the Ranch for leaving the answered. lone Tank truck rumbled toward horses. Too much has happened - us from the east. The driver had a gotta get outta here! With all this Tim turned to face forward. "Not wide eyed look. Despite frantic practice, I might become a good hardly, pilgrim," Tim answered waving, he downshifted and ranch hand. callously in his John Wayne accelerated by. The wind draft accent. from the truck exploded on us and A patch of grass near an ancient panicked the horses. I had all I bony pine tree seemed a good I wasn't ready to dismiss the man could do to hold onto the reins. place to leave the horses and who saved my life. I needed to Tim's mount nearly bolted back riding gear. The animals were open up his bible and see what he into the forest. We turned in the tranquil. All three bent down as a found so important. I was so angry direction of the pick-up. It's trio to graze. at Tim's insensitivity. I needed to engine was still running, no one distance myself for a while. was in sight... I left our food and Ranger Bob's saddle bags in case he turned up. I Tim's eyes were closed. "Let's see if we can get this back was still dazed about his on the road," I said. disappearance. I owed him my life "Come on, Tim. Wake up. I need and now he was gone. I kept the some relief!" Tim nodded numbly. blankets and his bible... never really had much interest in Once Tim was behind the wheel, I pushed aside the clothes and slid religion - family background and he blazed his own trail. Without into the driver's seat. The boots all. The bible was underlined - any warning, he turned west onto were still in place on the floor, looked like he took it seriously. 89. Forty hungry minutes later he waiting for their owner - with the turned into a rundown Pizza place jean legs pulled over each boot. On our way in the Toyota, Tim in Loope Canyon. Tim's staple resolved to embellish upon this was pizza. One look at the fare adventure when he got home. He and I longed for Ranger Bob's 4 desert food. The highlight of this to ride home drunk with the red blanket. I put on the shirt that stop was the first human we'd seen bubble and siren going off in his was left in the truck. since the panicked Tanker driver. official Chaplain of the Fire The owner was oblivious to Department Car after free drinks Sleep was immediate and deep the anything happening. On the other at Douglaston Country Club. I was moment my head hit the 'pillow'... hand, he apologized that his accepted into the Navy anyway. employee hadn't shown up for I was flying through the air amidst work this afternoon. I went back to 'John'. It started to giant eery columns with read kind of funky. I munched on outreaching arms... He said he couldn't reach her by droopy carrots and brown lettuce phone. "Hadn't missed a day in and looked at the sunset. Tim went The impact on the ground woke three years" back for more pizza. I wondered me up. It was pitch dark. The where we'd spend the night. bright starlight illuminated nearby I gathered up a plate of scraps trees shaking their branches at me from a lackluster salad bar and Time was moving by. Thinking menacingly. The truck was on its disappeared outside to sit at an about the events of the last two side. The ground was trembling. I old, wobbly picnic table. I was days was enough to exhaust bounced and rolled downward anxious to glean what I could from anyone. Waves of fatigue came violently, slamming into things Ranger Bob's bible while there like an incoming tide. until a tree trunk stopped me like a was still light. Tim was totally concrete wall. I rolled over in absorbed scarfing down his pizza Drag Tim from the table, fuel up pain. All kinds of debris came on with everything the owner offered and then lodging. top of me. The shaking continued to put on it. He took no notice that as I slumbered off into I was gone. The service station was wide open unconsciousness. - no attendant in sight. I filled up The book opened up to 'John', I the tank and left a twenty dollar My nose and mouth were filled was surprised because that wasn't bill on the counter. The cash with dust. I was looking into in the middle. The middle was drawer was open. A shirt and a sunlight through a mesh of 'Ezekiel' - so I started there. There pair of jeans lay on a chair as if branches, rocks and debris. The was lots of religious stuff like one intended to put them on. A tree I slammed into had fallen "The word of the LORD came to pair of boots was on the floor with right over me like a protective me, 'Son of man, this is what the the jean legs pulled over each canopy. Sovereign LORD says to the land boot. of Israel..." "Tim, you there?" I said weakly. Back on 89 East.... Tim was fast Hmmmm!, I said. "Boring". asleep with no hope of waking. There was no room to move - no visible way out of this prison. I've hated church stuff since my The road showed no promise of Panic flushed through my body. I holy Aunt tried to shove the bible lodging. I turned into a park turned over on my back, and down my throat. My older sisters entrance. The sign said 'closed looked down through my feet and were quick to run, so she always after dark', the gate was open. I saw daylight. Dirt fell into my picked on me. We found out hers drove to the top of the first hill and face. I spit it out and slid feet first, was the place to stop in town for jumped into the truck bed. inch by inch - spewing grit from every drifter who wanted to satisfy Shadows of monster trees my mouth as I moved. I inched my his personal lusts. illuminated by the stars portrayed hand up my leg, over my chest to an ominous army on the horizon. my face to wipe the dust out of my Canon Downs was the local eyes. religious figure in town - "Gotta get directions back to the Episcopal priest. He refused to Ranch," I thought as I folded one The Toyota and hill were gone - in recommend me to the Navy as a blanket into a pillow and laid it its place was a canyon of rock, respectable citizen because I didn't next to the bible on the other fallen trees and debris. After hours attend his church enough! He used of calling and searching, Tim was 5 no where to be found. No time to "Don' know. Found the Appaloosa the bright moonlight onto a sit, don't know when I'll collapse. and his radio settin' aside his beachfront campsight. What was left of SR 89 led me clothes at a camp site. Strange nowhere. I lost track of where it happinins' of late - number a folk "Can ya set up a tent, mate?" Ned used to be with all the detours disappear. Picked up his bible asked, as he handed me a roll from around mounds of rubble and sev'l malles away in a pile o' atop his backpack. fallen trees. I headed back in the debris. Got no use fur it." direction we came in the hopes of "Think so," I responded. meeting someone. He pulled it from a leather bag and placed it on the table for me. "Set it up ova thea," he pointed. I rested frequently to conserve my strength and maximize distance "He ain't got no kin," he said. The man instilled confidence and traveled. The day went fast. Food hope. and shelter were not in sight as As usual it opened up to JOHN. dusk approached. My eyes drooped as I got to Setting up a tent by firelight is no chapter 3. mean task. Ned was there to make What had been evident for some key adjustments. I welcomed him time had I looked up was an "Hey, son! Wake up! Thar may be as tent mate. It gave me an elevated Ranger station... after shock. Ah got group a opportunity to use his light to read campers to lead ya ova to safe more of Ranger Bob's Bible. "Y'all looking for help?" came site." There was a website address in the from a blurr above standing in margin at chapter 3. front of the setting Sun. I put on the knapsack the Ranger handed me. "Gotta laptop 'll pull it up in th' "Yes," I managed, straining to see mornin', mate" he said, as he who it was. "Good luck," he said, as I joined looked over my shoulder. "Get the group gathered around the some rest. Plenty a rescue work to "Thars a bench n' table over table. His radio burst an urgent do at 'diebreak'." yonder. Set a spell. Be right message as I shook his hand with down," came the voice from the great emotion. "Nite," I said and rolled over on sunset. my side. My confidence seemed to "Name's Matt," I said to the leader be buoyed beyond the natural as I My head automatically dropped to of the camp group. "Thanks for contemplated the events of the last the table. the help." few days - even recited the Lord's prayer like I did with my "Ah figured ya'll be hongry" "No problem, mate. I'm Ned. Stay grandmother when I was a little close on the trail. We had a big boy. I looked up to find a metal plate of one hit just over the ridge. "desert food" and a friendly Morning brought the best Ranger face. "Yeah, I lost a friend up there," I breakfast with a group of people said, "people disappearing too." who cared - bent on rescuing The plate was refilled moments others from the devastating earth later as Ranger Walt coordinated Ned looked at me strangely and quake. I was a little intimidated by rescue efforts on his radio. turned to take the lead on the trail. their efficiency in the wilderness. Ned brought his laptop over to me "Y'all look a bit dehydrated," By now it was dark so we traveled and keyed in the site we spoke came as he placed a canteen in single file, in close order. Ned's about last night: front of me. light flickered back and forth across the trail - a constant "Whatever happened to Ranger checkpoint. Mono Lake appeared /nicodemus.htm Bob," I asked as I refreshed in front of us. The water reflected myself with cool spring water. 6 It summarized what I read in Spirit in the spiritual realm. It is marvelous result of simply JOHN chapter three. The message not a physical birth. accepting as true what he was told spoke miles and completely by Jesus. changed my life: Remember the time when Moses made a pole with a bronze snake A moment of faith alone in Christ Nicodemus on it and placed it for all to see so alone unto eternal life forever! that all who believed and looked at Jesus, I know you must be from it would not die of the deadly The devastating events over the God with all the miracles you’ve snake bites that were occurring? last few days and the supernatural been performing. preservation of my life pointed So in the same way, the Son of directly to the new purpose that Jesus Man, the One prophesied in drove me this day. Daniel and Isaiah to be Truthfully speaking, no one can Messiah/Savior will be lifted up in "Time ta go, mate," interrupted enter the Kingdom of God unless sacrifice for sins that all who my thoughts. he is born from heaven above - simply believe in Him will have born again strictly by God’s doing. eternal life - be born again into the I have to read this again - much to Kingdom of God by the work of ponder. All those disappearances! That’s the issue here. the Spirit from heaven above. My exuberance infected the entire Nicodemus For God so loved the world that camp. Everyone had questions - He gave His one and only Son that including Ned. Having possession Born again????? Can I expect to the one who believes in Him shall of Ranger Bob's bible, I became come out of my mother’s womb a never perish in Hell but rather at the resident teacher. Some second time???? that very moment he believes be believed and received assurance of given the free gift of eternal life everlasting life. Believing in the Jesus and most assuredly as a result will simple account from the bible was enter the Kingdom of God. key. The website's explanation It’s clearly explained in the was clear. It corroborated what Scriptures. I thought you were a The disciples was plainly read. teacher for all Israel? Was I not clear about being born from Jesus, so what are the works one After all the garbage I was told, heaven above by God??? must do to gain eternal life in the honesty and normal reading skills Kingdom of God? were all that were necessary to It says in Ezekiel, God will understand the bible - a moment of sprinkle clean water on you and Jesus faith alone in Christ alone + you will be clean. That is to say, nothing else gave you eternal life He will give you a new heart and To gain eternal life is impossible forever. I wanted to reach beyond put a new spirit in you and He will for man, but all things are possible the grave and tell my aunt and put His Spirit in you. with God. Canon Downs what they missed.

Nicodemus The work one must do to have From what I learned, God was eternal life is not to work for it at faithful in responding to those How can this be??? all! who had the least interest in what He had to say. A continued and Jesus But to simply believe in the One careful reading would answer the Whom God has sent to save the questions everyone had. Like the wind, the work of the world is all you must do, nothing Spirit is a mystery, Nicodemus; more. Ned broke into our discussion, but truly I say as Ezekiel said, you "Ranger Walt has directed us to go must be born of water = of the I put myself in the place of to the Nevada side of the Lake to Nicodemus and considered the 7 see if we can pick up any you to be with Me that you also "Well, keep on reading... I need stragglers". may be where I am.' to make sense of it," the newcomer said. "Names Anthony. He focused his gaze on me, "The Notes in the margin cross Appreciate the encouragment. I ranch you were staying at is a referenced with this: lost two friends on the trail. One disaster zone. Ranger Walt left his clothes behind, too" confirmed what you said about 1 THESSALONIANS 4 strange disappearances." On the job disaster relief training 13 Brothers, we do not want you invaded my lonely life and gave it "Could be some outer space deal to be ignorant about those who fall purpose. I married this purpose to like in Death Valley," one of the asleep, or to grieve like the rest of my mission of sharing my new campers mused. men, who have no hope. found faith. With no family to connect with, fellow relief "How 'bout it, Matt? Got anything 14 We believe that Jesus died and workers became my family - in the bible to explain them?" rose again and so we believe that where ever I was sent. America God will bring with Jesus those was devastated by the loss of so "Weren't you were there when who have fallen asleep in him. many believers who were caught Ranger Bob disappeared?" another up. So was Europe. Nobody was asked. 16 For the Lord himself will come left except unbelievers. Conflicts down from heaven, with a loud erupted everywhere. People "Let's get moving," Ned said as command, with the voice of the segregated for survival. They we broke camp and turned archangel and with the trumpet became aggressive toward anyone southward. call of God, and the dead in Christ who was different. Natural will rise first. disasters compounded the violent We picked up some campers and chaos. brought them back to our base 17 After that, we who are still camp. Casualties were flown out alive and are left will be caught up The bible declared that it would by chopper. We were learning together with them in the clouds to only get worse until Jesus Christ search and rescue teamwork. For meet the Lord in the air. And so came again to the earth. Giving the first time in my life, reality we will be with the Lord forever." assurance that God would see His was better than fantasy. It had children through all of this was my purpose. "So that explains the main message after the gospel of disappearances," I said. "Evidently faith alone in Christ alone. That afternoon I continued to they all got a better set of clothes!" move through John, focusing on I attracted attention - much of it the notes and underlining made by The laughter was punctuated, negative. One day I found myself Ranger Bob: "What about us?" someone asked. behind bars. The shame of standing completely naked on the JOHN 14 "Evidently Jesus came to take gallows before a crowd was more those who had already believed in than I could humanly bear. I 1 "Do not let your hearts be Him," I said. refused to recant my faith troubled. Trust in God; trust also publically - this meant denying my in Me. "So where does that leave us," a reason for living. My focus was on newcomer sitting on a sand dune crossing over to be with my 2 In my Father's house are many asked. Savior. The bible spoke clearly rooms; if it were not so, I would that some of the faithful will be have told you. I am going there to "I donno. John 3:16 gives eternal martyred. I hardly identified with prepare a place for you. life for everyone who believes in that until my feet were no longer God's Son. We missed the boat on supported by the gallows floor. 3 And if I go and prepare a place going home early; but we'll get for you, I will come back and take there after we face a few "Hey, Charlie! Lookit this!," a challenges" prison guard said. 8 "Yeah, what?" Charlie grunted.

"That guy they just hung, he left his clothes on the bunk like he's still in 'em. Look, the jean legs are pulled over each boot!," the guard said.

"These religious folk is strange people. Gotta give 'em credit. Seems like he looked forward to dyin' ," Charlie retorted.

"Want his bible?" the guard asked.

"Nah, you keep it. I got better thin's to do wit ma time," Charlie answered.

"Ah right. Jes might do thet," the guard said. "A man who dies like that has some kinda peace 'bout him. Maybe thars more to this bible than we know," the guard answered.

"Better watchit, ya'll might end up naked on the' gallows wid dat pot belly your'n hangin out fer ev'y one ta see," Charlie added.

The laughter in the prison rang hollow against the guard's sober desire to have more than what this troubled life had to offer.

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