Separately to Each 2 February 2008 Via Federal Express
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Separately to Each 2 February 2008 Via Federal Express Mr. Jeff Bezos Mr. John Chambers Mr. Larry Ellison Mr. Bill Gates or Chairman & CEO Chief Executive Officer Chief Executive Officer Mr. Steve Ballmer Amazon Cisco Systems, Inc. Oracle Chairman 1200 12th Ave. South, 170 West Tasman Dr. Oracle Corporation Microsoft Corporation Ste. 1200 San Jose, CA 95134 500 Oracle Parkway One Microsoft Way Seattle, WA 98144-2734 408.526.4000 Redwood Shores, CA 94065 Redmond, WA 98052 206-266-1000 650.506.0024 425-882-8080 Mr. Sam Palmisano Mr. Jorma Ollila Mr. Hasso Plattner Mr. Edward Zander Chief Executive Officer President & CEO Chairman CEO & Chairman IBM Corporation Nokia SAP Motorola 1 New Orchard Road Keilalahdentie 2-4, Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16 1303 E Algonquin Rd Armonk, NY 10504 FI-02150 Espoo Walldorf, Germany, 69190 Schaumburg, Illinois 914.499.1900 FI-00045 Nokia Group 49-6227-7-47474 60196 Finland 847) 576-5000 358 (0) 7180 08000 On 27 September 2007, via Federal Express, I provided each of you with a copy of the attached correspondence, book review, and with the permission of both the author and the publisher, a complete copy of Google 2.0: The Calculating Predator. Recently I provided the same information to the management team at General Electric Asset Management, urging them to bring you together for a strategic discussion. They have a heavy investment in both IBM and Microsoft, and at some point I anticipate proper attention to the information I have provided to all of you at no cost. Inspired by the Microsoft offer for Yahoo, I thought to summarize for each of you three key points. 1. Microsoft and Yahoo is a good start, add IBM’s new supercomputing powers, a CISCO AON router- server for every individual, and free cell phones for the poor combined with the ability to monetize traffic patterns and content, and you have something that can give Google a run for its money. However, if you do not delve deep into Google’s computational mathematics, short-circuit their unregulated ability to steal everything they touch, and block their attempt to claim ownership of the digital commons, you will not make it to the end of the century. Google is positioned to decapitate communications, computing, entertainment, financial services, and publishing, with a flick of a bit. I am quite stunned to observe what appears to be complete complacency if not strategic blindness, in the face of what I as an intelligence profession considered to be an extraordinary gift to each of you. 2. Public intelligence is going to bury secret intelligence. Commercial intelligence is going to bury government intelligence. Information should be free, sense-making and just enough just in time sense-making, delivered via cell phone, the premium offering. The US Department of Defense is at the very beginning of a migration toward waging peace, and cell phones to be handed out by the new Army Civil Affairs Brigade, and donated by 100 million individuals mobilized to teach the five billion poor (who have four trillion, four times the income of the top one billion) one cell call at a time, are going to create enormous wealth at “the bottom of the pyramid.” We are marshalling support for a Multinational Decision Support Center in Tampa, and DoD has agreed in principal to fund MajGen Patrick Cammaert as the first UN Assistant Secretary General for Decision Support. The IRS has approved the 501c3 status for the Earth Intelligence Network, we intend to create a Range of Gifts Table for $500 billion a year, the bulk of it from one individual to another, bypassing the foundations at the lower range of giving but helping those foundations that wish to harmonize higher range spending focused on eradicating the ten high-level threats to humanity (by harmonizing and cleansing of corruption spending on the twelve policies from Agriculture to Water). 3. Bottom-up self-governance, with full access to true cost information (e.g. seeing the $12 externalized cost of the $3 gallon of gas that helped Exxon make $40 billion in pure profit) is going to change the marketplace and how people spend money. Open money, and localized credit instruments that penalize absenttee owners and remote providers, are on the way. Toxic trash, at which all of you excell, is going to be very heavily penalized. The illustrations below may help you see that in the age of distributed information, centralized intelligence, and the kind of top-down strategic planning you are all so fond of, are both marginalized. This may sound like unrealistic altruistic dreaming to you, but I did not get to be the #1 Amazon reviewer of non-fiction by dreaming—we have a chance to monetize peace and prosperity through information services—I like IBM’s concept of services science—and I am somewhat dismayed that you cannot all come together and create Earth 3.0.
My email is [email protected], I can be reached there always. My desk direct is 703.266.6393. You have power and capital in plentitude. I hope this letter might suggest to you that there is a commercial intelligence as well as a non-profit public intelligence capability that you could be harnessing for profitable good. I have three boys, and I believe that it is in our mutual interest to come together to profit from information services that ultimately help Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Iran, Russia, Venezuela, and Wild Cards like the Congo avoid the completely consumption of the non-renewable Earth. Sincerely,
2 Robert D. Steele (Vivas)