Native Americans & Their Delayed Rights

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Native Americans & Their Delayed Rights

American Government 100 Part II Patterson, pgs. 138-149 Woll, pgs. 132-136, A:AG12-17 Native Americans & Their Delayed Rights True/False Questions

1. In 1974, Congress passed legislation that granted Native Americans living on reservations greater control over federal programs that affect them. True or False

2. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the United States government wanted to avoid being perceived as bigoted or racist by maintaining a fair and balanced immigration policy toward non-Europeans. True or False

3. Housing in the United States has been effectively desegregated as a result of legal prohibitions. True or False

4. Studies indicate that Hispanics and African Americans have more difficulty obtaining mortgages than do white applicants of comparable income levels. True or False

5. In Grutter v. Bollinger (2003), the Supreme Court upheld the University of Michigan law school’s admission policy, which took race into account along with other factors, arguing that there are educational benefits that arise from a more diverse student body. True or False

6. According to Patterson, America’s traditionally disadvantaged groups have achieved rough parity with the majority population when it comes to the major critical socio-economic indicators, such as income, education, and life expectancy, among others. True or False

7. Studies have found that African Americans accused of crime are more likely than white Americans to be convicted, and they are more likely to receive stiffer sentences for comparable offenses. True or False

8. The United States ranks substantially below European democracies in terms of the percentage of women lawmakers. True or False

9. Similar to the United States, most European democracies rely on an election system based on single-member districts. True or False

10. The average pay of a full-time female employee is about 80 percent for what a full-time male employee earns. True or False

11. The Family and Medical Leave Act only applies to women and not men. True or False

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Of an estimated 5 to 10 million Native Americans living on the territories known as the United

12-1 States in the 17th century, by 1900 their population had plummeted to: a) about a quarter of a million, b) about 2 million, c) a little less than three million, d) a little more than four million.

2. How did Native Americans achieve citizenship? a) Similar to other Americans, they automatically received it by birth, b) It would be bestowed for each tribe individually as it signed a peace treaty, c) By an act of Congress in 1924, d) They have never been given American citizenship.

3. In 1968, Congress passed the following legislation which gives Native Americans on reservations constitutional guarantees similar to those held by other Americans: a) Native American Legal Protections, b) Indian Bill of Rights, c) Indigenous Constitutional Guarantees, d) No legislation was necessary since Native peoples were always included in the Constitutional guarantees.

4. Why were Chinese and Japanese laborers brought into the western states during the late 1800s? a) to diversify the population more effectively by creating a multi-ethnic society, b) to spread their religious outlook on the indigenous population, c) to serve as a counterweight to the ever growing Mexican population, d) to work the mines and the railroads as a source of cheap, exploitable labor.

5. In 1965, there was a change in immigration policy that substantially increased the quota of people coming from Asia and Latin America because of the following: a) the kindness of national political leaders, b) as part of a broader civil rights agenda that sensitized political leaders against racial discrimination, c) the threat by the countries of origin to impose trade embargoes against the U.S., d) the demands by white Americans to stop the unbalanced discrimination in the area of immigration.

6. A case involving Chinese Americans, the Supreme Court ruled that public schools with a large proportion of children for whom English is a second language must offer English instruction in the children's first language: a) Rodriguez v Texas, b) Choi v Denny, c) Law v Nichols, d) Lee v San Francisco School Board.

7. Which amendment to the Constitution made poll taxes illegal? a) 20th Amendment, b) 23rd Amendment, c) 24th Amendment, d) 25th Amendment.

8. Because of the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, voter turnout among blacks in the South in the next presidential election increased by nearly: a) 10 percent, b) 15 percent, c) 20 percent, d) 40 percent.

9. How did Shelby v. Holder (2013) weaken the Voting Rights Act? a) it reinstated the right to establish poll taxes and literacy tests, b) it removed the pre-clearance directive, letting state and local governments devise tests and requirements that could harm minorities, c) it allowed local and state governments to establish voting districts based on the one person, one vote formula, d) it stripped the right of state and local governments to establish voting rules requirements, giving such authority to the federal government.

10. The practice of banks refusing to grant mortgage loans in certain neighborhoods, typically those

12-2 with large black population: a) segregation, b) isolation, c) redlining, d) gerrymandering.

11. A deliberate effort by government to provide full and equal opportunities in employment, education, and other areas for women, minorities, and individuals belonging to other traditionally disadvantaged groups: a) racial quotas, b) gender balancing, c) anti-discriminatory mandate, d) affirmative action.

12. Affirmative action is the result of: a) congressional legislation, b) judicial mandate, c) presidential executive orders, d) state introduction.

13. Discrimination based on law: a) de jure, b) privately directed, c) institutional, d) contractual.

14. Discrimination that is s consequence of social, economic, and cultural biases and conditions: a) government directed, b) group sponsored, c) de facto, d) bureaucratic.

15. Whereas nearly 60 percent of African Americans and more than 50 percent of Hispanics support preference programs by the government, what per cent of whites do? a) slightly less than 10 percent, b) about 20 percent, c) slightly less than 31 percent, d) slightly more than 35 percent.

16. A 1978 Supreme Court case involving a white male who had been denied admission to the University of California medical school ruling that his equal protection rights had been violated: a) Baker v Carr, b) University of California, Davis v Smith, c) University of California Regents v Bakke, d) University of San Diego v Carl.

17. As a result of Adarand (1995), the Supreme Court majority: a) argued that quotas can used where there has been a past history bigotry, b) decided that a strict 15 percentage of federal contract dollars may be allocated to minority-owned businesses, c) invalidated a federal policy that had reserved 10 percent of federally funded construction projects for minority-owned firms, d) put the entire burden on the company for proving its innocence when accused of discrimination.

18. Africans Americans make up how much of all prison inmates, even though they account for only one-eighth of the U. S. population? a) less than 20 percent, b) slightly more than quarter, c) more than one third, d) more than half.

19. An election system where seats in the legislature are distributed based on the number of votes that a political party received in an election: a) proportional representation, b) single-member constituency, c) artificial construct, d) plurality distribution.

20. According to Patterson, women occupy how many congressional seats? a) one in two, b) one in four, c) one in five, d) one in eight.

21. Roughly, what number of women comprise the graduating lawyers and physicians? a) about one-fifth, b) nearly thirty-six percent, c) nearly half, d) close to sixty percent.

22. The following refers to the invisible but nonetheless real barrier to advancement that talented

12-3 women encounter after having reached the middle-management level: a) women's job wall, b) gender inequality, c) female discrimination, d) glass ceiling.

23. Which of the following terms define the concept of equal pay for equal work, a demand being made by leading feminists: a) comparable worth, b) equitable pay, c) fair compensation, d) just wages.

24. Most single-parent households are headed by women and a significant number live in poverty, sometimes referred to as: a) female dehumanization circumstance, b) feminization of poverty, c) gender discrimination condition, d) callous female condition.

Fill-in Questions

1. What were some of the array of devices used by southern whites to prevent African Americans from registering and voting in spite of the passage of the Fifteenth Amendment? a) from ______-only ______, b) to rigged ______tests.

2. Why does housing in America remain highly segregated? a) The ______of most black families is substantially below that of most white families. b) At one time, ______contributed to housing segregation by redlining. c) Since buyers could not get a mortgage, homeowners had to ______the ______of their houses to sell them. d) As home values plummeted, ______families increasingly left these neighborhoods, which had the effect of increasing the percentage of ______families.

3. Why was the Civil Rights Act of 1964 ineffectual in the area of job discrimination? a) Many employers continued to ______white male employees. b) Other employers maintained employment ______that kept women and minorities at a disadvantage. c) The Act did not ______employers to prove that their employment practices were fair. d) The burden of ______was on the woman or minority-group member who was denied a job, a costly proposition. e) A victory in court applied only to the ______in question; it did not help other ______and minorities faced with job discrimination.

4. What are some of the socio-economic ills that distinguish the plight of African Americans in the United States? a) The median net worth of households headed by retired black people is less than $______, compared with roughly $______for retired white people. 12-4 b) Among adults of employment age, the jobless rate of African Americans is ______that of white Americans. c) Roughly ___ percent of black children live below the government--defined poverty line, compared with about ___ percent of white children.

5. When it comes to women in college, in a recent U.S. Education Department report, a) women were ahead of men in college ______; b) they are more likely to complete their ______, c) do it in a ______period, and d) get better ______.

Brown v. Board of Ed (1954) Woll p. 129

1. The strategy of the NAACP top rid the U.S. of the “separate but doctrine” established in Plessy was to: a) get the Congress to pass civil rights legislation, b) generate demonstrations nation wide, c) use the courts, d) convince President Eisenhower to put the issue before the public.

2. Thurgood Marshall had to convince the majority members of the Supreme Court that the segregation of black children: a) added to their social and psychological harm, b) was in violation of the full faith and credit clause of the Fifth Amendment, c) was inconsistent with the principles of natural law, d) by the states was inconsistent was the history of the U.S.

Brown v Board of Education of Topeka Woll, pgs. 130-133

1. In Brown the plaintiffs contended that segregated public schools are not equal and cannot be made equal and hence were denied the equal protection of the laws. True or False

2. The “separate but equal” doctrine was introduced to the Court by: a) the Founders of the country in 1786, b) the Civil Rights Amendments of the 1860s, c) by the Plessy decision of the 1890s, d) the Congress of the United States in the 1920s.

3. In Sweatt v. Painter, the Court directed law schools to make their buildings, curricula, qualifications and salaries of teachers to be: a) equalized, b) sanitized, c) neutralized, d) concretized

4. What is perhaps the most important of the state and local governments from Brown? a) law enforcement, b) security, c) medical attention, d) education.

5. In Sweatt v. Painter, the Court determined that a segregated law school could provide an equal education. True or False

6. According to Brown, in the area of public education the doctrine of “separate but equal” has no

12-5 place and is inherently unequal. True or False

Brown Cont. pgs. 133-137

1. After the two Brown decisions in 1954 and 1955, the implementation of desegregation in the South was very fast. True or False

2. Between 1968 and 1970 the percentage of black students in all-black schools in eleven Southern states decreased from 68 percent to: a) 10.3 percent, b) 18.4 percent, c) 25.2 percent, d) 30.4 percent

3. In Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg County Board of Ed (1971), the Supreme Court required: a) reassignment of ______to achieve a racial balance similar that of the community, b) reassignment of ______to reflect a racial ratio similar to that which exists in the total community, c) the use of ______school zones and the grouping of schools to bring about a racial balance, d) the use of ______of elementary and secondary school students within a school system to achieve racial balance.


Patterson, pgs. 138-149

True or False Questions

1. True 3. False 5. True 7. True 9. False 11. False

Multiple Choice Questions

1. a 3. b 5. b 7. c 9. b 11. d 13. a 15. b 17. c 19. a 21. c

12-6 23. a

Fill-In Questions

1. a) whites, primaries, b) literacy 3. a) favor, b) procedures, c) require, d) proof, d) individual, women 5. a) enrollment, b) degree, c) shorter, d) grades

Woll, p.129

1. c

Woll, pgs. 130-132

1. True 3. a 5. False

Woll, pgs. 133-136

1. False 3. a) teachers, b) pupils, c) noncontiguous, d) busing


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