To: Advanced Keyboarding Students and Their Parents

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To: Advanced Keyboarding Students and Their Parents

Student’s Name: ______Per#_____ Please read and discuss this syllabus with your child. Sign below, so I know you are aware of the class expectations, class assignment schedule, and study hall procedures. This will be kept in your child’s 2-pocket folder. Thank you! Parent/Guardian Signature ______

To: 6th Grade Beginning Keyboarding Students and Their Parents

From: Ms. McGovney, Keyboarding Teacher in Room 31

Dear Students and Parents,

Welcome to Keyboarding! Learning the keyboard (typing) is now more than ever a survival skill in our world of computer technology, and McAuliffe’s students are making great strides in preparing themselves for this age of technology. Sixth grade students learn to touch type. They memorize the correct fingering and learn to be a rhythmic typist with very few errors. The goal for 6th graders is 15 Words a Minute (WAM) on 1 minute timed tests with 3 or less errors. Those who want an A+ also complete a series of 3 minute timed tests with 15 WAM and 5 or fewer errors.

Necessary Materials  Each day you need to bring a double pocket folder to class. This folder is a place to keep your syllabus, Keyboarding Assignment sheet, and typing successes.  Pencil to mark off assignments as you finish them

Unnecessary Materials  3 ring notebook  Backpack with lots of books in it – this takes up too much space  Food and/or beverages – these could spill and ruin our expensive computers

Weekly Procedures During the first weeks we will be working on lessons one and two as a class. This will help everyone to learn the procedures that must be followed with each of the lessons. Our keyboarding program, called “Micro Type Pro,” was carefully researched by the publisher, and it has been used by our high school for a number of years. Feeling this is a most successful program, we will be working you systematically through each of the lessons. Each week, you will be expected to complete, print, and submit for grading a variety of activities using the program and the keyboarding textbook. An expected lesson completion schedule is listed below. Before moving on to the next lesson, you will be asked to demonstrate a minimum WAM (words a minute) on a timed test. The 6th grade goal is 15 WAM with 3 or less errors.

Grading  Your grade will be based on the completion of all 21 lessons from the program and the textbook practice lessons. (See attached rubric.)  Lessons 1-2 are worth 5 points, 3-20 are 10 points. & 21 is 15 points for a total of 205 points.  You must pass the 1 minute timed test in order to receive full credit for the lesson and to be able to move on to the next lesson.  If time permits, you will be required to learn the numeric keys and/or complete a series of word processing lessons which will introduce you to the program Microsoft Word with real world applications.

Study Hall – Open Lab Hours

Since keyboarding requires students to be in class in order to complete assignments, regular attendance is encouraged. However, since I know some absences are unavoidable, I have the keyboarding lab open before school and after school. This scheduling is so students can “catch up” if they are behind for any reason, or if they just wish to practice a little extra. Keyboarding lab hours are Tuesday and Thursday 3:10-3:55 PM and Friday 8:00-8:45 AM in room 31. In the event that the lab is closed on these days, make up days will be added. If a schedule change is needed, it will be listed in the classroom and on my web page at (McAuliffe – McGovney).

Lesson Completion Schedule Done by the Friday of this week:  Weeks 1 & 2 Lessons 1 & 2 Apr 8-19th  Week 3 Lesson 3 & 4 Apr 22-26th  Week 4 Lessons 5, 6, 7 Apr 29-May 3rd  Week 5 Lessons 8 May 6-10th (STAR Testing)  Week 6 Lessons 9, 10, 11 May 13-17th  Week 7 Lessons 12, 13, 14 & 15 May 20-24th  Week 8 Lessons 16, 17, 18 May 27-31st  Week 9 Lessons 19, 20, 21 Jun 3-7th  Week 10 Catch-up & A+ opportunity Jun 10-13(last day)

Last day of 4th Quarter is Thursday, June 13th

Students: You should show your parents your updated Keyboarding Assignment sheet on a weekly basis, so they can see your progress. This way they can monitor if you are staying on schedule, and if you are falling behind they can help you choose a good time to attend study hall. All graded lessons should be kept in your double pocket folder. You should also share with your parents the score you achieved on your 1 minute timed tests.

Proper Conduct: Students log-in under their own user name and password. Accessing and/or tampering with someone else’s file or utilizing their password could result in a failing grade, N/U citizenship grade, and/or being dropped from the class. Students are to abide by the District’s computer/Internet usage policies.

Contact Information: My conference period is from 9:45 – 10:30 AM. You can reach me by email at [email protected] or by calling 714)816-3320 x77231.

Donations of tissues, hand sanitizer, and disinfecting wipes are always greatly appreciated since the spread of germs is so easy on a keyboard and mouse. In addition, we’d appreciate donations of white copy paper for our printers. Thanks!

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6th Grade Beginning Keyboarding Grading Rubric All students are expected to use proper body posture and hand position. Students should consistently type without looking at their fingers (eyes are on the screen or the text).

 Completion of all 21 program lessons and textbook practice in chronological order with an A+  Completion of all 1 minute timed tests in chronological order w/15 WPM or better & 3 or less errors  Completing a series of 3 minute timed tests w/ 15 WPM or better & 5 errors or less  Completion of all assigned word processing lessons with an A average

 Completion of program lessons 1-21 and textbook practice in chronological order with an A average  Completion of all 1 minute timed tests in chronological order w/ 15 WPM or better & 3 or less errors  Completion of all assigned word processing lessons with an A average

 Completion of program lessons 1-20 and textbook practice in chronological order with an A average  Completion of all 1 minute timed tests in chronological order w/ 15 WPM or better & 3 or less errors

 Completion of program lessons 1-19 and textbook practice in chronological order with an A average  Completion of all 1 minute timed tests in chronological order w/ 15 WPM or better & 3 or less errors

 Completion of program lessons 1-18 and textbook practice in chronological order with an A average  Completion of all 1 minute timed tests in chronological order w/ 15 WPM or better & 4 or less errors

 Completion of program lessons 1-17 and textbook practice in chronological order with an A/B average  Completion of all 1 minute timed tests in chronological order w/ 15 WPM or better & 4 or less errors Grades are posted on the Aeries Online Portal after week 5. See grading scale online for grades lower than a B-.

No one should receive a grade below B-. If it appears your grade is slipping below this level because of absences or because you are a slow worker, take advantage of study hall times in the keyboarding lab.

Citizenship Grades are based on your ability to stay on task and quietly work.

Work and Study Habits Grades are based on your ability to follow directions, work independently, and bring necessary materials to class.

Keyboarding Syllabus Rev 4/13

Keyboarding Syllabus Rev 4/13

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