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NOTE: Syllabus is subject to change. Please check regularly 

Digital Art and Design 2 Syllabus

School: North Charleston High School

Instructor: Mrs. McBee e-mail: [email protected]

Classroom Number: 315

Course Description: The Digital Art and Design program prepares students for careers in the graphic design field. Skills may be applied in any media, such as print, digital media, product design, packaging, etc. Most of the standards require students to combine text and graphics to communicate an effective message in the format intended for commercial reproduction. Students are also expected to use industry software and design concepts, principles, and processes to manipulate text and graphics, utilize and output appropriate file formats for Web and print, and meet client expectations.


Textbook/Materials: 1. The Design Collection Revealed: Adobe InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator CS6, Chris Botello, Cengage Publisher

Course Requirements: Adobe Creative Suite Jump Drive School Issued Gmail Account NOTE: Syllabus is subject to change. Please check regularly 

Materials and Supplies:

Sketchbooks Sketchbooks will be provided for you on the first day of class in DAD1. These sketchbooks are yours to use during class time and may be taken home if you wish. However, you are responsible for returning each day with the sketchbook and failure to have your sketchbook will result in a grade reduction. Bins have been provided for you at the back of the room to store your hooks.

The following are supplies you may wish to purchase for use within the classroom. The starred *** items are provided for you:  11x17 portfolio  T-Square, 18” or 24” steel with inking edge***  Sketch pad (bond or tracing) ***  HB or 2B pencils – wood clinched***  X-acto knife & #11 blades**  White vinyl or ruby red eraser ***  Rubber cement or spray mount***  Ruler ***  Markers***  Colored Pencils***  Double Sided Mounting Tape***  Black Mounting Board***  Electronic file storage devices

Computers: MacBook Airs and iMacs are provided for you in the classroom. These computers are not permitted outside of the classroom for any reason. All computers must be signed out upon entering the classroom. You will keep the same laptop assignment for the entire course.

Instructional Materials: Same as above

Estimated Homework Hours: Most work will be completed within the class period and lab. There may be assignments outside of the classroom and they will be assigned at will and are to be completed as homework.

Technology Provided: Computer / Software: Adobe Creative Suite NOTE: Syllabus is subject to change. Please check regularly 

Grading Scale: A 90-100 B 80-89 C 70-79 D 60-69 F 59 or Below

Process for Evaluation: Students will be evaluated through projects, in-class assignments, class participation/critiques and exams.

Student Evaluation/Grading Policies: This course will be conducted through lecture, demonstration and practical application. Students will receive weekly assignments, reading assignments, critiques and projects.

LATE WORK POLICY I expect all assignments to be turned in on time. I will not accept late assignment. Any late assignment will receive an Incomplete until the assignment has been submitted. Failure to submit the assignment by the end of the term will result in a failing grade. You may resubmit one assignment for a re-grade at the end of the term. See me to make arrangements for the terms of the resubmit.

SUBMISSION OF DIGITAL PROJECTS All digital projects will be submitted as a jpg or pdf to the classroom assignment Google Drive folder.

OFFICE HOURS: I am available on Tuesday afternoons until 4:30 pm

Additional Classroom Policy: same as above

Electronic Device Policy NOTE: Syllabus is subject to change. Please check regularly 

 Laptops may be used in the classroom only as part of classroom instruction. No Facebook or inappropriate usage of the Internet or laptops is permitted. Failure to follow this rule will result in disciplinary action.

 Please refer to the student handbook and student contract for additional policies on electronic devices.

Classroom Professionalism Policies

This class will be conducted to promote and encourage the professionalism you will need in order to be successful in your future careers. Establishing these habits during the educational process will help to ensure a smoother transition to those required by your chosen work place.

The policies include attendance; being on time for class, returning from breaks at the designated time, handing in required work on time, using language appropriate to a teaching/learning environment, contacting the instructor in a timely manner should you have a problem adhering to the above policies.

*Students are required to sign a contract stating all rules and penalties. This is kept on file for the current school year.

*Parents will also receive a letter stating the expectations and rules of the course.


Weekly Course Outline

Week 1

 Review of the Mac Environment  Review of Illustrator  Review of Design Principles  Quiz: Safety Test  Exercise: Review of the Pen Tool and Illustrator  Exercise: Design Principle Poster NOTE: Syllabus is subject to change. Please check regularly 

Week 2

 Unit 1: Design Principles, Color and Typography  Exercise: Conceptual Metaphor  Exercise: Creating Thumbnails  Exercise: Brainstorming Activity - Kickstart

Week 3

 Unit 1: Design Principles, Color and Typography  Exercise: Planning a Project

Week 4

 Unit 2: Intro to Layout  Exercise: Ad ReDesign  Exercise: Logo Design

Week 5

 Unit 2: Intro to Layout  Exercise: Logo Refinement  Exercise: Letterhead and Business Card

Week 6

 Unit 3: Photoshop  Photoshop Work  Exercise: Composite Image

Week 7

 Unit 3: Photoshop  Photoshop Work  Exercise: Color Blind NOTE: Syllabus is subject to change. Please check regularly 

Week 8

 Unit 3: Photoshop  Photoshop Work  Exercise: Poetry Illustration

Week 9

 Unit 3: Photoshop  Photoshop Work  Exercise: You are what you eat…?

Week 10

 Unit 4: Photographic Principles  Photography Work  Exercise: Self Portrait

Week 11

 Unit 4: Photographic Principles  Photography Work  Exercise: Landscape

Week 12

 Unit 4: Photographic Principles  Photography Work  Exercise: Time Lapse Photography

Week 13

 Unit 4: Photographic Principles  Photography Work NOTE: Syllabus is subject to change. Please check regularly 

 Exercise: Micro Photography

Week 14 – Thanksgiving Break

Week 15

 Illustrator Recap  Exercise: Photoshop/Illustrator Project

Week 16

 Photoshop Final Project #1: Movie Poster

Week 17

 Photoshop Final Project #2: Office Space

Week 18/19 – Winter Break

Week 20/21 – Finals Week

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