Wellness Wrap-Up Committee Meeting

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Wellness Wrap-Up Committee Meeting

Wellness Wrap-Up Committee Meeting Meeting Agenda September 6, 2013 HBC 1:30-3:00 pm

1. New Wellness Coordinator: Gina was introduced as the new Wellness Coordinator. Haydeana Gaviria, Manager of Staff Professional Development and Evaluation will be the person in the HR office to oversee the implementation of the program.

2. Meeting with Dr. Rhodes: On Wednesday August 28, the leadership of the wellness committee met with Dr. Rhodes to share the plans for the New Year. A. Logo: the Wellness Program (WP) has a new logo that was developed with the help of the students in the visual communications department. The logo includes the official name of the program: ACCess Wellness B. Budget: the budget for the new fiscal year was proved by Dr. Rhodes. The total amount is: $156,000 dollars that will help cover the expenses for classes, wellness coordinator salary and incidentals. C. Space in Highland Mall: the WP has been given space in the Highland Mall to be used for classes. Then room is 2380. We had to incur in some expenses because the place needed to painted and cleaned. D. Release time: during the meeting with Dr. Rhodes, it was discussed the possibility for employees to combine their two 15 minute breaks with the lunch hour to be able to go twice a week to 1 wellness class. Haydeana is waiting to hear from the President’s office with the final approval so that an official communication can be sent to supervisors and employees. E. Anne Wolfe: she is world renowned boxing champion who has space in the Highland Mall and it is interested in potentially partnering up with us to offer some additional classes. F. Weight Watchers: communication has been sent out to the campuses about this program. The program needs a minimum of 15 people per campus in order to run. Gina is waiting to hear from the campus team leaders with the final numbers so that meetings can be scheduled.

3. Classes:  Classes will start on Monday, September 16. Gina asked the campus team leaders to contact the campus managers to advertise the classes at every campus.  Accountability measure: participants need to complete 70% or more of the class otherwise they will be charged $50 dollars for the classes. Some exceptions apply.  Ad/Drop period: because of the accountability measure, it was suggested to the committee to have a two week add/drop period at the beginning of the classes. Daniel O’Hanlon and Bernie Hinterlong expressed their concern about how this would impact the cost of the program and if this measure may impact the support that we are receiving from the administration. The committee had a discussion about this issue. There would be no additional financial impact on the program. Peggy Raiford motioned for the committee to approve this measure, Sylvia Cordiel seconded, all approved.  Attendance for this semester is going to be done by the instructors manually. Roster lists will be distributed to them prior to the start of the class.  It was requested by the campus team leaders that a list of their responsibilities be shared with them since they will be in charge of the wellness program at their campus.

4. Committee Structure:  During the meeting with Dr. Rhodes, Merrilee Shopland proposed a new structured for the Wellness Committee that the president agreed with since it makes more sense for how the program will be run. The new structure will consist of the campus tram leaders, one representative from each employee association, and the two co- chairs (Merrilee Shopland and Rebecca Robinson-Francis). Daniel O’Hanlon asked that the current presidents of all of the associations are copied on communications.  The date for the meeting will be announced shortly.  It was suggested that the ownership of the wellness Google group be transferred from Lara Niles to Gina Akin.

5. Other Wellness Opportunities: Other wellness initiatives were discussed by the committee to be started once the classes have begun and the WW program has started. Some of them are: the good vibes cam, walking programs at the campus, the development of a special survey to start gathering baseline data for the program that will help us start tracking measurable results that can be presented to the administration.

Meeting was adjourned at 3:19 pm.

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