Sutton Coldfield Hockey Club Constitution

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Sutton Coldfield Hockey Club Constitution


1. TITLE The Club shall be known as Sutton Coldfield Hockey Club ( SCHC).

2.LOCATION & AFFILIATION 2.1 SCHC shall be situated in Sutton Coldfield. 2.2 SCHC shall affiliate to Warwickshire Hockey Association or successor thereof 2.3 SCHC shall affiliate to Midland Region Hockey Association or successor thereof 2.4 SCHC shall affiliate to England Hockey or any successor thereof. Original 2.4 (affiliation to GPC) deleted

3.OBJECTIVES The objectives of SCHC shall be to encourage, promote and develop the playing of Hockey to the highest standard and to provide equal opportunities for members to develop as players, leaders, coaches, umpires and administrators and to work in conjunction with Sutton Coldfield Juniors H.C. to provide a safe, effective and child- friendly environment in which to learn and play hockey.

4.MEMBERSHIP 4.1 The Membership of SCHC shall comprise a President, Honorary Life Members, Vice Presidents, Ordinary (Senior), Junior (being under-18 at the start of the season) and Non-playing (Social) Members. 4.2 Membership shall be open to all regardless of age, ability, race, religion (or none), ethnic origin or sexual orientation. 4.3 The President and Hon. Life Members may only be elected at a General Meeting of The Club. 4.4 Membership is subject to the completion of a membership form, (parental consent for U-16s) , payment of a Subscription and acceptance and endorsement by the Committee . Membership may be suspended by the General Committee if members fail to pay their subscription. 4.5 All members of SCHC shall comply with the policies and procedures of England Hockey or SCHC. The Committee may suspend or otherwise discipline any member whose conduct, in the opinion of the Committee, has not been in line with such and contrary to the interests of SCHC.

5. CLUB COLOURS The wearing of Club Colours shall be required as a condition of playing membership and shall be Red Shirts with Club Badge, Dark Blue Shorts and Red Stockings. For matches away from home a White shirt with Club Badge and white stockings shall be substituted for the Red.

6. MANAGEMENT 6.1 The management of SCHC shall be administered by a General Committee (The Committee) which shall be elected by the Members at the Annual General Meeting. 6.2 The Committee shall comprise The President (who may act as Chairman), Club Chairman (if elected), Hon.Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Hon. Match & Fixtures Secretary, Club Captain, Welfare Officer and not fewer than six elected Members. 6.3 The Committee shall have the full power to act in any matter on behalf of SCHC, except as specified in these Rules, and is empowered to fill casual vacancies occurring on the Committee, appoint Officers when posts become vacant, co-opt members to the Committee, decide the level of Match Fees and may, in appropriate cases, commute subscriptions. 6.4 The Committee shall ensure that the Club operates without discrimination except where this is required to comply with rules of competitions in which its teams participate. 6.5 Voting is by simple majority of Committee members present and voting, excepting under 4.4, with the Chairman having a casting vote in the event that votes cast are equal. 6.6 The Hon. Treasurer with the Committee shall be responsible for administering all financial matters of SCHC and keeping full accounts thereof. 6.7 Committee members shall be appointed to be responsible for the following areas of management of SCHC:- Membership; Catering & Hospitality; Kit; Disclosure & Barring; Welfare; Junior Liason; Sponsorship & Advertising; Website & Communications; Social Events; Pitch bookings & co-ordination. 6.8 The Committee shall normally meet once every month during the hockey season and as required at other times Seven days’ notice of all Meetings shall be given. The presence of six members, including the President or Chairman shall constitute a quorum. 6.9 All Officers of the Club shall retire annually at the AGM but shall be eligible for re-election. 6.10 The Committee shall be responsible for agreeing the terms of contracts for those supplying goods or services to SCHC. 6.11 The Committee shall not make arrangements for the dissolution of SCHC, excepting under 10.

7. TEAM SELECTION 7.1 The Selection Committee shall be responsible for selection of teams for all matches, festivals, competitions and tournaments in which SCHC is participating. 7.2 The Selection Committee shall comprise The Club Captain, who shall act as Chairman, The Match & Fixtures Secretary, 1st Xl Captain and all other elected Captains (or their nominees) and Team Managers when appointed. 7.3 The Selection Committee has the power to co-opt members as required, to appoint Captains for occasional teams and make all decisions involving playing matters but shall at all times be responsible to The General Committee.

8. SUBSCRIPTIONS 8.1 Rates for Subscriptions for Ordinary, Junior and Non-playing Members shall be set annually at the Annual General Meeting and are due on or before 1st October each year or at a later date set by the Committee. 8.2 Vice-Presidents shall be invited to make an annual donation. 8.3 The Committee may suspend or expel anyone failing to pay their Subscription.

9. GENERAL MEETINGS 9.1 The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of SCHC shall normally be held in May each year and should precede the Annual General Meeting of the Midland Region Hockey Association. The Business of the AGM shall be:- a) to receive a statement of SCHC’s finances b) to receive reports for the season from all Officers and Captains of SCHC c) to elect a President, Honorary Life Members, Vice-Presidents, Officers, Captains , Members of The Committee and SCHC members of the SCC&HC Ltd General Purposes Committee d) to transact other items of business 9.2 Extra-Ordinary General Meetings shall be convened by the Hon. Secretary on the direction of the Committee or upon receiving a written request from not less than fifteen Ordinary Members 9.3 Notice of General Meetings shall be sent to all members by e-mail or by surface mail to their last known address at least fourteen days prior to the date of the meeting and shall include an Agenda and no business other than that stated may be discussed at the Meeting. 9.4 Twenty Ordinary Members present shall constitute a quorum. 9.5 All Members over 18 years of age shall have a vote. Votes shall be by simple majority, with the Chairman having an additional and casting vote in the event of votes cast being equal.

10 .DISSOLUTION OF THE CLUB 10.1 If SCHC shall pass at a General Meeting, by a majority of two thirds or more of members present and entitled to vote, a resolution to dissolve SCHC, The Committee shall take immediate steps to convert all of SCHC’s assets into money. 10.2 The proceeds shall be used to discharge all debts and liabilities of SCHC and any balance remaining shall be passed, as the Committee may decide, to another organisation having like objects.

11. CLUB CONSTITUTION This Constitution may only be amended by a resolution passed at a General Meeting where notice has been sent to all members 14 days before the Meeting as under 9.3.

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