Dear Parent / Carer

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Dear Parent / Carer


October 2013

Dear Parent / Carer,

As mentioned last month, our monthly Hillhead Highlights newsletter is now a joint venture produced by both staff and pupils. Our S4 Wider Achievement Magazine Group are contributing articles on events and our S4 Wider Achievement Photography Group are providing many of the photographs. We hope you enjoy their contributions and we would welcome your feedback on our new and improved newsletter!

Speaking of feedback, last week we had the first of our tri annual ‘Quality Assurance’ visits from the local authority. This visit focused on the school profile:

 Exam results – This year we were able to say that we have had five years, of ‘three year accumulative’ best ever results. An excellent achievement by our young people with invaluable support from Parents and Staff. The Partnership triangle between pupils, parents and staff is certainly working.

 School Roll – The roll has gone from 672 pupils to 893 pupils over the last 5 years. Our projected roll for next year is 921 and will continue to grow for the foreseeable future.

 Attendance – There was a slight decrease last year from 93.4% to 92.5%. This year we are currently sitting at 94.1%. Attendance has increased from 81.0% to 94.1% over the last 5 years. Our aim is to reach 94.5% by June 2014.

 School Leaver Destination Results – This year 96.13% of our young people secured a positive destination; employment, training, college or university. This is a best ever result. It may even be the best in Glasgow – though this has still to be confirmed. A number of years ago this figure was 71.3%. This demonstrates the support that the staff in the school are giving, along with the support from the many partnerships that the school has developed, is clearly increasing the life chances of the young people at Hillhead High.

The feedback was very complimentary and very positive. I was asked to convey the thanks of the directorate to the staff & pupils for all their hard work and commitment.

1 “This school is in a very good place.” Jim Wilson, Head of Glasgow Secondary Schools. Following discussions with the Parent Council and Councillor Martha Wardrobe, I am writing to ask for your support. I am very keen to encourage as many pupils as possible in S1 to S3 to remain in school during the lunch break. This is important for the following reasons:

· Healthier Food - I am conscious that 63% of our young people leave the school at lunch time. However, it is of real concern to me that large numbers of our young people are not eating healthily and are making the wrong choices on a daily basis.

· It would allow young people to sit at a table, in the lunch hall, socialise with friends and enjoy the warmth and comfort of the school as opposed to walking the streets in all kinds of weather.

· Litter - I am very conscious that since school has started back in August in particular and for a number of years, there have been a number of complaints from local residents and shops saying that a minority of our young people have been making an inordinate amount of mess within the local community at lunch time. Having monitored the situation closely this unfortunately appears to be correct. Despite addressing this at assemblies, in PSE classes, having teams of young people volunteering to collect litter, it still continues to be a major problem. If young people were in school then litter would be contained within the school premises and I would be in a better position to address this. I am also conscious that it is not only pupils in S1-3 who make the mess. Can I please ask you to discuss the need for social responsibility with your son/daughter. I would welcome any suggestions for improvement.

· The Parent Council have asked me to point out to you that when young people are 'out' for lunch, that they are no longer the responsibility of the school. Of course I will continue to do everything in my power to continue to care for them and their safety, but it is difficult for me when I do not know where they are. If pupils are in school then they will be supervised in the lunch hall, in the yard and in the gardens, all of which are located within the school grounds.

I am aware that some pupils may have to go home for lunch, for a variety of reasons and I appreciate this. It is important to me that I care for the needs of every pupil in the school and ensure that they are safe, happy and learning.

As parents/carers, your views are very important to me and I would welcome any thoughts or observations.

Best wishes,

W Wight

Head Teacher

2 As part of our on-going commitment to celebrate the achievement of pupils - and further develop better communication with parents and carers - we now have a Twitter account. Twitter can be a great way to keep in touch with what is happening in our school and allows us to share lots of information on trips and events on a far more regular basis than our newsletters.

Mr Reid has trained a group of staff who will take on responsibility for this account and will be sharing successes and important information with all of our followers. We plan to monitor this over the next few months and are keen for your feedback.

Please do follow us on @HillheadHS

Two of our faculities have also started their own accounts:

Expressive Arts (Art, Music & Drama) @HHS_ExpArts Humanties (Geography, Mod Studies, History &RMPS) @HHS_Humanities


3 The Parent Council works as an interface between parents, carers and the school. If you would like information or would like to be part of the Parent Council, please send an email to [email protected].

The dates of the meetings are published in the Parent Council section of the School website.

Carbon Footprint Friday took place in Kelvingrove Park on Friday 25th October. All S1 pupils were involved as part of their John Muir Award – a new scheme introduced as part of MTA for S1. Hillhead High School is supporting all S1 pupils to achieve the John Muir Award in partnership with Glasgow Life, the RSPB, GOW Community and Woodlands Community Garden.

Mr Milne, Hillhead’s John Muir Award co-ordinator worked with a team of people to develop a fantastic day. The day helped to develop the themes of the John Muir Award – Discover, Explore and Conserve Wild Places, these activities include; Litter Picking, Art in Nature, Willow Weaving, Work on the River Kelvin, Healthy Living Reports, Pedal Power Generators and Origami Frog Making. Once the pupils had taken part in activities they were taken to the Grosvenor Cinema in Ashton Lane to watch “Beasts of the Southern Wild” about the world’s carbon footprint and how it effects animals.

Mr. Moran, one of the teachers who took part in the event, described it as a great success. “It was a very successful day. It was a pity it rained during the activities in the park, but the idea behind the John Muir Award is getting young people outdoors in all types of weather and our first years embraced this theme on Friday.”

4 Kerr Hutchison 1A described the event as being “very worthwhile and great fun to take part in. I learned a lot of ways to make the world a better place and protect our environment.”

What is the John Muir Award?

The John Muir Award is an environmental award that encourages people of all backgrounds to connect, enjoy and care for wild places through a structured yet adaptable scheme. The Award is not competitive but should challenge each participant. Taking part will develop an understanding of, and responsibility for, a chosen wild place or places.

What is a Carbon Footprint?

A carbon footprint has historically been defined as the total sets of greenhouse gas emissions caused by an organization, event, product or person.

What effect does it have?

Our Carbon Footprint has many effects one of which being that sea levels are rising and oceans are becoming warmer. Longer, more intense droughts threaten crops, wildlife and freshwater supplies. From polar bears in the Arctic to marine turtles off the coast of Africa, our planet’s diversity of life is at risk from the changing climate.

5 RSPB & F.O.R.K.

Mr. Milne worked very hard with our John Muir partners – in particular, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds and Friends of the River Kelvin - to make Carbon Footprint Friday such a success. Both of these associations work very hard to try and reduce the Carbon Footprint and ensure the safety of wildlife at the River Kelvin and its surrounding areas.

Ways to Save Energy in Your Home Turn off all lights as you Turning your thermostat Stop draughts While washing clothes leave a room, even for a down by just one degree and heat escaping use an Economy wash short time. could cut your bills by 10% by filling gaps and dry washing between boards outside if you can. with beading or sealant. Use the right sized pan When using the oven use When using a Use a microwave as for the amount of food the right temperature as it dishwasher much as you can, as you are cooking and keep won’t heat up any faster at always wash a full they use up to 90% less lids on while cooking. a higher temperature. load, if you electricity as an oven. cannot use a half load or economy setting. If you have a hot water Also use insulation for your Take a shower Draught proof your tank cover it with an pipes to stop heat escaping instead of a bath windows. A low cost insulating jacket to stop as it goes around your – a shower uses temporary alternative heat escaping. home. only a fifth of the to double glazing. hot water used for a bath. Fit a nylon brush or seal Avoid leaving appliances on Close your Only heat the amount or a spring flap on your standby and don’t charge curtains at night of water you need, try letter box and put a phones or batteries to stop heat and use and electric cover over keyholes to unnecessarily, always turn escaping from kettle instead of a hob. stop draughts coming in your television off at the windows. from outside. set.

article by Fintan McCloskey

Home Economics Department Carbon Footprint Friday

6 As part of preparations for the S1 Carbon Footprint Friday event, S1 pupils were invited to make shortbread after school on Thursday 24th October. Twenty-four pupils joined Miss Campbell and Miss Douglas to make enough shortbread for every S1 pupil, senior pupil and staff involved in Friday’s activities. The pupils also took some pieces home to share with family and friends.

Every year all S1 pupils make traditional butter shortbread using British ingredients either at Christmas or Easter as a treat at the end of term. Learning about food miles and using local produce are part of the experiences and outcomes within a Curriculum for Excellence for S1.

Traditional Butter Shortbread 100g flour 50g butter 25g caster sugar Sugar for dredging

1. Heat oven—No. 5 or 190˚C. 2. Measure flour, butter and sugar into a bowl. 3. Knead until dough forms. 4. Press into a 15cm tin or ring. 5. Cut into 8 portions, mark with a fork. 6. Bake for 20 minutes until lightly golden brown. 7. Dredge with sugar and serve.

110 calories per portion

Pupils involved: 1A – Dax, Holly, Francesca, Eva and Michelle

1B – Sohair, Mustafa and Michelle

1C – Gargi, Olivia, Ralph, Aiden and Afrah

1D – Miriam, Fiza and Fionn

1E – Brandon, Sehyr, Katy and Linda

1F – Moyin, Abby, Rohaan and Finn

Thanks to Claudia of 3D who helped with the packaging.

7 Further information about Home Economics activities can be found on the school website. Scroll down on the front page and click on ‘week beginning’ to find out ‘What’s Cooking’. This is up-dated every week. Details are also available about ‘Early morning Sewing’ which is Miss Campbell’s daily extra-curricular activity.

On the 11th of October Hillhead held its first Onesie Day. Overall the school raised £618.46 for the Brick by Brick Appeal for the Prince and Princess of Wales Hospice in Bellahouston Park. A large amount of pupils – and a number of teachers - dressed up in coloured and animal onesies, donating £1 for the privilege!

During the interval the school “Onesie Flashmob” danced to two modern songs. The group had performed the same dance in George Square the previous week in order to publicise the Flashmob.

Everyone who witnessed the Flashmob agreed that it was very entertaining and a well- rehearsed routine.

I interviewed S2 Onesie enthusiast Ben McMillan who said the following on a wonderful day: “I saved up for ages to buy my onesie on Amazon for Onesie Day. I absolutely loved it. My best friends and I had loads of fun in our snowflake patterned onesies. I really hope it becomes a tradition and we can have onesie days every year or more. It was great fun!”

Credit for the organisation of Onesie Day goes to Miss Gowans and her Charities Committee. The committee meet twice a week and discuss how to raise money for charities and the school. Anyone interested in joining the committee should speak to Miss Gowans in P.E.


Mr Wight and the SMT in their onesies

My Greener Glasgow Article by Joseph James

In March 2013, pupils from six selected schools in Glasgow were given the opportunity to participate in the “It’s My Greener Glasgow” competition. The art competition is organised by St. Enoch Centre and the brief is for pupils to create art pieces based on environmental/green issues that affect Glasgow – either now in the future.

Entrants could either create an expressive or a design piece and the final pieces included sculptures, paintings and fashion pieces. The pupils had about six weeks to complete their entries before submission and the standard of work was very high indeed. The work was then displayed in St Enoch Centre from the end of June until the end of September and public were encouraged to vote for their favourite piece of artwork from each category. The entries were also judged by a panel of prominent local experts during that time.

The judges included:

 Avril Paton- A famous Scottish artist who created the famous painting, the Windows in the West, she is also the founder of the competition.

 Sean Batty- A meteorologist who has been STV’s weatherman since 2007.

 Kenny Hunter- An award winning sculptor from Edinburgh.

 Shauna McMullan-A lecturer in environmental art at Glasgow school of Art and is an award winning artist.

 Jan Patience- An art critic for The Herald and author of a respected visual arts blog.

 Susan Nicol- The general manger of St. Enoch Centre.

9 In October 2013, a special ceremony was held for all participants at St. Enoch Centre. First prize in expressive was given to Martha Bose from 4A for her painting. She was given £150 and £500 for the School and won Hillhead High School special recognition. Another pupil from Hillhead won a place in the competition. May Chung from 4D came in 3rd place in design for her sculpture, she won £50.

Hillhead’s winners: All of Hillhead High Martha Bose (Left) May Chung (Right) School’s participants.

article by Adam Napier

Congratulations to all of those elected to our Pupil Council this year. Developing Pupil Voice is one of our improvement priorities this year and we look forward to working with the young people named below on a number of issues. We have also conducted a whole school Pupil Voice questionnaire on learning and teaching, wider achievement and school ethos and will share these results with staff, pupils and parents in the near future.

Year Girl Boy 1A Zoe Campbell-Richardson Sammy Robertson 1B Sara Maksymowicz Ryan McCann 1C Gargi Shama Ralph Brook 1D Mia Shields Kaashif Nasir 1E Alice Kean Reece Kane 1F Abbie Boyle Finn Boyd 2A Charley Dennis Declan McConville 2B Dania Kamran Shamoon Malik 2C Sara Kemi Joel Johnstone 2D Flora Leask Jack Christie 2E Gabriella Matteo Sonny Miller 2F Rene Mcguinness Macoll Declyn Croft 3A Jade Lynn-Healy Sofian Choudry

10 3B Emma Moore Euan Webster 3C no volunteer Dylan O'Donnell 3D Claire Robertson Krzystof Pukacz 3E Rosie Graham Connor Gracie 4A Tasnia Shahid Charlie Connelly 4B Mahnoor Khalid Jack Thompson 4C Rebecca Gault Makib Choudkhuri 4D Ling Yee Ho Sam Colville 4E Vicky Erskine Sean Colwell-Krauss 4F Charlotte Bryson Joseph James 5A Amy McKinley George Alston 5B Honor Gorman Oliver Pidgeon 5C Rachael Christie Stephen Donald 5D Jess Marek Daniel Livingston 5E Jacqueline Wilson Nathan Hoey 6A Eden Cooper Fraser Gray 6B Chanella Keza Bardia Rehmani 6C Gemma Daniels Rory Harte 6D Marissa Bonnar Daniel Robertson 6E Zoe Hyatt Theo Cherry 6F Anna-Louise McCabe Guramrit Singh

On Friday 11th October 100 S1 and S2 pupils - accompanied with staff from the Modern and Community Languages Department - stepped out of their onesies and into the magical world of “Dragon”, a powerful tale of a young boy overcoming his loneliness featuring puppetry, illusion and music. The production was held at the Citizen’s Theatre and was a collaboration between the National Theatre of Scotland, Vox Motus and Tianjin People’s Art Theatre.

“The Dragon Play was very good. The use of mime and props was enchanting. It was nice to be part of and see my class enjoying some exceptional and diverse culture. The puppets were funny but gave you a challenge to work out their meaning.” Jenny Biggerstaff (2C)


Duke of Edinburgh Award

A total of 16 pupils achieved their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award this year. The Duke of Edinburgh Award is not an easy thing to achieve, with the participants having to log three activities – a sport, a skill and volunteering, d ea before their outdoor training. In the end, the candidates had to plan and llh Hi in igh 11 H organise an outdoor expedition, cooking for themselves and camping overnight in the ‘wilds’ of Scotland. All three groups went out in October for their Assessed Expedition and all passed with flying colours. The names of the successful candidates are:

Zayn Younas

Lucy Napier

Rory Vernon Anes Salmi

Matthias Jacques

Farhad Chamo

Bardia Rahmani

Shereif Kholeif

Tabitha Hancox

Many of these are continuing on to do Silver so best of luck and congratulations to all. Congratulations, also, goes to Mr Flanagan (returning from ‘retirement’ to lead the Senior Group) as well as Mrs Clowes and Miss Thornton who led the Junior Group through their logbook stage and then their expedition training, aided by Mr Foster, Mr Philp and Miss Hewitt.

Steffi Leung

Yong-Chin Breslin

Nelly Henzler

Fatemeh Nokhbatolfoghahaei

Kelvin Dempster

Christina Anderson

Kit So

12 November Event Tues 5th November S4 Tracking Reports issued. Fri 8th November S1 Tracking Reports issued. Fri 15th November 21st Children in Need Day Tues 19th November S1&S4 Photographs Tues 26th November S5/6 Parents’ Evening 4.15-6.15pm Fri 29th November Geography Dept – Dynamic Earth Visit

December Event Tues 3rd December P7 visit to Hillhead High Wed 4th December Art/Drama visit to The Lion King Fri 6th December S2-S3 Options Booklets issued Wed 11th December Christmas Concert Thurs 12th December Christmas Concert Thurs 19th December Pantomime Visit Fri 20th December Christmas Assembly – Wellington Church School closes 2:30pm School re-opens Mon 6th January 2014

Hillhead High School will be celebrating Diwali and Eid event with an evening event on Thursday 7th November 2013 from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Please show your support and bring your family to enjoy the show. Snacks and drinks will be included.

Tickets cost £2 and are available from Mr. Bhopal, Mrs. Nasim or Mrs. Lota.

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