Clarity- Clearness in Thought Or Expression

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Clarity- Clearness in Thought Or Expression

AP Princeton Vocabulary List

Assertion- a declaration or statement

Clarity- clearness in thought or expression

Cogent- convincing; reasonable

Coherent- logically connected

Cohesive- condition of sticking together

Didactic- intended to instruct

Discourse- verbal expression or exchange; conversation

Eloquence- the ability to speak vividly or persuasively

Emphasize- to give special attention to something, to stress

Fluid- easily flowing

Implication- the act of suggesting or hinting

Lucid- easily understood; clear

Rhetoric- the art of using language effectively and persuasively

Arbiter- a judge who decides a disputed issue

Biased- prejudiced

Exculpate- to free from guilt or blame

Impartial- not in favor of one side or the other, unbiased

Incontrovertible- not able to be denied or disputed

Integrity- trustworthiness; completeness

Objectively- treating facts without influence from personal feelings or prejudices

Penitent- expressing remorse for one’s misdeeds

Plausible- seemingly valid or acceptable; credible

Substantiated- supported with proof or evidence; verified

Vindicated- freed from blame Convoluted- intricate; complex

Cryptic- difficult to comprehend

Futile- having to useful purpose; pointless

Impede- to slow the progress of

Obscure- relatively unknown, to conceal or make indistinct

Quandary- a state of uncertainty or perplexity

Indolent- lazy

Insipid- uninteresting; unchallenging

Listless- lacking energy

Torpor- laziness; inactivity; dullness

Alienated- removed or disassociated from

Alliance- a union of two or more groups

Disparity- inequality in age, rank, or degree; difference

Servile- submissive; like a servant

Suppressed- subdued; kept from being circulated

Embellish- to make beautiful by ornamenting; to decorate

Florid- describing flowery or elaborate speech

Opulent- exhibiting a display of great wealth

Ornate- elaborately decorated

Ostentatious- describing a showy or pretention display

Poignant- profoundly moving; touching

Ebullience- intense enthusiasm

Effusive- emotionally unrestrained; gushy

Egregious- conspicuously bad or offensive Flagrant- extremely or deliberately shocking or noticeable

Frenetic- wildly excited or active

Gratuitous- given freely; unearned; unwarranted

Superfluous- extra unnecessary

Alleviate- to ease a pain or burden

Asylum – a place of retreat or security

Auspicious – favorable; promising

Benevolent – well-meaning; generous

Benign – kind and gentle

Mollify – to calm or soothe

Reclamation – the act of making something useful again

Sanction – to give official authorization or approval

Dubious – doubtful; of unlikely authenticity

Fabricated – made; concocted to deceive

Hypocrisy – the practice of pretending to be something one is not; insincerity

Slander – false charges and malicious oral statements about someone

Spurious – not genuine

Astute – shrewd; clever

Clandestine – secretive

Coup – a brilliantly executed plan

Disingenuous – not straightforward; crafty

Ruse – a crafty tick

Stratagem – a clever trick used to deceive or outwit

Surreptitiously – done by secretive means

Wary – on guard Wily – cunning

Inherent – inborn; built-in

Innate – possessed from birth; inborn

Inveterate – long established; deep-rooted; habitual

Omnipotent – all-powerful

Proximity – closeness

Elusive – difficult to capture, as in something actually fleeting

Emigrate – to leave one country or region and settle in another

Transient- passing away with time; passing from one place to another

Transitory – short-lived or temporary

Affable – easy-going; friendly

Amendable – responsive; agreeable

Camaraderie – good will between friends

Cordial – friendly; sincere

Facetious – playfully humorous

Impinge – hinder; interfere with

Lament – express grief for; mourn

Melancholy – sadness; depression

Sanction – an economic or military measure put in punish another country

Truncated – shortened; cut off

Aesthetic – having to do with the appreciation of beauty

Anthology – a collection of literary pieces

Contemporary – current, modern; from the same time

Dilettante – one with an amateurish or superficial understanding of a field of knowledge

Eclectic – made up of a variety of sources or styles Excerpt – a selected part of a passage or scene

Genre – describing a category or artistic endeavor

Medley – an assortment or a mixture, especially of musical pieces

Mural – a large painting applied directly to a wall or ceiling surface

Narrative – characterized by the telling of a story, (n.) a story

Parody – an artistic work that imitates the style of another work for comic effect

Realism – artistic representation that aims for visual accuracy

Virtuoso – a tremendously skilled artist

Ingrate – an ungrateful person

Insolent – insulting in manner or speech

Notorious – known widely and usually unfavorably; infamous

Pugnacious – combative; belligerent

Reprehensible – worthy of blame

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