Camargo Elementary School

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Camargo Elementary School

Camargo Elementary School SBDM Council Meeting June 14, 2012 CES Library 10:00 AM

Council Members Present: Larry Dixon, Amy Harmon, Kirsten Roberts, Tawny Neal, Donna Mudd

Council Members Absent: Sarah Johnson

Guests: Laura Miller, Joey Campbell

1. Opening Business a. Approve Agenda – Mr. Dixon called the meeting to order at 10 a.m. He reviewed the agenda with the council. Tawny Neal made a motion to approve the agenda; Kirsten Roberts seconded. The agenda was approved with consensus of the council. b. Approve Minutes – The council reviewed the following minutes: April 26th May 17th May 24th @ 2:30 May 24th @ 3:30 May 25th May 31st @ 3:45 May 31st @ 4:00 A correction was made to the “council members in attendance” section on the May 25th minutes. (Sarah Johnson was absent at this meeting.) Donna Mudd made a motion to accept the minutes, with the revision noted to the May 25th minutes. Amy Harmon seconded. The minutes were approved with consensus of the council. c. Good News Report – Many teachers have attended professional development (p.d.) and most will have all of their p.d. completed prior to the start of the school year. The standards-based grading p.d. went well. Mr. Dixon hopes to have two to three teachers in each grade level pilot standards based grading during the 2012-2013 school year. d. Public Comment - none

2. Student Achievement a. Curriculum Mapping/Standards-Based Grading Teachers have been meeting across the district to work on Curriculum Mapping. There is a possibility that teachers will have the opportunity to meet once a month to plan and assess curriculum work. Mr. Dixon is pleased with the curriculum work to date. Standards Based Grading has been launched and volunteers from each grade level will implement it next year. Standards based grading will give teachers an accurate picture of what students truly “know”. Information about standards based grading will be provided at Open House. A flyer will be sent home with students who are involved in standards based grading explaining how it works. Infinite Campus will be left open so that teachers can post throughout the year and change grades as students master standards.

3. Planning a. Technology Updates – Every teacher has a Smartboard, with the exception of special education teachers. Hopefully, special education classrooms will have Smartboards soon. The FMD units have been equipped with Smart Technology. Discussion was held concerning future technology needs, as new money will be available July 1st. Possibilities for new technology include an I-pad per classroom and/or a SmartTable for kindergarten and first grade classrooms to use at center time.

4. Budget Reports – Money will be reduced because we lost a grade level. Camargo will receive two new high speed copiers, which will cost less, but be more effective. Camargo has spent 92.2% of money allotted for the 2011-2012 school year. Mr. Dixon has requested that remaining money be rolled over to the 2012-2013 school year.

Teachers will continue to submit RFPs (Request for Purchase forms) for items they need. A decision about how much Spring Fling money will be allotted per grade level will be made at the July meeting.

Second grade had a negative balance (due to a field trip that cost more than anticipated). The account has since been reconciled with money from the P.T.O.

Kirsten Roberts made a motion to approve the budget report. Amy Harmon seconded. The budget report was approved with consensus of the council.

5. Staffing – Christie Redmond Jouett has resigned and will be going to the Intermediate School. Camargo needs to hire a SAM after July 2nd. Interviews will be conducted and a SAM will hopefully be hired by July 15th. Kim Armstrong resigned to take a position in Rowan County, creating the need for a new gym teacher. Also, Frances Allen will be going to the Intermediate School so a secretary needs to be hired. Camargo will only have two preschool rooms next year. Class lists must be published one month prior to the start of school and teachers will be assigned class lists at the next council meeting through numbers drawn. 6. Action Items a. Writing Policy – The council reviewed the writing policy. The word “portfolio” will be replaced with the words “working folder”. The council agreed to accept the Writing Policy through consensus. b. Implementation and Impact Check – School Improvement Plan – The council conducted an I & I check of the School Improvement Plan. Items discussed during the I &I Check include developing a plan to celebrate student success and establishing committees that will report to the council. 7. Discussion Items a. Retention Policy – Discussion was held about forming an ad-hoc committee to develop a retention policy. The policy will include flexibility. The age of students and student needs on a case by case basis will be considered in retention. The council agreed through consensus to form an ad-hoc committee that will include parents.

8. Set Agenda for July Meeting  Staffing  Budget per Grade Level  Draw Numbers for Class Lists

The next meeting will be held July 26th at 10:00 a.m. A special called meeting will be held prior to July 26th to develop class lists.

9. Adjourn – Tawny Neal made a motion to adjourn. Donna Mudd seconded. The meeting adjourned at 11:54 a.m.

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