Enon Baptist Church Morning Worship February 19, 2017
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Enon Baptist Church Morning Worship February 19, 2017 Welcome/Announcements/Prayer Pastor Mark Elmore
Call to Worship by Adult Choir “O Happy Day”
Hymn #329 “Grace Greater Than Our Sin”
Offertory Prayer, Pastor Adam Street Receiving of His Tithes and Our Offerings
Offertory Special
Praise Hymn # 23 “God Is So Good”
Enon’s Little Friends – Rachel Joyce
Praise Hymn # 29 “How Majestic Is Your Name”
Morning Message-Pastor Mark Elmore “Are You A Junkyard Genius?” John 9: 1-11
Invitation # 320 “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus”
Benediction – Pastor Mark
Business Conference 6:00 pm
The flowers are in honor of the youth department for the outstanding job they did on the Valentine Banquet. From Your Church Family Upcoming Events This Week: Feb. 19: 4:30 pm Milestone 3 – Prepare for Adolescence (Parents of children in 4th & 5th grades) Meet in Pairs/Spares Classroom Feb. 19: 6:00 pm Business Conference Feb. 21: 7:00 pm Ladies Night Circle will meet in the Devoted Hearts Classroom Upcoming: Feb. 24-25: Youth Lock-in Feb. 26: 7:30 am Brotherhood Meeting . The cooking teams will consist of Don Pilcher, Howard Helper, David Hale, Bill Dull, Todd Harmon and James Smith. Feb. 26: WMU/Baptist Men’s Day Looking Ahead: Feb. 27: 6:30 pm Little Brotherhood/Sisterhood Mar. 2: 6:30 pm Ladies Night Out with LaNell Johnson speaking. Mar. 2: Jolly Friends (See sign-up sheet in CIC) Mar. 5: 12:30 pm HB and Hot Dogs with RA Race Day! Mar. 8: 6:00 pm Fellowship Meal Mar. 11: 6:00 pm family Fun Night – Bingo Mar. 18: Steak Dinner – Get your ticket from a Brotherhood Member Apr. 6: 6:30 pm Spring Celebration
CHECK your Mailbox Your church contribution letter is in your mailbox. If you do not have one, contact Diane Matthews
2017 Handbooks Are Available They are located in the classrooms and in the Central Information Center (CIC). Little Brotherhood/Sisterhood is collecting toilet paper for our monthly service project. If you would like to help, please bring in toilet paper the month of February. Our next meeting is Feb. 27 at 6:30 pm. There is a basket in the foyer of the FLC. Brotherhood Updates The steak dinner is planned for March 18th. The brotherhood members have tickets ready to sell now. See any brotherhood member to get your tickets. The brotherhood will also be working with the Fellowship Meal Committee that is scheduled for April 12 th to have a pre-fish fry (in order to try out our new cookers). More info coming. RA Race Day at Enon The Associational RA Race is being held at Enon again this year on Sunday, March 5th at 2:00 PM. RA's, GA's, Youth and Adults from several different churches will be participating in the races. We will be serving Hamburgers and Hot Dogs immediately following the 11:00 AM worship service to help support this event. Donations only. Please stay for lunch even if you're not racing.
YOUTH UPDATES Youth Lock-In on Feb. 24 from 5:00 pm to 10:00 am on the 25th See Ben for more details or be sure to check your news group. *** On March 25, the Youth will go to WinterJam in Greensboro. Cost is $33.00/person. More info coming soon. LADIES NEWS LADIES NIGHT OUT will be on Thursday, March 2 at Southern Family Restaurant at 6:30 pm We will again have LaNell Johnson to speak. She will be portraying Mary Magdalene, The First Apostle. “Can you imagine the joy of being the first one ever to see our Risen Lord?” Annie Armstrong Home Missions Goal is $7000. The Ingathering will be March 26th We will be hosting the Ladies Spring Celebration here on Thursday, April 5th at 6:30 pm. Jonathan Lotz, Anne Graham Lotz’s son and Billy Graham’s grandson will be our speaker. We need several more ladies to decorate a table. Please sign up. Ladies who will be fixing tables will have another meeting on Sun. Feb. 26th at 5:00 pm. Patty Shermer and Janet Davis will have tickets for sale. They will be $15.00 each. Menu is grilled chicken, green beans, whole potatoes, relish tray, dessert and drinks. Jolly Friends: Mar. 2: Tour Heritage Museum in Cooleemee (a cotton mill where cloth was made from cotton, Trip to Popcorn Store – Mocksville – Lunch. Cost: Total $10.00 plus lunch on your own.
Vacation Bible School JUNE 11-15! The sign up book is in the east hallway. Please sign up where you are willing to work in VBS.
WATER, WATER, WATER FOR Impact! If you or your group/class would like to help out Jeff Hardy with financial donations for juice boxes, Gatorade, or small and large bottles of water, please let him know! If you donate money for water, Jeff will pick it all up together. You do not have to go buy water, just give money to help purchase it. Thanks! Offering Feb. 12: - $3,120.19 Building Fund: $ 191.00
ENON CLOTHING CLOSET 10 Year Celebration Do you have a clothing need? Baby Blessings serving: Preemie – 5T Clothing Closet 5/6 to Adult Clothing Contact: Kimberly Pilcher Clothing Coordinator 336-409-7316
For 2017 give aways, we will be celebrating 10 years serving our local community, state, other states and out of the country! Coming March 4, June 3, August 5 and November 4 (1st Saturdays from 10 am – 2 pm), we will be serving refreshments for all and goodie bags for the children that come out to the give aways. If you would like to help out with this, please see: Kim Pilcher, Elsie Hoots, Claudine Stoltz, or Mary Lou Baity. If you have any questions, please call Kim Pilcher at 336-409-7316. Thank you church family for all your donations through the years. No matter how BIG or small, the donation, someone, somewhere is in need! For the time being our closet is full. Please save your donations until after the March Give Away. Address for Randy Mullins, Willa Dean Hall’s son, is: 701 East Main St, Yadkinville NC 27055.
RA’s & GA’s will have a special guest this Wednesday. Please try to attend for this special time. Brian Bradsher has been a missionary in Namibia and has worked with children and youth for the past five years leading in Bible studies.
Thank You! Thank you, Enon Baptist Church members for the prayers, cards, calls, visits, and food received during my recovery from an injury. Thank you Enon Brotherhood for the wheel chair ramp and wheel chair. I am blessed to be a member of such a wonderful church.
Eddie Wooten
I have the most amazing church family! Thank you for all the numerous cards, letters, phone calls, messages, Facebook posts, food, flowers, books and more that I have received during my extended illness. We hope you know how much you are loved by the Taylor family. God Bless Wanda Taylor
Sunday Morning Sunday School 9:45 am Worship - 8:45 am Worship - 11:00 am
4th Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 am only
Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm
Wednesday Evening Activities 7:00 pm
Adult Choir 8:00 pm
Contact Pastor Mark – 336-699-4357 Pastor Adam –336-699-4358
Our Purpose as a Church 1. Preach and teach the good news of Jesus Christ. 2. Minister to those we meet each day. 3. Practice forgiveness inside and outside the walls of our Church.