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MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE STEERING GROUP OF BRIXHAM COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP held on 8th November 2010 at Brixham Police Station at 10.30am
PRESENT: Dave Hodgetts (in the chair) Cllr. Chris Lomas (Vice Chairman) Sgt. Dave Casley (Treasurer) Olive Farnham (Secretary) Lindsay Harrison (Assistant Secretary)
IN ATTENDANCE: Angela Neil, Christine Guy, Nigel James, Ki Barnes, Sgt. Steve Shepherd, and Nigel Smallbones (from 10.45am)
The Chairman welcomed Sgt. Steve Shepherd who said he will be taking over from Sgt. Casley officially on 1st January 2011 but will, in fact, be taking over the reins as from 16th November.
1. Apologies: Tracey Cabache and Gael Hammett.
2. Minutes and Matters Arising: The Minutes of the Steering Group Meeting held on 20th September 2010 were agreed as a true and accurate record and signed by the Chairman. Matters Arising: (a) Wall Park Application. The Chairman said that he did make a representation to Cllr. Lewis regarding this Application but that as the Application has been revised he asked if the Partnership agreed that the Partnership should write to the Planning Officer at Torbay Council reiterating the stance that Brixham needs jobs rather than houses and care homes. It was agreed that the Secretary should write such a letter and the Chairman will attend the Town Council meeting on Thursday, 11th November, and speak to this Application on behalf of the Partnership. The Chairman said that it was clearly stated at the Mayor’s Conference that the main issue is the lack of jobs in Brixham. (b) Review of recruitment of SG members: The Chairman said that the view in the Bay is that the Partnerships are the foundation for the government’s “Big Society” and that if the Partnership is to become more active then it needs to think about the structure of the Steering Group and asked that the members think about who they would like to see as members of the Group.
3. Treasurer’s Report: (a) Funding matters: Cllr. Lomas reported that the bank balance remains as before. (b) Funding requests: There are no current requests for funding. 2
Nigel Smallbones said that he had been approached by a representative of the Churches Group within Brixham asking what the Community Partnership is and who they are to give out money. The Secretary said that this was likely to be Mr. Marsden of the Baptist Church who had raised the same points with her. She said that she had explained the situation to him and invited him to the meeting on 6th December. The Chairman said that the Churches Group has had funding in the past.
4. Report on Community Partnership Review. The Chairman reminded the meeting that Jayne Erskine is reviewing the role of Community Partnerships across the Bay. He said that her draft report will be put before Torbay Strategic Partnership on Thursday. The draft report outlines the following: The extent to which Partnerships have fulfilled their stated objectives The key issues, such as funding, links with Voluntary Sector, agency engagement, eg. schools,/health and so on Examples of achievements identified by Partnerships The key benefits of having Community Partnerships What makes a successful Community Partnership Why certain Community Partnerships are not as successful as others The Tormohun Experience The Hele’s Angels Project The potential role for Partnerships in the Big Society The potential way forward Development of Community Partnerships The Chairman said that the main key issue is who is going to pay for the Partnerships in the light of the cut backs. He said that the fire service, the police and the health service are involved with the Partnerships but the only funder is Torbay Council. The Chairman said that one of the key benefits of Community Partnerships is financial: the cost of the Partnerships over the last five years has been £520,000; £519,000 of external income has been raised; the value of volunteer activity is estimated at up to £35,000 and the voluntary work done is valued at over £400,000. The Chairman went on to say that there is potential conflict between the Partnerships and the Community Voluntary Agency (“CVA”) but this is not mentioned in the report. He said that there is a need to build bridges and make sure that everyone works together. The Chairman said that Jayne Erskine did a couple of mappings of what happens when there is an issue. These illustrate that there is a saving with elderly and young people in that, in the long term, community groups by virtue of the activities involved save money on matters such as health care and, in the case of the young, police call outs. The Chairman said that the Director of Community Health expressed surprise at the positiveness of Brixham young people’s presentation at the Mayor’s 3
Conference. He said that Brixham will become a trial area for Big Society projects. The Chairman said that Torbay Strategic Partnership will have the final report on Thursday. If they accept it then it becomes policy and will go to the AGM to be adopted as formal policy. If it is not accepted then Community Partnerships will be in limbo. The Chairman concluded by saying that there is a need for Community partnerships across the Bay to agree a common purpose. Asset Transfers: The Chairman said that there is now a policy which is going to Cabinet and the Council shortly. Hopefully the programme will come into being in January. He said that a Dean Titchener has been appointed to implement the policy. Ki Barnes said that all the assets in Brixham are on hold and she doubted whether a policy for transfers to a Town Council had been prepared. Angela Neil said that Mr. Titchener is come to Higher Brixham Community Centre at 11.00am on Thursday if anyone would like to come and meet him.
5. Update on Traffic Action Zone. The Secretary said that the TAZ report has been accepted by Torbay Council Transportation Working Party. Sustrans are still working in the area and there is a public consultation meeting next Saturday. She said that the Community Partnership voted for Option 3 for St. Mary’s Square but that Option 1 is being adopted. She further said that parking space is still lacking. Sustrans want to put flower beds at the lychgates which will remove possible parking spaces and there does not seem to be anywhere else to create them. Ki Barnes said that, from memory, she thought that Option 3 had been adopted. The Secretary said she would check the report. ACTION OF check report to see which Option adopted. Nigel Smallbones raised the issue of Burton Street, particularly the junction with Doctor’s Road. He said that someone is going to be killed before long. The Secretary said that Chris Lancaster had wanted a one way system to solve this problem. The Chairman suggested to Mr. Smallbones that Mr. Smallbones write to the Town Council on the point.
6. Report on Town Twinning Committee The Secretary said that there is nothing to report. Eden/Vollendam has turned us down flat and she is trying to get hold of the Mayor of Nieuwpoort which is proving difficult. The Chairman said they will report to the Town Council Community Services Committee in January. ACTION DH report to Community Services meeting in January.
7. Mayor’s Brixham Conference The Chairman asked if there were any comments. Mr. Smallbones said that the best bit came from the kids. The Chairman said that he does not think Torbay Council has grasped what Brixham is all about or that it ever will. Mrs. Guy agreed. Sgt. Casley said that Brixham spoke with one voice at the Conference and that the issue is jobs. Mr. Smallbones said that Torbay’s perception of what 4
constitutes affordable housing is unrealistic and that the need for true affordable housing should be stressed. Cllr. Lomas said that the only schemes that are successful are the part buy schemes. The Chairman asked what should come next. The meeting agreed that they should ask for another conference where the Mayor explains what action he is now going to take and that that Conference should be open and not just for selected invitees.
8. Churston Matters: (a) Golf Club Sell-Off: It was reported that this matter has gone back to Cllr. Lewis for his decision. The Chairman said there is a meeting of Churston & Galmpton Community Partnership tonight where alternative use for the land will be put forward. (b) Sports hub: The Chairman said that there are traffic issues around this which do affect Brixham. He asked if the Partnership should object on the grounds of traffic. The Secretary said this cannot be done as the Partnership has already expressed support for Brixham Archers. Cllr. Lomas said this development might hasten the sorting out of Windy Corner. The Chairman suggested that Torbay Council be asked to improve the junction as part of the development. The meeting agreed. ACTION DH contact Torbay Planners to ask that Windy Corner improvement be included as part of Sports hub development.
9. Items for next BCP meeting. The Chairman asked that people please let the Secretary know if they wish to raise any items. Angela Neil said that they have to raise the profile of Y.E.S. She said that from January the old United Reformed Church will belong to Cllr. and Mrs. Lomas and that she would like to make a presentation. Ki Barnes suggested an application form to become a friend of Y.E.S. be put in the Signal. Mrs. Neil said she would like to submit an article as well. Mrs. Guy said the Community has been incredibly supportive during the recent difficult times. Mrs. Neil said that the Brixham Buccaneers had given them some money and she thanked Nigel James for that. She asked for a slot at the next meeting to give a presentation. The Chairman agreed. He asked that, at the next meeting, Sgt. Shepherd introduce himself.
10. Issues for AGM: (a) CVA /Torcom. The Chairman said he will sort the website out with Glen Darby. He also said that he intended to invite the CVA to give a talk about their role and how they complement the work of the Partnerships. ACTION: DH sort out with Glen Darby and invite CVA to give talk. (b) Officers and Steering Group Members: The Chairman asked the meeting to think about who is going to stand for officer posts and who could become Steering Group members. He said that Jayne Erskine said people should serve for three years and then move on. She has concluded that there is a serious shortage of succession planning across all partnerships. The Chairman said that this Partnership needs a succession policy – for example, do we appoint a Vice 5
Chairman with a view to him or her stepping into the Chairman’s shoes? We also need to think about who will take over from the Secretary. It was suggested that there be an Assistant Treasurer, an Assistant Secretary and a Vice Chairman.
11. Any Other Business: Wishings Field: It was reported that the young people are concerned about Wishings Field. Ki Barnes said that October 31st was the last date for Mudstone plc to appeal against the Village Green decision and she had not heard that they have appealed. She said it is up to Mudstone plc; they have a duty to maintain the land. The meeting agreed that Mrs. Barnes be asked to contact Mudstone plc asking for permission to cut the grass and to ask what they wish to do with the land. ACTION: KB contact Mudstone plc to ask for permission to cut grass and ask their intentions re this land. Police: Sgt. Casley reported that there was a Week of Action last week. He said that 2 drug warrants had been issued. Speedwatch was present at various locations and had clocked 20 speeding vehicles. He said that were no anti-social behaviour reports on Halloween or on Bonfire Night. He reported that as of this morning the total crime numbers for 2010 were 606. The lowest number to date was in 2008 and, at this stage, the number in 2008 was 607. Nigel Smallbones said that there is a workshop this afternoon regarding Brixham Urban Fringe. He further said that there is to be a re-enactment over the whole of a weekend in August at Berry Head with Napoleonic soldiers etc. Insurance: The Chairman said that the Partnership is not insured. He had researched the matter and the best quote is from Zurich for £220 p.a. which will give £5m third party liability for up to 12 low key events per year. The Treasurer was asked to put this in hand, bearing in mind that the first event is November 27th (stall at Christmas Market) ACTION CL pay premium and get insurance in place. Reducing Street Clutter: The Chairman said that the two government ministers concerned have sent out a letter to all community groups. If people have any ideas as to how to reduce street clutter will they please give them to the Town Council Office. Torbay Strategic Partnership Forum: The Chairman said that this is on Wednesday at the Riviera Centre. It is to brief Partnerships on the spending cuts and their effect on Torbay and to discuss current and potential issues. The Chairman said that in his view the elderly and the young should be protected. The meeting agreed. The Chairman will report back at the December meeting. ACTION DH report on this Forum to December CP meeting. Home Office: The Chairman said that he had received a letter drawing attention to the fact that Baroness Newlove has taken over as champion of Active Safer Communities.
11. Date of Next Meeting: 6
The date of the next meeting of the Steering Group is Monday 24th January 2011 at 10.30am at Brixham Police Station.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 12.40pm.
………………………………………. ……………………………… Chairman Date 7
Minute Action Person to Take No. Action 5 Check TAZ Report to see which Option adopted for Olive Farnham St. Mary’s Square 6 Report to Community Services Meeting on January Dave Hodgetts 10th re Twinning 8 Contact Torbay Council planners to ask that Dave Hodgetts improvement of Windy Corner be included as part of Sports hub development 10 Sort out website with Glen Darby. Invite CVA to Dave Hodgetts AGM to give talk about their role and how they complement the work of partnerships. 11 Contact Mudstone plc and ask for permission to cut Ki Barnes grass and ask what they wish to do about this land.