American Imperialism Worksheet

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American Imperialism Worksheet

American Imperialism worksheet 26. What did the US lose from the treaty? USH 27. What were the fears of the anti- Ahonen imperialist? Value: 100 points 28. What organization did Mark Twain; Samuel Gompers and Andrew Carnegie 1. What year was the frontier declared belong to? closed? 29. Define despotism 2. What was the reason many Americans 30. What is meant by the Supreme Court believed that expansion still needed to statement, “The Constitution did not take place? follow the flag.”? 3. How did the subjugation of the Plains 31. What was the Platt Amendment? Indian tribes provide a precedent for 32. What is a protectorate? colonial imperialism? 33. How did President William Howard 4. What does imperialism mean? Taft refer to Filipinos? 5. What did Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan 34. What was the Open Door Policy with believe was the key to world dominance China? Be specific? and empire? 35. What was the Boxer Rebellion? 6. What is yellow journalism and how was 36. Compete the following quote; “Walk it used to persuade the American softly and carry a big ______and you public? will ______. 7. What role did Social Darwinism play in 37. What was meant by the term “gunboat the US’s quest for empire? diplomacy?” 8. Who were Joseph Pulitzer and William 38. In what year was the Panama Canal Randolph Hearst? Be specific. completed? 9. How was the boundary dispute between 39. What was the Venezuela Crisis of British Guiana & Venezuela a violation 1902? of the Monroe Doctrine? 40. What recognition did Pres. T. Roosevelt 10. The US viewed Hawaii as this. receive for his work in bringing peace 11. Who was the Queen of Hawaii? during the Russo-Japanese War? 12. How did the Dole Company come to 41. What was the San Francisco School dominate the pineapple industry in board Incident? Hawaii? 42. What was Taft’s Dollar Diplomacy? 13. Why did President Cleveland deny the 43. What did the US purchase in 1917 and annexation? from whom did they purchase it? 14. The annexation of Hawaii is considered the First ______. 15. What was the Reconcentration of Cuba? 16. Complete the quote by Hearst:  “You furnish the pictures & I’ll furnish _____.” 17. What was the immediate cause of the Spanish American War? Be specific. 18. How did the yellow press influence the US’s decision to go to war? 19. What was the Teller Amendment? 20. What battle did Admiral Dewey win? 21. How did the situation in the Philippines directly affect Hawaii? Be specific. 22. What did Hawaiians receive in exchange for their annexation? 23. What is the date did Spain sign the armistice to end the Spanish American War? 24. What is the name of the official treaty ending the Spanish American War? 25. What did the US gain from the treaty?

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