1. Have You Enjoyed Taking Part in These Sessions?

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1. Have You Enjoyed Taking Part in These Sessions?

Early Years Evaluation - Mini Tunes

24 Evaluations returned. Not all respondents answered every question.

1. Have you enjoyed taking part in these sessions? Yes 24 No 0

What was your favourite part of the sessions? o Movement songs x 2 o Parachute o All of it. Loved being able to get out and enjoy some time with my child o Balloons, balls and parachute o Balloons o All sessions o Enjoyed meeting new people and playing games with the kids o All of it. The kids love it as well as us. o Bubbles! But enjoyed all activities o Seeing my child enjoying herself o Active play o Joining in songs and actions o I like rhymes with different object & different physical activities o Freeplay o Singing x 2 o Singing, parachute, variety of toys, music o The way the songs were done, using different items o Music and dancing and playing with toys o Singing and action rhymes o The singing and dancing. We like that it is an active session.

2. Did your child enjoy taking part in these sessions? Yes 23 No 0

What was you/r child’s favourite part of the sessions? o Parachute activities o Playing with balls (different activities) o Balls and songs o Sing, dance, meeting people o Balloons and balls o Balloons o Playing with toys and singing o Playing and singing especially with ball o Loved playing fun games with other kids o Nice for the kids and the adults to have that time. The bubble time is the best. o Bubbles. Jumping in hoops and stepping stones. o Active playing x 2 o Seeing my son enjoy himself o All of it o Bubbles, ribbons, balancing and almost everything o Free play – especially the rainbow ball o Dancing – doing actions to songs o Singing and toys o Songs and play – anywhere he can jump o Making pictures. Singing songs o Playing with toys o Hoops/walking on bridge/ tunnels o The bubbles. Balancing, toys in free play, the parachute

3. Is there anything you or the child/ren didn’t like about the sessions? No 18

Other comments: o Heating – room feels cold o The heating was never on o Sam didn’t like the singing! o Perhaps the time of the session could be in the morning

4. Do you feel that attending the sessions have improved your family’s physical development? Yes 24 No 0

If yes, how has this improved? o Through action activities o By doing various activities o Copying actions o We sing and dance to the songs we have learnt at home o Independent o Can mix with others o She tried to pack her own things o My son knows how to play with others. He knows to contribute himself in every session o Dancing giving exercise o Time away and something new o Activity – physical and speech o Enjoys mixing with children more o My daughter has started walking o Jared joining in things – he pretends he is at mini tunes! o By doing the same type of activity at home o Bonding through play o Gave us both exercise o Lots of activities during this class and has given us ideas for activity at home o Oliver has better balance and is more likely to try new things. He’s not as stand offish! o I can spend more time with my child. My son became more confident and knows more nursery songs. o Snehal now moves around a little more o Become more active with children o Better at jumping and balancing

5. Have you seen an improvement in your child’s development skills? Yes 21 No 2

If yes, what has improved? o CLL, PSED o Singing skills o Throwing and trying to catch o She was very quiet but has come out of herself a bit o Social skills o Ability to follow instructions o Tries to do everything by herself o Playing together o Has learned how to share toys o Sharing o Participation in a new situation o Daughter’s verbal skills, Sam’s interactive skills and is less frustrated o She has learned how to balance while climbing o Group play o Can now jump and tries to skip o Oliver can stand on one leg better now. He is following instructions better. o He knows more nursery songs. He became more confident even if he needs to sing a song on his own. He came also more confident with English. o Her concentration o Throws balls and uses props o Improved social skills and participating in more activities

If no, why not? o No – I don’t think we attended for long enough o No, it seems the same 6. As a parent, have you gained anything from attending these sessions?

9 15



Increased knowledge of physical development Other: Socialising Confidence Other

Other: o Numbers, Communication, Relationships o Physical, maths, PSED, KUTW o Ideas of things to do with my child o Spending time with my child

7. Are you aware of the benefits that can be gained from physical activities? Yes 23 No 0

8. What improvements could be made to the sessions? o Introduce different games and action songs x 2 o Fine as they are x 4 o No it’s great as it is o More time for each session o Sessions could be extended x 2 o More children attending o Have more variety of action songs

9. Do you encourage healthy eating/lifestyles for your family? Yes 23 No 0 Try 1

10. How would you rate the quality of opportunities offered to participate in physical activities?

0 0



Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor

11. How do you rate us on the quality, helpfulness, friendliness and politeness of our instructors and staff?

0 4 0


Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor

12. Would you like to continue with the sessions? Yes 24 No 0 13. How many times on average per week does the family accumulate 30 minutes of physical activity?

2 3




Once Twice Three times Four times or more No response

14. Do you intend to carry on participating in physical activity after the sessions end? Yes 24 No 0

If yes, can you say what you would like to do? o Soft play and outdoor, music and dancing x 2 o Indoor play areas o We have started walking the dog as a family o Activities like slides or more musical activities o Do the same things as here o More mother & baby/toddler activities o Walking, swimming, scooting. o Mini movers, swimming, walking o More mini tunes somewhere else o Any type of physical activity like walking outdoors, swimming o Swimming, football, running around in general o Swimming x 2 o Taking my children swimming, dance classes o Sing and dancing. Playing outside

15. Additional comments o Children enjoyed and gained lots of skills and learned ways of physical development. o Children enjoyed all the sessions and learnt different songs. o We have loved every minute of mini tunes. Kerry is a lovely friendly lady and me and Lexi have loved our Tuesday mornings with her. o Just like to say a big thank you for arranging this type of session. They are great for kids. o The sessions have been brilliant, really well structured. Oliver has really responded to Kerry. He’s really enjoyed the sessions and become very confident. o I am very pleased I could take part in these sessions. It was very beneficial for both of us. o We really enjoyed sessions. Fun, interactive and better confidence and communication. o Me and the boys and loved this sessions. Favourite one of the week.

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