Student Checklist for Rules, Procedures and Expectations

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Student Checklist for Rules, Procedures and Expectations


Name ______Class: Math 6

Teacher Mrs. Albrecht Period ______

(Rule 1) 1. What time does class begin? ______end? ______lunch? ______

(Rule 1) 2. Is seating assigned or by choice? Side of room: _____ Desk number: _____

(Rule 1) 3. When you enter the classroom you are expected to a) Enter quietly, b) Take your assigned seat and c) Write down homework and begin work on the Warm-Up. Where are your Warm-Up and homework assignments? On the back board & SmartBoard

(Rule 1) 4. Daily required class materials:  pencil ,  math binder with paper,  assignment.

(Rule 1) 5. What if you don’t have a pencil or paper? Borrow one from a classmate or sign out a loaner pencil from the teacher

(Rule 1) 6. What if you don’t have your HW assignment? Turn in a sheet of paper with your name, the date and assignment heading stating that you don’t have it

(Rule 1) 7. What if you’re tardy? Give the teacher the pass if you have one and assimilate into the class; just assimilate if you don’t have a pass

(Rule 2) 8. Absolutely no talking to other students during instruction, testing or when in the hallway.

(Rule 2) Procedures for: 9. Requesting permission to leave the room- Ask politely but never during instruction .

10. Getting out of your seat to throw trash away- Use the trash can nearest you but never during instruction .

11. Getting out of your seat for a tissue- Take what you need from the supply at the computer station but never during instruction .

12. Turning in assignments- Wait until teacher asks for assignment then pass consecutively across rows. STUDENT CHECKLIST FOR RULES, PROCEDURES AND EXPECTATIONS

13. Making up work- Turn in assignment within 3 days OR before graded work is handed back whichever comes first; after that only by arrangement with the teacher. Note: Tests can only be made up by arrangement with the teacher.

(Rule 2) 14. Areas of room off-limits to students: a) behind teacher’s desk, b) inside purple cabinet, c) file cabinets, and d) underneath computer table

(Rule 2) 15. Before leaving the classroom:  Put away class materials ,

 Clean up around your desk area, and

 Make certain you have all your belongings.

(Rule 4) 16. Policy about gum, food and drink: Gum never; food and drink from the teacher

(Rule 4) 17. Cheating policy: 1st offense- parent contact and re-do the assignment with teacher supervision; 2nd offense- office referral and a zero on the assignment.

Additional information: 18. Testing schedule- weekly quizzes and per school and district calendar

19. Location of clock- there isn’t a clock in the room except during testing

20. Passes- located in black file holder on teacher’s desk

21. Fire drills- exit quickly in single file out back door and walk toward wooded area

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