Joseph M. Dulla

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Joseph M. Dulla

JOSEPH M. DULLA Work: (714) 319-6002 E-Mail: [email protected]

QUALIFICATION SUMMARY Employed for twenty five years with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. Twenty thirty years experience related to teaching, training, and curriculum development. More than one thousand classroom sessions in various areas of Subject Matter Expertise. Extensive use of Adult Learning Concepts, in both classroom sessions, and non-traditional settings such as live training (combat) simulations. Extensive use of Instructional Systems Design in curriculum development and review. Extensive use of Emerging Instructional Technology in all aspects of teaching and training. Coaching and Mentoring students with an emphasis on a positive mental attitude, student caring & success, with a spirit of quality public service.


MASTER OF ARTS IN SOCIOLOGY 1987 - 1994 California State University Fullerton Fullerton, CA

BACHELOR OF ARTS SOCIOLOGY 1983 - 1987 California State University Fullerton Fullerton, CA




ACC LEVEL CERTIFIED COACH January 2012 International Coach Federation

FELLOW, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA LEADERSHIP NETWORK, 2009-2011 Leadership Los Angeles (2009-2010) Los Angeles, CA Leadership Southern California (2010-2011))

P.O.S.T. CERTIFIED MASTER INSTRUCTOR 2006 - 2007 California Commission on Peace Officers Standards and Training Sacramento, CA P.O.S.T. MANAGEMENT CERTIFICATE 2011 California Commission on Peace Officers Standards and Training Sacramento, CA

P.O.S.T. SUPERVISORY LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE 2008 - 2009 California Commission on Peace Officers Standards and Training Sacramento, CA

P.O.S.T. SUPERVISORY CERTIFICATE 2009 California Commission on Peace Officers Standards and Training Sacramento, CA

MBTI AND FIRO-B ASSESSMENT QUALIFIED August 2008 Interstrength Associates and CPP Huntington Beach, CA

P.O.S.T. BASIC, INTERMEDIATE, AND ADVANCED CERTIFICATES 1989-1997 California Commission on Peace Officers Standards and Training Sacramento, CA


∙ Adjunct faculty member, California State University, Dominguez Hills, School of Business and Public Policy.

PUB 301 Public Administration: Administrative Theory and Organizational Behavior

PUB 303 Public Administration: Public Personnel Management

PUB 304 Public Administration: Administration of Public Policy

APS 490 Applied Studies Capstone course: Globalization and Occupational Leadership (online)

PUB 521 Individual and Group Behavior (MPA program-online)

∙ Adjunct faculty member, California State University, San Bernardino, College of Business and Public Administration.

PA 380 Public Administration: Introduction to Public Administration

PA 462 Public Personnel Policy

∙ Adjunct faculty member, National University, School of Business and Leadership

LED 602 Leadership: Groups and Teams (MPA program-hybrid course)

∙ Have taught the following subjects for the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department: Intermediate Instructor Development; “The Art of Compliments and Motivation” and “Team Teaching Concepts”; Field Training Officer School; “Learning Styles”; Deputy Leadership Institute; “Leadership, Principles, Values, Ethics”; Professional Staff Orientation; “Leadership and the Role of a Supervisor.”, and “Tactical Communications”; Civilian Supervisors’ Course; “Assertive Supervision” and “How to Teach”. This includes facilitating small group exercises and discussion groups.

∙ Performed a California statewide training needs assessment, designed & developed, and facilitated “Leading, Counseling, and Coaching Generations in the Workforce Training” curriculum for P.O.S.T. through the Master Instructor Development Program.

Additional Types of Courses Taught in the Past and Curriculum Development

∙ Facilitated “Managing Generational Issues for Law Enforcement” Course for P.O.S.T. Middle Management School, San Diego, June 30, 2007, September 11, 2007, December 4th, 2007, April 8, 2008, May 13, 2008, September 9th, 2008, October 28, 2008, and numerous additional courses in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014.

∙ Assisted in design and facilitation of California POST Instructor Development Institute Course in Leadership, Coaching, and Mentoring.

∙ Assisted in design and facilitation of Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Course and Train the Trainer Course in Conflict Resolution.

∙ Assisted in design and facilitation of Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Course and Train the Trainer Course in Education Based Discipline LIFE (Decision Making).

∙ Assisted in design and facilitation of Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Train the Trainer Course in Deputy Leadership Institute.

∙ Assisted with the coordination and/or instruction of over forty presentations of courses by the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department Advanced Officer and Civilian Training Unit using learner centered instructional techniques including facilitating small group exercises and discussion groups.

∙ Facilitated Identity Theft for Investigators Training from 1999 to 2008 for the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training and San Diego Regional Training Center. Students included those from local, state, and federal agencies. In this class alone, personally instructed and facilitated well over fourteen hundred students, over the nine year period.

∙ Developed and facilitated Identity Theft for Investigators Training for the Honolulu Hawaii Police Department, 2005.

∙ Assisted with the development of and presented an “80 in 8” Forgery/Fraud Overview training course for Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department investigators.

Specialized Training in Teaching

∙ California State University Dominguez Hills, College of Education

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Program, Spring 2009

∙ California State University Dominguez Hills, Center for Teaching and Learning Online Curriculum Design, BlackBoard Platform, Use of Camtasia, Dragon Naturally Speaking, Elluminate Live!, Respondus Testing Software

∙ California State University Online

E-college platform

∙ California State University Northridge, Spring 2011

Moodle training

∙ National University, La Jolla California, Colleges of Business, Education, and Letters

New Faculty Orientation Program Teaching Online Orientation Utilizing the E-college platform Utilization of Class Live Pro (Elluminate)

∙ California Commission on Peace Officers Standards and Training (P.O.S.T.)

“Master Instructor Development Program.” This year long 1,000 hour course of study includes understanding, competency, and proficiency at using the following concepts in developing and presenting effective training: Adult Learning Concepts; Instructional Systems Design and Course Development; Enhancement of Subject Matter Expertise; Research Methods, Formats and Publication; Emerging Instructional Technology; Leadership, Coaching and Mentoring.

∙ Qualified to administer the MBTI and FIRO-B Assessments.

Additional Training in Teaching and Instructional Design ∙ Motivating and Counseling the Adult Learner, American Society of Law Enforcement Trainers, Dallas, Texas. ∙ P.O.S.T. Identity Theft Curriculum and Training Development Committee, Ca. 1999-2008. ∙ “Instructor Update-Institute of Criminal Investigations,” Los Angeles, Ca., June 2006. ∙ California Commission on Peace Office Standards and Training, Institute of Criminal Investigations Instructor Workshop, San Diego, Ca., January 2001. ∙ Field Training Officer, (40 hours) Whittier, Ca., April 1995. ∙ “CPR/First Aid Instructor Course,” (40 hours) Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, Los Angeles, Ca., April 1993. ∙ “Baton Instructor Course,” (40 hours) Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, Los Angeles, Ca., September 1993.

Leadership and Management Training

∙ International Public Safety Leadership Development Summit, Sam Houston State University, Texas, November 2009. ∙ International Public Safety Leadership Development Summit, Tallahassee, Florida, July 2008. ∙ Leadership and Accountability, Marin Consulting Associates, Murrieta, California, July 2008. ∙ Stephen Covey, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Facilitator Training, Greenville, South Carolina, April 2008. ∙ Internal Affairs and Employee Misconduct Investigations, Whittier, California, February 2008. ∙ Dealing with Unacceptable Employee Behavior, Long Beach, California, 2006. ∙ “Field Operations for Supervisors,” (40 hours) Whittier, California, July 2005. ∙ Large Scale Emergency Incident Management, Countywide Emergency Operations Center, Los Angeles, California, 2004-current. ∙ “Custody Incident Command School,” (40 hours) Los Angeles, California, March 2003. ∙ “Supervisory Course,” (80 hours) Los Angeles, California, May 2003. ∙ Supervisory Certificate issued by California P.O.S.T. ∙ Supervisory Leadership Institute (196 hours) certificate issued by California P.O.S.T., March 2009.

Identity Theft, Investigations, and Other Specializations ∙ Presidential Summit on Identity Theft, Washington D.C., 2000. ∙ Internet and Computer Crimes Investigation, California Department of Justice, (32 hours) Anaheim California, June 1999. ∙ Post Blast Investigation, (40 hours) Santa Clarita, California, March 1999.

∙ Analytical Interviewing, (40 hours) Whittier, California, March 1997. ∙ Traffic Collision Investigation, (40 hours) Whittier, California, August 1996. ∙ National Incident Management System (NIMS), U.S. Department of Homeland Security. ∙ Court Qualified Expert in the field of Narcotics, Financial Crimes, and Identity Theft. ∙ Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced Peace Officer Certificates issued by the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (P.O.S.T.). ∙ Led problem solving committee and brain stormed with stakeholders, facilitated development, and coached team implementation of a three pronged crime suppression system that reduced Part One Crime 15% and robberies 33% in one year. ∙ Managed a multi million dollar public safety budget and 30 personnel for a contract city.

∙ Serve as Operations Branch Manager, Los Angeles County Emergency Operations Center.



Designed and delivered Public Administration 380, Introduction to Public Administration course online, designed and delivered Public Administration 462, Public Personnel Management course online.


Designed and delivered Public Administration 301, Administrative Theory and Behavior (Organizational Behavior), designed and delivered Applied Studies 490, Occupational Leadership course online, designed and delivered Public Administration 303, Public Personnel Policy, designed and delivered Public Administration 304, Public Policy course online, designed and delivered Public Administration 521 , Groups and Teams course online, and served on College of Business Administration and Public Policy Advisory Board.


Designed and delivered Leadership 602, Teams and Group Dynamics in the Masters of Public Administration Program in a hybrid format

REAL-WORLD LEADERSHIP 2007-PRESENT DUTIES INCLUDED PRINCIPLE AND CO-FOUNDER Consulting, teaching, and coaching in the areas of leadership, management, instructional system design, mentoring, and counseling.

SAN DIEGO REGIONAL TRAINING CENTER 1999-PRESENT DUTIES INCLUDED TRAINER Designed, reviewed, and delivered multiple courses to adult learners in the topic areas of identity theft investigation, management, leadership, coaching, mentoring, and counseling.


LIEUTENANT Administration and Training Division – Training Bureau – Weapons Training Unit Coordination and management of all firearms evaluation, training, and purchasing, management of Tactics and Survival and Active Shooter training, responsible for all firearms simulator evaluation and training as well as 18 mobile ranges and all firearms range operations.

Technical Services Division – Communications and Fleet Management Bureau – Training Team Coordination and management of communications training and responsible for Mobile Data Computer conversion training program designed to train over 5,000 field operations personnel in under two years. Unit level Learning Management System (LMS) coordinator. Information Technology Team Coordination and management of information technology team in the Communications and Fleet Management Bureau with projects including Computer Assisted Dispatching (CAD), in car Mobile Digital Computer (MDC), wireless and other network applications.

Custody Operations Division – Century Regional Detention Facility Management and coordination of sworn, professional staff, medical and mental healthcare providers for the care and custody of 2,000 inmates, conducted force and unit level internal affairs investigations, Watch Commander, coordinated training and emergency services.

SERGEANT Leadership and Training Division – Professional Development Unit- LASD University Coordination of Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department Corporate University, assisted Chief Learning Officer and Department Training Manager with special projects, liaison and administered programs with 20 different colleges and universities, designed, reviewed, and presented curriculum to numerous adult learners.

PATROL FIELD SERGEANT Watch Sergeant, conducted force investigations, employee evaluations, traffic investigations, employee injury reports, contract city administration of 7.5 million dollar contract, supervised Special Assignment Team, probation compliance, Section 8, special event, and search warrant operations, Operations Section Deputy to Operations Branch Manager on the County Wide Emergency Operations Team (Los Angeles County).

SERGEANT CUSTODY DIVISION Carried out duties as Floor Sergeant, Watch Sergeant, Watch Commander, Emergency Response Team Sergeant, Injury Illness and Prevention Program Coordinator, force investigations, employee evaluations.


Developed the first local multi-agency Identity Theft Task Force, coordinated the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department’s response to identity theft, developed and authored departmental policy regarding documenting and investigating identity theft as well as victim advocacy procedures, investigated small and large scale identity theft cases, filed criminal cases with District and California State Attorney General’s Prosecutors, conducted surveillances, planned, authored, and executed search warrants, presented identity theft training to department personnel and other investigators statewide, assisted with coordination and instruction of over sixty courses presented by P.O.S.T. for identity theft investigations, prepared departmental correspondence regarding numerous identity theft and investigative training issues, conducted numerous public awareness courses regarding forgery, fraud, and identity theft.

DEPUTY SHERIFF BONUS-1 INVESTIGATOR STATION DETECTIVE Investigated robberies, assaults, and property crimes, prepared and executed search warrants, recovered property and evidence, arrested and interviewed suspects, filed criminal cases with District Attorney Prosecutors, Civilian Volunteer Coordinator Carson Station Detective Bureau, Mentor for Deputy Rotation Program into Detectives.


STATION PATROL, AND “COPS” TEAM Coordinated and conducted door to door surveys in high crime areas, formed missions based on citizen input, coordinated with local and regional assets to address long term quality of life issues and crimes identified by area resident surveys, conducted surveillances, prepared search and arrest warrants, arrested and interviewed suspects, patrol officer, Field Training Officer, traffic enforcement unit, Metro Blue Line (six month loan item), Station Jailer, Watch Deputy, Complaint Deputy, Instructor for Department’s Citizen’s Academy.

LOS ANGELES COUNTY RECREATION DEPARTMENT 1986-1988 DUTIES INCLUDED LIFEGUARD Supervised and participated in lifesaving, water and land based rescue, emergency medical aid, firefighting, scuba diving, underwater wreck recovery, patrol boat operation, rescue truck operation, emergency procedures, and first aid training to other staff members, Emergency Medical Technician.

MORGAN AMBULANCE SERVICE 1983-1986 DUTIES INCLUDED EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN Managed, supervised, and provided emergency medical aid under contract to the residents of the county of Orange, the city of Santa Ana, and the city of Orange, supervised and trained other team members in emergency and administrative procedures.

PUBLICATION AND RESEARCH SKILLS ∙ Dulla, J. and Fitch, B. Meeting the Demand for a College Educated Public Safety Workforce: The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department University Consortium, The Journal of California Law Enforcement, December 2008.

∙ Dulla, J. The Prefect Storm, the Pending Effects of Demographic Changes in Public Safety Staffing, Law and Order, May 2009.

∙ Textbook reviewer, Cengage Publishing, Organizational Behavior, 2009.

∙ Extensive literature reviews in a wide variety of management and law enforcement topics (Management, Use of Force, Motivation, Leadership, Ethics, Counseling, Coaching, Teaching & Learning Methods, Identity Theft).

Utilization of SPSS and SAS statistical programs. ∙ Use and analysis of pre and post test audits (measuring instructional effectiveness). ∙ Conducted extensive staff and budget analysis for project which affected more than eight thousand employees.

. Assisted in development and deployment of an Internet based registration system for students that generated unique promotional codes to track system effectiveness and gather enhanced statistics.


“The Effects of a Corporate University Model on Public Safety Employee Engagement”

“Leadership Traits of Reported Top Performers in Public Safety Supervision and Management”



 Your Students Don’t Read: Easy and Effective Evidence-Based Strategies to Increase Student Reading, 17th Annual California State University Symposium on University Teaching, San Marcos, California, March8th, 2014.  The California Master Instructor Development Model and Reverse Instructional Design Update, 15th Annual California State University Symposium on University Teaching, Pomona, California, April 14th, 2012.

 21st Century Training: How to Deliver Effective Training for $1 Per Student, California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training State-wide Instructor’s Symposium, San Diego, California, April 11th and 12th, 2012.  Making Your Training Budget Go Farther: The Online Option, California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training State-wide Instructors’ Symposium, San Jose, California, April 7th & 8th, 2011.  Reverse Instructional Design: Linking Learning Objectives, Curriculum, and Assessments, 13th Annual California State University Symposium on University Teaching, San Bernardino, California April 24, 2010. With Dr. Brian Fitch.  Coaching Skills for the Instructor, California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training State-wide Instructors’ Symposium, San Diego, California, June 9-10, 2010.  Workforce Trends Related to Multi-Generational Employees at International Public Safety Leadership Development Consortium, Sam Houston State University, November 2009.  2009 Multi-national Study of Leadership Program Competencies with members of Competencies Committee, International Public Safety Leadership Development Consortium, Sam Houston State University, Texas, November 2009.  Training Issues Related to Multi-Generational Learners at California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training Sherman Block Supervisory Leadership Institute (S.L.I.) State-wide Facilitators Workshop, Sacramento, California, July 24, 2009.  Training Issues Related to Multi-Generational Learners at California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training State-wide Instructors’ Symposium, San Mateo, California, May 27-28, 2009.

 Using Facilitation and Small Group Discussion to Teach Leadership Ethics, 12th Annual California State University Symposium on University Teaching, San Luis Obispo, California May 2nd, 2009. With Dr. Brian Fitch.

 Actively Engaging All Generations of Learners Using the Collective Psyche Method, 12th Annual California State University Symposium on University Teaching, San Luis Obispo, California May 2nd, 2009.  Leading, Coaching, and Counselling Generations in the Workforce, California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training State-wide Instructors’ Symposium, San Diego, California, March 27 & 28, 2008.  Training Issues Related to Generational Learners at California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training State-wide Instructors’ Symposium, Burbank, California, June 5, 2007.  Identity Theft Investigations for Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training Detective Conference, Burlingham California, May 21, 2007 . Non Peer-reviewed  Criminal Justice Issues and Identity Theft, California State University Dominguez Hills, California, November 20, 2007.  State of Identity Theft Issue, Public Safety Committee, California Assembly, Sacramento California, 2001 and February 2003.  State of Identity Theft Investigations, United States Department of Justice, White Collar Crime Subcommittee, Washington D.C., 1999.


∙ Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Leadership Award ∙ Department Service Award for accomplishments of COPS Team

∙ Outstanding Service Award from residents of Dominguez & Lincoln Village

∙ Productivity Improvement Award city of Los Angeles

∙ Commendation for commendable restraint


• Advisory Board, California State University Dominguez Hills, College of Business Administration and Public Policy, member • International Coaching Federation • California Peace Officers Association • California P.O.S.T. Master Instructors Association • Member of P.O.S.T. Institute of Criminal Investigations Instructors • International Association of Financial Crimes Investigators (past) • American Society of Law Enforcement Trainers (past) • Los Angeles County Professional Peace Officers Association COMMUNITY SERVICE AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT

 Southern California Leadership Network (A program in affiliation with the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce), Fellow in Leadership Los Angeles (2009-2010), Fellow in Leadership Southern California (2010-2011).

 Editorial Committee Journal of California Law Enforcement

 Capstone Review Committee, Masters in Public Administration, California State University Dominguez Hills  International Public Safety Leadership Development Consortium

o Member of Competencies, Evaluations (past), and Programs (past) Committees

 California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training

o Statewide Management Course Review and Curriculum Design Committee o Statewide Supervisory School Review and Curriculum Design Committee o Identity Theft Curriculum Committee o Master Instructor Development Program-Leadership and Coaching Module Curriculum, Instructional System Design, and Facilitation

 Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department

o Supervisory School Review and Curriculum Design Committee o Learning Management System (online and e-learning) working group o Education Based Leadership working group o Curriculum, Instructional System Design, Train the Trainer, and Facilitation . Conflict Resolution Course for Managers and Supervisors . Education Based Alternatives to Discipline- Decision Making Course o Deputy Leadership Institute o High Performance Concepts and Highly Functional Teams

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