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College of Medicine s1




There was a meeting of the Curriculum Committee on Tuesday, March 20th, 2007 at 12:30 p.m. in room B525 (Dentistry Board Room).

PRESENT: Dr. L. Qualtiere (Chair), Dr. S. Hemmings, Dr. S. Hayton, Dr. R. Doucette, Dr. M. D’Eon, Dr. M. Epstein, , Dr. J. S. Richardson, , Shannon Chernoff, Rae Bourner, Linda Sibbald, Michelle Howe

REGRETS: Dr. S. Harding, , Dr. A. Saxena, Dr. M. McKague, Dr. K. Ogle, Dr. A. Doig, Dr. D. Tyler, Dr. N. McKee, Janet Bangma, Dr. Grant Miller, Kirsten Derdall, Lauren Beres, Stephen Loden, Meha Patel, John Costa.

The March 20th, 2007 meeting of the Curriculum Committee was Action Required: called to order at 12:30 p.m.

1. Minutes of the Meeting of February 21, 2007

MOTION: Richardson/Doucette

That the minutes of the February 21, 2007 meeting of the Curriculum Committee be accepted after two minor typing error corrections.


2. Business Arising from the Minutes:

2.1 Report on the status of action items. Dr. Qualtiere stated the tabling of proposals are done and will be discussed.

Dr. Doucette reported that a meeting between himself, Dr. Qualtiere and Rae Bourner was held to determine if the scheduling for Neurosciences could be changed to Monday and Wednesday for 4 hours per week. An agreement was reached that five to six additional hours would be permitted for the class although Dr. Doucette believes he can do it with three extra hours. This would be implemented in mid January. One of the Action Required: extra hours would go towards the Mid-term exam. Dr. Doucette will discuss this further with Physical Therapy and Dentistry. Will be finalized to be confirmed at the April Curriculum Committee meeting.

Dr. Qualtiere is systematically working on the Principles of Assessment Document. This is a complex endeavour and will follow through and report back over the next couple of meetings.

2.2 MOTION: Richardson/Hemmings

That the Curriculum Committee approve the name change of the Phase A and Phase B/C Sub-committees. These will now be known as the Basic Sciences Sub-Committee and the Bridging Sciences Sub-Committee respectively.


2.3 MOTION: Richardson/Epstein

That the Curriculum Committee agrees to the changes to the mandate of the Phase A Chair effective May 1, 2007.


MOTION: Hemmings/Hayton

That the Curriculum Committee agrees to the changes to the mandate of the Phase B/C Chair effective May 1, 2007.


3. New Business

No new business.

4. Report of Standing Subcommittees:

Phase A Curriculum Sub-Committee: (Now Basic Sciences Curriculum Sub-Committee)

Dr. Hemmings reported that the Bear Pit Session was the best year for attendance and was very pleased with the interaction between the students and faculty. Some of the general concerns that were discussed were posting of assignments and notes, workload, and timing and logistics of some of the courses. Overall comments were quite positive. Students need to be less dependent on faculty for class preparation. Phase B/C Curriculum Sub-Committee: (Now Bridging Action Required: Sciences Curriculum Sub-Committee)

Rae Bourner needs to meet with Co-ordinators regarding scheduling.

MD Program Evaluation Committee:

MOTION: D’Eon/Hayton

That the membership of the MD Program Evaluation Committee be amended to include a student rep from the Dr. Qualtiere to send a memo to Student Curriculum Review Council. The Student Curriculum Review Council and select a student for AGREED. that committee and also to send mandate at the same time. Student Competencies & Assessment Sub-Committee:

Dr. D’Eon reported that they will be meeting in April to discuss the mechanisms by which College Academic awards would include a “professionalism” criterion.

Dr. Qualtiere stated that Verity Moore-Wright now has a database for the College awards.

Dr. D’Eon asked that someone from the Clinical Skills and Professionalism Sub-Committee join them to discuss how they can implement this into the awards. Dr. Hayton stated that she would talk to members of her committee.

Clinical Skills and Professionalism Sub-Committee:

Dr. Qualtiere stated that they are waiting for budget information to be released before we will know how to accommodate possible new students.

Neurosciences Theme Sub-Committee:

No Report.

CAM Theme Sub-Committee:

Dr. Epstein will be submitting a report at the next Curriculum Committee Meeting. He stated that he has been getting a lot of interest from other colleges regarding stress and wellness. He suggested putting a sub-theme together that should possibly be integrated into the curriculum. Dr. Qualtiere suggested maybe putting it into CAM. Curriculum IT Committee: Action Required:

No report.

Interprofessionalism Education Vertical Theme Group:

Dr. Qualtiere stated that the Curriculum Committee will likely see a report in May or June on recommendations regarding Interprofessional Education.


Dr. Qualtiere reported that the Aboriginal Task Force are putting together information regarding Aboriginal Health in the curriculum. This will likely be put forth sometime in the fall.

The Palliative Care group are also putting together a theme on a national level.

There was a brief discussion about possible vertical themes in Medical Humanities. Dr. Qualtiere encouraged Dr. D’Eon to develop a valid theme to put forth to the Curriculum Committee.

5. Student Review Council:

Made recommendations to Dr. Qualtiere for student representation on the Curriculum Committee. They will present a report at the next meeting.

There being no further items to report the March 20th, 2007 Curriculum Committee meeting was adjourned at 1:55 p.m.

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