Willaston Residents and Countryside Society

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Willaston Residents and Countryside Society

Willaston Residents’ and Countryside Society Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 2nd November 2009 in the Memorial Hall

Dates for Meetings to be held in 2010: 4th January, 1st March, 26th April, 5th July, 6th September, AGM 24th September, 1st November.

1 Apologies for absence Roger James, Jim Goodwin, Paul Janvier, Eileen Chorlton, Martin Collins

2 Minutes of Meeting held 7th September 2009. The minutes were accepted as a true record of the meeting. Proposed by Sheila Smith; Seconded by Hilary Morris.

3 Matters arising from the previous Minutes 3.1 Outstanding public footpath clearance work – Reported again and believe officers have walked the footpaths. 3.2 Pavement clearance in Birkenhead Road – As above, but hedges need cutting back. 3.3 Hooton Road pavement clearance and repair work (Benty Heath Lane to Hooton Station) – Reported again. 3.4 Monitoring of parking offences in Willaston / details of tickets issued within the area – 30 tickets issued so far. 3.5 Christmas Lights on the Green – New lights had been purchased, at a cost of £660, by Cllr Hogg’s fund. 3.6 Willaston Notice Board and leaflet rack (in the vicinity of Hadlow Road Station) request – Cllr Hogg agreed to the Notice Board but requested that a quote be obtained and forwarded to him. MH 3.7 Attention to the road grid adjacent to Greenwood Nursery, Birkenhead Road – Dealt with by Gareth Anderson. 3.8 An explanation for the September electricity power cut – It was believed that the Electricity Company was trying to get the loading correct.

4 Correspondence 4.1 Previously distributed: An invitation to attend the Neston, Parkgate, Ledsham and Willaston Forum on Saturday 24th October at Neston Town Hall, High Street, Neston. CH64 9TR. 4.2 Cheshire Rural Touring Arts – Autumn Season 2009 – copies placed in the Memorial Hall.

5 Treasurer’s Report The balance of the Society’s accounts is approximately £666. A donation of £20.00 was received from Mrs Anne Hughes, with thanks. A donation of £3.69 was received from the Chairman. An application for a grant from Grass Roots was unsuccessful. Renewal of the Society’s Lottery Licence had been received (5 pages long)

6 Planning Applications Date Appl. No. Location Work Required 28/09/09 P2009/20384 The Stables Single storey rear extension 2 Mill Lane No comment subject to compliance with the guidelines for house extensions.

28/09/09 P2009/20402 Greyswood Two storey extensions & new roof. Overdale Road No comment subject to compliance with the guidelines for house extensions.

28/09/09 P2009/20433 58 Meadow Lane Change of use of land to amenity land associated with the dwelling. Noted that this is a retrospective application for an incursion into the Green Belt. The application is for limited domestic use and therefore no objection but with a comment that if permission is to be granted there be a covenant banning any future request for a horse shelter.

1 29/09/09 P2009/20239 Willaston Grange Rear garage extension and front dormers allowing Hadlow Road. living accommodation above the ground floor. Objection on the grounds that the proposal is not in accord with current Green Belt policies which do not permit new residential developments in the Green Belt without exceptional reasons.

16/10/09 P2009/11516 Highcroft Two storey side extension Mill Lane No comment subject to compliance with the guidelines for house extensions.

21/10/09 P2009/11467 1 Elm Green Replacement side window No comment.

26/10/09 P2009/11589 16 Moss Close First and ground floor extensions to garage and a two storey extension at the rear. No comment subject to compliance with the guidelines for house extensions . Decisions P2009/20015 Burton Nurseries Withdrawn. P2009/20089 Gordale Nurseries Granted with conditions. P2009/20115 7 Bennett Close “ “ “ P2009/20257 Rye, Mill Lane Withdrawn. P2009/20279 Mill House, Mill Lane Granted. P2009/20286 1- 27 Elm Rd, exc 13 Granted with conditions. P2009/20289 10 Mill Green “ “ “ P2009/20295 12 Mill Green “ “ “ P2009/20333 9 Hadlow Lane “ “ “ P2009/20358 Fairfield, Benty Heath Lane Granted.

7 Local Councillor’s Report 7.1 Community Forum held on 24.10.09 in Neston – Proposed improvements in the area included upgrading Johnston’s Rec (childrens’ play area) Larger hall for the village use. 7.2 Rural West Partnership – The Board had agreed to focus on three key themes – Young People, Public Transport and Access to Services. A paper was passed to the Chairman for information. 7.3 Red telephone box – Still being considered. 7.4 Willaston Recreation Ground are to reform their Committee of 9. 7.5 The walking bus was successful and the path through the Recreation Ground was being used. 7.6 Barn at Lydiate Lane – The owner continued to insist that is was a barn. 7.7 Inappropriate development at Heath Lane – A field, adjacent to Brook Meadow Hotel, had been purchased, tarmaced, a large fence erected and CCTV installed. A Planning Officer had taken photographs and the names and addresses of the occupiers. The case had gone to His Honour Judge Derek Halbert in Chester as this was a breach of the Planning Law. The deadline for retrospective planning permission is 30 December. 7.8 Access at Robin Lane – Mrs Tyrer had the Council’s permission to improve the footpath. 7.9 The Planning Department had been moved to Chester, but plans can still be viewed in Ellesmere Port three days a week.

8 Community Projects 8.1 Willaston Meadow – The Rainbows had planted 100 bulbs to celebrate the Guiding Centenary. The school children will plant another 30 trees in December. 8.2 On Tuesday 13th October, 54 civic and community leaders from Cheshire West and Chester Council, the NHS, public transport, regeneration agencies, other community bodies and ch64inc met at Ness Gardens. After introductions the party was taken on a two and a half hour coach tour of the CH64 area, stopping at a number of locations. The tour visited Willaston, where our Chairman addressed the group and remarked on the village buildings, the community and local concerns. The group returned to Ness Gardens for a debriefing and lunch. In the open forum that followed there were many favourable and reassuring addresses from the Leader of the Council, Councillors, Council Officials and other quests. One senior Council official remarked that he had been most impressed with what ch64inc and its partners had achieved during the day and thought the programme should be a template for other areas.

2 The ch64inc AGM took place on the evening of 13th October. Matters of community bus and car needs, public transport, health and social care needs were discussed followed by an open forum on what projects members would like the organisation to promote.

8.3 Sporting Organisations / Johnston Recreation Ground – Nothing to report. 8.4 Scouts – Due to the number of children 6-8 years of age wishing to join Scouting, we have now opened a second Beaver Scout Colony with a total of 48 Beaver Scouts. There are some places available in both the Cub Scout and Scout sections. The new Explorer Scout section for 14-18 year olds, now has a membership of 14, increasing month by month, will commence officially on Monday 9th November by investing those present; we hope this will re-enforce out leadership for the future. The recent move from the Scout Centre to the Memorial Hall by the 2nd Willaston Brownies and 1st Willaston Guide Unit, has had a negative financial impact on the units that remain. The cost of running the Willaston Scout Centre is shared equally between all units that meet in the building and it is unfortunate this action has been taken fait accompli.

9 Footpaths and Bridleways 9.1 No problems

10 Civic Pride Competition 10.1 Max Kirkby offered to help with the paperwork and a list of volunteers was being compiled.

11 Any Other Business 11.1 Heath Lane: Unlawful Development – A Special Edition Newsletter was being distributed to residents in the Heath Lane area explaining the situation and giving Councillors’ telephone numbers. 11.2 Shoe Boxes for children at Christmas to School by Wednesday 18th November. 11.3 Book Fair at Willaston School on Monday 16th November 11.00-1pm 11.4 Willaston School Christmas Fair to be held on Saturday 5th December. 11.5 Shoe boxes for Servicemen for Christmas delivery – to the British Legion by 14th November. 11.6 Church Hall grounds – awaiting results. 11.7 The Chapel are collecting items for Shoe boxes at the Library – Toy Service 6th December and Candlelit service on 13th December. 11.8 Choir Concert to be held on Thursday 10th December. 11.9 Lack of Internet facilities in the Village – no action necessary. 11.10 Neston High School Christmas Fair – Saturday 28th November 10-12noon. 11.11 A request was put forward that the Residents’ Society minutes could be forward to Homewatch co- ordinators - It was suggested that they be told that the minutes are published on the web site AboutmyArea, details below. 11.12 It was suggested that the minutes could be placed lower down on the Village Noticeboard JG 11.13 As the Treasurer felt fundraising was necessary, it was agreed that a Ploughman’s lunch be organised for May, June or July next year. The proceeds from the present Soup Lunches are split 40/60 between the Hall and the Organisation. 11.14 Jackie Cooper was asked to gain permission to place the Residents’ Society’s minutes on the School Noticeboard.

12 Date of the next Committee Meeting Monday 4th January 2010 in the Memorial Hall at 7:30pm.

These Minutes are subject to ratification.

Pam Irving, Assistant Secretary

J Goodwin, Secretary 0151 327 1752

See the latest from WR&CS by visiting the AboutMyArea website: http://www.aboutmyarea.co.uk/ch64. You can email the Society from the website or directly at [email protected].


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